The Book of Azrael (Gods & Monsters 1)

The Book of Azrael: Chapter 38

THE FORCE OF THE GUNSHOT CAUSED THE CHAIR TO FALL OVER. My whole body stilled as I saw Dianna’s body topple to the side. The wall that held me cracked and groaned as power pure and blinding shook the entire foundation. Debris rained before us as thick bands of silver lit up beneath my skin, and I knew my eyes matched. My muscles clenched, straining the green magic tendrils holding me to the wall. Every part of me begged to rip this house from its foundation and tear everyone inside to shreds. But I could not after what Camilla had shown me. 

Visions had ripped through my subconscious as she’d kissed me. Images of Azrael’s daughter, the book she possessed, and the town where she’d stayed filled my mind. Camilla had been working against Kaden for some time. In that exchange she warned me to play along or I would be putting Dianna in even more danger. I would have done anything to keep her safe, but the pain I witnessed beyond the facade of Ethan’s face twisted my insides. I knew I may have done irreparable damage to the brand new connection between us.

‘You will meet Oblivion for that.’ I sneered towards Santiago as he held that gun towards her limp form still.

‘Oh yeah?’ Santiago fired twice more, a cruel and sickening smile upon his face and I could just see Dianna’s body jerk with each crack of sound. I pulled at my bindings as the sky began to howl in the distance, the crescendo of the approaching storm matching my beating heart. Camilla’s eyes flicked to mine in warning. 

‘Do you have to do that?’ she asked, turning toward Santiago.

‘Call me a sadist.’ He shrugged and I marked him for death. ‘Now, we have a flight to catch.’ He set the gun on the table before adjusting his sleeves. 

I let out a nearly inaudible growl, knowing that I could not let him take her. My muscles clenched as I prepared to rip myself from the wall, but I stopped as the lights flickered. Everyone froze as darkness grew from every corner, snuffing out the lights farthest from us.

Camilla hissed at me, ‘What are you doing?’

‘It is not me.’

A deep, vicious growl came from underneath the table, black smoke curling over the edges. The room stilled as we all felt that all-encompassing power rise from the floor. My heart skipped as a taste of it brushed mine, a damn near rival of my own. The table flipped up so hard it crashed against the ceiling, raining debris on the room. 


It was the only thought I had as a large sleek black beast launched from the floor, all teeth and claws, landing on Camilla. She screamed, her blood splattering the wall near me. The green bands dropped from my body, and I slid down the wall, landing on my feet.

Santiago met my gaze, his eyes widening as I slowly stood from the floor. I have never felt the pure blind rage to rip another person to shreds with my bare hands as I did when I looked at him. He would die screaming for what he did to her. His throat bobbed once as he read the expression upon my face. He shuffled backwards, raised his hands then clapped once, disappearing from the room in a flash of green light. Fucking coward.

An ear shattering scream rang out followed by a loud crunch. I turned and grabbed at the thick fur of the beast Dianna wore as she mauled and clawed Camilla. I yanked her off, one of those massive paws swiping at me, ripping the shirt and branding my chest. 

‘Not her. We need her.’ I yelled as I tossed her back separating them. Her claws dug into the floor, tearing deep furrows in the marble floor until she came to a stop. Her red eyes bore into mine before she hissed. A thick black tuft of hair raised along her back as she bared her teeth at me in defiance. Her gaze locked on something behind me as her snarl suddenly grew. More flashing green orbs flew into the room, aiming for her. Santiago may have left, but his coven stayed and still planned to take her. Blood dripped from her jowls as she snarled once more and raced past me. Her speed was blinding, and I turned just in time to see her jump on one witch, sending him through the open door and out of sight. 

I had a split second to try and formulate a plan before the thick glass windows behind us shattered. A hollow screech filled the room as those massive winged beasts flew into the room. I shifted my body to protect Camilla.

