The Call Of Thalassa

Chapter A Ruler's Choice

“Don’t go where I can’t follow.”

-J.R.R. Tolkien

The staircase was slippery from the saltiness carried by the wind. As Havelock made his way to the top of the cliff, the sound of the waves crashing against the rocks became more and more distant. His movements were swift but careful, as a stumble could lead to a fatal fall. His sharpened eyesight helped him to find his way in the blackness of the night.

Relief had overwhelmed his soul, making a load of remorse vanish from his conscience. Atlantis might have fallen, but her heart was still beating. For a city is determined not by its palaces and walls, but by its people. And as long as they live and don’t forget their heritage and homeland, there is still hope.

Through the darkness of the night, Havelock smiled. It wasn’t a forced smile like the ones that try to convince others that you’re okay while you’re burning up inside. It was a real one, that sprang from within him -one that he couldn’t help, that he couldn’t hide. Because for once, all the pieces fell into place. For once, luck had smiled at him.

By the end of tomorrow, he will finally have his mate in his arms safe and sound. He’ll be surrounded by his people and they will find a way to return home. For history has shown that a tyrant never rules for too long. Violent is their rise and violent is their fall. Because their feeding from the fear and chaos they cause and not the love and respect of their people. And the people often overthrow the ones that spilled their blood and enslaved their thoughts.

The wind caressed his skin as he reached the top. It echoed in his ears like wordless music that filled the otherwise silence of the night. It calmed him down, reminding him of the times he would lay on his rock and admire the stars with the wind caressing his form. Back then, he used to pray to the Goddesses of his people –begging for his other half. Now, he prayed for her well being and for a reunion that was taking too long.

He took notice of Aide’s car, making his way towards it. Its dark color blended perfectly with the black veil of the night. Its lights were out and the moon barely made its outline visible. The night had helped their cause, hiding them in the shadows and allowing them to prepare for their plan.

He closed the door behind him, relaxing against the softness of the seats. A few moments of silence passed between them before he turned his gaze to the woman beside him. Her chocolate eyes were already pinned on him. Her hands were slightly trembling.

“You’re late”, she finally whispered.

He gazed at the darkness surrounding them, making sure no one had followed them. He didn’t see anyone –the figure was quick to hide behind a tree. He watched them from afar, not making a move to make his presence known.

“My people are alive”, he mumbled to her, “Osmond was waiting for me -they are looking for me.”

Aide’s eyes widened in surprise.

“Osmond as in...your sister’s mate?“, she asked.

He nodded in an answer.

“That’s great news, Havelock!“, the girl smiled, “Your family is safe.”

“Yes”, he muttered slowly, “They are.”

As they fell in comfortable silence, Aide started the engine and reversed the car. Taking hold of the steering wheel, she drove away from the cliff and the prying eyes observing their movements. Soon enough, they entered the small roads of the village where everyone was still asleep.

Aide winced at the slight sound that her car was making and hoped that they wouldn’t wake anyone up. Not because she would have to explain where she went at this late hours, but because in a village where everyone knows each other Havelock was a stranger that appeared out of nowhere.

Fortunately, the lights remained shut as the villagers continued to sleep, unaware of what was happening outside their homes. Aide parked the car outside her grandmother’s home before turning it off. Alexandra was waiting for them at the door, watching them with worry as they pulled their seatbelts off.

Before Havelock could open the door, a hand stopped him. Turning around he stared at Aide in confusion.

“Promise me you’ll take care of her”, she said.

His eyes softened at the worry swirling in her dark orbs.

“You know I will”, he answered honestly.

“She is my sister”, she stated firmly, “I want to make sure she’ll be safe and happy.”

“I know you worry about her, Aide. But you don’t have to”, he gave her a small smile, “She is my soul’s other half. I’ll be damned if I let anything harm her.”

“I like you, Havelock –you’re a good man. I trust you”, she let a sigh escape her, “I don’t know how this bond works between you two, but I trust that you’ll take care of her.”

His gaze was filled with an emotion she couldn’t understand. He took hold of her hand and squeezed it tightly.

“Perhaps, one day you’ll understand.”

His words confused her, she didn’t know what to say. The prince had left the car before she could give him an answer. She just shrugged her shoulders and got out before locking the vehicle. They quickly entered the house, closing the door silently behind them. Alexandra ushered them to the living room, where the fire was burning in the fireplace, warming them up.

“Are we ready for tomorrow?“, the elder asked when they were all comfortable.

“Yes, we are”, Aide said, “What about the pie?”

“I just took it out of the oven”, Nana answered, “I’ll just pack it tomorrow.”

They nodded in agreement before relaxing on the soft couch. The sound of burning woods filled the room as they sat in comfortable silence. They watched as the flames danced in an unknown rhythm casting their orange light in the spacious room. Soon enough, Aide’s eyes started to drop and a yawn escaped her lips.

“Tomorrow is gonna be a hell of a day”, she mumbled sleepily.

