The Falcon Ridge Series Book 2 Not Just A Girl

Chapter 38

(Chapter song ‘Rescue’ by Lauren Daigle)


I'm desperate, angry and my legs are on fire, but I don't fucking care.

I've been running for hours, sniffing the air and the ground for any sign of Sarah.

My biggest problem is the entire forest is filled with the scent of rogue and I'm not a tracker. I can't hone in on anything.

On the ground, paw prints are everywhere. There's no discernible direction and no human tracks what so ever. Which means Sarah is being carried or they made her shift.

I push my wolf forward to keep trying to find something.

After another three hours, I shift with a whine. My wolf is tired and hungry.

I lean on a tree and slide down to the ground. I pull me knees up and cross my arms on my thighs.

I'm blowing out calming, deep breaths as my hand runs through my hair. I grip it to try and squash this frustration that’s trying to take over.

My breaths start to come out as whines as I process the fact that Sarah's gone forever. In the hands of White, anything could be happening to her by now.

As my frustration builds, I lash out. I scream and hit the ground. I kick my leg out and my foot hits something.

I tilt my head with curiosity as I crawl over to it.

Moving leaves aside, I pick up a rope. I pull it and it's a full length. I pull it to the end and find a loop. A small one. I hold it to my nose and take a deep breath in.

Sweet flowers and honey.

My eyes close as I take in another deep sniff. Her scent runs through me and I almost laugh as I search the ground. They were here. Not only that, they kept her alive.

I scan the ground, my hands move through the leaf litter as I look for tracks or something that can tell me more of the story.

There was a giant dent where the ground was pushed. She was on one of them, but they fell. I look around and see a tiny foot. My eyes heat as my fingers touch the middle of her imprint. I look ahead and see another then another and another. She ran into the trees.

I stand up and follow her into the forest.

She was running then stopped. Why?

I search the area and see a large indent behind her feet. She was on the ground, crawling backwards. I look around and find a paw print. I place my hand over it. It's massive.


I put myself in his place.

A vision of Sarah crawling away from him in fear fills the empty spot on the ground.

I see the paws turn to foot prints. He shifted and walked to this tree. I put my hand on it And look down. I see two tiny feet with bigger feet outside them. He had her pinned here. It only means one thing. He has her again, but he didn't kill her.

I look around for more evidence when a twig snaps.

My head snaps to the noise.

"Relax. It's just us." Cass puts his hands up.

I blow out the breath I was holding.

Wren, Luke, Kale and Deacon come up behind him.

"Hey." I rub my head. "How'd you find me?"

Luke snorts. "You're not hard to track. You reek."

He smirks as I shove him.

Wren puts her hands on her hips. "You found something?"

"Yeah." I walk up the path Sarah took. "They had her tied. Something happened and she got away. She ran over here, but White grabbed her. They both walk off that way, it looks like, back to the pack."

Kale looks around. "So, she's alive."

"For now." I look through the trees. "Who knows for how long."

Luke steps up. "Give me a minute." He calls the wind and shifts. His wolf sniffs the ground, her footprints, and the tree.

We follow him back to where the pack was. He sniffs the bushes. He looks back and barks. Motioning to follow him.

Deacon smirks. "He's got something."

We shift and follow, chasing after Sarah and the pack.

After a few more hours, we come to a clearing and shift.

I enter the clearing. There's a fire pit. I walk over to it. It's surrounded by human feet. There's a deer carcass. I hold my hands over the pit and turn to the guys. "It's cold."

"They're long gone." Dea scratches his head.

I walk around. Looking at all the large foot prints. As I walk around, I almost missed it. Two tiny footprints by a rock. I squat in front of them. Placing my fingers in them, I see the imprints of her but behind her heels. A vision of her curled in a little ball appears in my mind and my heart breaks. She sat here surrounded rogues. "She was here." I say quietly. I look beside her to see a large imprint. I touch it. "White."

I see her foot print in what would be his legs and another outside his leg print then another. She headed to the trees. "She left. I'm not sure, but it looks like she snuck away."

I stand and point to the trees. “Luke.”

