The Carrero Solution (Carrero Book 3)

Chapter 63

“I can’t get my head around it,” Jake utters for the hundredth time as we lie in bed, our bodies entwined. My exhaustion has dissipated, giving way to mind-numbing silence after the events of the evening.

We finally have freedom … from her.

We’ve been home for a few hours, yet mostly all we’ve done is lie together and talk. Hours spent regurgitating

the fact that there is no other baby, wondering how his family will react and how different things will be from now on without it hanging over us. It’s still too surreal to believe, and emotions between us have been swirling like crazy.

“I can’t believe it’s over,” I exclaim out loud, hearing him sigh again. A happy heavy relief kind of noise.

“Me either. It feels like it’s been consuming me … us … for months.” He’s lying on his back, staring at the ceiling while I rest my head on his firm abdomen, tracing the tattoos on his inner forearm of the arm across me casually.

“How did she think she would get away with it?” I blanch, thinking it through, and turn, shifting up to him, resting my head on the bicep of his arm nestled behind his head, and stare at his profile with inner bubbling happiness. Jake’s naked torso is deliciously on show. The sheets pulled up to waist level.

“That level of crazy has no logic, Emma. I’m just glad Ben had the sense to come to see me and not let the festering past stop us.” He sounds calm and stress-free for the first time in forever. It’s only taken hours, though, for it to hit home.

“I can’t believe it,” I say again through the numb disbelief still hanging in the air; aftershock, anger, tears, and relief subsided. We have been through it all.

“Just you, me, and tadpole from now on.” He beams, turning to face me. His arm shifting under my head, bending at the elbow to make himself into a better cushion.

Jake was angry when we came home, rage pouring out of him like a spewing sewer, and it took a lot for him to expel it. He disappeared into the gym for a while to recklessly punch and kick the crap out of his boxing bag with deadly precision. But lying here, calm and serene, I think it’s finally sinking in that this is a good thing, a happy thing. I know a part of him will feel a sense of loss at the severing of the connection he built up emotionally with Marissa’s baby, believing it was his. Some part of him accepted the child she was having; the anger is his way of grieving its loss, as well as Marissa’s depth of betrayal and deceit.

“I guess it won’t be a tadpole now. If you’d let that doctor look, I’m sure we would have a better idea of what size it is.” I point out with a smirk. Jake touches his fingertip to my nose with an unapologetic smirk.

“I have an appointment for you this week, I forgot to tell you, and I’m still not letting anyone stick a wand up there to see. Male or female.” His furrowed brow and smile tell me he doesn’t care if it makes him look possessive, controlling, and slightly overprotective.

“I’m sure it’s not long before they can scan my stomach instead. Plus, the thought of being impaled by some nasty-looking probe isn’t giving me the greatest of thrills anyway.” I cringe at remembering the weird medical implement the doctor was stupid enough to wave around near one very hostile Carrero and giggle at the memory. The probe, moments from being used in a very different way and leaving the doctor with an unusual walk if he kept waving it within Jake’s reach.

“New obstetrician and many more appointments. I just wasn’t happy with the guy all over you.” He grimaces at the memory as though I was somehow assaulted in front of him. I roll my eyes at him with an indulgent smile and stroke his face tenderly.

What can I do with him … Honestly?

“You’ll need to tell your family about this now, you know, this thing with Marissa? We need to tell our friends too.” I focus on those soft green eyes and see nothing more than uncomplicated love shining back. Whatever demons he needed to expel were banished successfully in the gym. That version of him was a little too uncomfortable for my liking, reminding me of how easy it would be for someone Jake’s size to hurt someone my size, highlighting how gentle he really is.

“I think it’s a given that everyone will be happy for us; pity I can’t say the same for Ben. I wish it weren’t him that got left with the fallout, even after everything.” He frowns and runs a hand across my mouth, a habit usually followed closely by kissing or sex. His mind moves from mundane topics to fun activities instead. My skin starts tingling in anticipation, and a small warmth appears low down in my stomach as I watch his green eyes darken.

“Maybe in a way it’s retribution? They have each other now, whether either one wants it or not. Ben will have some hold over her with the baby, and seeing her for what she is has probably helped him a little.” I inhale softly and nudge my face into his palm so his touch applies more pressure, longing for him like a never-ending craving, yearning for the extras that his hints usually lead to.

“Very philosophical for you, baby.” Jake smiles and strokes my hair back from my face. “Maybe you’re right. Karma has a way of coming around to bite you in the ass. God knows I’ve felt that set of teeth in the last few months.” He shifts us closer with a hand around me, and in one swift maneuver, I’m suddenly pressed right up against him, hard body to my soft curves.

“Hmm, you must’ve repented successfully, seeing as you’re living a very charmed life; everything is working in your favor nowadays.” I giggle when his hands slide down below my waist, trying to push my thighs apart with a sexy naughty glint in his eye.

“Charmed is only one of the many ways to describe it.” He slides his knee between my legs, maneuvering them apart, a wicked glean in his eyes taking over.

“Right. I guess we’re done talking about serious issues, and now you’re angling for sex?” I giggle but don’t resist, my body fully heated and ready for some meaningful energetic action.

“Pretty much … I’m a man with needs, neonata.” He leans in to devour my neck with tiny nibbles. I giggle and squeal as his hands turn playful, and he tickles me, pulling me into him. My happy, carefree Jake let loose.

“Jake!” I protest, which encourages him to flip me onto my back, covering me in one swift move.

“You’re amazing, baby. Beautiful, sexy, smart, and so unbelievably perfect.” He hovers above me tantalizingly, keeping his mouth from me that’s crying out to be kissed.

“I’ll be expecting to hear the same when I’m the size of a whale or a crazy hormonal mess again like I was in the beginning.” I bite on my lip as I devour the way his eyes roam my face as he smirks in that lustful way of his.

“You’ll always be sexy and beautiful and perfect to me; a baby just adds to what is so amazing about you.” He leans in, kissing me softly, our mouths molding as he slowly brings his body weight down to me. His hands seek my hair and neck, coming to hold me close, a sign that Jake will blow my mind in ways that only he can.

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