The Contract Marriage (Completed)

Chapter 25

Next Morning

Teresa’s P.O.V

I draw a line with a marker dividing the room into two halves.

“What are you doing?” asks my monkey husband.

I continue to draw without answering him.

“What the hell are you doing?” He grabs my arms.

I throw his hands away and glare at him.

“Okay fine but can you at least tell me what are you doing?” He raises his hands surrendering.

I took a paper and wrote “I’m dividing the room, this side is mine and that’s yours.”

“Are you crazy? and why are you writing on a paper? Cat got your tongue?”

“Time freeze” I say raising my hand.

“Yes you married a crazy woman, deal with it.” I jab my finger into his chest. “And if you want me to stay here for another 8 months, deal with this. You don’t come in my side, I won’t go in yours.”

“hey, wait.” He holds my wrist.

“Don’t you dare!” I shrug him off.

“You’re still mad about yesterday? I know I shouldn’t have, but I just lost my temper.”

Say what?! He just lost his temper? Great!

“That’s your problem not mine.” I write on the paper and throw it on his face.

“Come on, I thought we’re friends.” He shrugs his shoulders.

Friends he says?!

“Wow really? You know what i thought the same but yesterday night you made it quite clear that we’re just contract husband and wife, nothing more and nothing less so i think it’s time we take this contract very seriously, since it seems like this single paper binds us together. Don’t ever touch me again, do not interfere in my life, i won’t interfere in yours and if you can then please try not to show your face either.” I burst at him.

“Hey, hey! Calm down! Let’s talk it out ’kay?”

“Calm down my foot! Where was this calm down attitude yesterday? or does it always appear at just your own convenience? you can hurt me whenever and however you want and now I can’t even get angry? and what’s there to talk about? I was just living in a dream and I can’t believe that I actually thought you have a heart and I owned a little space in that but no thank you for bringing me back in my worst real nightmare where i’m married to an insensitive, arrogant, rude, heartless jerk! And I’m already sick and tired of this multiple/ bipolar disorder of yours and now I want my life to be a little peaceful so if we divide our territories and avoid each other, may be we can tolerate each other till this contract ends and after this you go your way and I go mine.” I take a heavy breath.

Before he could say anything I cut him off.

“Memorize the terms of this contract, it will help both of us.” I threw the contract papers at him which he reflexively caught.

“And also to avoid our meeting, you can inform me when will you come to the room so I can can avoid you and don’t have to see your face.” Saying this I stormed out of the room.

Third person’s P.O.V

Ryouma sat on the bed with his hands on his head.

“And what’s with this line?” He tried to erase it with his feet.

And finally he thought it was going good with his wife and they’ve come a long way, but they’re back to square one.

“Argh!” He shouts.

Ryouma’s office

He couldn’t concentrate in any of his work and that frustrated him like anything.

He called his best friend for help, he expertise on women of course.

“How did you remember me today? Usually you don’t get free time from thinking about your wife.” Rihito entered his cabin.

“I need your help...” Ryouma turned to him. “About my wife.” completed his sentence.

“And here I thought you missed me, but it’s again about your wife huh? Ah! I’m jealous.” Rihito pouted.

“Shut up and help me out.”

“Why? What’s wrong with your wife?” Rihito raised his brows.

Ryouma narrated everything from yesterday night to today’s morning’s incident.

“Haahahhaha!” Rihito laughed.

“And what’s so funny about it?” Ryouma glared.

“You dig your own grave, you insulted her guests, shouted at her when she didn’t even know what wrong she did, created a scene, on top of that you spoiled her birthday evening hurting her with your words, of course she’ll be mad, on the other hand i’m thinking how did she let you go with just two glasses of wine? She didn’t throw the glass on your head, did she?” Rihito asked his best friend with his finger on his chin.

“Shut up and stop making fun of me actually I’m thankful I got away with that and she didn’t throw anything at me like she did in Hawaii. She’s scary when she’s mad, even scarier than my mom.” Ryouma confessed.

“Wow, Can I capture this moment? It’s just so hilarious!” Rihito took out his phone and clicked some photos.

“Cut the crap and give me some ideas!”

“Okay fine, this Rihito baba will help you but first say please” Rihito teased him.

Ryouma wanted to hit his best friend for making fun of him, but then he was reminded that he did hurt her so yes he wanted to make up for that and he needed his best friend to help him with it.

“Please.” He sighed. Ryouma looked so pitiful.

“Oh my god, you actually said that? I was just trying my luck and wow lucky day. Remind me to thank Teresa for this. I just love her. Haha.” Rihito laughed.

“I’m warning you Rihito, you’ll die by my hands.” Ryouma clenched his hands into a fist.

“I won’t, cause you need me hahah.” He laughed again.

Ryouma put his hands on his head.

This woman is sure making him do the craziest thing, but well everything has a first time.


His wife was sitting on the bed watching TV.

“I can do this!” He braces himself and walks to her.

“Umm, Teresa!” He calls out to her.

She shut her ears and ignores him.

“I can’t do this.” He turns back.

“Be a man Ryouma! It’s a simple apology.” Rihito encourages him from the Bluetooth.

