The Dragoso Series 3: Peace in Agony

Chapter 10

Agony flapped his wings and chased after Anna, roaring. The Nega Dragon could easily be seen by the rest of the team fighting the army, but the battles kept everyone from going to Anna’s aid. Anna looked back at Agony pursuing her, teeth bared and pushing himself harder than any of her past enemies ever did.

Anna flipped around to face Agony, spitting venom into his eyes. The Nega Dragon roared in pain and stopped, hovering in the air and pawing at his eyes. “You’ll regret that, bitch!” Agony roared. He swung his head wildly, black mist escaped from his mouth as he did so. Anna flew out of range and hit Agony with water.

Agony wiped his eyes of the toxic liquid and water, squinted as he looked around, spotting Anna and snarling. Anna glanced up before flying high, heading for clouds above them. She flapped her wings and disappeared from Agony’s eyes, using her Life Dragon speed to move too quickly for her enemy to see. Agony followed her into the cloud cover, hovering in the white expanse and looking around.

“Where did you go?” Agony asked out loud, not expecting an answer. Anna flew around silently, putting herself under Agony and she smirked as she passed under him. She angled herself to fly up in front of Agony, releasing two streams of ice. As soon as it hit his scales, it froze to Agony’s body. “Dammit!” Agony snapped his jaws at Anna, coming inches from her underbelly before she disappeared again. “Get back here!” Agony flew after Anna, clawing at the ice on his scales as he flew. Agony grew closer to Anna and his jaws closed on Anna’s tail. What he didn’t expect, however, was a jolt of electricity to hit his tongue. Agony roared with pain and released her, spitting blood from his mouth.

“What is this sorcery?” he questioned, moving his tongue around a bit to get some feeling back in it. Anna spun and faced Agony, out of reach of his jaws.

“You’re underestimating my power?” Anna asked. She released a lick of flame at Agony, the Nega Dragon ducking his head to avoid getting his face burned and he snarled, flinging his head up and hitting Anna with his breath element, engulfing her in the shadows. Agony grinned as the darkness cleared, revealing Anna with her eyes shut and gritting her teeth. Anna opened her eyes, revealing the black orbs and she growled. Agony’s grin fell.

“What? How? That should’ve sent you spiralling to the ground!” Agony exclaimed. Anna spoke with almost two voices.

“Brokenstar and Cenod attempted to send me into a state of fear, but many forget or are uninformed of one key fact about me. I have more darkness in my mind than what anyone can begin to understand,” Anna replied and surged forward, black fire escaping from her mouth and hitting Agony square in the face. The Nega Dragon, beyond enraged now, grabbed Anna and snarled at her.

“No matter, I will kill you, your stupid army, your family, and revive my master without fail,” Agony growled. Anna threw her head back, pink flower petals appearing and swirling around her, cutting through Agony’s scales on his hands. Agony shrieked and released Anna, the Flower Dragon catching herself and flying a few yards away from Agony as he looked to his hands. “You will not defeat me!” Agony roared. Anna opened her mouth, the familiar white glow appearing in it.

I highly doubt that, Anna thought as she wheeled around, facing her opponent. Agony’s anger turned to confusion, then straight up regret when he realized what she was about to do. Anna pushed herself forward towards Agony before releasing her Life Breath. Agony screeched as he was surrounded by the holy power.

Unlike their past foes, however, Agony wasn’t eliminated from existence. Instead, he was forced into his Tenkkoa form and he fell to the ground. Anna watched for a moment before gliding down to the ground, landing a few feet from where Agony had landed. The Tenkkoa groaned and rolled to his side, pushing himself to his feet and stumbling a bit, regaining his balance and wiping blood from the corner of his beak. He looked rather ragged now, his robe tattered and his cloak was scraps. Agony pulled the piece of fabric from his neck and threw it aside.

“You cannot destroy old dark magic with new holy magic!” Agony snapped, his talons being surrounded by dark magic. Anna growled and glowed pink, returning to her human form. Kathey was dressed in silver armor, a pink cloak on her back and any other fabric was colored pink as well. In her hands was a short sword and shield, colored pink and red. Her amulet that hung from her neck glowed, the dragon red while the rest was white.

“Fine then, old fashioned.” Kathey said, getting into a stance and watching Agony closely.

The two started to sidestep, circling each other in a way. Agony attacked first, lunging forward and swiping his talons at Kathey. She raised her shield to block the swipe and retaliated with a kick to the bird’s stomach. Agony stumbled backwards before spinning and launching black orbs of magic at Kathey.

Instead of blocking with her shield or dodging, Kathey moved the shield away and with a few quick exhales, launched fireballs from her mouth, successfully canceling out the magic and remaining untouched. Despite it being a rather intense battle, Kathey appeared at ease in the face of danger. This wasn’t her first battle against a powerful enemy and Agony could see it. His eyes were drawn to the amulet around Kathey’s neck and he growled quietly.

“You are nothing but a pawn for the Gods, you will never be accepted!” Agony shouted. Kathey rushed him, and drove her sword into his stomach. Agony didn’t even have time to react, standing there with a blade in his body, staring down at Kathey with shock.

