The Demon's Pa

Chapter 16: Something to forget

Only when sitting cross Tabitha at the large dining room table did I start realising how beautiful she truly was.

It seemed like I was the only ugly duckling among the Promise angels. The rest looked like super models and I looked…. Normal, I supposed. Leave it to poor Alexander to get the only normal looking girl as his true love.

Alexander. He was in this building somewhere as well. Restrained, captive. Was he alright? Was he really not a threat to me here? Was he safe?

I sighed, even after all that happened I was still worried about him.

I was busy staring at Tabitha’s beautiful blonde hair and envying her when she snapped her fingers in front of my face, “Hello, anyone in there?”

“Hmm?” I asked as I came out of my daydream, “I’m sorry, what was I saying again? I kind of zoned out for a second there.”

Tabitha made a thoughtful sound and gave me a calculating look. “You were trying to convince me that all vampires aren’t bad and that I should give that moron over there,” She pointed her thumb in Norabo’s direction, “a chance.”

“Oh yeah…” I said thoughtfully. Vampires weren’t all bad… they were good, to some extent. Pure and untamed fury grabbed hold of me. Only when they were killed by their bastard fathers did they really-

Tabitha sighed, “Look, I can see that your mind is far, far away right now, probably with that demon you spoke of. So just go.”

I opened my mouth to start protesting, “But-“

“Go.” She ordered again, “I can see you’re worried. And besides,” She pursed her lips, “It’s not as if I’m going anywhere soon.”

I narrowed my eyes at her and then shot a glance in Norabo’s direction. The look on his face clearly supported her statement, he wasn’t going to let her out of his sight. “You two should get to know one another.” I said, “Norabo, why don’t you take her for a walk, it’s the least you can do after locking her inside a closet.” He gave me a doubtful look, “Just give her that little bit of freedom, you’ll be right next to her.”

He let out a dramatic sigh, “Fine.”

Tabitha’s body stiffened as he came closer to her, “Touch me and you’re dead.” She threatened with a dead serious voice.

I sighed again, “Ah yes, young vampire love…”

They didn’t break eyes contact as they walked out of the dining room- literally two meters between them- with her glaring daggers at him. I had a feeling that they were going to love each other more than any of the other vampire couples when they started loving each other.

When I could no longer hear their fading footfalls I got up and went off in search of Viktor. He would know where Alexander was being held because I had absolutely no clue. Was he in some kind of dungeon or something? Chained to the wall? Hmm… wasn’t that an interesting thought… Alexander in chains…

I found Viktor a few minutes later where he was sitting next to Lucy on the largest couch in the living room. She was nearly sitting on top of him and intently staring at the paperback he had in his left hand. His right arm was casually shrug around her shoulders and he was thoughtfully playing with a strand of her hair as he clearly waited for her to turn the page. As I approached Viktor’s eyes snapped up to meet mine and his gaze brought me to a halt.

“Ash.” He said and Lucy also looked up at the mention of my name. There was a moment of silence, “Do you like your room?”

“Yeah,” I admitted slowly, “I love it. It is very beautiful.” It truly was beautiful and not only that, but it was absolutely huge as well.

“I’m glad…” Viktor said slowly and when Lucy turned the page in the book he quickly scanned through it before he turned his attention back to me. “Was there something you wanted?”

It was a fair question to ask since I was just awkwardly staring at the two of them like some weirdo. “Yes, I want to know where Alexander is being held.”

The hesitation was clear on Viktor’s face, “Are you sure?”

A frown broke across my face, “What do you mean?”

His face didn’t betray what he was thinking, “I am merely wondering if you will be able to control yourself around him. After all, he can still control you.”

I gave a loud snort, “I can handle that demon.” The certainty in my voice surprised even me because I knew there was no way I would be able to disobey him if he ever asked me to set him free or help him.

