The Change (Fated Series: book1)

Chapter Epilogue -

A sleek black Jeep with tinted windows pulled to the curb. As soon as the vehicle stopped, the passenger side door swung open and Nessa jumped off her seat, making her way to the group.

Marcus cringed as he caught the cold glare his mate gave him. She was upset and he knew he deserved to suffer her wrath. She needed time to process the scene but unfortunately neither Marcus nor his wolf could control themselves for much longer.

He had truly and unconditionally missed her.

His urge to touch her and to inhale her sweet scent intensified the closer she got.

Nesss looked up at him with pride and admiration. After she made sure he was unharmed, her face became serious. Marcus knew it was coming. But why wouldn’t she simply acknowledge he was just taking care of her? In retrospect, he should have handled the situation differently. Instead of misdirecting her anger and hiding his concern for her well being, he should have manned up and explained it to her. She was a reasonable person and Marcus should have explained more. But Vanessa was his beautiful weakness, and when threatened he turned into a possessive prick, trying to shield her from everything instead of sharing with her the burdain. She had the right to be mad at him, but he would not apologize for trying to keep her safe. She was his treasure.


What had she done to him?

The ruthless Alpha was long gone and all his insecurities and weaknesses had merged into the very appealing she-wolf that stormed towards them, leaving Travis behind. Travis should not have brought her here. She didn’t need to see the devastation her cousin caused.

Vanessa’s attention focused solely on Rifkin, who was still recuperating, shaking off the last effects of the sedation darts. Her hands wrapped around his shoulders, squeezing him tight in her arms. Marcus announced his displeasure at their proximity with the loud growl surging though his broad chest. Vanessa’s eyes snapped at him and for a moment, he felt her concern through the mindlink, only for her to brush it off quickly.

Marcus knew that the cold shoulder was only part of his punishment and her feelings had not changed for him. It still hurt to see her hold someone else in her arms. But he would gladly accept his punishment as it meant she was safe and alive.

Because she was his Life-line, his meaning, his everything.

“Jon is still missing," Joel informed Nessa instead of a greeting.

“So he is alive,” Nessa beamed at Joel.

Seeing her smile warmed Marcus’ heart, but quickly jealously rushed to suppress his joy. She was smiling at another. Moreover, she still had her hands on Rifkin’s naked shoulders. Marcus wanted to wrench her out of his arms and wipe any evidence of Rifkin ever holding her. She was meant to carry his scent and his scent alone.

“He’s gone berserk,” Marcus’ gruff voice carried over the field, interrupting their moment.

It was true that Alphas were more primal than other shifters. They were territorial, which applied to their land and pack, but above all their mates. The mate was holding the Alpha’s future. Mating usually translated into Alphas acquiring more strength and power. From there the saying “A mated Alpha, a happy Alpha” emerged. Nessa’s attention settled on him, worry etched on her beautiful face. Marcus wanted to kick himself for being such an ass. He had unintentionally hurt her.

Damn it, why did he have to be so blunt?

“He did this?” She asked quickly and before Marcus would think that she had actually started talking to him, her eyes landed on Rifkin, who was awkwardly trying to put distance between them as not to irk Marcus. The gesture was admirable, but little did Rifkin know that Vanessa was dead set on making a point.

She was not a fragile doll he could lock away when he thought she could not handle it. She would not let anyone, Marcus included, to manhandle her.

She was fierce. His firecracker. And that was one of the reasons why Marcus found himself unconditionally in love with her.

“He would have done much worse, had Marcus not shot tranquilizer at Joel and sworn alligance tk tje Monarch," Cameron appeared from nowhere and then swiftly pulled Nessa in his arms, holding her purposefully closer than necessary. Cameron was fully aware of the effect that would have on his Alpha, but chose to ignore common sense. Marcus’ eyes narrowed at his Beta. Cameron was so going to have the honor of writing their report.

Paperwork was the only way to teach his stubborn Beta to keep his muzzle and hands to himself. Marcus growled died down as the evil plan of disciplining his own Beta popped in his mind.

He would deal with him later.

Nessa defiantly leaned into his Beta’s arms, which provoked another rumble from Marcus’ chest.

Goddess, she was going to be the end of him!

“Marcus shot Joel?” Nessa asked Cameron who snickered at Rifkin.

“For his own good! You never told me Rifkin is as bitchy as a she-wolf on steroids! I am currently thinking I preferred him knocked out. Less commanding and all," Cameron complained to his Alpha Female, only to make her smack the back of head.

“That was very uncalled for,” Nessa scolded him. "He is a Battalion Commander and you should treat him with respect," then her attention focused on Rifkin, “You good?”

“I’ll live. Stop worrying," Rifkin quickly replied. As she graced him with yet another of her smiles, the Battalion commander finally offered lightly. "Your mate saved my hide, so quit pouting at his attempt to keep your stubborn neck out of trouble. Go give him a proper greeting before he reconsiders keeping me alive.”

