The Change (Fated Series: book1)

Chapter 3 - Changes


(The day after the Pack House party)

When Nessa arrived at the clearing, it was already close to midday. The sun was up in the sky, and it promised a day without a single puffy cloud. She enjoyed days like that. Her sunglasses served a dual purpose They protected her sensitive eyes from the sun, and isolated her from all the curious glares. The fewer people recognized her, the easier it was to approach Brandon in private. Her transfer to Blackwood was approved based on her studies. But now that all options for postponement of her graduation were exhausted, pack laws dictated here return to the pack of origin. It was only then upon approval of her original Alpha that she could return, or be cast out as a rogue if her transient pack did not accept her allegiance. It was the main reason for her visit to Rover Grove. That and the need to face her tormentor.


Her eyes searched for him, finding him at the sidelines of the football field with his family. He was vividly explaining something to Roland. The night before had caught her off guard but now that she had time to process it, she realized Brandon moving on was a good thing. It would only make the separation final. There was no going back and no point in pining after him. Her unexpected encounter with the Green-eyed-were in the kitchen gave her the much needed self-esteem boost. She had caught him appreciating her body and if his reactions were any indication, he liked her enough not to mind letting her abduct him from the party right up until someone mindlinked him. She enjoyed his reluctant company and felt giggly enough to say ‘screw it’. She had enjoyed her evening with him and didn’t want Brandon to dampen her mood. So she headed home.

There was no easy way to approach Brandon. While she had gone to Blackwood to avoid dealing with him or his rejection, Brandon had taken a different approach. Whenever he needed to talk to Nessa, it was always in the presence of others. It had worked. Nessa didn’t want to be the ‘victim’ in the story and never approached the matter. There was no avoiding it now. She preferred keeping things private. She didn’t even wish to pretend to listen to reasons to stay. She was done. Brandon could quietly just hand her over the paperwork for her leave, and rejoice at knowing she wouldn’t be back. Win-win. So here she was at BBQ and football Saturday, wondering when the crowds would be distracted enough for her to approach him.

Yes, tonight at the bonfire, she was going to say the words to accept his rejection, and cut all ties with Rover Grove. She sighed. It was messy, unpleasant but needed to be done. The fire always fascinated her with its cleansing effect. It was symbolic ending of a miserable chapter of her life. Maybe the bonfire was just the overly dramatic scene needed to accept her Fate. Her mind started on constructing the images to visualize the scene.

She would reach towards the bonfire. The warmth of the flames would radiate to her otherwise cold fingertips. The wind would carry the scent of burning pine into her lungs, and gently tousle her hair, whispering its encouragement. She would open her fingertips letting go of the hair band he had once given her, watching it fly into blazing inferno.

Nessa sighed.

She would try to rein in her heart, as she was now prepared to speak the words, only for two muscular hands to snake around her body and pull her in a warmth chest. Her skin would sizzle at the contact, indicating his presence. He would explain and beg for her forgiveness.



That was too cheesy, it almost gave her a heartburn. But it made a darn good scene for a story or two. She would be a damn fool if she would ever accept his cheating ass after everything he put her through. No, she had to come to peace with her past. It was her turn now to pursue her own happiness, which meant she needed to put the matter to rest and let bygones be just that - bygones. Nessa smiled at the possibilities.

Nessa smile faltered as her eyes landed on Doctor Evelyn Franklin, who approached Brandon and his family. It was ironic how the young therapist had given an inspiration for Nessa’s career in writing. When Evelyn had first recommended writing down her feelings, Nessa had immediately dismissed it. It wasn’t just that Evelyn sold her soul to Brandon that tainted any recommendations she made. Nessa just didn’t believe a pen and a piece of paper would fix any of her problems. It wasn’t until she caught herself scribbling a romantic story instead of a customer’s order that she decided to finally give it a chance. It could not hurt and if it actually managed to get those treacherous thoughts out in the open, all for the better.

