The Elementals

Chapter CHAPTER SEVENTY-FIVE: Russia, Location Disclosed

The deafening roar of the helicopter engine cut through the silence of the night like a knife. The aircraft was out of place in the Russian woods, heavy body sinking deep in the snow as it landed.

The door of the chopper opened, and from the machine came a tall figure, clad in a long black coat. Their movements resembled that of a snake, gliding over the snow with a grace that radiated malice.

“Find the hatch,” the cloaked form ordered the soldiers emerging behind, breath spilling out from their hood in thick puffs.

The soldiers moved quickly, searching the area.

“It’s here.” said one, undertones of fear making his voice quiver. The black form stepped forward. “But we can’t open it. It’s covered in ice.”

Izila Franklin smiled coldly, revealing a thin hand from her sleeve. Like a switch, tongues of flame leapt up from her palm, sharp color in the white landscape. “Oh, leave that to me.”

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