He walk over and sniffs. He steps in a few feet, grabbing leafy branches and sniffs them. He looks back and smiles. "It's her. Only her. She wasn't followed. It's looks like when they found her gone, they just left."

"So, she's out there alone with the rogues, dragons and god knows what else." I motion to the trees as my brows stitch up.

"I can track her." Luke says as he walks back to me.

"Do it." I order.

Wren slides a hand on my shoulder. "Why don't you let Luke work? You need rest and food. You're no good to Sarah if you die of starvation."

I shake my head. "No. I'm not leaving her out here."

Kale steps up. "Luke will find her, Jay. We need to go home. Our kids need us right now."

Dea stands beside Kale. "We all want to find her, but Kale's right. We have other kids to look after. Luke can travel faster without us. Let's go home and leave him to it."

I turn to Luke. "You don't come home without her." My chest was heavy, but everyone was right. I had responsibilities at home.

"I'll try." He shifts and takes off into the trees.

I watched him disappear as Wren pulls on me. "Come on, Jay."

I swallow and shift, following everyone home.

It’s killing me to leave. I need her. I need to know she's safe. I also don't want to leave Luke out here without back up. I just hope White's far enough away from here.

I'd hunt him out, too, but I'm in no state of mind. I need to fix my life. I need my parents. I need to see my brothers. I need to see my kids. I need my baby back.

We've saved Black Lake from White. Now, I have to save it from the Unit.

River may have a little piece of paper, but I'm not done fighting and a fight he's going to get.


It took us three days to get back to Black Lake.

When we walk into the town, my heart breaks.

The town I was born in is filled to the brim with military personnel.

I want to scream and rage out as I slowly walk in to the square. I'm filthy, covered in dried blood, mud and scum. The rest of the guys didn't look much better. As we approach, we're rushed by some medics as people point and whisper to each other.

I'm in a daze as I float my eyes around my invaded town. My thoughts fill with Sarah. She would be so heartbroken to see this. She may have turned this town upside down, but she loved it.

The medics talk to me, but I don’t hear them. All I can think is how scared and alone Sarah must be. I fucking terrified. I can’t deal with any of this right now.

I shove them off me and push them away. I keep my hand up as a warning to leave me the fuck alone.

I need a shower and try to get some sleep.

We walk to the pack house and the guards stop us. I stare them down and my chest vibrates with an angry growl.

They step aside and I stride past them with my friends in tow.

I open the door to my childhood home and the place is crawling with soldiers. My stomach feels sick and again, I want to grab them and toss them all out on their asses.

"Jayson. Thank God." Sarah's mother stood up and walked over to me.

She throws her arms around me in a hug then looks me over. "Could someone get some blankets, for Pete's sake." She orders.

A soldier nods and leaves.

Confusion fills me. "Marie? What are you doing here?"

Adam joins her side. He wraps his arm around me. "Sarah called me over a week ago saying we needed to come home. I don't know why, but we found a way and showed up here yesterday. They filled us in on some of the details. Did Sarah really build an army of kids?"

“Yes, she did.” I nod and lower my head.

Marie looks behind me. "Where is she? Jayson? Where's Sarah?"

Sadness fills me. I press my lips together, swallowing past the lump in my throat. "Um...She...She was taken."

"What?! No!" Marie started to grow frantic. She presses on me. "What are we doing here? We have to find her?" She searches my eyes as she tries to make sense of all this.

I hold her shoulders. "Marie there's more."

She holds her breath.

"She got away. We tracked her as far as we could, but she's out there still. I left my best tracker out there. He'll find her, but right now, we have to stay calm. She's alive and not with the rogues."

She starts to cry. "My baby's out there all alone. Please, you have to find her."

"I will. Sarah's tough. She can fight. She can survive on her own for a while. Please. When I know anything, I'll tell you OK." I try to reassure her, but it’s also for me too.

She nods and Adam holds her. "You promised to keep my kids safe."

I shook my head. "I know. I'm trying. Your kids don't make it easy."

He gives a half smile. "No, I guess they don't. I'll take Marie home. Call us if you hear anything."

I nod.

