The Beta and His Runaway Werefox / ✔️

Chapter One | Rabbit

Whimpering at the feel of her cut foot, she limped slowly towards a bush. Her eyes were full of tears while her tail wrapped itself around her reddish-orange fur. Her sliver eyes frowned in pain while she tried to clean the blood from around her open wound.

She had only wanted to hunt that small, fluffy, innocent bunny until it suddenly hissed and bit her. Her eyes were blurred with tears while she eyed her house and began to stand to limp towards it.

The broken doorway gave her easy access as she was small for her age. Her tiny frame was able to fit into the small gap before she made her way through the rubble and to the cracks that created her bedroom.

Flinching, she shifted into her human form and hissed at the open wounds on her ankle. Finding some clothes to put on before she grabbed a water bottle, needle and thread and a bandage. Her fox would heal her if she were not so weak and hungry. The malnutrition had slowly gotten to both Bella and her fox as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath before she poured the liquid onto it.

Her skin stung in seconds while a small cry escaped her lips. Blood cleared away as she could finally see how deep the bite marks were, and they were deep enough for her to stitch it closed.

“Mhm, where is Papa when I need him?” She whimpered in a whisper as she missed her father. He had been gone for months now after telling her that he would only be gone for a few hours. He gave her food and water, and clothes; he kept her safe in the abandoned area as he raised her only to trust him.

Bella had never met another person before, and she was afraid of coming into one. Her papa also told her to stay away from Werewolves as they were dangerous. Her innocent mind believed him, like everything else that he had told her, was true.

Taking a deep breath, she began to stitch her skin, whimpering loudly as the pain was too much to bear, but she dealt with it. She had no other choice while blood poured out of her open skin.

“I can hear the whimpering! I know she is here somewhere!”

A sudden voice spoke nearby as she paused and widened her eyes in panic. Her heart raced even more as she quickly wrapped her foot up and held her knees close to her chest to keep quiet.

“Can you smell blood, Harv? It stinks of blood around here.”

“Yes, and I can also smell my mate!” The first stranger spoke again as he growled, the growl sending a terrified shiver down her spine while she covered her mouth with her hands. “She keeps hiding from me. I know she is around here somewhere.”

“We should send Kyra in to check out the buildings. She is small enough to fit, after all.” The second male spoke.

“And have Aunty Xenia chop our heads off for making that devil do something dangerous! Fuck no!” A female exclaimed in panic. “We all know that she will hurt herself, and I refuse to die!”

The second male sighed. “You sound like Aunty April.”

“Because she is my mother, Liam!”

Bella could hear the group coming closer while she closed her eyes as tightly as she could. She knew that they were unable to get in as the entrance was near impossible unless you were a small size or a child, and hearing about this Kyra could only mean two of those things.

“Sherry, did you check over there?”

“Yes, I did!” Sherry snapped as Bella flinched. “Did you bother to look around, Byron?”

A low growl was her only answer while someone else spoke. “Let’s just go, Harvey. If she wanted to be found, then she would have come out by now.”

Harvey sighed but did not respond as she heard the group walk away. The strange smell slowly disappeared as she let out a breath of relief and curled into a ball on her makeshift bed.

These very same people have been coming and going for the last four months. The Harvey guy had almost caught her the first time as she had quickly shifted and tucked herself inside of her room, but he still found her clothes and muttered the word ′mate’.

She did not understand what he had meant, and she definitely did not understand why she felt so comfortable when he was near, but she was also terrified. That group were Werewolves, and Werewolves are dangerous, too dangerous for someone like her.

But his smell, his smell, was so foreign that she could not determine what it smelt like, but she liked it. The others did not have the same effect as him, but they also felt like home to her. She had never felt safe or comfortable in her small space, and she had only ever felt safe with her papa, but with this group, she did not know.

She felt weird, and that was not just because she was hungry. But also because she wanted them to come back.

The sudden clap of thunder snapped her out of her thoughts as she whimpered and covered her body with her old blanket, rain now pouring down as the leak in her ceiling decided to make itself known.

Sighing, she snuggled her face into the blanket, knowing that it was going to be a long night.

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