The Billionaire’s Big Bold Weakness: A Brother’s Best Friend/BBW Romance (The Billionaires’ Club)

The Billionaire’s Big Bold Weakness: Chapter 4

‘I…’ Jessa stares at me in obvious shock, speechless. She looks so fucking cute with her cheeks blazing red and her blue eyes wide. She doesn’t even have to say a word to confirm my suspicions…or hopes. Hopes is more apt, I think.

Jessa Jordan is in love with me.

I expect her to try to talk her way out of it, for her to run like a scared little rabbit again.

‘Okay,’ she says instead, squaring her shoulders like she’s preparing to go into battle, effectively shocking the shit out of me. I expected her to dismiss me out of hand.

Yet again, she does the exact opposite of what I expect. And I know all the way down to my bones that it cost her a hell of a lot to do it. She’s as brave as she is sweet. And equally as scared. I think she’s been running from me for so long it’s become pure instinct now.

She isn’t running now, is she?

Thank God.

‘Eat your burger, baby,’ I murmur, locking in her agreement before she thinks better of it and tries to wiggle her way out. ‘I’ll explain while we eat.’

She rolls her eyes like she always does when I tell her what to do. I believe I’m what she calls a bossy pants man. Apparently, she doesn’t like bossy pants men. But her hard nipples say something different. So does the fact that she always does what I say.

I know that’s because she feels safe with me. She knows I’ll take care of her. Knowing that makes me feel like the hero I’ve been called for so long. It’s strange. Nothing I’ve done in the name of God and country has ever made me feel as amazing as I feel knowing my rabbit trusts me.

So why the hell is she so damn afraid to admit how she feels?

‘My team was shipped out on a mission right after I found out about Charles Concord,’ I explain when she takes a big bite of her burger. ‘I figured I’d deal with things here and then get back to them. It didn’t work out that way. There’s too much that needs attention here. It was either give up the SEALs or let thousands of people lose their livelihoods. So I didn’t re-up when my contract expired.’

‘I’m sorry,’ she says, reaching out to squeeze my hand. ‘I think it’s really selfless of you to sacrifice something you love to make sure your father’s board doesn’t start selling out en masse, risking everyone’s jobs.’ She wrinkles her nose. ‘I guess they’re your board now, not his.’

‘Yeah,’ I mutter, exhausted just thinking about the mountain now resting on my shoulders. If this is how Atlas felt trying to hold up the world, he was a tough son of a bitch because this shit is not easy. I’ve been running full out for six months, and I’m still struggling to learn it all.

Daniel Fox may be a pain in my ass, but he’s a useful pain in my ass. There’s nothing he doesn’t know about the business. He’s one hell of an assistant. Thank God I convinced him to stay on instead of taking a position with Justice Foster in Wyoming. Justice is…interesting. He’s one of a bare handful of men I’ve met in the last six months who I didn’t immediately loathe. He’s been helpful as hell, truth be told.

‘My decision wasn’t selfless, rabbit,’ I murmur before taking a bite of my burger. With the egg on top, it’s delicious. ‘I didn’t sacrifice anything.’

‘You never call him your dad,’ she says, dodging the subject.

‘Charles Concord wasn’t a father,’ I growl. ‘He was a soulless bastard who left me his fortune to prevent his board from dismantling the company he loves. I was just a means to an end for him.’

‘You’re handling it better.’ She eyes me, a ghost of a smile twisting at her lips. ‘You seem less likely to burn it all down yourself. I was really worried about you the night you came over.’

‘The night I tried to kiss you.’

She nods.

‘Being angry won’t change anything,’ I say. ‘My mom is dead. I can’t ask her why she never told me Charles was alive. I can’t ask him why he left me to rot in foster care after she died.’

Hell, I can’t even ask how long he knew she was dead or why he walked away from us in the first place. The only two people who had answers are dead. My choice is made. Being pissed won’t change anything, and I’ve got too much shit to do. Why waste energy I don’t have?

‘I’m sorry,’ she says.

‘It is what it is,’ I murmur, not wanting her worrying about me. ‘It’s not all bad.’

‘What’s your favorite part of being a billionaire?’

‘This right here.’

She wrinkles her nose at me, confused.

‘Being able to do what I want when I want. No one argues with you when you’re a billionaire. They just let you do whatever the fuck you want. If you’re eccentric, you’re allowed because you have money.’

Her expression clears, her lips lifting into a sweet smile. ‘Are you saying you’re eccentric, Jaxon Archer?’

‘You mean you can’t tell?’ I tease her, stealing one of her fries off her tray. She immediately steals one of my onion rings. ‘I’m the most eccentric of the bunch.’