River walks over to me as I head for the stairs. "We need to debrief."

I glance over my shoulder. "No. I'm going to my room. Having a shower and sleeping for three days then we can talk."

"Jayson." He calls to my back as I leave him.

I flip him off with my middle finger as I climb the stairs.

I showered and had some food brought up to me to avoid River as much as possible.

I crawl into bed and grab at the pillows like it was Sarah in my arms. I close my eyes and pray to whatever cosmic being is out there. Please keep her safe.


My bed felt better than I thought because I passed out almost instantly. I didn't even dream which was a first. I woke up and it was dark. My sleep pattern is going to be wrecked for a while.

I scrub my face and get up. I throw on some track pants and stumble downstairs.

I reach the common room and River's moved right in. Paperwork and photos are spread all over my coffee table.

"Don't have much of a home life, do you?" I say as I cross the floor.

I walk to the kitchen, pour a cup coffee and walk back to the common room. I take a seat on one of the couches.

“You not heading home?” I ask before I sip my cup.

"Not when the enemies still out there." He picks up a report and signs it as he reads.

"Doesn't your mate have a problem with that?" I arch a brow.

He shakes his head. "No. Anna and I know our jobs are important."

I drink my coffee. "Find anything?" I point to the mess on my table.

He throws the report down and leans into the couch. "Not a damn thing. We have no idea where they went." He rubbed his face and hair.

I stand up. "Well, guest rooms are that way if you want to sleep." I point to the stairs on the left as I head to the kitchen.

"I won't be staying." He says to my back.

I turn. "You're not?"

"No. I'll be going back to the Unit. I've got council business in the morning." He mutters. He packs up his papers and stands.

"Well, have a good trip back." I set my coffee down and walk him to the door. I open it and motion to the guards. "Oh, and take your little guard dogs with you when you leave."

He stares at me as my jaw ticks and I stuff my hands in my pockets.

He bites his cheek and steps up to me. "Only I'm leaving. The Unit is not."

I get into his space. "Oh, they are or I'll tear this place apart."

"You can't threaten me, Jay. Any resistance will find you in front of the council faster than you can blink." His face was smug as he raises his chin to me.

I want to believe this is his father talking, but a part of me believes he’s enjoying this way too much. Time to take away his fun.

I smile as I casually reach up and straighten his shirt. I let out a little chuckle before I grab him by the shirt and smash his nose with my forehead.

He screams and doubles over. "What the Fuck!!" He yells as blood pours from his now broken nose.

I pull him up by his hair and point in his face. My lips curls as my wolf threatens to surface. "See, Riv.” I snarl. “The first mistake you made was taking my home. The second mistake you made was taking away my girlfriend's home.”

He tries to pull me off, but I grip his hair harder. He glares at me as his lips shrink. Blood flows over them and drips off his chin. I see fear building in his eyes.

I pull him closer to me. “The third mistake you made, Alpha, was assuming I give a flying fuck about you or the fucking council. The fourth mistake?" I growl as I shake him a bit. His eyes wince at the pain he must be feeling.

My tone turns dark. "The fourth mistake you made was pissing me off.” I tilt my head and flare my eyes. I feel the crazy building real quick as everything rumbles to the surface. I had one nerve left and I’m letting him know he just triggered it.

I jut out my chin. “We are going to come to a little clearer understanding, Riv. Pack your shit, get out of my town or I tear your fucking shit apart. Is that clearer for you?"

I let go of his head and he shrugs me off. I help straighten his shirt and he swats me away. He’s clearly embarrassed.

"You... uh.... got a little blood on your uniform." I smile as I wave my finger to his chest.

He pulls out a handkerchief and holds it to his nose. "This isn't over." He warns with a nasally voice and points to me. He bends down, snatches his bag and heads for the door.

"So nice to see you again, River. Really we must do it again sometime." A smug smile tugs at my lips as he look back at me then stomps down the steps.

He walks past the guards and they watch me walk slowly down the steps. I wave them away. They look at each other, shrug and abandon their post.

If I can't help find Sarah, I'll make sure she has a safe home to come back to. That's for damn sure.

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