Nessa soon discovered writing was the therapeutic drug she needed. It was so much easier to string the words in front of the computer screen than to say them out loud. The sentences just flowed, explaining the rawness the rejection left in her heart, the pain no one else understood, and the sorrow in light of all broken dreams. Nessa was as vulnerable and exposed in her writing as she had ever been. There was no pity, no judgement, and certainly no room for blame. She was alone with her words, and she could just let the emotions take over the words on the screen. They pieced together events Nessa never acknowledged, or simply chose to ignore. Where she once saw her own ultimate failure as a mate, she now identified the tell-tell signs of his wandering eyes, even before his ultimate disgrace. Writing put things in perspective, and helped close a very painful chapter in her life. At the end of her story, when all was said and done, Nessa knew she could not possibly be the only scorned she-wolf. There were bound to be others, living though the same shit-full days all because of a male.

Suddenly the therapy she was intent on following through gained a meaning beyond the memoir she had written. It ceased to be a narrative of her past. It transformed into a survival manual raising awareness of how every decision made had unforeseen consequences. There was a reason why she still lived. She was put on this Earth to help guide the unfortunate souls through the darkest of their days. While her own life didn’t have a happy ending this far, Nessa remained optimistic.

Nessa continued to write, except now her story became her hope of a brighter tomorrow. She added the smart responses she could have never given to save her own skin, the love and companionship she had always hoped to find. By the time it was done, the manuscript guided the reader through the darkness and the ways to overcome rejection. That was when she decided to spice things up and make a parade of all those silly romantic tales of werewolves she could recall. If only the good-natured humans knew just how hard it was to go through a rejection, they would not so carelessly accept the crap stories the media fed them about broken, abused heroines, who suddenly turned into Wonder Women.

That simply never happened in life.

Even Nessa took years to finally come to peace with her situation. Even now there were days worse than others, but overall she had a grip of reality. Something few she-wolves could do. So Nessa wrote, encouraging others to rediscover themselves by breathing life into a heroin, Violet, much stronger than Nessa had been. Violet went through similar rejection as Nessa, and through their stories sounded alike, they were different. Nessa drew inspiration from the world she lived in, changing of names of the real-life-personalities and weaving their fates into her story.

Observing everything through the mindset of a writer certainly had its perks. She could easily sculpture real events and people into the completed plots of her novels. Nobody in their right mind would believe werewolves existed and would pass her stories as fiction. Those who did believe, they were harmless to say the least.

Nessa started swirling her hair against her index finger. It was a nervous habit she had developed while she was contemplating writing. Her mind was strangely obsessing at the moment with the overwhelming presence of teen wolf stories. Yes, she had to thank Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight for that.

Thank the Goddess for the genre, Romance Fantasy.

Although the plot needed a few tweaks, it was realistic enough to leave you on the edge of the seat, wondering whether Violet would be strong enough to survive, and to find the love she had always dreamed about.

Nessa started living for the story she wrote, nurturing every aspect of her plot twists, elaborately describing the pain of rejection, and all of the details she remembered from that night, when her world turned upside down.

Evelyn was right – writing did help, and it got easier with every single word and chapter she wrote. Much like Violet, Nessa could finally see the light at the end of the heartache.

Love could be hers once more. If not right now, then in the future for sure.

There were no simple solutions in real life. Her life so far only served as a proof. There was no big courting. No big romance. No gooey-eyed moments. A friendship which should have lasted a lifetime was cut short by something as trivial as greed. Had it been for lust or seduction, she could have understood. His need for power devastated everything what they could have had.

Goddess, she must have seemed so naive in his eyes.

She took a deep breath, trying to distract herself to prevent the waterworks which usually followed. Nessa was cheated out of the happiness the Goddess had intended for her.

“Focus,” Nessa scolded herself. She was here for a reason and it was not to get back together with that bastard.

