The Duty Of The Heir (Book 3): A Surprise Pregnancy Romance (The Heir’s Series 5)

The Duty Of The Heir (Book 3): Chapter 17

Presley Estates, Wesbury

The persistent ringing of my phone shatters the peaceful silence in the guest bedroom, pulling me from the depths of slumber. I groggily reach for it, squinting at the screen to see Elsa’s name glowing there. She’s more than a friend.

She’s actually a piece of my heart.

‘Hey, Elsa…’ My voice is thick, still tangled in the remnants of sleep.

Her voice comes through, teasing yet filled with anticipation. ‘You’re coming back today, right?’

I laugh, the sound of her voice wrapping around me like a warm blanket. ‘What’s got you laughing?’ she wants to know.

I shake my head. ‘You’re not the first one asking that today,’ I admit, feeling both loved and a little overwhelmed.

She’s quick to respond, ‘Girl, you’re missed here. What’s keeping you? Come back to Wesbury soon.’

I let out a sigh, the image of home, The Chateau, pulling at me. ‘I know, Elsa.’

She’s curious now. ‘How was the ceremony?’

I smile at the memory. ‘It was amazing, Elsa. Beautiful and full of joy.’

Her excitement is felt. ‘Next time, you’re taking me with you.’

I laugh, already picturing her here. ‘Absolutely, I promise.’

‘I’ve barely been home lately,’ she admits, and I can hear the fatigue in her voice.

I’m instantly concerned. ‘Why’s that?’

She reminds me gently, ‘I’ve been at my parents’. Dad had his knee surgery on Sunday, remember?’

Regret washes over me. ‘Oh, Elsa, I’m sorry. I should’ve checked in on you.’

She’s quick to dismiss my apology. ‘Don’t worry about it. You’ve had a lot going on.’

I need to know how it went. ‘Was the surgery successful?’

Her voice lifts a little. ‘Yes, it went really well.’

‘And how’s your dad doing now?’ I ask, needing more.

‘He’s recovering fast. Strong as ever.’

I let out a sigh of relief. ‘That’s wonderful. We have to be thankful.’

Elsa’s next question is laced with eagerness. ‘So, when are you coming back?’


She’s thrilled. ‘Really?’

I nod. ‘Yeah, but I might not be able to see you right away. My flight gets in late.’

‘Got it.’

I’m already making plans. ‘Let’s do lunch on Friday?’

‘I’d love that.’

The morning finds me in the cozy confines of the kitchen, helping Sasha with breakfast. Our chatter is light, but the air shifts when Jordan, sitting nearby, questions my recent decisions on the law school, sparking a flare of defensiveness in me.

‘How can you be so sure about that?’ I challenge him, questioning his grasp on my interests.

Jordan has this know-it-all smirk. ‘Come on, Aisling. Law? Since when?’

I’m quick to fire back, feeling my resolve strengthen. ‘What if I’m interested now?’

He gives a noncommittal ‘Okay,’ but I can hear the doubt in his voice.

‘You don’t believe it’s possible,’ I accuse, feeling my frustration bubble up.

He tries to smooth things over. ‘I didn’t say that.’

But I’m not backing down. ‘Jordan, listen. I’m serious about law school.’

‘You never showed any interest before. “Sasha jumps in, her voice laced with concern. “Are you sure this is what you want?’

I can’t hide my irritation. ‘Why does everyone keep questioning this?’

Jordan’s tone is soft but firm. ‘We just don’t want you to regret it later.’

I let out a sigh, feeling the weight of their concern. ‘It’s for both of us. Me and him. I’ve felt so disconnected from his world. I need to be more involved, more supportive.’

‘So, what’s the plan for the law exam?’ Jordan shifts the conversation to something more tangible.

Their concern is a mix of comforting and confining, but I know it comes from a place of love. I’m determined to prove not just to them, but to myself, that this path is right for me.

In July,’ I say.

Jordan looks at me, his brow furrowed with concern. ‘You sure you’ll have enough time to get ready for it?’

I nod, resolute. ‘As soon as I’m back from Rich Oaks, I’m diving straight into studying.’

‘What if you’re pregnant by then?’ Sasha playfully pipes up.

I can’t help but smile at the thought. ‘I know, right? But if that happens…’

‘And if it does?’ she nudges, curious about my backup plan.

I think for a moment, considering all possibilities. ‘Then I’ll keep studying and aim for the next year,’ I say, the idea solidifying in my mind.

