The Devil's Love For The Heiress by LiLhyz

Chapter 88

Chapter 88:
It Was Always You All the guests stood up, teary-eyed. The couple’s revelation awed many within the National Tennis Center
Complex’s tennis stadium. The hairs on their skins were up, sending butterflies in their stomachs. Samantha Wright had a hanky
wiping the corners of her eyes, and the same could be said with Kenzie Wright. Everyone had their attention to the front where
Kate had begun, giving her promise to The Devil.
“Many years ago, you were within my grasp. You were my best friend and my constant companion. I never imagined I would lose
you one day. So when you left to chase your dreams, my heart was broken. I blamed myself for your leaving. Honestly, I thought
I had lost you forever,” Kate narrated.
Since she did not have a prepared speech that day, she went with her gut and chose her words based on what she felt.
“As you built yourself to become the next tennis superstar, I watched you on TV, partly wishing you’d return to my side. I cheered
for you secretly and prayed for your every win.”
“To see you smile on TV, the same way you only used to smile for me, made me cry at times. Seeing you standing next to other
women and giving them regard in public made me wonder if you’ll ever come back and give me the same attention.”
“I used to hug you on your birthdays, and we’d exchange gifts in person, but when you were away, I could only give you my best
wishes in front of the TV or write them in my diary. I’ve loved you for so long, so long, that it hurt. There were times when I had
accepted having lost you forever, but there were times when I wanted to fight it and go after you, but each time I tried to seek for
you, I failed.”
Kate’s eyes were watery, ready to cry. She took a deep breath and resumed, “Just when I had decided to hold back my feelings
for you, you came back.” She chuckled lightly and said, “You never really gave my heart a chance to get over you.”
“So much for trying to forget you because my heart was recharged that day you came to see me. It fluttered like crazy, and so
after you left for your games, my head became filled with thoughts of you again.”
“When you told me you still loved me, I was on cloud nine. Apparently, we’ve kept our feelings for each other that long. Despite
the distance, despite having met other people, and despite the long and winding road, who would have thought we’d still get the
chance to be with each other again?”
Kate could not help but recall all her misery, her regret, how she blamed herself, and her years of loving Carlos from afar. Then,
she added, “Having you again was a dream come true, and since the day you confessed your love for me, I promised the

heavens I would never let you go.”
“It was my second chance at love, and not many get the same opportunity.”
“I love you, Carlos Ronaldo. I promise to be honest, to love you with all my heart, to take care of you and the future family we will
build. I promise to cherish your every gift, may it be the material things or simply your presence or your love. No matter what
storm will come for us. I will be strong. I will always be here for you, to support you, and to be your loving wife.”
As Kate closed her vow that evening, Carlos had to sneak under her veil and wipe the wetness on her cheeks. He also felt the
heaviness in his chest after hearing Kate’s promise. Because till that very day, he still could not get over the fact that Kate had
loved him in his absence.
When it was Carlos’ turn to say his vows, he gripped Kate’s hand. He gasped and took a moment to control his emotions.
Eventually, when he smiled at Kate, he spoke, “When I was a nobody, I was always that friend of yours who was by your side,
but I wanted more. I badly wanted more.”
“I had to make a choice. I could stay with you, and you may never see me more than just your friend, or I go after my dreams
and come back – present to you a better man, one that you will never miss seeing.”
“It was a risk that I had to take. You don’t know how scared I was to make that decision many years back. I was scared I’d lose
you forever, but at the same time, I knew I had to be away and focus on my tennis career.”
As if Carlos felt a lump in his throat, he gulped. “I want you to know that the distance between us was hard for me, as it was hard
for you. I have lived years of my life with having you around, and your absence nearly made me give up.”
“At the same time, you were my driving force, my inspiration. When I had enough money to buy your engagement ring, I kept it –
kissed it before every match. For one day, I promised to myself, I would be good enough – bold enough to kneel before you and
ask your hand in marriage.” Carlos held Kate’s other hand and promised, “That was my ultimate goal. It was always you. I’ve
always wanted you – only you. There was no one else. I worked hard to become who I am today for this very moment.”
His eyes wandered to the stadium’s ring. He looked at the LED screens, the stadium filled with his fans; the court having been
turned into an elegant venue for their wedding, and the approving smiles of Kate’s parents. When he returned his regard to Kate,
he added, “I worked hard so that one day, I could hold your hand and in a wedding, I could have you forever. Then, one day, I
could call you my wife.”
“That day has finally come. That day is now.”

“That is how much I love you, and I promise you, my love will never fade as it had never withered through all those times we
were apart. For that is how great my love is for you. I love you, my Kate.” Because everyone sensed their heartfelt vows, many
surrendered and cried in the end. Carlos and Kate hugged each other, soothing their emotions before finally proceeding with the
next part of their wedding vows.
Moments later, after following the standard oaths and wearing their rings, the officiant announced, “I pronounce you husband and
wife. Everyone, please help me welcome Mister and Misses Ronaldo!”
As loud applause echoed throughout the stadium, the officiant added, “You may kiss the bride.”
The hoots and cheers still did not die down. Some were still in tears after an emotional exchange of vows. Nonetheless, all eyes
were on the couple as Carlos pulled up Kate’s veil. Kate’s and Carlos’ eyes were gleaming as they prepared to kiss again in
public, now as Mister and Misses Ronaldo.
With her arms around his neck, Kate leaned closer. Carlos easily circled his arms around Kate’s waist as he closed the gap
between them. Ultimately, their lips met, and as they relished their wedding kiss, their eyes closed altogether. Fireworks erupted
at the peaks of the stadium, alerting all the guests, but they quickly became in awe as more and more colors filled the skies.
Carlos and Kate relished their wedding kiss, not letting go until the fireworks were finally over. When they pulled away, Kate had
dreamy eyes. She bit her lip and asked, “So, will I get a surprise honeymoon too?” A chuckle left Carlos’ lips before he gave a
“It’s all set. We are leaving. tomorrow.”
With eyes widening, Kate asked, “Where? Are my bags packed?”
A mischievous grin became painted on Carlos’ face. He leaned in and whispered in her ear, “Do you need clothes? I can already
push, you know.” Kate’s face blushed. She bit her lip and answered, “I look forward to it, husband.”

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