It was intimidating to attend a pack function alone. Werewolves were curious creatures who could not go two sentences without talking about mates. A mateless life was a sad, lonely life which was frowned upon. The pitiful glances and hushed conversations followed within seconds of replying she was single. This was once her pack, and now she was a stranger among familiar faces. Yet another reason why cutting ties with Brandon and Rover Grove were much needed.

Nessa felt overpowering energy and masculinity radiating from the football field. Testosterone-charged wolves certainly enjoyed contact sports, while she-wolves stayed by the sidelines, drooling over their barely clad bodies. It was a display of physique and dominance, but also a community event which allowed younger wolves the chance to socialize, and to even find a willing partner to work out some other frustrations once the moon rose. She had witnessed firsthand how friendly games produced injuries which rivaled a good beating in the human society in the hopes to attract a suitable partner. Luckily, werewolves healed faster, so chances were they wouldn’t need a trip to the emergency room.

The football match was close to its end, which only meant the BBQ would start soon. The food would reduce the chances of someone recognizing her and bothering her.Nothing could stand between a hungry werewolf and a juicy piece of meat. Until the BBQ flavors smoked the air, she had to find a way to blend in and stand her ground. Pushing her sunglasses up her nose, she tried to convince herself nobody would recognize her.

It has been years since she attended a shifter event. She avoided socializing with pack wolves to avoid being teased to inquire about Brandon. He would not ruin her chance of happiness. The further away she was and the less contact she had with him or anyone from Rover Grove was for the better. She was proud she upheld that one rule, no matter how desperate and lonely she felt.

Nessa’s eyes rested on the she-wolf who was frantically waving in Vanessa’s general direction. As Nessa eyes focused harder at the excited she-wolf, she recognized her as Celia, one of her long time friends. Nessa groaned inwardly and decided to approach her, before Celia’s enthusiasm attracted more attention.

“Don’t be a stranger. Come here,” Celia pulled Nessa in a warm hug.

No matter how many years had passed, Celia remained the friendliest person Nessa remembered. Although they were never close friends, Celia’s easy going attitude made her well-loved.

“I missed you so much! When did you come home? Are you back for good?” The questions kept on bombarding Nessa.

“I missed you too, Celia. I am only back for the weekend. But how have you been? By the way, you look amazing as always,” Nessa complimented her, stepping away from her embrace.

“You have always been too nice. I am not the gorgeous one here. Look at you. You are glowing. For anyone in particular?” Celia inquired about Nessa’s mating status. Werewolves just couldn’t help themselves.

“Single and loving it,” Nessa replied, hoping that it would be enough for Celia.

“Then you have no excuse not to come out with us tonight,” Celia beamed as if it was the exact response she was hoping for. “Oh, please. We don’t have overbearing mates to worry about so you, my dear, are coming with me downtown to party-y-y. And I am not taking a “No” for an answer, so don’t even bother trying to come up with an excuse,” Celia read Nessa’s intentions quite quickly, then flicked Nessa’s nose playfully.

“You haven’t changed a bit, C!” Nessa joined in the laughter. It was refreshing to meet a she-wolf her age who was still single and would not judge her.

Nessa couldn’t help but to evaluate how much attention the bubbly she-wolf attracted. Her eyes landed on the two well built men who approached them from the football field. Celia caught the direction of Nessa’s attention, and quickly turned around before one of the guys had the chance to lift her up in his arms.

“Ry’, behave or Nessa would think you didn’t grow up at all,” Celia warned her brother, making Nessa smile at their exchange.

The Madison siblings were one of the most notorious shifters from back in the day.

“Little Vanessa Heinsfeld. You grew up nicely,” Ryan commented, which earned him Celia’s elbow in his side. He groaned at the assault, running fingers through his light brown hair.

“Ryan Gregory Madison, who would have thought you’d clean up this nicely,” Nessa retorted, chuckling as the memories of all those times she had personally seen Celia’s older brother caked with mud from one of his runs. She also remembered all the late night conversations, where Celia and Nessa had tried to figure out was he running away from all the she-wolves who were trying to catch his attention or did he genuinely love patrol duties through the most unkempt and undisturbed routes.

