The End of Innocence: Book 3 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 57: Hope


I parry yet strike from Regulus, batting away his sword. I spin and kick the bastard’s temple, knocking him away. Orga and Kateryna both take turns battling against Selene. The witch of Nethune had long ceased attempting to summon forth anymore soldiers, having found the act pointless.

Our battlefield, once a lush and verdant forest, now lay in complete and utter ruin. Hundreds of trees had either been set ablaze, shattered, or cleaved in two.

I scream, summoning forth more lightning from the sky to aid the knights and me in battle. The spell rocked both Selene and Regulus off of their rhythm, forcing them back a few steps.

A while ago, I smelled and heard the rushing and crashing of water after yet another explosion of fire. I have little doubt that it had been of Aria’s doing.

My opponent then lunges at me once more, slashing with his sword and launching a barrage of deathly green flames towards me. I tap the tip of my sword into the ground and raise it, summoning forth a wall of earth to shield me from his attack.

The spell harmlessly pelts against the wall, only for him to leap over top and strike down with his blade. I leap backwards, kicking him in the chin.

A wave of magic soon washes over us all, causing the five of us briefly cease our conflict. I turn towards the forest where my daughter and her wolf battles. A smile stretches across my face as hope swells within me.

A miracle had occurred, not only that, a fulfillment. I peer to my daughter’s knights who stood bewildered as the elf restrains her adversary.

Her husband peered over to me, “What…what was that we just felt, my Lady?”

I smile to him, “Hope, good sir knight. Hope…for victory.”

Regulus stares on, eyes shrinking back in anger, “No…not this night. I will not be denied yet again.”

He turns and slashes at me with his sword, sending a blast of magic at the three of us, knocking us each to the ground, and allowing his partner to escape capture. The pair then charges towards the forest.

I struggle back to my feet, feeling a sense of numbness leaving me. Orga and Kateryna soon join me at my side and help me stand.

“We must go help her,” I tell them, transforming my sword into a staff once more. The knights each bow their heads. The three of us then bolt into the forest, praying we reach my little girl in time.

Hold on Aria, Mother is coming.

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