Chaos ensued as the witches that came with Santiago opened fire. Bullets bit into my side, legs, and arms which only pissed me off more. Mortal weapons were a mere annoyance more than anything damaging to me. The witch queen may be a different story. A single ring vibrated on my hand as I called forth my shield. The length covered my body with my father’s three head beast sigil in the middle. I crouched with it in my hand, the bullets ricocheting off of it. I called on a fraction of my power, throwing tables, chairs, and glass in all directions. Witches and a few of the winged beasts fell, bleeding from where they had been struck by the shrapnel. I dragged Camilla up by her arm, her blood-soaked feet slipping as we ran. We made it outside, the sound of a loud boom following us as the top floor detonated. I smelled the flames and smoke soon followed as the whole building shook. The lights flickered and water poured from the ceiling. 


I needed to get to her, but first I had to deal with Camilla. I called my shield back into my ring as I fully faced her. My hands lit with silver power as I crouched over her bloody form. The light danced over her body, healing the cuts and gashes that Dianna had caused. She hissed in pain, her free hand grabbing mine as her wounds knitted themselves closed. 

‘You helped me with the book, so I’ll honor our deal. You take the ones closest to you and leave this island. I have to go find Dianna.’

Roars sounded behind me, and I spun, standing as I lifted my hand. Silver lines burst into life along my forearm. I shot a ball of pure energy toward the beasts charging at us from the open door. They disintegrated, their body crumbling to ash and blowing away between one breath and the next. 

I felt a tug on my sleeve and glanced back at Camilla. She was using me for a bit of leverage as she struggled to stand. When she finally managed to get to her feet, her legs were wobbly and she pressed one hand on the nearest wall.

‘She cares about you. You will need to remember that to make it through what he has planned.’

I didn’t really understand what she was trying to tell me, but I nodded. ‘I think you might have ruined that.’

‘No,’ she shook her head with a small, blood-filled smile, ‘I only made her see.’

A scream echoed through the room, the sound piercing through the noise of battle. I looked up as a man was dropped from the balcony and landed with a wet thud. When I turned back, Camilla was gone.

I stepped back into the mansion just as a large explosion shook the building., Flames licked at the ceiling as a large billowing cloud of smoke pushed downstairs, monsters screeching in terror and pain.


I turned, shielding my eyes from the thick orange glow. The foliage outside smoldered, and several people, friend or foe, I could not tell, ran around in flames. The large mansion shook once more, the explosion followed by a pained screech and a curse. She was hurt. I didn’t hesitate, didn’t think as I jumped up through several tons of marble and brick, landing on the top floor. I had a split second to ponder calling forth the Oblivion blade, but I couldn’t risk it, not here. My fingers clenched as I called the silver ablaze weapon forward, gripping it tighter as I tried to squint through the hazy smoke. 

‘Dianna!’ I shouted. ‘Where are you?’

Movement came from my left, the heartbeat of the creature unnatural as I swung my blade. A foul odor followed as the beast’s head thudded on the floor. Several more appeared out of the smoke, obviously searching for her. They had lost her. They spotted me and charged without a second thought. I dove and slid across the ash covered floor, cutting their legs off at the knee. They screeched as they fell. In one smooth motion I stood and stabbed all three in the skull, one by one. 

Their bodies matched the soot on the floor a moment later. The sound of a scuffle down the hall had me turning. Not bothering to think, I ran, stopping short at a large room with overturned furniture. The large study was dark, candles littering the floor. Thick curtains billowed in the wind as the winged beasts fought a creature much more skilled and faster than them. They were already dead, they just didn’t know it yet. Shadows appeared and disappeared hitting them in punches and kicks. 


She methodically dismembered them, wings, arms, and legs flew around the room. Heads rolled, their black teeth gnashing and their crimson eyes wide. Blood sprayed the floor, ceiling, and walls. My mouth turned down in a frown. I was impressed, but I was always impressed with her. She didn’t need my help after all.

