The Elements

Chapter Centaurus Protein

“Can I have another cup of coffee?” I raised my cup for River to pour more coffee in it.

“Sure.” He poured more black heaven on earth in my cup.

“Thanks.” I simply said and gulped down my fourth cup of coffee.

It’s 6:30 and River woke all of us up at 5 am. When I saw what time is it, I wanted to give him a very beautiful concussion but we need him today.

Lincoln groaned and banged his head on the table. “Why the fuck we are up so early??”

I agree with him but I’m too tired to talk.

River glared at him for his ‘vulgar language’. “Because I know that some of us” looks at me, Lincoln and Sparky “are lazy asses and I don’t want to be late or the mission will be rolling down the River.” he said with a smirk and Lincoln glared at him.

I chuckled but masked it with a cough.

“Are you motherfucking kidding me? You woke us up with 3 hours earlier to not be late?? I can be fucking ready in 10 minutes!! In 3 hours I can clean this whole house 3 times in a row!!”

I can feel the anger coming from Lincoln in waves. He is not a morning person and he is grumpier than me in the morning. And that’s something.

I put a hand on his shoulder with my eyes still closed. “Lincoln, calm down. He just wants to finish this mission with us all alive and favorable still conscious. He’s just worried.”

He took numerous deep breaths and calmed down a little. “Okay. I’ll try.”

I nodded my head and I was about to fall asleep, but River has to ruin everything.

“Everyone, I think you should go to your rooms and get equipped. Extra equipped. Hide as more guns, knives or whatever weapons you have, as you can because we’ll need them if something goes wrong. Let’s hope nothing will go wrong but these are just in case. For our safety. Now go.”

I heard all of them getting up from their seats and leaving except me. I said that 5 more minutes will be welcomed but someone has another plans.

“Come on Lighty. You have to get ready.” someone said and shook me a little.

“Five more minutes please.” I mumbled trying to push the person away.

The person sighed. “You really need to get ready Lighty. I know you’re tired but you have to wake up. I have something to help you wake up. And jellies.”

I opened one eye and I saw Black staring at me. “Give me that magic potion or whatever. And the jellies.” I mumbled still half asleep.

He chuckled and placed a bottle that said ‘Centaurs protein’. “Drink it and you’ll be all awake. The protein from Centaurs has a special property that acts like an energizing for us.”

I stared a little at him and then at the bottle. When I was sure that he wasn’t playing around I opened the bottle and gulped it down fast. I shook my head when a wave of energy hit me.

“Shit. This thing really is strong.” I said and got up from my seat.

I feel like I can run 3 marathons around the world, take another 4 exams and move this house in a new place. My foot started to shake because of how much adrenaline I have in my.

Black observed and chuckled again. “I was going to tell you to not drink it all but now is to late.”

I was so happy and full of energy that I couldn’t quiet hear him. “Yeah, yeah. Now I have to go.” I ran up in my room and started to prepare.

I dressed in a pair of black jeans, a black shirt that said ‘D.A.’, a jacket with the same emblem and a black cap with the same logo. D.A. comes from ‘Dark Army’. River somehow manage to steal some uniforms from their army. How is above me so I just let it slip. I put on some black combat boots and now it’s time for my babies.

I pulled out from under the bed, the bag full with guns. I’ll put 3 handguns under my jacket, 2 Clock 23 on my waist, 2 semi-automatic in my boots, some 2 ammo belts under the jacket too, and I let on display a M1A Socom. All my babies were full with the new bullets River gave me. He said that this ones were enchanted and just this ones can kill the darks.

“Ready Sparky?” I asked and turned around to face her.

She was dressed exactly like me, except that her uniform was white. In darks army, the higher the rank, the lighter the color. The ones who will come in control are sent by The Dark Lord so the uniform must be white.

“Yup. I’ve hidden all my knives and I’m ready to kick some asses, but I have to just be a really good actor which I am but I still want to-”

I put a hand on her mouth to stop the rambling. “You’re nervous?”

She sighed and nodded her head.

I took my hand off. “You don’t have why to be. Everything will be fine.”

“I don’t want to be a pessimist but I have a bad feeling.” she said shaking her head.

So I’m not the only one.

“Come on. We will be fine. We have to. Now, let’s go. It’s already 7:15.” I said and we both walked downstairs.

All the boys were all dressed and ready. Hazel was dressed in white like Sparky, and Sky and River were dressed in camo because they will be hidden in the forest waiting for us.

River looked at all of us and nodded. “Well, it looks like the time has come, huh? I know you all trained your asses until you couldn’t felt them anymore and I know that that wasn’t in vain. We will go there and we will finish this mission like no one else did! Why? Because we are Team fucking Alpha!” he yelled and put his fist in front of him.

We all followed his movement and said in the same time. “We’re in this together no matter what. We will die together saving our kind. We will fight together in any battle and war. We are the team everyone talks about. We are the team you were warned about. If we go down in flames, you’ll go down with us. WE ARE TEAM ALPHA!” we yelled and and raised our fists.

“So....This is the car that will transport us and the prisoners?” Hazel asked in disbelief.

I couldn’t blame him. It looked like it was about to fell on the ground with a thud. It was an old army van and I was more scared to get in this death trap than going into the darks hideaway.