“Very well, I know you really want to see him so I will allow it, just be careful.” Viktor turned to look at the door and spoke a single name, “Jeremiah.”

The vampire that suddenly appeared gave me a curious look before turning to look at Viktor, “Yes Viktor, what can I do for you?”

“Ash,” Viktor said and I turned my attention back to the royal, “This is Jeremiah, my first noble.”

I nodded casually and flashed the noble a smile, “Hey.”

Jeremiah looked uncertain for a moment before he returned my smile, “Hello.”

“Jeremiah, please escort the royal of Africa to the place where Alexander is being held.”

Jeremiah bowed a little in front of Viktor, “Of course,” he turned to me, “Please follow me, milady.” He turned around abruptly and walked away and I needed to jog a little to catch up to him.

“Thank you Viktor!” I called out before I left the room and soon I found myself alone in the halls with Jeremiah.

He didn’t say anything and I didn’t want to start a conversation so we walked in silence. I tried to remember the hallways we took. Two turns to the left, one turn right, skip three halls and take the stairs down on your left.

I need to remember, I needed to come back here.

When we reached the bottom of the flight of stairs –which wound down into the earth in a spiral like some old castle- we came to a stop in front of a sturdy looking wooden door. I gave Jeremiah a curious look when he turned to look at me for the first time, “Tell me, you are his Promise angel, aren’t you?”

I hesitated only a second in which I tried to comprehend the question and what exactly he was trying to get at, “Yes, what of it?”

He made a thoughtful sound in the back of his throat and narrowed his eyes at me, “Why would you come to see the person –the demon- who is trying to kill you?”

“How can I live with myself not knowing if the only man I’ve ever loved is alright?”

Jeremiah hissed loudly, “He’s a demon.”

“And you and Viktor are vampires,” I countered, “which to humans is basically a demon and yet Lucy still loves your royal, does she not?”

“Viktor isn’t trying to kill her.”

“He wants to turn her,” I snapped, “that’s the same as killing her.”

“You didn’t agree to become a vampire?”

“No, but here I stand.” I stated calmly, “I advise you to open this door for me right now and get out of my way because you’re only succeeding in pissing me off right now. I’ll be fine, he won’t hurt me because he’s bound and I won’t try to help him because I’m not some weak willed sob.”

Jeremiah took a step backwards and his eyes widened slightly, “You really do have the authority of a royal over me. I want to listen to you.” I said nothing in reply and after giving me a lingering look he took a key from his pocket and unlocked her heavy door. He pushed it open easily and stepped aside so I could enter.

I didn’t move an inch and I merely regarded him for a moment, “Why would you think otherwise?”

“When I compare you to Lucy…” he trailed off awkwardly, “She was the first Promise angel I met and I don’t think she will ever have that authority in her voice, she is far too gentle.” He hung his head in humility. “I am sorry, I shouldn’t have compared you to her.”

“She is a strong willed human,” I said, “but she is still ignorant to the world of vampires, she will learn when she is changed.”

“I hope she will, Viktor is going to need a strong leader and warrior at his side, not some useless girl.”

I couldn’t help but be amused, “When she is turned her power will surpass even yours and you will die for her if that’s what things come down to.”

A strange expression came to his featured when I said that and after a moment he frowned, “That girl, stronger than me?”

I nodded, “Of course, she was born to be the mate of a vampire royal; she was born to be a royal. You were merely chosen to be a noble.”

He pursed his lips, “But she is so weak at the moment…”

“That’s why you have to protect her right now, even as a human she is your royal.”

“I see.” He said slowly and when his eyes met mine again they were clear and without confusion, “Then that is what I will do.”

“Good.” I said and I stepped into the room. It was a rather large room for something that I took to be at least fifty meters below the ground and it was empty but for the chains that hung from the ceiling in the middle of the room. The flickering lights made it seem like something out of a horror movie and a shiver pulled down my spine when I saw the still figure.