The building shook once more, and I grabbed onto the doorframe to steady myself. I could hear the infrastructure bend and tear. I knew the mansion was on the verge of collapse.

Hot breath tickled the hairs at the back of my head. I spun, angling my blade upward and cutting the head off another beast. Its body crumpled to the ground as I completed my spin, coming full circle.

Dianna stepped from the shadows, the cream lace pant suit she wore was covered in blood and filth. She raised her clawed hand, wiping blood from her mouth with the back of it. Her eyes were pits of crimson rage as she focused on me. For a moment, me, slayer of beasts, destroyer of worlds, feared her.  

‘Dianna,’ I said her name as a whisper, a plea.

‘What?’ The one word was sharp and full of anger.

I held my hand out to her. ‘The building is about to fall. We’re leaving.’

She looked at my outstretched hand as if I were offering her sour milk. She turned away, her lip curling in disgust. I did not have time to respond to her repulsed response as I heard the cry of several more of those beasts coming for us.

‘World Ender.’ The hiss raked over my nerves, and I turned. The hall was engulfed in flames, the creatures’ demonic silhouettes in the smoke filled room. They smiled and snapped their teeth as they strode unharmed through the fire. Of course, they were born from Kaden, and Dianna’s powers came from him as well.

Dianna stepped forward, aiming for the hall, her claws extended and ready to fight. I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her against me, bolting up through the ceiling. I used my hand to cradle her head close to me so she did not take the brunt of the force, but she still made an oof sound as we broke past the support beams of the roof.

The night sky greeted us for a split second as I headed for the cover of the jungle. My vision cleared as we got further away from the burning building. I dropped us on the forest floor with a loud thud. The moment our feet touched the ground, she shoved me away. I stumbled back, not expecting so much force, but quickly righted myself. I grabbed her arm, pulling her back to me a little too forcefully.

Dianna slammed against my chest and sputtered, ‘What are you—’

I covered her mouth with my hand, looking behind me. I pointed up, hearing the beasts screaming and flapping through the sky as they burst from the burning mansion in search of us. I slowly removed my hand from her mouth before pressing my index finger to my lips, shushing her. Her eyes remained crimson fire as she glared at me, but she did not speak.

I raised one arm slowly, energy falling off of me in small waves. The temperature dropped and the wind slowly picked up, fog creeping in from every direction, thick enough to confuse them and hide us. It blanketed the forest around us in a misty haze. Thunder echoed close by, the storm I had summoned from seeing her hurt, drowning out any sound of conversation. They would not be able to find us now. I looked down at Dianna, dropping my arm. ‘Okay, now we can—’ She pushed off of me hard enough to rock my shoulder back.

‘Don’t touch me.’ She spun and stomped away. ‘Don’t ever touch me.’ Her shoes sunk into the soft dense ground as she practically ran from me.

‘Dianna. Where are you going?’ I called.

She threw her hands in the air, the thunder around us covering her yells. ‘Oh, I don’t know! Maybe I’ll find a way out of this damned fog you made, and then I’ll walk out of this jungle since I can’t very well fly with those damned creatures around!’

I almost tripped over a thick vine as I followed after her. Lightning dancing across the sky. ‘Will you just wait up? I do not know my way around here.’ 

‘Great. Maybe you’ll get lost.’

I scoffed. ‘That was rude.’ 

‘I seriously do not care, Liam.’

I stopped short, the venom in her voice undisguised. ‘I understand your hostility. Consuming heightens Ig’Morruthen emotions, and I would assume since you haven’t partaken in a while, your body is in sensory overdrive.’

She spun, the sudden movement causing her to nearly slip on the slick ground. Her arms windmilled as she struggled to regain her footing. Once she was stable, she glared at me and nearly hissed as she said, ‘Yes, Liam, give me a fucking history lesson while we are stuck here. Tell me more about myself. You know what else your stupid, prestigious teachings obviously didn’t tell you? We fucking have feelings. I will not be a pawn for you, for Kaden, for no one. Do you understand? You’re so lucky I can’t fly away right now without risking exposure because, so help me gods, I would leave you so fast. I would take Gabby, and you’d never see me again.’

