The Beta and His Runaway Werefox / ✔️

Chapter Twenty-One | A Stunned Deer

“Why are you guys here?!”

Kyra’s voice snapped Bella out of her stunned state as she turned to find Byron and Jesse standing behind them with weird looks on their faces. Their postures tried to show that they were casual, but their eyes said something else.

She was never good at picking up emotions; even her father was hard to read, but these two were easy. Their sudden appearance was suspicious enough as she turned her eyes back towards the house for a few seconds and then turned back to the boys with a raised eyebrow.

“Should I know something?”

They both gulped, their Adam’s apples bobbing with nerves before Jesse spoke. “We were just seeing what you girls were doing on this fine day.” He grinned, his hands tucked into his pockets with a slight shrug. “Also, Sherry and Grace were looking for you.”

Bella raised an eyebrow. “They are both on border patrol.”

They both stood stunned as they eyed each other. Neither of them knew what to say next, while both Bella and Kyra stood with their arms crossed over their chests. It was obvious that they did not want her to know what Harvey was doing, and that made her angry. If she was not supposed to know from Harvey herself, then she will have to find out on her own.

And Kyra seemed to have the same idea as she moved her head up to stare at Bella with a roll of her eyes. “Come on. They are hiding more than I originally thought.”

“We are not hiding anything.” Byron defended, crossing his arms to make himself look serious. “Can we not be interested in what you two are doing?”

“No,” Kyra responded in seconds with a flat look. “Now, if you excuse us.”


Kyra loudly groaned, Bella partially doing the same as she eyed the two boys with a look of impatience. “What now?”

“Did I ever tell you how lucky Harvey is?” Jesse grinned. “You are one pretty lady.”

Bella sighed, feeling her eyes roll as she turned away from them and started walking. Their loud protests followed behind as Kyra whispered a quiet ′finally′ as they both ignored the boys.

They slowly followed behind as Bella bumped into a few people on her way towards the house. The pit of her stomach formed into nervous knots as she just wanted to know what he was hiding from her. She was hurt, hurt that he was hiding things from her after telling her that he would tell her everything. She had always thought that promises were made to be kept, but Harvey broke his promise, and that broke her heart more than anything else.

She found her hands touching the side of the house as they snuck around, pecking through windows to see if they could find Harvey and the women before they found the kitchen. Harvey sat at the dining room table while the women talked.

Her white hair stuck out amongst the rest of the house. Bella had to question why she had hair like that. Bella never knew the reason for her own hair being so white, but to know that others have the same thing caused her to feel a little relieved.

“What do you think they are talking about?”

Bella shrugged, her eyes still staring at the women. “I do not know. Why would he hide something like this?”

Kyra shrugged in response the same way Bella did. “Your guess is as good as mine.”

She went to respond but felt her breath hitch as the woman stood and grabbed something from the kitchen counter. Harvey’s eyes lit up at the sight as they flipped through it. From what she could see, she was guessing it was a photo album, so she decided to allow her eyes to roam.

Something about this house felt familiar. Like she had been there before, but she could not place it. Her papa always told her that her brain would play tricks on her and those places will seem familiar, but they are not. But as she eyed the surroundings that she could see, she could have sworn that she had been there before.

Eating at that table like she did every morning. Sitting on that kitchen counter while she helped a man make meals. Random memories kept flashing before her eyes as she heard herself gasp and step back while holding her head.

Her gasp gained the attention of the women and Harvey, while Kyra tried to gain Bella’s attention but failed. Memory after memory kept hitting her as she felt her heart jump into her throat, and then her nightmares hit her next. Blood and the body of the man she loved to cook with, her papa taking her away as she cried out for the man on the floor.

Everything began to make sense, but at the same time, it did not as she felt the sparks of the mate bond surround her. Her eyes opened to find Harvey’s brown ones staring into her soul, his hands cupping her face in a tender way, but she could not keep her concentration on him.

His whole scent had surrounded her being entirely, but she could not focus on him. Only the woman standing behind him as she meets the ladies’ eyes. The same Silver-grey stared back at her with tears. Wrinkles surrounding her face indicated age, and a tired yet relieved look in her sunken eyes showed her stress.

Everything from the woman’s body shape to the way she looked, Bella could see herself, and she was more confused than she had ever been in her life.

Her lips parted slightly as she finally looked away from the woman and looked into Harvey’s eyes again. “Who... Who is she?”

“She is your mother, Bels.”

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