She laughs at me before cramming my onion ring into her mouth so I can’t take it back. And that right there? God, I missed that the last six months. Being around her is as easy as breathing. She makes everything better simply by existing. I feel lighter around her, unburdened, like that playfulness of hers seeps into every cell in my body, putting it all back to rights.

‘Why have you been running from me, rabbit?’ I ask, reaching out to brush crumbs off her bottom lip. It’s so soft, so plump. I’ve fantasized more about just kissing this girl than most men fantasize about fucking, I think. I want to know what that sweet mouth tastes like so badly I’m willing to do all kinds of shady shit to make it happen.

She swallows the onion ring with an audible gulp and then takes a sip of her drink. Her blue eyes lock on mine, full of worry. ‘I don’t want to make your life harder,’ she whispers, frowning. ‘You’re a billionaire now. You don’t need me.’

‘What the fuck?’

‘I mean you don’t need me complicating things for you,’ she quickly clarifies. ‘And it would be complicated, Jax. If we…gave in. You need someone who knows the lifestyle to help you, not your best friend’s overweight sister.’

‘Bullshit,’ I growl.

She gapes at me.

‘You may have convinced yourself that you’ve been avoiding me because you don’t want to make my life harder,’ I say, ‘but we both know that isn’t the real reason. You’ve never been worried about fitting in a day in your life. You know you were made to standout. Everyone else knows it too. Those curves make me hard enough to hurt, baby.’

‘Jax,’ she whispers. ‘You shouldn’t say things like that.’

‘Why not? They’re true.’

She snorts.

‘Do you have any idea how many times I’ve gotten myself off thinking about you, Jessa?’

Her gaze flies back to mine, genuine shock crossing her face. ‘You have?’

‘Damn near every day since I met you,’ I growl, reaching for her hand. I drag it toward my body, moving my tray out of the way with my free hand.

She gasps when I press her hand to my hard cock.

‘Every time you’re near me, I’m like this,’ I growl, trying not to come just from the heat of her hand pressed against my aching dick. I’ve wanted her hand there for so damn long, this is heaven and hell at the same time. ‘Every time you smile at me, I’m hurting for you.’

‘Jax,’ she whispers again, awe in her voice this time.

‘What are you hiding from me?’ I whisper back, scooting closer to her. I turn my head to the side, burying my nose in her hair. She smells so damn good. Feeling her body trembling against mine is heaven. ‘Why are you so afraid to tell me how you really feel?’


‘Because why?’

‘Because it’s easier this way,’ she whispers, her voice shaking. She slips her hand back into her lap, which makes me want to grab it and put it right back on my dick. ‘You wanted to kiss me because I was there, Jax. I wanted you to kiss me because it’s what I’ve always wanted. I’ve only ever wanted you.’

‘You think I don’t want you the same?’ I ask, running my nose up and down the side of her face because I can’t stop myself. I desperately want to lay her back and show her exactly how much I want her, but I’ve finally got her talking. I’m not going to stop her until she gets it all out there. We need to resolve this now.

‘I…I don’t know. I’m sure you’ve had other…opportunities.’

‘I haven’t been with anyone since the day I met you, rabbit,’ I growl, pissed she thinks I’ve been unfaithful to her. Even when I couldn’t have her, I was faithful to her. I will always be faithful to her. If it’s not Jessa, it’ll be no one. ‘You’re the only thing on this fucking planet that I want, the only thing my dick gets hard over.’

‘Jax,’ she gasps, turning to face me again. Her eyes are wide and dilated. ‘You’re serious?’

‘Have I ever lied to you?’


‘Why are you running, rabbit?’ I ask again, watching those walls of hers crumble.

‘I don’t want to lose you,’ she blurts, her eyes filling with tears. ‘You matter to me. You matter to my mom and to Cyrus. If we…did anything, and it didn’t work out, you’d lose your family and I’d lose you. I can’t lose you.’

‘Why are you so sure you’d lose me?’ I ask, scooting closer, until there’s not enough room for even the tiniest atom to fit between us.

‘We want different things,’ she whispers, blinking rapidly to keep from crying. ‘You don’t want kids, but I do, Jax. I want them so damn much. So we can’t be together because it wouldn’t work out.’


‘I’m in love with you.’ She gasps and slaps her hand over her mouth, staring at me in shock.

Her declaration hits me like a bomb blast, wrecking me.