“He is yet to pay for locking me in the damn, stinky dungeon!” Nessa narrowed her eyes at Marcus. He didn't waste time and wrapped his hands around her waist, pulling her into his chest. Despite the fact she was mildly distracted, she managed to swiftly pat his hands away.

“It was for your own safety!” Marcus explained tensely and used his strength to overpower her attempt to prevent him from closing the distance between their bodies. She tried to fight him, only to discover he tightened his arms around her, the more she struggled with his hold. The moment when she visibly gave up, Marcus relaxed his grip on her and allowed her some wiggle room. He would keep her close to his body from now on, even if she was not completely happy with this development.

“There were rats in there,” Nessa poked his chest for emphasis after every single word she was saying. “Rabid rats, the size of cats!”

“You overreact," Marcus whispered into her hair softly and then placed a kiss on her temple.

“So you wouldn’t mind spending some time locked with them?” Nessa questioned.

“With you?” Marcus asked hopeful.

“Wishful thinking," Nessa sighed. "Im not a damsel to be awaiting my All MIGHTY Alpha stashed somewhere. My place is beside you,” Nessa growled at him. But in his defense, it was made as a precaution – to make sure that she was protected even if a raid was to happen.

She could be upset as much as she wanted, Marcus enjoyed her proximity and her decision to start taking to him.

“I told you I am not taking any risks with your safety. It's something I need," Marcus explained.

“You can’t just bubble wrap me whenever you think I can’t handle it!”

“I never said you can't handle it. I would not be able to HANDLE it if anything was to happen to you!” Marcus cut her off. When he tried to kiss her forehead, she allowed him. He smiled at his small victory. “I trust you completely. I didn’t trust your cousin to keep it cool. And I was right!”

“You’re still de-rat-ising that dungeon of yours!” Nessa huffed.

“You know, there is no such word “deratising”?” Marcus questioned.

“Are you sure you really want to argue with me right now?” Nessa smiled at him.

“I am calling pest control, don’t worry!” He announced his solution.

“You’re exterminating all rats personally!” Nessa insisted.

“Don’t push it”, Marcus warned her in his Alpha voice. To anyone else the silent threat in his voice would have provoked fear. But Nessa had a different reaction. She was aroused by his Alpha voice. A coy smile tugged at his full lips.

“I am still mad at you," Nessa informed him.

“You’re furious," Marcus corrected her. He never liked admiting his mistakes but hoped she would understand his safety concerns. He gently held her even closer, letting her snuggle to his torso and feel the beginning of his forming excitement.

“Marcus!” She tried to push against his shoulders. He allowed her put some distance between their bodies up to the point where his hands loosely wrapped around her waist. "Everything all right here?”

“Well, that depends if we find enough body parts that DNA can indentify Pablo’s death. Personally, I would have preferred to have him gutted and prolonged his suffering in the last hour or so of his life. Make him pay about everything," Marcus casually complained to his mate. Nessa only scrunched her nose at him and the gruesome scene her imagination painted at his description.

“Parts?” She prompted.

“Jonathan ripped him piece at a time," Marcus replied disappointment clear in his voice.

“I could have lived without that visual," Nessa complained to him again and then turned around to face Rifkin, only to notice her father had just joined the group. Nessa smiled as she felt Marcus’ right palm possessively resting to her hip. Marcus didn’t miss how Frank’s eyes zeroed in on his hand and obviously debated how appropriate of a touch it was.

Marcus could care less.

She was HIS.

And he could touch her as much as he wanted.

Nessa locked her gaze with her father’s and then urged him, “We have to find Jon before he hurts himself!”

“Ness, have you considered he might need the time alone to clear his head?” Frank started carefully. "I know you have his best interest in mind, but I think you should let him grieve in his own way. He’ll come home when he is ready.”

“But…” Nessa started and looked at Rifkin for help only to receive a shake from his head.

“He is unstoppable. It would be a suicide to try to capture him," Joel Rifkin admitted the painful truth.

“No, we can't let him flirt with death," Nessa stood her ground, only for Marcus to tighten his arms around her body. She was ready to spring into action and he would not have her rushing into danger. His palm pressed against her midsection, restricting her and effectively putting a stop to her tantrum. Her attention snapped at him.

“Love, he needs time to cool off on his own,” Marcus ushered Nessa who glared at him. “Now, we’d help him get through this but not on the expense of losing more lives.”

“He’s all alone! He thinks he has nothing to live for. He needs to know that we are here for him. That we love him!” Nessa fought on Jonathan’s behalf.

"He is in no condition to be readoned with. Besides Im under Royal orders to take care of you, and that includes protecting you from him, too," Marcus explained noticing the shift of her eyes. "I suspect that he left because he didn’t want to hurt someone he loves. Give him a break. He will come back.”

“What makes you so sure?”

“Because he might be into dramatic endings and disappearances, but I know he loves you. And he wouldn’t stay away for longer than absolutely necessary, or I will haul his ass back for you," Marcus promised her.