Alexander was hanging from the chains with his arms above his head and a steady stream of Mors est in sancto dripping down the chains before rolling down his arms, over his body and dripping on the floor.

His head was hung.

He was out cold.

I swallowed hard and wrung my hands together when I saw in how much pain he must have been. Maybe I was just some sob because in that moment I wanted nothing more than to free him.

Jeremiah looked from me to Alexander and back again, “Are you alright? You look like you’re about to throw up.”

My eyes didn’t leave Alexander, “I’m fine.” I plopped down onto the ground and crossed my legs, my eyes still on him, “I’ll wait for him to wake up.”

Jeremiah’s voice had a slight tremble in it but I didn’t spare him a glance, “Are you sure?”

“Yes, you can leave, you don’t have to stay.”

He paused.

A while later I heard the door shutting.

Silence surrounded me as I watched Alexander.

I sat there, waiting for him to wake up.

Time came and time went and the demon did not wake.

After a while –and after having a lengthy battle with myself- stood up and walked closer to him. The water dripped down his naked chest and the puddle on the floor was starting to grow rather large.

I curiously inspected Alexander’s face and after deciding that he was faking his unconsciousness I cleared my throat, “How long were you planning on letting me sit there thinking that you weren’t aware of me.”

A deep chuckle came from him and he slowly lifted his hung head to look at me, “Having you watch me like that, I was ready to stay silent for an eternity.” His eyes bore into mine as I looked up at him and we didn’t break eye contact.

“I have better things to do than babysit you, you know.” I said sharply and looked away from him when a drop of water dropped down his nose, “Why?”

I didn’t even need to look at him to see him raising a quizzing eyebrow, “Why what?”

“Why an eternity?” I made myself clearer, “Do you like it when I watch you?” I brought up my eyes to meet his again and flinched away when I saw the intense stare he was giving me.

“Am I not allowed to find it amusing that you would sit here for five hours, waiting for me, the one who wants to kill you, to wake up?”

I scowled at him, “You are an asshole.”

He grinned wildly, “Well I am a demon, kitten.”

I said nothing for a moment and after staring at him for a while I turned around, “I’m leaving now.”

I didn’t know what I had been thinking when I decided to come down here. It had been a mistake, a terrible mistake.

My hand had just closed around the doorknob and I was about to pull it open when he said, “Wait.” And I came to a forced stop.

His words were like a noose around my neck and I wanted to do what he asked of me. I slowly turned to face him again, “What?”

“Come here.”

My feet were carrying me back towards him before I knew what exactly was happening. Crap, I had no control over myself when he was using that tone on me. If he were to tell me to free him right now I would do it without hesitation. I came to a stop half a meter away from him and crossed my arms stubbornly to try and regain control of myself, “What do you want?”

“Come closer.”

Unwillingly I found myself taking two steps in his direction.

“A little bit closer, kitten.”

I took another step and found myself standing right in front of him with barely and air between us.

His eyes wandered between my eyes, my neck and my mouth before he focussed on me and said, “This water is hurting me, help me.”

I was already in the process of reaching up to help him when I regained control of myself and forced my arms to my sides again. “I hope it burns a hole in your ego.”

“You wound me,” he relented in mock hurt and bent down so our noses were touching. “Don’t move.”

My body froze. I really couldn’t move and it wasn’t just because of what he’d said, I wanted him this close to me. Alexander closed his eyes and breathed in a deep breath. His eyes were a dangerous yellow when he opened them again and he let the air escape him slowly.

“Sit.” He ordered and I fell to the ground with crossed legs almost instantaneously.

I barely managed to supress a heavy sigh. Great. I was screwed.

“Now, little Ash Carson,” the demon said slowly, “Tell me about us.”

My head snapped in his direction and I stared at him disbelievingly, “What?”

“You said you would tell me, so tell me.”

I swallowed hard. He still wanted to know about us? How odd… “Why do you want to know?”

