The Beta and His Runaway Werefox / ✔️

Chapter Eighteen | The Fox And Her Bow

“Remember, steady breath, steady hand. As long as you keep your heart rate steady and perfect, the more accurate your shot is.”

Bella nodded, keeping her breathing as even as possible while she held the bow in front of her body. Her positioning was nearing perfect as she closed one eye and concentrated on the target.

It had taken her a good thirty minutes to convince Liam to let her practice Archery again. She loved her first lesson and could not wait for her next, especially after the day before. Harvey told her that he had the situation covered, but she felt like he only said that to ease her anxiety.

Her father was cunning and knew how to blend. Alpha Byron would not be able to track him because he was so good at covering his own scent. Shaking her head, her eyes turned to Christy, her body in the same stance as Bella’s, while she had to grin before turning back to her own target.

If it were not for Christy, she would not be doing this, and she had to thank her for that. Christy had already found a way to get what she wants from Liam, and he falls for it each time. To Bella, the idea that Liam would fall for Christy’s every beck and call was amusing. The Liam she got to meet a few days ago is definitely not the Liam who keeps staring at Christy as if she were the only person there.

Trying to steady her thoughts, she released her breath and let go of the string. The arrow finally hit the target instead of the ground, but she still missed the one spot she wanted.

“Keep trying, girl! You are getting better.” Christy encouraged. Pulling and releasing her own as her arrow hit the dummy’s head. “See, just like that.”

“How are you able to do that?” Liam questioned in disbelief. “It takes some people years to master.”


Christy shrugged, they both seeming to get lost in their own little bubble as Bella huffed and grabbed another arrow.

She wanted to master this and be like everyone else. She did not want to wait years before she finally hit the head on the dummies, and she did not want to be left behind while everyone else mastered everything there is when it comes to training. Bella wanted to know how to do everything. She wanted to become a legend like Xenia and be known as a strong warrior instead of that girl who was hiding and living in the werefox’s old territory her whole life.

But then, a sudden thought hit her as she lowered her bow. If she wanted to become strong and powerful, then she would have to be trained by the very person that she aspires to be like.

Turning her eyes towards the couple, who were clearly distracted by themselves. She grabbed a bag full of arrows and tucked her bow around her body before she snuck away.

Bella did know where she was going. This pack was large, and from what she had heard, this pack is the second-largest pack in the country. The first is the royals, whoever they are.

Trying to go off her instinct, she followed the paths that led into the housing section of the pack. Harvey said that Byron’s parents, Sherry’s parents and his own all lived beside each other as they all had grown up as family but knowing where those houses were or what they looked like was the hardest part.

After thirty minutes of walking around, she paused in her steps. Frustrated as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath before she smelt Kyra’s scent. Her eyes shot open as her feet began to move again. Kyra’s scent soon mixed in with Vincent’s and many others that she did not recognise, but the one scent she was looking for hit her last as she came across singular houses that were a little further away from the pack.

Curious, she followed the path and walked up the stairs to the closest one. Xenia’s scent was as strong as ever as Bella sighed and knocked on the door with a shaky breath.

After waiting for a few minutes, the door finally opened, but the person who stood in front of her was not Xenia or even Vincent. The man stood so tall that she had to crane her neck up to look into his rich blue eyes, staring down at her with a raised eyebrow before his expression changed.

His eyes widened as a girlish squeal left his lips. His hands cupped his cheeks as he started to bounce in excitement. “Oh, my fucking god! It is you!”

“Me?” She questioned, taking a step back as he was beginning to freak her out. “I was hoping to find Xenia?”

“Oh yes! Come inside. Xenia is with my wife.” He enthusiastically spoke, grabbing her arm to pull her inside before she could run away. “April is going to scream when she sees you!”

“Please, no.” She mumbled, feeling a headache already appearing as she got pulled through the house. Hearing the sound of April’s name caused her to think, however, as she remembered the talk she had with Sherry and Grace. If April was Sherry’s mother, then this loud, scarily friendly man was Jack, Sherry’s father.

Her arrows kept digging into her back while he pulled her through the house. Different smells hit her all at once as she began to feel sick. So many people in one sitting is something she was not comfortable with, and she learnt that very quickly, but at this particular moment, she knew that this situation is going to be a difficult one to get out of.

Because if the stories are true, Bella is not leaving this house as the same person she is now.

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