“You would do that for me?” Nessa’s voice was full of emotion. As she glanced at Marcus, he could see those precious tears that were swimming in her eyes and threatening to spill any moment. He calmly looked at her and used his thumbs to wipe off of the few drops that made it passed her eyelids. Before he could say anything else to calm her down, her father demanded their attention.

“He left a contingency plan in case something like this would happen,” Frank slowly started, indirectly pointing out Jonathan had thought of this very same moment. “He left a Living Will which resolves his affairs. Joel is to handle his estate….”

All eyes snapped at Joel Rifkin who shifted his weight uncomfortably from all the attention. The strain on his face clearly showed he had not expected it and he didnt want to run a multi-billion corporation in addition to his Pack Law duties.

“There is more to it than that, isn’t it?” Nessa quickly managed to decipher her father’s hesitation. He looked at her sternly and then he focused Marcus.

“You are his Heir and head of the Monarchy," Frank spoke and carefully watched his daughter.

“HIS WHAT?” Marcus roared, finally understanding the message that Jon mindlinked him, “Take care of her."

Dear Goddess, his Choice Mate was the bloody Monarch! His fury must have shown through his eyes shift, because Frank quickly took the opportunity to explain.

“It’s just temporally, until he comes back," Frank quickly tried to defuse Marcus’ anger, who quickly let go of Nessa’s perfect body and walked away from the group.

“Marcus,” Nessa shouted after him, running behind him and interlacing her fingers with his. Marcus looked at her, waiting for her to speak. “Where do you think you’re going?”

“To haul his Royal depressed-ass back. He can sulk on his Throne with his damn Royal Court in attendance. You are not going to be the Heir to the Monarchy,” Marcus roared at Nessa.

From the corner of his eyes, he noticed several of the Pack Law Enforcers shift and ready themselves to restrain him. He narrowed his eyes on them and growled his challenge.

Marcus was furious.

He did not just risk Vanessa’s anger by keeping her away from the battle to have Jonathan place her in more danger. The Head of the Monarchy! Stupid pup!

Wait till Marcus got his hands on the nitwit! He would have to man up and assume his responsibilities! Damn it!

“What happened to 'he needs his time to cool off on his own'?” Nessa softly asked, keeping a smirk on her face. Marcus looked down at the chocolate eyes of his mate that were full of mischief.

“That was before I knew he left you with his title. Do you know how many people will challenge you for it? I can’t have your life at risk for his fucking vacation," Marcus growled at her only for a couple of Pack Law members to actually ready themselves to silver him. He snarled at them with disgust.

He despised the training of Pack Law Head Quarters that brainwashed and successfully managed to turn good Enforcers to bunch of mindless ninnies hiding behind silver chains to do their job for them!

“I love you, too,” Nessa smiled at him and tip toed to peck his lips, effectively calming him down. Her fingertips brushed over his cheekbones and she pinched his cheeks in a playful manner. "Hate to break it down to you, but even if I am his heir, the Monarchy is a Monarchy because a male is in charge,” she softly explained before winking at him. "Which means, you are the Monarch.”

“I don’t want it," Marcus growled his displeasure.

“But you want me?” She asked leading the conversation.

“What kind of a question is that? You are mine,” Marcus roared. His wolf was antsy she would even think he wouldn’t want her. Hell, he was living for her. Why would she doubt him?

“Good, then you will accept and care for the Monarchy as it appears it comes with being mated to me,” Nessa explained and reached over to him. “You would only have to hold the title temporary. You know Jon will be back.”

“One month and then I am calling a manhunt on him,” Marcus tried to negotiate.

“Give him three and then we’d search for him,” Nessa reasoned.

“Deal," Marcus nodded his acceptance. Vanessa smiled and pecked his lips again.

Marcus grinned at her and deepened the kiss, slightly bending his knees so his hands quickly wrapped around her bottom, lifting her up. Her legs snapped around his waist as she allowed him to dominate their kiss.

“Get a room!” Cameron shouted.

“Marvelous idea!” Marcus said excitedly, breaking their kiss and searched for his Beta, who paled under Frank’s stern gaze.

I’ve never had a Royal in my bed!” Nessa mindlinked him, making Marcus wink at her.

“You and me both,” he quickly replied and swiftly walked away from the group without so much as a word.

“We are still not done here," Frank started.

“You are right. You are not done. I am sure Pack Law can handle it," Marcus quickly dismissed it. The vote of confidence in Rifkin was quickly rewarded with a nod from the Battalion Commander. Marcus concluded. “Perfect,” and with that he carried Nessa to his Escalade, seating her in the passenger seat.

“What are you doing?”

“Kidnapping you, Your Majesty!” He grinned at her and pecked her nose before shutting the door and circling the vehicle. As he hoped into the driver’s seat he quickly backed out and drove off.


“Yes, love?”

“I love you!”

The end

See you in Book 2 "The Monarch"

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