The Cursed RPG Book 1: The Curse

Chapter 4

I ran for a while, hearing the calls of my siblings and friends behind me. Eventually, the calls stopped. I assumed they had lost me. I looked up to see I'd wandered into a much denser part of the forest. There were vines hanging from every tree and the undergrowth was thick. I could barely see the night sky through the canopy.

I suddenly felt more afraid in the darkness, with it's only light coming from small holes in between the leaves high above. I sat down, tears rolling down my face. I laid my head against the tree behind me. It echoed of darkness and danger, as well as the ferns below me. I shivered in the cold. The night lasted on and on and I didn't hear the Skeleton Ghost that appeared behind me.

Of course I didn't. It was a ghost!

I didn't even notice it as I hugged my legs close to my chest, crying harder as I felt the loneliness of the trees and ferns and vines, even flowers that should be beautiful felt cold and dark. At least, I didn't notice until a sword slammed into the tree, barely missing my head. At first, I thought it was a player. But no, just a skeleton.

With 200 HP.

And 20 attack.

Yeah... This is the part where I, like, run. For my life. Because yeah. It'd be idiotic not to. I couldn't heal. I'd wasted all my health potions on the battle with Vennia and given the rest to Derec or Jac. So yeah...

I ran off into the forest hoping to find Gateway or somewhere that wasn't there. All I found was denser, darker and colder forest. With more vines and ferns slowing me down. I eventually managed to run away but things just kept rushing torwards me and I just kept running. And the forest just kept going...

I sighed in relief as I darted out of the forest, leaving the coldness of the plants behind me. I was in a desert filled with red sand and cacti. No, not red cacti, normal cacti.

I collapsed to the ground, landing in the soft sand below me, finally managing to rest after running for half the night. The cactus near me felt warm and lively, much better than the trees of the forest. For being near a beautiful place like Gateway, that place seemed horrible. I started to stop breathing heavily and I dropped my wand to my side in exhaustion. I closed my eyes but I didn't sleep. Instead, I thought about the cactus nearest to me. I could feel the water rushing through it unlike the empty and hollow trees. When I opened my eyes there was a player standing wayyyyy to close to me. Especially for someone I didn't know.

"Ack!" I exclaimed.

The player, a wizard, was unfazed by my shriek. "Hmm, intresting. I haven't seen a nature wizard for a while."

Who the fuck does he think he is- I wondered angrily. Though he seemed rather intrested in the appearance of a new player, he was wearing a very bored expression.

Character Stats

Name: PurrBox

Level: 12

Experience: 120/1200

Health: 150/200

Damage: 10-15

Speed: 5

Mana: 50/200

Kingdom: Flared

Class: Fire Wizard

I bit my lip. Flared!

I breathed in calmly as I reached torwards my wand. He didn't seem to notice. He'd obviously checked my stats already, seeing he knew I was a nature wizard but he wasn't attacking me. So either he was weird, or he hadn't noticed I was from Gateway.

If it was the second one I didn't want to find out what would happen when he did find out.

I stayed calm no matter how much I just wanted to attack and run. I had to be on defense like I said to Vennia.

I mean, "practice what you preach", right?

I gripped my wand tightly as he spoke again. "So, Gateway, huh? Pretty far from here. You're pretty determined for a level three."

Totally didn't notice I leveled.

Character Stats

Name: Zelia

Level: 3

Experience: 0/300

Health: 100

Damage: 2-10

Speed: 2

Mana: 100/100

Kingdom: Gateway

Class: Nature Wizard

I would also like to note that PurrBox's stats- what a weird name- basically said he was higher level, could kill me in one hit right now, and he'd already fought something seeing has he had 50/150 mana.

Yeah. Not good signs.

Red flag here, and there, ooh let's put one there, too...

I'm hilarious.


PurrBox seemed to finally notice that I had my wand in my hand because he sighed. "What would be the point in killing you when you're level three?"

"Rude much?"

"So I've been told."

I gripped my wand harder. "I'm oart of Gateway and you seriously don't see a point in killing me?"

"You're. Level. Three. How many times must I say this?"

"Who's to say there's not an army behind me?"

What the hell am I saying? I sighed to myself.

"Well, seeing as you ran out of the trees earlier I'd say you don't."

"I- wait you saw that?"

"Unless I'm still asleep."

I put my hand on my head for two seconds. I looked up and he was holding my wand.

How the fu-?

Ok, definitely a red flag. I scrambled to my feet to where I was almost as tall as him. Uh, almost.

"Give me my wand back," I said calmly.

"Oh, this?" PurrBox said, waving my wand. "This is practically a stick."

This guy was really getting on my nerves.

"Whatever you want to call it. Give it back."

"Let me think about that..."

"Now!" I said more aggressively.

"Oh you're one of those players," he observed.

"Whatever! Just give it back!" I said more desperately.

He smirked which definitely meant he was about to do something. PurrBox cast a Fireball in his hand and I originally thought he was going to throw it at me.

Until I realized it was the hand holding my wand.

And my wand was made of wood...

And my heart dropped like way past the core of whichever planet we were currently on.

I watched as ash fell to the ground, mixing in with the red sand. "You mother-" I stopped before I saud something dumb. "I hate you."

"Great! I'm sure we'll get along well."

I frowned. "Yeah, no. I'm not putting up with this shit."

I started walking away before he threw a Fireball at me that I almost dodged. It caught on my robes and I barely put it out in time to save myself from dying.

-1/2 HP

How? What?

"Ok, that's a sign of aggression," I commented, frowning.

"Yes, I know," PurrBox said. Well, he didn't look bored anymore. "There's nothing you can do about it."

I tapped my foot anxiously. I wish I didn't have to say this but he had a point. I bit my lip again but harder. "I didn't know it was possible but I hate you more."

"Great! You'll hate me more in a second."

I wondered what he was talking about. It began to sink in as the others appeared from the forest. My eyes widened once I realized it was only Derec, a level two or three, and Serina, a healer with no offensive spells.


Derec started to head tirwards PurrBox but even though PyrrBox hadn't looked I could tell he knew Derec was there. I stepped closer to Derec but PurrBox threw another Fireball at me that I barely dodged.

"Zelia!" Derec shouted.

"Derec, don't!"

Too late.

PurrBox had already turned to Derec and was shooting a Fireball at him. Last time I checked Derec had 8 or 9 HP. PurrBox could attack for ten.

At minimum.

The Fireball hit Derec only barely. But just enough to do damage. I watched helplessly as his health bar dropped.

He better not have.

Derec fell to the ground. He screamed as he was engulfed in the flames Serina cast her healing spell but all it did was heal me.

Derec was already dead.

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