“Yes, and keep calm. It looks like it’s about to give his last breath but it’s actually new. It looks like this because what other camouflage is better than an almost dead van?” River said all confident. “Oh, and take this. Put them in your ears and you will be able to hear me trough them.” he gave us some little square things that looked like a mini earphone. “And put this on the interior of your sleeves. Talk in them and I’ll hear you.” this time he gave us little microphones and we put both things in their place.

To my surprise after Flame putted his earphone in his ear, it disappeared. Actually, I think it became invisible but whatever. The same thing happened with the microphone.

I looked at the clock and I pushed past them hopping in the back of the car. “Move your asses losers! It’s already 7:30!! We are going to be late!”

That’s all I had to say and all of them ran and hopped into the car. River was driving and went off with at last 100km/h. If Black wouldn’t have cached my arm I would flied out of the car.

“YOU FUCKTARD! I SWEAR ON MY LIGHTNING BOLTS THAT IF I FLY OUT OF THIS CAR, I’LL KILL YOU!!” I screamed at River with my heart beating fast.

His head popped in the back through the little window. “Sorry sis.”

“WHAT THE ROAD YOU IDIOT!” this time Sparky screamed at him and punched the window.

He went back to his driving and I looked at Sparky. “Is he insane??”

“I think he is just stupid.” she said still glaring at him.

I turned around to face Black. “Thanks.”

He smiled at me. “Welcome.”

I was a little taken back by the sudden smile but I pulled myself together fast. Instead I looked at what was he wearing. He has the same outfit like me, except that he looks better in it than me. He looks so damn fine with that fit black t-shirt and that black cap. Some rebel locks of his black hair were falling on his forehead from under the cap. He looks so damn fine and hot.

“Done checking me out?” he asked with one eyebrow raised.

I scoffed. “I wasn’t checking you out. I was just trying to figure out were you have hidden your nunchucks.”

‘Yeah. Right’ Sparky sent me trough telepathy and I hold back an eye roll.

‘Shut up. I said nothing when you were drooling over Ash in the living room.’

‘No! No, I wasn’t!!’

“Oh.” he said a little disappointed. “I like to hide them here because it’s more easier to pull them out.” he raise his shirt and his nunchucks were attached to his belt.

I couldn’t help myself and I looked at the little part of the abdomen that was on show. Yup. Definitely a 6 or 8 pack.

I cleared my throat. “Nice. I hide my guns in there.”

‘So? Six pack or eight pack?’

I turned and glared at a smirking Sparky. When I wanted to curse her a little, the car came to a halt and River told us to get out.

We hopped out of the car and waited for River’s command.

“After this turn, the hideaway comes into the view so we have to ambush the inspectors here.” he locks at his wrist watch. “The car should appear in less then 3 minutes so let’s get started. Shadow, bring some grey clouds with lightning bolts in them and Ash, be ready to shoot one lightning in their car. We have to make it look like an accident.”

Me and Ash nodded. I blinked and I felt my eyes turning an electric grey, exactly the color of the lightning bolts, and I raised my hand. I concentrate on the clouds and I slowly started to move the white puffy clouds away. In less then one minute stormy grey clouds were hiding the blue sky away.

I happily blinked again and my eyes were back to normal. “Done.”

At the beginning, I stayed one hour trying to do this and I moved just one cloud. Now, after 2 weeks in which I practiced this 3 times a day, I can do it in less than 1 minute.

River give me a short nod. “Good. Ash, be ready. They must be here at any moment from now on.”

As if River pushed a button, the sound of an engine started to be heard. We run and hide in the bushes, next to our van.

When the car appeared on the road, Ash’s eyes turned yellow and he motioned his hand in the direction of the front seat. Two lightning bolts broke through the windscreen and hit the 2 persons.

It’s a little weird that my eyes don’t turn yellow like Ash’s do, when I use my power but I don’t have time to think about this now.

We got out from our hiding place, and ran to the now stopped car. River and Flame dragged out an unconscious man and woman.

Exactly what we need. A man and a woman. Perfect.

River tied up those two and injected what he said that was ‘a thing that will keep them unconscious as long as we need’.

“Good luck Hazel and Spark. Be careful.” he told to our two incredible actors.

They nodded and got in the car after they fixed the windscreen. With magic. I don’t even know why I’m so surprised to be honest.

We waited until we couldn’t see their car anymore and went back in the van. River dropped us right in front of the back door, where another guards were already waiting for us.

I let the boys get out of the car first and then I followed them out.

“So you 5 are the new guards, huh? But where is the fifth one? I see just four.”

I think that moron wants to be punched.

Ash was the one who spoke. “Right here.” he pushed me in the front.

In my face was a filthy dark with a stupid smirk on his face.

“Hello there. Finally they send a girl too. I think we will have fun, honey.” the moron had the guts to wink at me so I had the guts to punch him.

“In your dreams death breath.” I said with a snarl.

He got back on his legs holding his nose. “Okay. You are a dark. I was trying to make sure that you weren’t an elementar trying to get in. Last week we caught one trying to sneak in.”

I shared a look with the boys. This isn’t good. This means that they are on maximum alert and now I was starting to feel a little scared.

“That’s exactly what we were scared of. Come on. Show us around and put us on our posts. Just staying here and talking puts this place in danger.”

Nice excuse, Black. Nice excuse.

The dark nodded his head. “You’re right. Let’s go.” he pushed the door open and let us in.

I smirked up at the guys and they smirked back at me.

Let’s do this!

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