The Devil’s Reward: An Opposites Attract Romance (The Devil’s Soldiers)

The Devil’s Reward: Chapter 27

 Something tells me this date is going to be interesting.

I’m a wreck. An absolute wreck. I spent far too much time this morning picking out a nice outfit that I could wear at work and then out with Shadow. I need to pick up Macy at the school and then head straight over to the restaurant to make it on time. Which means no time to go home and change. The only problem is that I’ve spent all day freaking out about it.

Okay, not the date itself, but the kiss. No, kisses. He kissed me more than once, and I dreamt about it, and, uh, other things, most of the night. To the point that I worked myself up into a state this morning, worried that I’m moving too fast. What kind of mother welcomes a man into her home, practically begs him to kiss her, and grinds herself on top of him like a cat in heat? Oh, that would be me. I’m not sure I can face him today.

I’ve debated canceling half a dozen times but I keep chickening out, my family’s words from last night keeping me from following through. Well, that and the fact that I want to see him and prove to myself I’m not crazy. So instead, I keep freaking out while trying to focus on my work. Thankfully I’m light on appointments today, which means I’m not making a total fool of myself, but I’ll be glad when tonight is over.

My anxiety is through the roof as quitting time approaches. I try not to worry about what Macy is going to say about this, but she did technically okay me going out with him.

God, when did I start to allow my five-year-old to dictate my dating life? I need some serious help.

I glance at the clock again, and I swallow hard as I realize I need to leave in the next fifteen minutes. My phone buzzes and I see a message from my sister in the family group chat.


Damn it. I should have known she would guess where my head is at right now.

Me: I haven’t canceled.

Peyton: But you’re thinking about it.

Me: …

They don’t know why I’m thinking of canceling. Or about that kiss. I haven’t told them about that either.

Peyton: Don’t do it, Quinn. You’ll regret it for the rest of your life. Just go and have fun. Then call me with all the details when you get home.

Mom: Unless you’re getting busy! Then morning will be fine (winking emoji)

Me: Macy is going to be with us, and there will be no getting busy.

Peyton: Macy does have a bedtime, and that kid sleeps like the dead. Just make sure the door is locked and keep the screaming to a minimum.

Oh my God. I just can’t with this. Surely Shadow won’t want to do that. He said we’ll take things slow and I believe him. Sex on the first date is not slow. Despite everything last night, I know I’m not ready for that yet. Well, not until he kisses me a few more times, then I might change my mind.

My phone buzzes again, and my heart pounds when I realize that it’s Shadow.

Shadow: Still good for five?

With trembling fingers I type back my answer.

Me: Still good. We’ll see you then.

Well, I’m committed now. No way can I back out. My stomach sinks and I have to take deep breaths to keep from passing out. I need to get a grip, because Macy needs me to be calm and collected. For all I know, he’s secretly an asshole and last night was just a fluke.

Alright, I know that’s a stretch, but I’m not going to completely rule it out.

I glance at the time again and start shutting everything down. I have ten minutes to be in my car and pulling out of here, and I need to make sure I’m on time. My phone buzzes again; this time it’s my mother.

Mom: I think she’s ignoring us.

I quickly type back a response.

Me: I’m packing up so I can get there on time. I’ll text you later.

I don’t bother checking the replies as I make my way out of my office, locking up behind me. When I get to my car, I take a deep breath and force myself to focus.

The drive to the school is uneventful, and the routine of it calms me. When I pull into the pick-up line, I smile as Macy waves and rushes towards me, jumping in the back and buckling herself into her car seat. “Hi, Mom!” she says excitedly. “We had so much fun on the field trip. We got to see all kinds of animals. Zebras, lions, giraffes. Oh, and we saw some monkeys too, but they were doing something funny with their privates and we had to leave.”

I can only imagine what that was, but I’m glad the teachers and chaperones did just that. I don’t want to have that kind of talk with Macy at her age, especially with everything else I’m about to tell her. “I’m glad you had fun, honey,” I say with a smile in the rearview mirror. “Did you have a good time at Maddie’s last night?”

“It was the best,” Macy declares. “Her dad bought her a new princess bed and it’s big enough for us both to fit. Can I have a princess bed, Mom?”

“We’ll see,” I say noncommittally. Macy changes her mind on what she likes all the time, so I have found it best to wait, and eventually she’ll either insist and I’ll give in, or she’ll move on to something else and completely forget about it.

“Can we get pizza for supper?” Macy asks sweetly, completely changing the subject.