“Ouch, Ness, my pride is injured. What would my friend think?” Ryan asked her pointing at the stranger.

“That you didn’t know what soap and water were before you left for college?” The newcomer teased Ryan right back. “I am Oliver Reverhill, Northern Hills. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Vanessa.”

“Likewise, Alpha,” Nessa shook Oliver’s hand, recognizing him as the neighboring Alpha who often visited Rover Grove. “Call me Nessa.”

“Oliver,” the young Northern Hill Alpha offered, shaking her hand.

“Nessa and I were just discussing going out tonight. Want to come and be our designated driver?” Celia laughed as she poked her brother in his ribs.

“We’ll be joining you all right. But I am not sure about the designated part,” Ryan replied at his sister, then his eyes focused on Oliver who was still holding Nessa’s hand. As they noticed the curious glances the siblings’ exchanged, Nessa pulled her hand out of Oliver’s with an obvious tug. If Oliver’s reaction was to be taken as indication, Nessa could safely assume, he found her attractive or recognized her family name.

Nessa was about to say something to put an end of the tense silence between the four of them, when she saw the quick shift of Oliver’s eyes, indicating his wolf was surfacing. Nessa took a step back, giving him some space and noticing his gaze was directed at something behind her. When her eyes followed the direction of his attention, she didn’t find him ogling another she-wolf. The look on Oliver’s face could only be interpreted as a glare at the fleet of shirtless football players making their way to the coolers near their little group. There was something she was missing. Visiting Alphas were most definitely not openly showing displeasure with the pack. Offences could easily be taken to heart and nobody wished for confrontations between packs.

Nessa chose to ignore the glaring Alpha and appreciate the sight of the shirtless men headed their way as what it really was - a snapshot of men underwear catalog. There was not a single male without a washboard abs to die for, and loosely hanging pants further showcasing their defined torsos.

Picture perfect!

She could have enjoyed their decent a bit while longer, had her eyes not settled onto one figure in their midst.


He looked angry when he narrowed his eyes at her, leaving no doubt he wanted to very publicly discuss her pack allegiance. Nessa was sure once he knew she had no intention of coming back home, he would relax.

As the coolers were mere steps to her left, Nessa decided to snatch some refreshments before they were annihilated. She quickly picked four drinks, throwing them over her shoulder to the wolves in their little group. Her heart thundered and she was ready to retreat, but before she could figure out if she wanted to stay and get the conversation with Brandon over with, someone spun her around, lifting her off the ground.


Marcus hated visiting neighboring packs. It was a waste of time to allow them to wine-and-dine him before they could get down to business which could be handled over the phone. But how do you handle Alpha business with a Beta-wolf who only received his Alpha rank because of his mating and marriage? Marcus was fed up with Brandon’s evasiveness and wanted to go over his head tot the real Alpha blood in the household, Juliet Gray. But Cameron, his Beta, somehow convinced Marcus to give the pup another chance and attend a face-to-face meeting. At the time, Marcus didn’t think much of it. The plan was solid. It was much harder to say ‘no’ in person than over the phone. Besides Marcus could always intimidate the pup into allegiance.

The moment they arrived at the noisy Pack House, Marcus suspected his Beta had finally learned to be as conniving as an Alpha. Marcus was torn between pride for his student who would one day take over Blackwood, and irritation that a Beta would dare dupe his Alpha, at a bloody social event for the matter. It would have been a total waste of time and energy, had it not been for the accidental kitchen encounter with the pretty brunette.

As predicted when Marcus called Cam late last night, Cameron had apologized instead of a greeting. Marcus smiled. He had indeed trained Cameron well. Maybe too well. Or maybe it was the berserk part of him that made him less vigilant.