Her words stung, and my heart hammered in my chest. Leave me? I did not like the way that sounded or the fact she’d clearly considered it.

‘I’d find you.’  I snorted more so to mask the pain that suddenly made my stomach drop and my chest tighten.

Her head reared back, that same disgusted look on her face as before. ‘How about you worry about that stupid book you all have a hard on for.’

I shrugged, crossing my arms as she continued to storm away. ‘We made a deal, Dianna. You cannot leave me, nor break it, regardless of your bad mood.’

I watched her fist clench as her gaze grew deadly. ‘Bad mood? You are so lucky that I can’t throw a fireball at your head right now.’

‘Listen, I know the fresh blood in your veins has you—’

‘This has nothing to do with that!’ she practically screamed.

‘Then what is it? Is this because of your friend, Camilla?’

Her crimson eyes narrowed into slits, and at that moment I was afraid she would incinerate me on the spot.

‘Friend? Ha!’ She barked a mocking laugh. ‘She’s more your friend now that you practically deep throated her tongue.’ she snapped once more before she turned, heading deeper into the forest. She almost slipped again, grabbing onto a nearby branch to steady herself. 

The mix of her words confused me for a brief second before realization clicked into place. It was then that I understood, and relief flooded me. I had feared I had destroyed what was between us, but Camilla had been right. If Dianna were truly done with me, she would have left regardless of her threats to do so or the danger. Instead, she was spitting at me. Oh, she was angry, but she wasn’t done. I shook my head, but was not stupid enough to show her my amusement or relief. She did not want to leave me. She was just upset that I’d kissed Camilla. I did not move an inch as I called out to her, folding my arms. 

‘You look absolutely ridiculous in your attempt to stomp away.’

‘Well, you look ridiculous always!’

I called back to her, ‘Your rebuttal is that of a child’s.’

She stopped and spun around and stomped back toward me. Flames burst into life around her hands as she curled them into fists. Without pausing, she threw the fireball at my head. I ducked, the flames whizzing by my head. I continued to dodge as she tossed not one more, but two. They sizzled and died as they met the wet forest floor. ‘Did you just call me a child?’

I smirked at her, knowing she would take it for the challenge it was. ‘It is how you are acting.’

Her eyes narrowed, the flames still wrapped around her hand echoed in her crimson irises as she raised her hand and pointed at her forehead. ‘I’m sorry, who just got shot in the head while you were busy sticking your tongue down Camilla’s throat?’

My chest ached at the memory of the noise, her body falling, and Santiago’s smile. He had grinned as if shooting a bound woman was something to be proud of. He would pay greatly for that the second I got my hands on him, but before I could get to that I had to address her jealousy and pain.

‘Santiago will perish for what he did to you, and there was no,’ I paused not wishing to lie to her, ‘there was very little tongue. And for your information, she showed me where our next target is.’

She folded her arms over her chest, the flames on her hands extinguishing. She looked away as pain twisted her gorgeous features once more. ‘Oh, that’s lovely. I’m glad your make-out session helped us solve a riddle. Congratulations. Do you want a prize?’

‘Why are you so upset?’

Her head snapped towards me, advancing once more. ‘Upset? Why am I upset? You chose her over me, you know, your actual partner. You could have busted out of her control. You’re more than strong enough, but no, I had to get shot, several times might I add. Then the second I try to kill her you toss me off like I’m—’ She stopped, seeming to nearly choke on the words. She was only a few feet from me now. ‘Like I mean nothing when I’m the one risking my life, my friends, and my only blood to help you. I should have left Logan on that fucking, burning street and killed Kaden myself.’ 