Nerves jump in my belly. “Actually, I want to talk to you about that,” I tell her as I stop at the light. “How would you feel if we met Shadow at the new family spot you wanted to go to for supper?”

Her face splits into a grin. “Really? Yes! Of course yes!” Then she stops. “Is it like a date?”

“Yes,” I answer carefully. “But if you’re not comfortable with that, I can tell him so and it will be just you and me.”

“No, I like him,” Macy assures me. “And then you won’t be bored when I leave you to go and play.”

You have to love a child’s logic. “Uh-huh. So you’re okay with us going on the date?”

“Wait, am I on a date with him too?” Macy asks in confusion.

“Sort of. He asked me, but then said that he would like to invite you too.”

I see the glint in her eyes as she tries to work out what this means and how it’s going to benefit her. Finally, she nods and says, “I’m good. Maybe some of the kids from school will be there so I have someone to play with.”

“Maybe.” And with that, Macy has accepted I’m going on a date. No meltdowns, no questions about what he is going to be, nothing. I’m almost a little disappointed but also relieved that she feels so at ease. Though I suppose it could be that she’s more excited about the play spot than the actual idea of her mother on a date.

My nerves ratch up as we get closer to the play center, and I glance at the time. It’s almost five, and we should get there a couple of minutes early. Does that mean we should wait outside or inside? I already know Macy is not going to want to stay in the car.

Gah, this whole dating thing is far too complicated. I need to get out of my head and relax.

When I pull into the parking lot, I let out a soft sigh of relief when I see Shadow already there waiting for us. He’s sitting on his bike, wearing his cut, a dark pair of sunglasses, and looking far too sexy for my already frazzled mind. He’s wearing his regular attire of dark jeans, black t-shirt, and motorcycle boots, and I want to drool all over him. The ink on his arms is much more noticeable in the sunlight, and it gives him that bad boy edge that makes me a little weak in the knees.

Thank God I’m parked.

“Shadow!” Macy cries in excitement, practically bouncing in her seat as she waves at him.

Shadow climbs off his bike and smiles at her as he reaches her door. He opens it and drawls, “Well hello, Ms. Macy. I hear we have a date today.”

She grins up at him, green eyes sparkling. “That means I get all the pizza and ice cream I want, right?” she flirts, unbuckling herself and climbing out to stand next to him. I roll my eyes and climb out myself.

Shadow’s smile widens to a grin. “Only if your Mom says it’s okay,” he corrects her. “I want her to like me, not be mad at me, remember?”

Macy pouts and then looks over at me thoughtfully as I round the car. I can see that little mind of hers working. “Mom, I can have all the pizza and ice cream I want right?” she asks sweetly after a moment. “Or I’ll tell Grandma that you’re on a date.”

Shadow chokes back a laugh, and I arch a brow at her. “Well, unlucky for you, she, Grandpa, and Aunt Peyton all know. You can have the same amount of pizza and ice cream you normally have, Macy. You’ll be busy playing for most of the time, anyway, right?”

Macy pouts, then shrugs. “Fine. Can we go inside now?”

Shadow nods. “Lead the way,” he tells her, which makes her smile and skip to the double glass doors. Shadow falls into step beside me. “Hi,” he says softly.

“Hi,” I reply bashfully. Last night’s kiss rushes back into my head and I can feel my face flame before I firmly push it aside and focus on not falling on my face or running into something. This man is hell on my concentration.

I swear I hear him chuckle as we follow Macy inside, where we’re hit with cool air from the AC instantly, followed by the sounds of laughter, kids shouting and playing, and the smell of pizza. Macy’s eyes widen as she takes in the play area, the arcade games, and the large ball pit. I glance at Shadow and see him grinning down at her. “I take it you’re okay with this place?” he asks Macy loudly so she can hear him over the noise.

“Can I go play now?” Macy asks excitedly, looking up at me pleadingly.

“Let’s get a table first, then you can,” I reply. Macy scowls but nods.

Shadow leads us over to the hostess station and a young girl of about seventeen smiles up at him flirtatiously. “Do you have a reservation?” she practically purrs. I nearly roll my eyes but manage to control myself. I can’t blame her. He’s pure sex.

“Under Shadow,” he tells her politely. “And I think we need one kid’s menu,” he adds with a wink down at Macy.

It’s like the girl only just clues into Macy and I standing here. Her face flushes, but she grabs one dutifully and leads us over to our booth, which is close to the play area. “Can I go play now?” Macy asks me impatiently as Shadow and I slide into opposite sides of the booth.

“Yes,” I tell her. “But don’t wander out of the play area or past our table,” I warn her.