It was Cameron’s turn to be caught off guard, when Marcus inquired about Nessa. She was single. The fact made Marcus happier than he has been in a while. It was the much needed permission for Marcus to pursue her. She had left a lingering impression that kept Marcus up in the wee hours of the night. He sought her figure at breakfast, and all morning after, hoping she’d save him from boredom.

But she never showed, up until he was stuck playing football.

Marcus attention zeroed in on the spirited brunette the moment she arrived at the clearing. Now that she was within reach, Marcus didn’t want to compromise but have her company all to himself.

Just like she could easily read them last night, he immediately noticed her stiff, stand-off-ish posture when she looked over the field. She was ready to bounce out of here, and Marcus decided to be there right by her side when she did. Much to his satisfaction there were no other shifters around her other than a cheerful blood who was overjoyed to see her.

There was something about Nessa which made him excited in more than one way. Perhaps it was a challenge to see her wild and courageous nature. But even his wolf was a show off when it came to Nessa always tracking and perking up when he saw her. No wonder, he ran tackled the Rover Grove Enforcer more forcefully than necessary.

Nessa had a unique presence, sharp mind, and radiated confidence few she-wolves had. It was refreshing to see her as an independent woman, a she-wolf who only followed those she thought worthy. She managed to touch a side of him he thought he’d never experience again. And Marcus envied everyone who got to be in her presence while he was across the field, playing a game he could care less about. The feisty she-wolf was surely a force to be reckoned with.

As soon as the match finished, Marcus immediately headed towards the small group. That did not go unnoticed by Brandon, who decided to chaperone the access the Blackwood Alpha had on his territory.

Of course, he’d tag along!

Marcus inwardly groaned at his host’s predictability. Whenever Alphas visited they brought unmated Enforcers along. Their visits usually turned out as social events, attended by many who hoped they would find their mates. Alpha Brandon was intimidated by Marcus which wasn’t hard to achieve since Brandon Horton was Alpha by marriage not blood.

Vincent flagged Marcus, moving in a protective formation displaying a natural distrust between the packs. Blackwood Enforcers wordlessly joined his escort the moment Brandon headed the same way. Their large group was about to engulf Nessa’s little group when she suddenly snatched four drinks, tossing them to her friends. It annoyed him she was handling drinks to everyone else instead of being waited on, especially when he recognized the male shifters. While the Northern Hills Alpha and Beta were often Rover Grove’s guests, the way that Oliver held Nessa’s hand for longer than proper pushed Marcus to increase his pace.

A male shifter from Brandon’s pack ran across the field overtaking the Blackwood’s Enforcers and engulfing Nessa in a bear hug.

“Look who’s back. How’s school?” The dark haired werewolf asked.

Nessa awkwardly patted him on his arm as a sign to let her go.

“Almost done, cuz. How’s Leah?” Nessa used her question as distraction and wiggled out of his hands. Marcus decided to wait for her to notice him and until then to monitor their conversation. He promised himself he would intervene on her behalf, if her anxiety level rose any further.

“You should stop by the house. Leah and Tommy will love to see you,” the guy offered to Nessa, who just nodded her reply. Her eyes shifted to Brandon, giving him a short nod.

“Alpha,” Nessa said sharply as if she was saluting a superior officer. She then proceeded to make her way pass Vincent, carefully avoiding any physical contact with his body. It was almost comical how she was sizing Vince up as if he was a threat to her well-being.

Marcus wore sunglasses but had no doubt she would recognize him. Her eyes took an extra second or two longer than proper to ogle his body, not that Marcus minded being bathed in her attention. As if she heard his thoughts, she halted, then slowly looked up until recognition settled on her face, her lips pulling in a beautiful smile.

“Still here, Green eyes?” Nessa questioned, and deep silence settled in.

Everyone waited for his reply. Nessa was probably the only one who was unaware of the increasing tension. She didn’t acknowledge his rank, then point-blank questioned his presence thus meddled in pack’s politics without even knowing it. It was not only frowned upon but also deadly to question high ranked wolves. Marcus did have a reputation of a short-fused Alpha with a homicidal tendencies courtesy of slowly becoming berserk. If it was anyone else his wolf would have demanded respect, pulled rank and snapped. But it was Nessa and his beast found the situation quite entertaining, endearing even.

