The Carrero Solution (Carrero Book 3)

Chapter 65

The drive to Chicago is long but pleasant. Between listening to the radio and talking about everything and nothing, Jake has me giggling for more than half of the journey. It’s like huge heavy darkness has lifted from us, and we’re back to being who we used to be when I was his close friend and Personal Assistant. Although, back then, we didn’t stop the car a million times to fumble in the back seat and get half naked as we have on this trip.

“You’re getting too good at that, baby.” Jake winks at me and zips up his pants with a smug look. I surprised him with a false nap in his lap with a naughty twist, something I’ve been bravely improving on, returning the pleasure that he so freely gives me … many times over. I know it had to be good when he groaned loudly and pulled into the first lay-by he saw. Jake, the master of control, unraveled in under three minutes. I am feeling decidedly pleased with myself because of how quickly I brought him to completion with some masterful oral.

“Well, you’re driving me back to the windy city, so you deserved a little reward.” He sits back in his seat and stretches his legs before starting the car.

“I’m going to miss these high levels of horny when tadpole comes.” He twists in his seat to check his blind spot before pulling us back into traffic, and my body heats up at his muscular frame and strong neck. His profile makes me drool, and watching him drive has me fluttering in panty-combusting heat.

“I don’t think it’s all pregnancy hormones.” I flutter lashes at him as he turns to me, eyes running wide over my face with one of his amazing swoony smirks. I’m sure the high levels of horny I’ve been having are from the complete package of one Mr. Jake Carrero.

Hmmm. Swoon.

His hotness, muscular perfection, all-around sexy voice, and charm should be illegal. He has no idea of the effect he has on the hearts of the female population. Yes, he’s good-looking, and I know he used to use that trait many times to his advantage, but his caring nature and beautiful heart win me over time and again.

“Bambina, keep looking at me like that, and we’ll never get to Chicago. You make me want to find a motel, fast.” He winks at me as his eyes roam my face. It makes me wonder exactly how much ogling I’ve been doing. I giggle and exhale slowly.

“I shall try to contain myself until we get there; you need to stop looking so sexy. It’s ruining my calm.” I moan as his fingers trail up my thigh lightly to under the hem of my dress, sliding into my inner thigh, so my body is instantly delirious with the tingles he ignites.

“Welcome to my world, Miele. It’s called payback.” His lust-filled gaze is distracting, and I’m surprised he’s hard so quickly for me, given why we stopped the car a few minutes ago. I push his hand away as it gets seductively higher and shove his shoulder.

“Eyes on the road, Carrero. The last thing we need is a prang in your stupidly expensive car because your mind is between my legs.” I pull my knees together in a bid to calm my devouring need. He is right, though. If we keep this up, we’ll never get to Chicago. The conclusion to the Marissa debacle has sent our hormones on the crazy up and up lately. Not that it wasn’t already, but still.

Our stupidly expensive car! My mind is eternally between your thighs. It’s all I think about, whether you’re beside me or not.” He winks my way, increasing the heat in my lower pelvis more so, making me squirm. “I was serious about getting you on the road.” Jake flickers a look at me, both hands on the wheel, as an eye roll takes me over, instantly calming my fire. He’s been on me to learn to drive so I can be more independent when we move to the Hamptons, but he’s handing me a chauffeur, so I don’t see the point. Plus, the thought of managing New York traffic terrifies me.

“For a guy obsessed with being overprotective, it’s pretty contradictory of you to want me to drive.” I poke a finger into the cute boy dimple on his face, and he catches my finger, kissing it before releasing me.

“I’m protective, baby … not archaic. I do actually want a wife that has her own independence, a career, and something more than just me and babies.” He throws me a sympathetic look and then systematically concentrates on the mirror and windscreen as he maneuvers us into a lane.

“You surprise me, Mr. Carrero. I figured, being the overbearing man you sometimes can be, you’d be happy for me to laze around being served and kept.” I watch as his handsome profile picks up with a beaming smile.

“I would be happy with that if it made you happy, but I know it won’t.” He answers diplomatically, and we both know if I chose to be a kept woman, he would have absolutely no problem with it.

“No, I suppose it won’t.” I sigh, relaxing into my seat a little snuggly. I have no idea how long we’ve been driving; it feels longer because of the constant stopping and naughtiness on the journey so far. I stretch out and run a hand over my stomach absent-mindedly, a mannerism becoming second nature.

“My mom is pulling a few strings for you, gathering

Info on ideas and directions you may be interested in. She thinks you could start by maybe seeing a counselor yourself … and talking through the past?” He tenses as the words come out a little delicately. I know he’s waiting for my overreaction or possibly just an angry reply, and I watch him go from relaxed and cocky to unsure and nervous, and my heart swells.

This suggestion met an icy and angry reply when he mentioned it while we were standing on the hills of the island overlooking his father’s boat, right before he stormed off for a week. But the past is in the past, and I’ve already moved on from everything else. Maybe now is the time to try to shake it all for good.

“It might be an idea, seeing as I can’t exactly encourage kids to talk if I haven’t had the guts to do it myself.” I shrug when he glances my way, surprised, then relief sweeps his face. “I mean, if Daniel, of all people, can handle therapy …” I smile with a raised eyebrow, waiting for his reaction.

“You never cease to amaze me, you know? I never would’ve imagined this conversation going this way a year ago,” His hand comes to my leg with an affectionate squeeze. He looks overjoyed with pride, and his smile is infectious.

“Yeah? Well, I never imagined, even a month ago, that we’d be coming back here or that I’d want to see her alone and tell her what I need to say, but… things change.” I sigh, trying to push it out of my head. The pit in my stomach about seeing her is starting to weigh heavily as the air around us stirs up unpleasant memories.

“You sure you don’t want me to come with you?” He’s watching me with wary eyes. He’s been trying to convince me not to do this alone, afraid she’ll hurt me as much as she did the last time we were here, but this time is different. I’m not going to give her the ability to keep hurting me. Coming here is a test since I’m not sure she even has that power over me anymore.

My mind, emotions, outlook, and whole life are very different from the last I saw her.

“I’m sure, Jake. Drop me at the door and come back for me, but I need to do this alone. I need to see her alone.” It started with my mother and me, so it’ll end the same way. I owe her that much. I want to show a modicum of respect despite her never having the decency to show me any.

“You should’ve told her we were coming.” He’s glancing in his mirrors, and I realize it’s because we’re cutting off, signs for Chicago are looming over us, and a dreaded weight settles in my stomach with a sickening lurch, my nerves jangling inside me.

“No, it’s better this way; surprising her means she hasn’t time to prepare or dress things up. I’ll catch her off guard.” I tap my leg with my fingertips and start to bring my hand up to play with my hair as the tension of familiar surroundings sweeps over me. Jake instinctively places his hand over mine, bringing it back down to my lap, grounding me effortlessly.

“I’m crazy about you. Just remember that … no matter what she says.” He smiles warmly, indicating a turn-off, eyes on the road, and hands on the wheel. Despite his assurances, I can’t help but start chewing my lip as my insides churn.

“I know, trust me, it’s different now. I’m different. It won’t be like last time, Jake. I know what I want to say and why I’ve come.” I sound surer than I am, but I know I’ll find the strength to do this.

“I’d be lying if I said I won’t be pacing like crazy while you’re with her, and you know, Bambina … one call, and I’ll be there for you.” The seriousness in his eyes warms me and helps ease the tightening despair growing up inside my body.

“I know. I love you. I just need to do this and get it over and done with.”

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