“Doesn’t it seem fun to kill someone who you once loved with all your heart?” I took him a moment to realise what he’d said, “That’s what I heard at least, I don’t remember loving you.”

I sighed, of course he didn’t, that would mean he actually had heart. “Fine, I’ll tell you.”

And so, I started at the very beginning and told the demon everything about who he and I were to each other before he died.

I told him about the day we met, the day I was taken on the ship, the day he helped me overcome my fear of elevators, our first kiss, our second. I told him about Rustin and I told him about his family. I told him about his death.

I wasn’t sure how long it took me to tell him all of that, but after I was finished it seemed like I’d put way too much effort into explaining everything to him. I mean, it wasn’t like he really cared anyway.

Alexander looked at me curiously, “Fire?”

I frowned, “What fire?”

“You said,” he told me with a dramatic pause, “that it’s like fire when we kiss.”

My eyes widened, “I said that?”

He nodded.

“I don’t remember saying that…” I muttered to myself.

“You were rambling a bit when you skimmed over that part.” Alexander pointed out oh so helpfully, “And I have to say, you speak quite fast.”

“Great.” I said sarcastically.

“I find it quite amusing.”

“Oh, that’s fantastic!” I exclaimed, “Because my goal in life is totally to amuse you!”

He laughed and it was the most beautiful sound I’d ever heard in my entire life. His laughter slowly died out and then he once again gave me an intense look. “Get up.”

I spoke as I was getting up off the floor, “Make up your mind already you can’t keep shunting me-” Alexander’s arms wrapped around me and pulled my body tightly to his. “What…” How was he free right now?!? I thought he was chained and weakened by the mors est in sancto!

He flicked my nose with his index finger playfully, “Water is very useful when it comes to helping a demon slip out of chains.”

A moment passed in which i could do nothing but stare at him in horror, “You were free even before I came here weren’t you?”

He placed his mouth on mine and muttered, “Maybe.”

i tried to pull away, “Are we still playing that game of yours?”

He frowned and allowed me to back away a little so he could look at me, “Game?”

“Yeah,” I swallowed hard, “Your little game.”

His eyes lit up, “Oh! That game! Sorry kitten but, I’m going to win that game very soon and then it will be over.”

“That’s what you think demon. I’m not going to lose to you.” I said determinedly.

“Oh really now?”

“Yes really, so you can just give up and-“

Alexander’s fingers trailed down the length of my neck and whatever I had been about to say stopped coming out of my mouth when shivers pulled down my spine, “And what?” The demon asked me softly. “What, little Ash, tell me.”

“I don’t like it when you’re this close to me, back off.” I lied bluntly.

“Your arms are around my neck.”

I slowly removed my arms from his neck but he place them there again, “Oh no, not so fast.” He stopped me, “You are mine and you are staying right here where you belong.”

If i had been breathing my breath would have been caught in my throat, “What do you mean?”

He held me tighter, “Exactly what I say.”

“I don’t understand what you’re saying.”

“And I don’t understand this ‘fire’ that you spoke of earlier.”

I was speechless for only a second. “Too bad Smokey, because you know a lot about fire.” I chuckled to myself. What on earth was I doing? I needed to scream and run for help, not stand in his arms flirting my little heart out.

An amused smile spread across his face and he tilted his head to one side, “Ashira.” my name rolled off of his tongue beautifully.

I grinned widely but it fell off of my face when Alexander frowned at me critically, “What?”

“Your full name is Ashira…?” he stated with a slight hesitation.

“Yes.” I confirmed slowly. My eyes suddenly widened with realisation.

Demon Alexander didn’t know my full name.

But he’d said it.

“You remember.” the words left my mouth before I could stop them.

The expression in his eyes was one full of panic and his hold on me tightened as he pulled me closer so I was forced to look into his eyes.

And then he spoke one word, one simple word, and everything that happened that day was lost to me forever, “Forget.”

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