Marcus liked the provocation and wondered if she would cave under the scrutiny. The warning glares Rover Grove pack members didn’t seem to bother Nessa, who patiently waited for his answer. Quite frankly he loved being the center of her undivided attention. That was why he was taking a sweet moment before answering her. The light blush on her cheeks could be interpreted as shame by others, but this close Marcus could see through the dark shades she wore. She liked seeing him shirtless as her eyes trailed down his chest multiple times.

Her guard was up, effectively shutting any mind-link communication, blocking anyone from contacting her. Among the few things Cam had to say about Miss Nessa Heinsfeld was that she liked her privacy and her human was disconnected from her wolf most of the time. It explained why last night in the kitchen she didn’t feel his power or noticed his scent. There was no doubt in his mind, the moment she figured out her Alpha Ned of Blackwood was actually her partner in crime Marcus, all playfulness and banter would disappear, giving way to the cold respect she had given to Brandon. Marcus didn’t want that. He wanted her the way she was right this very second - deviant, challenging, passionate.


Cameron welcomed Nessa into the pack as Marcus was too busy to handle that aspect of running his pack. She was in Blackwood for her studies and her current state of isolation was also due to her reluctance of attending any of their social events or else Marcus was certain he would have recognized her.

He impulsively decided she needed some excitement in her life just as much as he did. So what if he intentionally omitted telling her his title? It wasn’t selfish if they both benefited from this little misunderstanding. They were both unmated and old enough to make their own decisions. If he didn’t mind the endearing nickname she gave him, then it was nobody else’s business how she spoke to him. And if anyone else tried to do the same, he would gladly put them in place.

“I’m checking out where you come from, Nes,” Marcus returned the endearment.

The Blackwood shifters had already recognized her as one of their own, and Marcus detected the pleasant surprise in their mind link. It has been a while since he has been friendly with anyone, much less smiled and joked instead of barked orders. They all approved of this change, and Marcus wondered just how much teasing he’d suffer for it by both Cameron and Vincent.

The friendly and generous Alpha Marcus Edwards died along with the person he cared most in the world. The furious and vicious Alpha Ned emerged from the ruins. It had taken him seven long years to show the world that the revenge and final say would be his. His attempt to dial down his own murderous glare to a mere sarcasm didn’t happen very often. It had been his decision to distance himself from his pack. He could not stand to feel their pity. Isolation behind the rank and duty seemed to prevent interactions and awkward situations. It also left a handful of pack members who could afford to joke with him and still keep their heads. Was it that selfish to want to be left alone? He did not need anyone’s pity or advice how to grief for his lost mate.

“Nah, now you flatter me,” Nessa shrugged it off, suspiciously eyeing the bystanders witnessing their exchange, “What’s going on?”

Her question wasn’t directed at him per se, but she kept looking at him thus making it his decision to answer.

“Get your fucking walls down,” Alpha Brandon loudly snapped at her before Marcus had time to respond.

Nessa was startled by the loud voice, but the Alpha command washed over her without any effect. If Marcus wasn’t pissed off at Brandon for using an Alpha Command on her, Marcus would have enjoyed the subconscious recognition of him as Her Alpha, and the need to seek comfort and protection from him. It was interesting how her wolf accepted him as the authority he was, while the human remained clueless. Marcus couldn’t let Brandon’s Alpha Command go unanswered. She was part of his pack, and Brandon had no business trying to command her.

That was when he noticed the cold glare Nessa shot Brandon. Instead of showing a submissive stand before her original pack’s Alpha, she kept her eyes on Brandon’s for longer than proper. She then casually glanced at her watch just a millisecond before a loud growl erupted from Alpha Brandon. Her timing was impeccable. Had she maintained eye contact any longer, Marcus would have had to publicly scold her for disrespecting an Alpha.