“She won’t even look at me.” Ryouma complains.

“Then make her look at you.” Rihito encourages him.

Ryouma goes and stands in between TV and Teresa.

Teresa glares at him and he moves away.

“I cant.”

Rihito face palmed himself.

“Oi! You always mess things up and I have to clean up that mess, if you have problem saying sorry then why do something you have to be sorry for?” Rihito yells.

“It’s not like I wanted to! It just happened! She just had to call them there and Sara started the crap... I just lost it!” Ryouma tries to defend himself.

“Then just tell her everything and stop blaming them for everything. Your words hurt her not their! And even after all this you’re not willing to apologize then sorry bro, you’re on your own.” Rihito sighs.

“It’s not that I’m not willing--” toot... toot The call is cut.

“Hello? Rihito??” “Damn him!”

He then takes a deep breath and walks to Teresa and stands in front of her and blocking her view.

Teresa glares at him.

“We need to talk.” He looks at her in the eye.

“Go to hell” Teresa writes on a paper and tosses at him.

“I’m trying to make up with you and you’re giving me attitude.” He puts his hands on his waist.

“As if you’re doing a great thing? Didn’t you want me to mind my own business? Here, I am. I didn’t say i want to make up with you i’m fine like this, it’s more peaceful this way!” She writes it and tosses another paper at him.

“Oh so you’re going to be like this?” He gives her a long stare.

She rolls her eyes and shoves him to the side, her eyes back on to the TV.

“You’ll not talk?”

She ignores again.

“Not even a word?”

She shakes her head no.

“Fine with me then, even i don’t have to hear your chatter, my ears will be at peace.” He stands in front of her with his hands on his waist.

“Good for you, now move.” she writes and pushes him out of her view.

“Argh!” He storms out of the room.

Teresa watches him storm out of the room and sighs, “What the hell is his problem?”

It’s been 3 days since they fought and Ryouma still hasn’t heard a word from his wife. She’s been avoiding him. These past 3 days, let alone her voice he didn’t even get to see her face. She wakes up before he does, has her breakfast before him, and when he returns from office she’s already fast asleep. Stubborn girl, really sticks to her word!

“I’ve decided, today i am ending this, it’s only 7 pm I’ll see how she avoids me today? She’s stubborn then i’m double stubborn.” Just as he enters the room, she hurriedly pulls on her blanket.

“I know you’re not asleep. Get up. Get up you damn woman!” He pulls the blanket but she pulls it back.

“Leave it and get up.” He further pulls the blanket.

She shakes her head violently still covering her face.

“Teresa get up. We can’t have this going on. Get up!!” She falls off the bed.

“Oops!” Ryouma bites his tongue. Now she’ll kill him for sure.

She glares at him. He just smiles sheepishly. “It’s your fault you should have just left the blanket and got up.”

She gets up and tries to go out of the room. He pulls her back. She glares at the hand touching her and he immediately leaves her.

“Let’s talk?”

She walks out of the room but he carries her back in. She struggles.

“If you fall then don’t blame me.” He warns her.

She stops struggling.

“Good.” He smiles and keeps her on the bed.

She tries to run but he catches her and makes her sit on the bed and he kneels down in front of her.

“I don’t get it, this is what you wanted right? Then what’s your problem?” She crosses her arms and pouts.

“Here, now let’s forget everything ’kay?” He gives her box of chocolates.

She accepts the chocolates and turns her head to other side.

“Okay then this?” He gives her a bouquet of roses.

She accepts them but again turns her head to the other side.

“This?” He gifts her a cute teddy bear which has sorry written on it.

She accepts it, turns her head to other side and smiles but then again suppresses her smile.

No Teresa! Don't go soft on him! She reminds herself.

“Come on, now i’m out of gifts.” He keeps his head on her shoulder.

She pats his shoulder and shows the sorry sign.

“What?” He looks at her confused.

She keeps her hand on her head.

“You want me to hold my ears? Here.” He holds his ears.

“You can do all this, can hold your ears but can’t say a single sorry?” She finally talks.

“You finally talked.” He smiles at her.

“Cause you’re stupid. Now try saying sorry come on.” She points her finger at him.


“It’s not that difficult. S-O-R-R-Y come on now say it, i’m waiting.” She says holding the teddy bear.

“It was my mistake, i shouldn’t have shouted on you.” He shook his head.

“And come on those 3 words.” She clasped her hands together.

He scratches his head.

“Ah! Forget it! It’s not cup of your tea, i was stupid to ask you of that.” She shakes her head.

"I'm really very sorry." He apologizes holding his ears.

“Gee fine, you’re forgiven for now. Do this again and I’ll make your life a living hell!” She pinches his nose.

“Ow” he touches his nose.

“You deserve that!” She pushes his nose with her finger.

“You have to do one more thing. Go and apologize to Sara and Sam.” She looks at him in the eye.

The moment she said that made her regret the words but she didn’t.

“Apologizing to you is one thing and i’ll do it hundreds of time but not to them. Never! I was betrayed by the ones I trusted the most and you want me to go and apologize to them? You don’t know anything so you better stay out of this!” He gets up shouting.

“I know Sara told me everything.”

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