‘I’ve been in love with you basically since I met you,’ she whispers, speaking rapidly, as if she’s afraid if she doesn’t say it all now, she’ll lose the nerve. ‘I know you don’t feel the same way, and that’s okay, Jax. You can’t make your heart feel something it doesn’t. But I do feel that. If we tried this and it didn’t work out, it would crush me. So it’s better for everyone if we don’t even go there. I’m sorry I’ve been avoiding you. That wasn’t fair of me because it’s not your fau–’

I press my mouth to hers, silencing her before she talks her way right out of my life. That isn’t happening. Not today or any other day. If she’s afraid I’ll leave her, I clearly haven’t done right by her. If she thinks for a second that I wouldn’t give her as many babies as she wants and love every single one of them with my whole heart, I’ve royally fucked up. But I can’t say that right now, because feeling her lips against mine is a type of beautiful I don’t deserve.

Her lips are soft. I taste the fruity, tangy seltzer on her breath. But underneath that, I taste her, the woman I’ve been in love with for four years. The one I’d die for, no questions asked. I kiss her hard, pouring everything into it. My hand sinks into her hair, turning her head so I can kiss her deeper.

She’s tentative at first, hesitant to kiss me back. And then she whimpers. Her body goes soft and pliant in my arms. Our containers hit the floor as I drag her into my lap. She grips my shoulders, clinging to me as I claim her mouth like it belongs to me. It does belong to me, and it’s about time she knows it.

I pull her glasses off and toss them toward the coffee table and then do the same with mine so they’re out of the way. I run my hands all over her body then, touching all those places I haven’t ever been allowed to touch before. Those rules no longer apply. Cyrus can hate me. Their mom can disown me. I’ll miss the hell out of them. But there’s not a thing in this world that’s going to stop me from making Jessa mine. I should have done it long before now.

I grip her bubble butt in my hands, growling. The rest of her is soft and sweet, but not this ass. It’s round and firm, begging for me to spank and fuck it, to worship it on my knees. One day soon, I’ll do all three.

For now, I use my grip on her to grind her against my cock.

She throws her head back, crying out my name.

And fuck if that isn’t the prettiest sound I’ve ever heard.

‘Say my name like that again, Jessa,’ I demand, greedy to hear it again. I bury my face in her tits, trying to kiss them both at once. Her hard nipples are enough to make me crazy. I rip her shirt, not even sorry about it. It’s between me and what I want.

Her grip on my shoulders tightens, my name leaving her lips again.

I yank her bra down, growling when it resists. Before I can tear it off her body, she lets me go long enough to help me move it out of the way. Her tits spring free from the top. I nearly cum in my pants at the sight of her nipples. They’re fat little cherries against her alabaster skin.

I kiss the right one, and then bite the left one. She whines and wriggles, restless as I touch all those places I’ve dreamed about for years. Her tits are incredible. They’re even better with my marks on them. I kiss and bite and suck until she’s practically sobbing my name.

‘These are mine now,’ I growl to her, just in case that isn’t clear yet. When I pull back to look at her, her eyes are so dilated and dazed, I’m not sure she’s hearing anything. She’s too turned on, needs me to make her come too badly.

I slip my hands into her pants. Whoever invented leggings was a genius. Not only do they make her ass look phenomenal and let me catch glimpses of her pussy lips, but they make it so easy for me to get inside them. They leave plenty of room for me to work with.

Her panties tie at her hips. I jerk one of the ties free, allowing me to slip my hand inside. She’s soaked, her folds coated with her sticky juices. She’s also bare, her lips soft and smooth.

‘Who did you shave this for?’ I growl, jealous as hell to think someone else has been looking at my pussy, touching my pussy. I press my thumb to her clit and jiggle it. ‘Who, rabbit?’

‘No one!’ she shouts, writhing on my lap. ‘I like the way it feels.’

‘So do I.’ And I’m about to make it feel a hell of a lot better. ‘You ever let anyone touch your pussy before, Jessa? Let anyone play with this juicy cunt?’

She shakes her head rapidly back and forth.

‘Good,’ I murmur. No one else will ever touch it or kiss it. No one else will ever fuck it. She thinks I could ever let her go? She’s wrong. There will never be another man for her. Her world will start and end with me, just like mine does with her. Whatever she wants, I’ll give her. If she needs to come, I’ll be the one to get her off.

‘Jax,’ she whimpers when I jiggle her clit again.

I play with her like she’s a new toy, touching every part of her, learning every fold. I spread my thighs wider, forcing her to part hers to give me more room to work. Her nails dig into my shoulder blades as she hangs on for dear life. Her skin is flushed a sweet pink and she’s panting. Those tits bounce and jiggle, her pink sports bra keeping them pushed up high for me.