“Language!“, nana warned her.

Aide rolled her eyes at her grandmother before standing up from the couch.

“I’m going to sleep”, she announced, “You should rest too. Goodnight.”

Havelock watched as the girl left the room and started to slowly climb the stairs. Even when she left his sight, he heard her footsteps going down the corridor and opening the door to her bedroom. The bed creaked slightly as a weight settled upon the mattress before she finally got comfortable. Soon enough, he could only hear soft breaths as Aide fell into a dreamless sleep.

“My sister’s mate was waiting for me at the beach”, he finally said to Alexandra, “There are survivors.”

“That’s great news, my dear”, the elder gave him a genuine smile, “But I believe that there is something else troubling you.”

The prince played with his fingers nervously as he pondered over his thoughts.

“Osmond couldn’t turn into a human”, he finally said.

“If his mate is a mermaid, he has no reason to transform into one”, Alexandra nodded.

“Yes but...“, he sighed deeply, rubbing his eyes with his fists, “I mean...I just...”

Alexandra waited patiently for him to get his thoughts intact and find the correct words to express them. The prince seemed troubled and confused. If she could give him the answers he needed, she would gladly ease his mind. The boy had too much on his plate. He needed to calm down.

“You had a merman as a mate”, he finally said, “How did it work out?”

“Colvert had a human mate and therefore, he could walk on land. In the beginning, we used to meet in secret and only for a couple of hours. But mates are not meant to be apart and we couldn’t just keep going like this”, Alexandra smiled softly, “So, we lied.”

Havelock raised a dark eyebrow at that, making nana laugh.

“Since he could walk on land, we came up with this story...We said that he was a sailor from a faraway city. You see we couldn’t say he was from a nearby island –our lies would have been revealed”, Nana shook her head in amusement.

“So, he lived as a human?“, Havelock asked in puzzlement.

“Oh no, my dear. Your kind is connected to the ocean and cannot live too long away from it. Colvert would often visit Atlantis –he was a royal guard after all. He had a duty to his King and his people”, Alexandra explained, “It wasn’t easy for him –he had to leave his mate to fulfill his duties. But he always returned back to me.”

“What about you?”

“What about me?“, nana asked confused, “I was waiting for him to return back home.”

“You never visited Atlantis?“, he asked nervously.

Alexandra’s eyes widened as she finally understood what had him so worried. She could finally see why the prince seemed to be on edge. What was that truly was bothering him.

“You want to know if it can happen the other way around”, she stated firmly, “If a human mate can turn into a mer.”

Havelock ran a shaking hand through his long locks before gazing at the elder. He didn’t have any reason to hide it neither to lie to her.

“Colvert was a guard, nana”, he explained to her, “I am a prince –well, I guess a King now. I’ve been training my whole life how to lead and protect my people. I cannot just abandon them and live on land.”

“The King of Atlantis has to be in Atlantis”, Alexandra nodded in agreement, “You cannot rule the Atlanteans from land.”

Havelock watched as the elder became lost in her thoughts. Her gaze was pinned on the remaining flames as she pondered over her memories. He played nervously with his fingers as he waited for her to collect her thoughts.

“I never went to Atlantis”, Alexandra finally answered, “Human mates cannot turn into mermaids.”

He had hoped this was not her answer –he had hoped he didn’t have to choose between his heart and his mind. Because as much as his heart and soul was longing for a lifetime with his soulmate, his father had taught him that a ruler sacrifices his personal happiness for his people’s well being. And he knew, he wouldn’t be able to let down his mate neither to betray his people. He just hoped he could finally be happy –that he could rule his people with his mate by his side.

“The Kings of Atlantis are blessed by your Goddesses”, Alexandra muttered after a while, “Therefore, there is only one who can rule. Only one blessed by their gifts.”

“Blessed?“, Havelock laughed bitterly, “More like cursed.”

What had he done for Thalassa to hate him so much?

“How am I going to be with Aileen, when I cannot stay on land and she cannot follow me underwater?”

His voice was a hoarse whisper, filled with desperation and helplessness. He was supposed to be a King –a powerful ruler and a great leader. And yet, he felt like he had no choice. He felt that his life was predeterment and he could do nothing but follow the powerful currents, unable to escape from them. He had waited so long to find his mate, only for her to slip through his fingers. She was slipping away and he could do nothing about it.

He would have to choose his people over her.

He would have to let her go.

He would lose her forever.

Nana cleared her throat before answering him.

“Who said Aileen cannot follow you to Atlantis?”, she said.

His head snapped up at her words.

Blue eyes met chocolate ones.

“Aileen is not just any human”, the elder explained, “She is the future Queen of Atlantis –the mother of the future heir.”

Havelock’s mouth opened in shock while nana’s eyes sparkled in amusement.

“I told you, my King”, she said, “You are blessed by the Goddesses.”

She certainly enjoyed the shocked expression on his face.


End of chapter 39!!

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