The Beta and his Mate

Chapter 7

Blaines POV

“What about something like this?” Hannah asks as she held up a blue and white floral daisy dress. “It’s really pretty and I think it would go really well with your complexion.

I internally cringed at the amount of flowers that were on the print, it was safe to say that I was not a girlie girl. “Umm... yes but... don’t you think that would look better on Anna with her blond hair?”

At the mention of her name Anna looked up from the shirt she was looking at and came over. “Oh that’s pretty” she said as she quickly forgot about the shirt in her hand, her full attention now on the dress. I sighed in relief at not having to try it on and made my way over to a black and red flannel I had seen out of the corner of my eye. Now this was more my style.

After we had finished shopping, Hannah and Anna fighting over who was going to pay for my stuff, we made our way over to a cafe. One of the guards that had come with us had gone to drop off the obscene amount of clothes the two of them had bought so it was just us three and another warrior who went to take a table that was vacant two tables over from us.

“So Blaine, tell us a little about yourself” Anna asked as she placed her vanilla latte onto the table in front of her.

I smiled at her as I too sat down with my drink, black coffee. “I think you mean ‘tell us how you became a rogue’“.

“Well” Hannah said as she joined our duo at the table “we didn’t want to be as forward as that but sure we can start with that” she laughed as Anna lightly smacked her arm.

“That is not what I meant Blaine”.

I shrugged “no it’s alright, to be honest I’m surprised you hadn’t asked me that before you let me join you for dinner last night”.

Anna just smiled as she took a sip from her drink “I knew you weren’t dangerous and you had no intention of hurting us, there was nothing else I really needed to know” she shrugged.

I smiled at her, grateful that she had taken my side yesterday. Today would have turned out very different if she hadn’t.

“Well if you must know, I was actually born a rogue” I said as I took a sip of my drink, it was a little bitter but it definitely wasn’t the worst cup of coffee I had ever tried.

I looked up to see both the girls staring at me in shock, “what?”

“You were born a rogue?” Hannah asked, her drink suddenly forgotten about.

I nodded my head, a little confused at their reaction “Yes why?”

“You know it explains a lot” Anna suddenly said as she rested her head on her hand. “All the rogues I have ever met, which isn’t to many but still, they have always given me the same feelings. They’re always snappy, hate althority and... well quite frankly just mean”.

“Mean?” I asked with a smirk.

Anna just rolled her eyes “oh you know what I mean.. but you, you’re actually nice”.

“Thank you?” I replied, chuckling at her words.

She smiled before taking another sip “you’re welcome”.

“So how come you were born a rogue? I didn’t even really know that was a thing” Hannah asked.

I shrugged “Well when my mum and dad found out they were mates it didn’t go down well with either of their packs. See my mum was the daughter to an Alpha and her dad decided that she was going to be forced into an arranged marriage with another packs Alpha a few hours away to form an alliance”.

“Thats horrible” Anna suddenly exclaimed, her hand covering her mouth.

I laughed “horrible but apparently not unheard of”.

“So what happened? I mean I’m guessing your mum didn’t marry him”.

I shook my head “No she didn’t, she actually did intend to go through with it at first. She went over to the pack to meet her future husband but as soon as she got out of the car she could smell her mate was there. She ran around the pack grounds looking for him and when they finally found each other they went over to her father and her fiance to ask if the alliance could be formed with them instead. Well, long story short it didn’t go over well and they both ended up running away before my dad was killed and my mum was forced to marry someone who wasn’t her mate.”

The girls sat there in silence for a second, absorbing the information whilst I just sat and drank my coffee.

“So what happened to them” Hannah suddenly asked.

I frowned into my drink as I thought about my family. “Well we were happy for ages, I mean we had to move quite a lot to stay off the radar but I had my mum and dad and my older brother and younger sister. Life was good” I shrugged.

“But then one day, my brother and sister went hunting and didn’t return. My parents decided to go look for them, hoping they could find them and bring them back but they never did. To this day I don’t know where they are”.

“Oh Blaine I am so sorry” Anna said as she reached over and took my hand in hers. “No one should have to go through losing their parents, let alone losing their siblings as well”.

I shrugged my shoulders as I took another sip of my coffee, hoping they would change the subject.

“It’s okay, I’ve kind of come to terms that I may never see them again”. God I hated talking about my life story, it was so depressing.

“Was it a while ago?” Hannah asked in a quiet voice.

“About two or three years ago, I’m not really sure”.

We remained silent as we finished our drinks neither of us knowing what to say after the revelation of my possible dead family.

Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed the chapter 😁

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