“Maybe so, but I will always do what I was chosen for, protecting Earth and Dragoso from tyrants like you,” Kathey said and pulled her sword from Agony. The Tenkkoa fell to his knees and his head fell forward. Kathey wasn’t fooled though, his heart still beat in his chest. She could hear the sounds of battle still occurring in the distance. “You’ve met your defeat, but I can’t leave you here, you’ll recover. Sealing you away where you were before didn’t last forever. What else could I do with you?” Kathey asked, looking down at Agony as she sheathed her sword and strapped her shield to her back.

Out of nowhere a portal to the Underworld appeared and Deathbore poked his head through. He looked around a bit before looking at Kathey and Agony.

“Greetings, my niece. I was not expecting you to have defeated Agony so soon, but I may have a solution to stopping the Council once and for all. Drag him through here if you could,” Deathbore requested and disappeared through the portal again. Kathey raised an eyebrow before turning dragon, picking up Agony by the back of his robe, and disappeared through the portal.


Anna looked through the magical glass where Agony laid unconscious in the cell. To think the chamber where they dealt with Brokenstar would turn into magical holding cells designed to keep outside magic out and contain the Council when they were incapacitated. Though there were nine chambers. Eight members of the Council, did Deathbore expect them to capture the Council’s master? Either way, they were on the right track.

“The first generation of Compass Dragons sealed them away before, but as you can see, it failed to hold. Keeping them here will allow me to keep an eye on them while keeping them locked away,” Deathbore explained beside Anna as they watched Agony.

“I suppose it’s a smarter idea than what they originally had done. Agony won’t be waking for a while. He took a full force Life Breath and a sword to the stomach,” Anna said and Deathbore chuckled. “I should return home, will you deal with the demons Agony summoned?”

“Yes, the natives of the Underworld have been returned, though you have about two hundred Undead soldiers displaced from Whedabra.” Anna hummed, looking back at Agony. “I can see the gears turning in your head. Voutneth could get quite the attention if you were able to accommodate more than just dragons around Earth.”

“I’ll have to talk to my team about it. It’s quite a big change.”

“Good luck, my niece.”


Kathey stood in Drake’s town square, looking to the two red portals that rested before her. Elven mages who managed portals on Orrumai stood on either side of her looking at the new portals.

“I must admit, Ms. Royals, I never would’ve expected Earth and Dragoso to reconnect after generations,” one elf said.

“Well, it’s just the start of a bigger plan. These portals shouldn’t be available to the Dragoso public yet. Voutneth and Drake are not ready for the connection yet. I need to get security for Drake and Voutneth needs to be rebuilt to accommodate everyone who wishes to come for learning. Think of it as schooling on another planet, which is basically the idea,” Kathey explained and the elves smiled before bowing to Kathey.

“We look forward to your next message,” the second elf said before the two disappeared through one of the portals.

Kathey watched them leave before looking to the fountain behind her where Severik stood waiting. Once she nodded, Severik stood, cracking his fingers and holding his hands out to the first portal, creating a barrier of sorts. Nobody would be able to access the portal from this side while the barrier was up. Severik stepped over to the second portal, but paused. Portals make a low humming sound while idle, but this one was louder and made quite a bit of noise.

“Someone is coming through,” Severik said, his talons surrounded in magic and Kathey got into a stance, waiting. The portal had two surges of energy, but nothing solid came through. Kathey spotted the shadows of two dragons fly along the ground like a Shadow Dragon typically would in its shadow form.

“Watch it!” Kathey warned, pointing to the two shadows that stopped in the grass a few feet away. The two dragons poked their heads up, one pure black and the other black and purple. A Shadow Dragon and a Moon Dragon. The Shadow Dragon had an underbite with his lower canines being slightly longer than what was usual and the Moon Dragon’s horns were shaped differently, almost with a few curves to them.

“Ey, mon, over there,” the Shadow Dragon said with a Jamaican accent, looking at Kathey and Severik. The Moon Dragon looked and smirked. The two dragons pulled themselves from the ground, solidifying entirely. On their backs however, sat two others. A human on the Moon Dragon’s back while an elf with pink skin sat on the Shadow Dragon’s.

The human slid from the Moon Dragon’s back and approached. Her hair and eyes were silver and she had a scimitar strapped to her back. She wore black slacks, a shirt that exposed her stomach and black leather boots. Her silver hair was short all around except her bangs which were on the longer side. Her eyes landed on the amulet around Kathey’s neck before looking into her eyes.

“Princess Anna?” she asked timidly.

“The portals aren’t open to the public, what’s your reason for being here?” Kathey asked. The human dropped to one knee, bowing her head.

“I am Nyx Foredring, this is my team. We have heard a lot about the Dragon of the North. We are the Night Walkers and we wish to help you as much as we can,” Nyx said. She stood and looked to the other three. Kathey looked at the four of them, scanning their minds briefly.

“Nyx Foredring, Haarvik Moon, Jarin’do Bladetusk, and Kyona Duskwood,” Kathey said. They all looked to Kathey, hope in their eyes. “Let me be the first to officially welcome you to Earth and Drake.”

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