Sasha’s eyes are soft and supportive. ‘May it all work out,’ she murmurs.

‘Amen to that,’ I echo, feeling a warmth spread in my chest.

Suddenly, baby Khaleb stirs in his bassinet, drawing our attention. ‘Sounds like someone’s waking up,’ Sasha notes.

I smile, glancing over. ‘Seems like it.’

Sasha gets up, ready to be a mom. ‘Time to get his food ready.’

Jordan turns to me. ‘When’s Dean’s baby’s naming ceremony?’

‘Not sure yet,’ I admit.

Sasha wonders, ‘Who sets the date for that?’

‘The office of the Matriarch,’ I explain.

She ponders, ‘What if it clashes with your time in Rich Oaks?’

I know where my duties lie. ‘Then I’ll have to be there for the ceremony,’ I understand the importance of family obligations.

Khaleb’s cry fills the room, a sharp reminder of the immediate need. Jordan, without hesitation, scoops him up, his father instincts kicking in. ‘He’s hungry,’ he says, his voice laced with tenderness and care.

The telephone rings, and Jordan vanishes into the living area to answer it. He returns moments later, his face etched with confusion.

‘It’s Duke,’ he announces, and my heart immediately sinks. I wonder why he didn’t call my cell phone.

‘Oh no,’ I whisper, a sense of dread washing over me.

Sasha looks at me ‘He probably tried your cell.’

I nod.

‘Yeah, that must be it.’ Pushing aside my unease, I walk over to the living area to take the call.

‘Hi, honey?’ I say into the phone.

Duke’s voice comes through. ‘I’ve been calling your cell. Everything okay?’

I exhale. ‘Yeah, I was just in the kitchen. Left my phone.’

He shifts the topic. ‘How’s your morning going?’

‘Great,’ I say, but the word feels hollow. ‘Just about to start packing.’

He’s quick with his news. ‘They’ve already taken off. Wanted to let you know.’

I’m taken aback. ‘Already? But I thought they weren’t arriving until four.’

His reply is simple, ‘Yeah.’

Confusion swirls within me. ‘So, they’re not waiting until four?’

‘No,’ he says, and I can hear something in his voice that doesn’t sit right with me.

My confusion turns to suspicion. ‘How can that be? Why wasn’t I informed?’

He tries to brush it off. ‘Things like this happen. Now you know.’

But I’m not convinced. ‘Duke, this doesn’t add up. Did you change the times?’

There’s a chuckle on his end. ‘Okay, yes, I did. I just couldn’t wait any longer.’

My heart races as I ask, ‘Why would you do that?’

His confession is raw and honest. ‘I miss you, Aisling. I can’t help it. I’m craving you.’

His words strike a chord deep within me, a blend of frustration, affection, and a deep sense of being wanted, all colliding in a single moment.

‘So, what’s your plan when I’m off to Rich Oaks?’ I ask, trying to get a sense of how he’ll cope with my absence.

‘Maybe you can fly back home twice a week.’

I’m stunned. ‘Twice every week?’ The idea seems both absurd and endearing.

‘Got any better suggestions?’ He teases me.

‘We’ll talk about this when I’m back,’ I say, needing time to process it all.

‘Sounds good to me.’

‘I can’t believe you changed the flight times. What am I supposed to tell everyone?’

‘Just say the timings got changed,’ he offers, as if it’s the simplest solution.

I can’t help but protest. ‘That’s not fair, Duke.’

He’s reassuring, though. ‘I’ll be waiting for you when you land.’

I let out a sigh. ‘Alright, I’ll start packing.’

Back in the kitchen, Jordan and Sasha are full of questions. ‘They’re on their way,’ I tell them. ‘They’ll be here in a few hours.’

Jordan’s confusion is evident. ‘But the flight was supposed to be at four?’

‘He changed it,’ I say, my emotions a confusing tangle of frustration and affection.

Sasha is in disbelief. ‘He did what?’

Jordan’s just as shocked. ‘Changed the time?’

I nod. ‘Yep.’

Sasha’s concern is clear. ‘What about when you’re in Rich Oaks?’

I shake my head, feeling a bit lost. ‘I don’t know what he’s planning now.’

I glance at the clock, realizing I need to hurry. ‘I need to finish up here. And oh, I have to call Bianca.’ My mind is a whirlwind of thoughts, caught between Duke’s impulsive acts of love and the practicalities of my own plans.

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