The Beta and His Runaway Werefox / ✔️

Chapter Eleven | Like A Cat

“So, let me get this straight. You were kept in an old town that had, in the past, inhabited your species on your own, and now this Harvey is looking after you while you wait for your father to come back?”

Bella nodded, adjusting her crossed legs as they both sat on the destroyed bed. “Yes, it was not so bad. I got to go swimming and fish. My papa taught me a lot of things to survive.”

“Yeah, but you were isolated from the world,” Christy stated in disbelief. “Who in their right mind would do that to their own child?”

Bella signed, staring down at her fingers in sadness. “Harvey said that I was kidnapped. I do not think that I was supposed to hear that, though.”

Christy hummed, her crystal blue eyes lighting up with thought. “Since you have made me a little more comfortable about the idea that humans are not the only beings on this planet, do you have any questions for me?”

She bit her lip, her eyes slightly frowning as she tried to think of an idea but could only think of one question. She asked Harvey. “What was your childhood like?”

Christy’s eyes beamed even further. “Oh, I had the best childhood anyone could ask for. I have siblings and two loving parents, the typical white picket fence house and a dog named Bruce. I had friends growing up, and my life turned out great. I was lucky.”

“Do you have a job? Everyone here has a job, and Harvey said that I could join anytime I wanted.”

She nodded. “I am a journalist; I was about to go into a law firm, but then... well... now I am here.”

Bella was a little lost, but at this point, she began to get used to it, her head slightly nodding along to Christy’s words as she saw the sadness on her features. “Liam will let you see your family; it is fun here. Everyone is really nice, and you get this thing called pancakes! I really like pancakes!”

Christy smiled. “I do not doubt that I am just a little scared but also kind of excited. This new place, this unfamiliar environment, is just-”

“Can you guys stop talking and notice me!”

Bella jumped, turning her head towards the open door to find Kyra standing on her own with a tired look on her face. Her little arms crossed with inpatients as Christy stared at her in puzzlement. She did not know how long Kyra had been standing there, and she did not know how long they had been talking, but Kyra looked bored and was almost falling asleep while standing in her position.

“Kyra!” Bella exclaimed, a wide grin spreading across her face as the girl rolled her eyes. “Where are your brothers?”

“Looking for you.” She shrugged. “They forget that they are wolves sometimes, but anyway, who is this lady? She smells funny.”

Christy side-eyed Bella before she sucked in a breath. “I am Christy. Apparently, I am Liam’s mate.”

“Ew, both my brothers have their mates now!” She complained before her eyes widened, and a wicked grin spread across her face. “Do you guys want to have some fun?”

Bella felt her heart skip from the way Kyra spoke, Christy instantly agreeing before she removed herself from the bed and walked towards the door. Bella was not entirely sure whether or not she wanted to come, nerves forming inside of her stomach before she sighed and trailed behind.

Kyra was a seven-year-old little girl, but in Bella’s mind, she was a she-devil in disguise. Her young body played her innocence, but her mind was so highly intelligent that she could play every single person like a fool if she wanted to.

And that was how she played both Christy and Bella. Although Bella could not complain, her excitement took the better of her as they set up what Kyra commanded. Her hands got dirty from the green goo as they held wide grins on their faces.

She did not know who their target was, Kyra made it clear that she did not care who was taken out first while Christy begged for their target to be Liam, but Bella held a little guilty hope that Harvey would face the goo first, the ball in her stomach forming as she held off a nervous laugh.

By the time everything was in place, they had hidden around the corner in the hallway, their faces pocking out to watch the front door as Bella could not stop her consistent laughing while Christy held her hand over Bella’s mouth to keep her quiet.

They all stood in complete silence. Only their breathing could be heard while Kyra made an impatient groan every few minutes. And then it happened. Loud talking came closer and closer as Bella recognised the voices. Jesse argued with Grace while Byron and Sherry cheered their argument on like it was a game. Harvey told them to shut up while Liam told him to stop bothering.

All six people were completely unaware of what was to come as the door fully opened, the buckets getting triggered as the green goo came onto them in waves. Their shocked gasps broke the silent spell as Bella found herself falling from her uncontrollable laughter, tears streaming down her face while Christy and Kyra cheered. Harvey stood back as he was the only one who did not get goed with an amused grin on his face as he found himself starstruck by Bella’s smile.

Her eyes lit up as she tearfully grinned at their pissed faces. “Get goed!”

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