She turned away once more, stomping away, and this time I didn’t follow after her. I appeared in front of her, grabbing her arms and making her stop. ‘Hey, I did not choose anyone over you.’

Her eyes blazed once more. ‘Let me go.’

I did, but she didn’t move away, so I went on. ‘Dianna, she showed me visions when she kissed me. Showed me what our next move is. She has been working undercover like you this entire time. That is all and the only reason she truly kissed me.’

She looked up at me from under her lashes, pain still shadowing the depths of her eyes. ‘Is that why she brought Santiago in?’

‘I cannot speak for that. What I do know is that I promise to dismember Santiago when we next cross paths, and you know I keep my word.’

She was silent for a moment, and I was half tempted to step back, afraid she would set me aflame. I knew her temper was still present. I could feel it.

‘No,’ she said, folding her arms and looking away.


‘I want to dismember him,’ she said it so calmly that I smiled. She still did not look at me, just kept her gaze locked in the distance. I carefully reached out, removing one of the several leaves littering her hair.

‘We will talk about it.’

Dianna looked at my hand before lightly slapping it away. ‘Don’t touch me, and don’t try to be nice to me right now. You have Camilla breath’

My smile grew as she seemed to lose some of that intense fire. ‘I don’t see the big deal. It’s no worse than you and Drake’s constant flirting or the laughter you two share over jokes I do not understand. At least I have gathered information.’

She tipped her head, her eyes roaming mine. ‘Is that what that was? Payback? Were you trying to make me jealous?’

The way she asked the question made nerve endings I had not used in centuries come alive. It was softer than the tone she usually used with me, and the part of me that I had silenced to in order to survive screamed awake.

When she had reacted with disgust at the idea of kissing me, it had stung. I had never been rejected, and maybe it was just ego, but I had a feeling it was more than that. She didn’t know how badly I had wanted it to be her lips beneath mine. I could still taste the red stain of Camilla’s lipstick on my mouth, and I wanted to erase every trace of it with the taste of Dianna. It was an intense burning desire that tore my very being. ‘Are you jealous?’ I asked and a part of me prayed to the old gods the answer was yes.

Dianna took a step closer without seeming to realize it. Her body was a few inches from mine, her scent imprinting itself on my mind with each breath. We were too close, and not just physically, but mentally as well. She consumed my thoughts, making me feel and question everything.

Her voice was a breathy whisper and one she had never used for me. ‘Do you want me to be?’

Dianna’s breathing hitched and her gaze dropped to my lips. Her tongue darted out, leaving the plump curve of her bottom lip glistening. I ached to accept her invitation, savor the feel and taste of her until only her scent lingered on my skin. I wanted to claim her as mine.

I knew nothing of love, but I knew I wanted her, needed her, and dreamed of her. It was the most inappropriate and irresponsible thing I could ever want for myself. I just wanted to feel, and a single touch from her set my body alight. I wanted her hands on every single part of me, and I wanted it more than I had ever wanted anything in my life. It was the most selfish desire in the world, but I wanted her more than a crown, more than a throne, more than air. I had confirmation that the Book of Azrael existed and the threat of war loomed, but all my thoughts centered on Dianna. Camila was correct. She had seduced me. More so than that she owned and she didn’t even know it.

I moved a fraction closer and lifted my hands to cup her face. My fingers brushed behind her ear, my thumb gracing over her cheek as I leaned in. Her lips parted slightly as I lowered mine and froze. Her body jerked and her features contorted in pain. Her brows knitted together, blood filling her mouth. She looked down and I followed the path of her gaze, seeing the long curved talons piercing her midsection. My head snapped up and I stared into the blood red eyes of one of the Irvikuva. He smiled triumphantly at me, displaying a mouth full of black pointed teeth. 

‘Liam?’ she gurgled.

I was too slow, her fingertips brushing mine as she was yanked into the thick brush and out of sight.

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