“I won’t. I see some kids from school.” Then she’s off without so much as a backward glance.

Shadow smiles, then slides around the rounded back portion of the booth and pulls me in towards him. We’re at a perfect vantage point to see Macy in the play area, but we’re also sitting tight together, his thigh pressed against mine, and our arms touching on the table. My heart kicks up in response, and I look up into his intense eyes as he looks down at me.

“Hi,” he says again, before leaning down and pressing his lips quickly to mine.

“Hi,” I murmur back when he pulls away. I glance over towards Macy, but she’s fully engaged in some kind of battle on one of the arcade games with a little boy about her age.

“Will she freak if she sees me kissing you?” Shadow asks.

I shrug. “I don’t know, honestly. I haven’t dated anyone since Bobby, so this is going to be a first.”

“She’ll have to get used to it because I plan on kissing you as much as you’ll let me,” he murmurs in my ear, making me shiver.

I swallow hard and thank all that is holy when our waitress comes to our table, a wide smile on her face and an order pad in hand. “Hello there,” she says brightly, taking us in. “What can I get you and the little ones you have running around?”

I smile at her. “Just a water for me, and do you have apple juice? We only have one child with us, so one is fine.”

“Sure do, honey,” she says, writing down on her pad. “And for you, handsome?”

Shadow smiles. “Water for me too,” he answers.

“I’ll be right back with those drinks,” she tells us before she’s back on her way.

“I wonder if she goes home with a splitting headache every day,” I wonder aloud. “I would go insane if I worked here.”

Shadow chuckles. “I would wager she does. Maybe she doesn’t have kids and knows she’s going home to silence so she’s okay to handle it here.”

Before I can say anything, someone stops in front of our table, and I look up in surprise to see Rose and another woman standing there, grinning widely. Shadow groans.

“Well, well, well, what do we have here, Leonora?” Rose asks the other woman. Her caramel eyes are bright with amusement and delight as she winks at me. She’s wearing her cut, with a plain dark green tank top underneath and a pair of dark wash jeans. Her hair is up in a ponytail, with only a little makeup on her face. I swear, I’m going to have to ask her for her skincare secrets. It looks fantastic.

Next to her, the other woman just looks giddy. She looks somewhat familiar, but I can’t place her. She’s an inch taller than Rose, with honey blond hair that she has down in soft, artful curls, with bright blue eyes tastefully lined in dark liner and mascara. She’s wearing a silky white blouse with pearl buttons and a pair of jeans that probably cost more than my mortgage. This woman screams money, but there’s nothing but kindness in her eyes as she looks at me.

“I think we’ve interrupted Shadow’s date, Rose,” Leonora drawls back. “I’m not sure whether to be proud or shocked. I thought for sure I was going to have to intervene.”

“You and me both,” Rose agrees.

“Bloody hell,” Shadow mutters under his breath. I can’t stop the smile that pulls at my lips. “Who let you out of your cells? I thought the guards were putting you in the padded ones this time.”

My eyes widen at his words, but both women just laugh. “We bribed them with lots of money and interesting favors,” Leonora jokes. She looks at me. “I’m sorry, honey. I’m Leonora Lincoln.” She holds out her hand for me to shake, which I quickly do, and it clicks.. She’s the wife of one of the richest men in the state, if not the country. “We love to tease this man.”

“More like you love to drive me crazy,” he retorts, but his lips are pulled up into a half smile. “Now, are you two going to leave me to my date, or do I need to call your men?”

“Aww, but we thought you might want to join us,” Leonora says with a mock pout. “You know, just to make sure you don’t screw this up.”

I laugh, and Rose grins at me. “I’m Quinn Holt,” I say back to Leonora. “Nice to meet you.”

“Where is that charming little girl of yours?” Rose asks.

I nod towards the play area. “She took off for the wild as before we sat down.”

“We’ll have to introduce her to the kids,” Leonora says excitedly. I look at her curiously. “I’m here with my grandchildren,” she explains. “How old is your little girl?”

“She’s almost six.”

“She’d get along great with Arya and Sansa,” Leonora declares.

“Are you here with just them?” Shadow asks warily.

Leonora and Rose grin wickedly. “Nope,” Leonora announces happily. “In fact…”

I watch a few more women walk over, and Shadow groans. He pulls out his phone. “What are you doing?” I ask quietly.

“I’m calling in backup,” he says seriously. “No way in hell are we staying here with them alone. I like my balls intact, and I don’t have their bail fund handy.”

The women all laugh, and I’m totally confused, but I honestly can’t wait to find out what’s going on. Something tells me this date is only going to get better.

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