‘Look at me, Jessa,’ I demand, wanting her eyes on me. I want her to know who is touching her. And I want to see every little expression that crosses her face. For so long, all I’ve had were my own fantasies of what she looks like when she’s coming. Now, I get to see it for myself.

She tips her head down. Her hair falls forward like a silky curtain. I reach up with my free hand to move it out of the way, unwilling to miss the briefest flicker of pleasure on her face. Her eyes are midnight blue, full of rapture. Her plump lips are parted.

I keep my thumb on her clit while I try to get a finger inside her. She’s virgin tight and hot as hell. I can’t wait to sink into her for the first time, feel her walls stretching to accommodate me and gripping me tight. Feeling her coming on my cock is going to be an otherworldly experience.

‘You’re going to make me fight for it, aren’t you?’ I ask, jiggling her clit again, trying to get her to let me in. ‘That’s all right, baby. I’ll work like a fucking dog to keep this little thing satisfied.’


How she manages to sound exasperated, shy, and needy all at once, I don’t know, but it’s a hell of a combination. Makes my dick even harder. She’s as cute as she is gorgeous, as adorable as she is feisty. I love every facet of her personality. Knowing she’s in love with me makes me that much more eager to please her, to show her I can be exactly what she needs.

I lean forward to bite her nipple. It’s right there, taunting me. Besides, I licked it. That makes it mine. Her pussy spasms, another flood of moisture soaking my hand. I growl when I’m finally able to get my finger inside her.

And then I growl because she’s even tighter than I expected.

Fuck me. This pussy is going to make me work to keep it satisfied.

I play with her, watching every expression that crosses her face, memorizing them. She’s beautiful every day, but she’s a goddess right now. She doesn’t hide anything from me, instead locking eyes with me and letting me see exactly how good I’m making her feel.

She writhes and grinds in my lap. It takes her a minute to find a rhythm and her courage. But once she does, she rides my hand, taking what she wants from me. It’s sexy as hell.

I slip a second finger inside her. I twist and scissor them, trying to loosen her up. As soon as I touch her g-spot, she shouts my name, practically catapulting off my lap. I manage to wrap an arm around her waist to keep her where she’s at.

‘You like that?’ I ask, doing it again.

‘Oh my god, Jax,’ she moans. ‘W-what is that? Why does it feel so good?’

Ah, hell. If she’s gotten herself off before, she’s never touched her g-spot to do it.

‘That’s your g-spot,’ I murmur, stroking it again. The way she sobs my name has my cock throbbing for release. ‘It’ll feel so much better when I’m hitting it with my cock every time I slide between these thighs.’

‘It…’ She gasps, trembling in my arms. ‘It’s already feels…feels amazing.’

‘Yeah? Then be a good girl and come for me. Soak my hand.’

She whines my name again, and then again when I stroke her g-spot and her clit at the same time. Her inner muscles flutter around my fingers, letting me know she’s close. She’s fighting it though, fighting me. I don’t even have to ask to know why.

‘This thing between us will never be over, Jessa,’ I tell her, catching her gaze so she knows I’m not screwing around here. ‘Don’t give a fuck what anyone has to say about it. You’re mine, my rabbit. If anyone gets you pregnant, it’s going to be me.’


‘Come, Jessa,’ I growl, ruthlessly dragging her to the edge with my thumb on her clit and my fingers buried inside her little hole. I use every trick I know to get her there. ‘Now.’

She shouts my name when she falls, her inner muscles locking down on my fingers. Her body convulses, throaty cries of ecstasy leaving her lips again and again as I work every last bit of it out of her, greedy for it. Her cream soaks my hand, dripping off my wrist to smear against her dangling panties and soft thighs.

‘Good girl,’ I croon when she slumps against me after the last little aftershock quakes through her. I slide my hand out of her panties and then pop my fingers in my mouth, unable to resist. I’ve been desperate to taste her for so long. She doesn’t disappoint. She’s sweet cream and juicy peaches. I lick up all of her juices, not willing to let a single drop go to waste.

She buries her face in my throat as if she’s embarrassed.

I’m not. This girl was made to be mine. When I finally get inside her, I’m going to gorge myself on her, teach her every filthy thing I’ve thought about doing to her. One day soon, she won’t feel shy around me. When that cunt gets hungry, she’ll climb up on my lap and take what she wants from me.

For the moment, I content myself with holding her close while Ruby demolishes the remains of our dinner. She’s quiet in my arms, keeping her face in my throat. I run my hands up and down her back, murmuring to her.

‘My heart feels you,’ I whisper, turning my head so my lips are at her ear. ‘It’s always felt you.’

‘Jax,’ she whispers back.

‘You done running from me now, rabbit?’


‘Thank God,’ I breathe.

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