Vincent’s thought floated through the mind link, “Atta’girl!”

Nessa had courage, especially when she had no clue she wasn’t alone, nor that her current Alpha was right by her side, very eager to jump in and to defend her. He was literally right by her side, as her arm brushed against his. Marcus found the contact quite relaxing.

While many admired her strength, Marcus noticed she was fluent in pack politics. Blood and ashes, she could teach intimidation to Alphas. She had effortlessly escalated the situation to open confrontation with an Alpha, then quietly diffused it. Her behavior raised more questions than answers about her rank in Rover Grove before she moved to Blackwood and the veiled animosity between her and her former Alpha.

“I can’t link with you, and I am no longer part of your pack, Alpha,” Nessa calmly explained.

There was an unspoken tension between the pair. Something had happened between them to provoke her to be this abrasive in public. The happy-go-lucky girl he came to know was impulsive but nowhere near as the snappy yet politically correct she-wolf in front of him. Was she like that when she joined the pack? He made a mental note to ask Cameron about it.

Her casual reply fueled the anger in Brandon as she was a dismissal of his authority. Her dismissal of the situation made Brandon steam over it further. Brandon could not leave her defiance without any retaliation, yet couldn’t resolve to physical harm as for the time being she was part of Blackwood. Brandon’s pleading eyes landed on Marcus, but all Marcus could think was all the inappropriate ways he could discipline her.

“Oh, and Nessa,” Brandon spoke as she was walking away. He waited until she turned to face him, then the poor bastard fell for her bait, “I regret to inform you, your request for transfer had been denied.”

And then it suddenly made sense.

According to pack law, any transient shifter needed to return to their original pack after the term of their school or studies. The Alpha then had first dibs on allegiance of the shifter. While many Alphas, didn’t need to force shifters to stay with their packs, there were some who used more traditional laws, requiring community service to be completed for the duration of the transient period before a leave from the pack was granted. It was a way to retain talented wolves, during which they could teach others their trade. It was a loophole in the system reserved for medical personnel and highly trained enforcers. Chances were Brandon didn’t even know it existed. But Nessa did and took no chances, choosing to be a rogue over her home-pack.

Transient wolves always made the Alphas nervous. They couldn’t be trusted with patrols as not to disclose all of the defenses routines. It was a safety measure in case the two packs were ever involved in a conflict as it ensured nobody had an unfair advantage. Nessa was a resource, a look beyond the border where the grass was much greener and neatly kept than in Rover Grove. Her knowledge of how Blackwood ran could resolve many major problems Roger Grove faced. Whatever happened between the two had to be significant enough for Nessa to opt to be a rogue .

Brandon had a smirk on his face which only widened when he noticed Marcus was in deep thought. Brandon assumed Marcus was right about now reconsidering her allegiance to Blackwood in light of her insubordination. In all honesty, she had efficaciously undermined and insulted two Alphas in a matter of minutes. Nobody in his right mind would want to welcome her in a pack after hearing about this. Yet something was telling him Brandon was going to make sure everyone had heard of this incident. Therefore, Brandon’s word had effectively sealed her fate as Rogue the moment she graduated from her school in Blackwood.

And the most bizarre part, it was exactly what Nessa wanted. His suspicion was only confirmed when she took the news calmly. Miss Goodie Two Shoes had no intention of rejoining Rover Grove. Although he would disagree about the rash way she went about it, she had won her freedom by giving Brandon the perfect excuse to deny her return. The amount of thought in this little scheming impressed Marcus, and he looked at her with newfound admiration.

“Thank you, Alpha, for the consideration,” Nessa said flatly then walked around Marcus, clearly not needing Alpha Ned to fight her battles. Her downcast eyes showed a submissive posture to anyone who bothered to glance at them. But Marcus knew. She was eyeing the growing outline of his shorts.

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