The Demeter Twins - Hellhound Sequel

Chapter 11 ~ Best Day Ever !

Perseus’ POV ~

The day has finally arrived.. to say we are not nervous, would be a lie. We are so excited that we stayed awake all night.. planning our lives.. and everything we want to do with our mate..

Roman and I sat down two nights ago to explain to Paulina about our wolves.. and how they are different to normals. Hellhounds are on a whole other level. We are stronger, faster.. larger.. than normal werewolves. Our pack is a mix of both normals and hounds.. but, still, mostly hounds. Our dad still goes to packs all over the world.. searching for newly spawned hounds.

When we told her we are the only ones to ever be born a hellhound.. she asked us to explain. So, we explained most hellhounds are created when their DNA activates at their first shift. That wasn’t the case with us. We were born hellhounds. She had smiled and said “Okay. I’m just going to nod like I understand.. and you’re both going to pretend that you believe me!”

Roman comes in the room, with Brandon.. I almost laugh at the look on his face, except mine probably looks the same! Brandon walks over and pours us all a Jameson.. and we sit.. Then he laughs “You two are too much. Sitting here, trying to act all nonchalant when I can practically hear your nerves trying to vibrate out of your body!” Roman mumbles “shut up! Mom wouldn’t even let me talk to Paulina through the damned door!” I chuckled “She threatened to hit me with a vase!”

I looked at Brandon “You keep fucking talking, bro! I will remind you when you meet your mate, and we have her ceremony! In another hour.. everything will be right with our world!” Our phones ding.. signaling we got a text. I yank it out of my pocket so fast, it flew across the room and under the dresser.. making them both crack up!

P:Is it too late to elope? Mom is making my head hurt. How does she express so many thoughts at once? I love you, so much! ❤️

And just like that, my nerves calm down, and I release the breath I didn’t realize I had been holding, as Roman says “I can breathe again!” I nod and tell him “Who knew a text would be enough?”

As I was saying that, Dad walked in and said “Your mother! She told Paulie to let you know she was okay!” Brandon laughed, as Uncle Aaron came in behind Dad. I asked “Were you this stressed out when it was yours and Mom’s ceremony?” Aaron laughed “Son! You don’t even want to know! I was ready to knock him out!”

Dad tells me “All the guests have arrived.. you boys should get downstairs so everyone can say hello, before this shindig gets started.” I stood up and slammed the rest of my drink.. I grabbed my suit coat and we all went down to mingle. Roman smirks “Maybe we can actually elope?” I laughed saying “I wish!”

The backyard was beautiful.. but Holy Fuck! I asked “Did you invite every single Alpha on the planet!?” Dad laughed and said “Enh! A few exceptions.. but basically! You are the future Kings! The Princes of the realm.. it’s best we try not to offend your constituents!”

Aaron tells me “Your bags are in the car out front.. so you can make a hasty exit, as soon as possible.” as he pats our shoulders. I thank him, and move directly over to the bar and ordered another drink. Liquid courage! Roman steps up beside me and grins “It won’t help! I’ve had four. I just need eyes on her! Then, all this crap feeling will go away!” I nod.. me too, brother.. Me Too!

After what felt like eternity, Dad tells us to take our positions. I look up and see Aunt Evelyn being led down the aisle by Uncle Aaron.. Uncle Kenneth escorted our mom.. then, soft music started to play. I could not have looked away from the doors, if my life depended on it.

Uncle Matt opened the doors, and curtains drew back.. and I nearly passed out! Standing in the doorway, on Grandpa’s arm.. was a vision! I knew this moment was seared into my brain for all eternity.

Her beautiful blue eyes lifted and met mine.. and then Roman’s. A smile, so radiant the sun would hide in shame, moved across her face. Her white floor length gown was a barely there sheath that clung to her curves.. her hair was pulled high on the sides, but loose down her back. Her neck and shoulders exposed for our marks, and a beautiful sapphire and diamond tiara crowned her head.

Grandpa began walking towards us and I hear Roman mutter “Can he possibly walk any slower!?! Fuck! We are lucky, brother! So fucking lucky!” I can’t speak. I just nod.. and that took effort!

Paulina reached us.. and we were luckily still on our feet, because Goddess knows I nearly went to my knees a hundred times.. and took each of our hands. Her smile never wavered as she whispered “You both look HOT!!” And that was all it took to break the tension in my shoulders.

Roman whispered “You are the most beautiful creature in the world!” Dad cleared his throat and softly says “Let’s get this show on the road, children!” Reprimanded by the King!

Roman and I pledged our loyalty and love to our mate.. and it was her turn. She spoke her vows to me.. “I, Paulina Greene, pledge my loyalty, my love, and my life to you.. Prince Alpha Perseus Demeter.. and to you.. Prince Alpha Roman Demeter. I accept you as my mates and Alphas, now and forever. I pledge and do solemnly swear to perform and execute my duties as your mate and Luna.. with all that I am. I swear fealty and faith to Dark Shadows Pack, as their leader and Luna.”

Dad sliced our palms.. and then each of hers, as we joined hands. We watched her as the pack bond snapped into place. Then, Dad turned to the crowd “My children have all decided Luna Paulina will mark her mates first.

Paulina turned to me and whispered.. “You either have to bend down here or I need a step stool.” I grinned and tried not to laugh.. no such luck for Roman. I lifted her into my arms and she licked my neck.. finding the spot she wanted, Macie drove her canines deep into the flesh and I felt everything she wanted to say, but didn’t. Then Roman lifted her into his arms, and she repeated her mark on him.

When it was our turn to mark her.. we both faced her and leaned our heads into her neck.. he linked “Together” and we sank our teeth at the same time. She gasped and her knees buckled. We held her close, until her body caught up with her marks. We pulled back, licking her wounds closed.

Dad grinned and said “Gentlemen! Kiss your bride!” And I took her in my arms, slowly and gently lowered my lips to hers. Her mouth opened willingly and my tongue danced with hers.. we parted and she moaned. Damn! Plan on making her do that, frequently! Roman turned her to him, and dipped her deep, he kissed her for a long moment and she whimpered. So responsive!

Grinning, we all turned to the crowd and yelled “We Run!” The three of us stripped and shifted.. leading the pack on a race around the back border.. past the waterfall and along the river. Arriving back, we quickly dressed and sat.. to be served dinner. Best day Ever!

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