The Beta and his Mate

Chapter 3

Blaine’s PoV

After I had been surrounded by pack warriors I was quickly forced to shift back into my human form and was cuffed with silver chains before being lead to their cells. At least one of them was decent enough to throw me an oversized shirt so that I could cover up a little. I was not in the mood to parade around naked for everyone to see.

I had a strong limp because of the damage the other rogue had done to my leg but this didn’t get me any sympathy from my escorts as they marched me at a fast pace through the outskirts of their territory and down a flight of stairs.

Blood was free flowing from both my thigh and my ankle, causing me to become slightly dizzy. With the added effects of the silver chains slowing down my healing speed there was not a lot I could do as they lead me to a cell and threw me in, not caring that with my hands tied behind my back I landed face first on the dirty concrete floor.

Great. I had lived as a rouge all my life, managing to dodge all kinds of things trying to kill me but the thing that finally succeeds in getting me? My mates pack. Just great.

I sighed as I shuffled into an upright position so that I could get a better look at my leg. Through the blood and dirt I could see the four scratches on my thigh were deep but not particularly long, only a few inches and my ankle was badly bruised but not broken.

I sighed as I rested my head back against the wall, well at least it could be worse.

I sat there for a while, just thinking about all the crap that had happened to me today and just as I was about to drift off to sleep for a much needed nap my cell door suddenly burst open.

I quickly went to stand up but all that achieved was my leg screaming in pain and giving up on me as more blood seeped out of the cuts. I slammed back down onto the hard floor and groaned in pain. First my leg, then my face and now my tail bone? Looks like I’ve hit the trifecta.

I looked up to see a tall man blocking the doorway with two guards flanking him on either side, this must be the Alpha.

“Hi there” I greeted in an overly sweet voice as I tried to smile with a half swollen face. “You must be the big bad Alpha, my name is Blaine, it’s so lovely to meet you. I’d shake your hand but as you can see I’m a little indisposed at the moment” I said as I rattled the silver chains behind me, they bit at my skin a little but it was nothing I couldn’t handle.

The Alpha frowned before crouching down in front of me with his elbows resting in his knees, a scowl plastered on his face as he looked me up and down. “What were you doing on my territory?” He growled as he looked me dead in the eye.

Even as a rogue we could feel the power of an Alpha and I couldn’t help myself as I lowered my eyes slightly.

“Look I wasn’t trying to invade your land or anything I promise, I was just trying to get away from a few males who were trying to attack me and I accidentally ran into your packs territory. It won’t happen again” I explained. At least I was getting to tell my side of the story with this guy, I’d heard stories where captured rogues in some packs weren’t even allowed to talk.

He sighed before standing up and looking at his two pack mates “can we verify her story?” He asked in a low voice but I could still hear what he was saying, thank you wolf ears.

“Yes Alpha, I will head out now and talk to the warriors on patrol, maybe they have some insight on the situation”.

The Alpha nodded before looking back at me. “You will stay here whilst we look into your situation. If it turns out you are telling the truth we will let you go but if I found out you were lying... your going to wish those rogues finished you off” he growled as his eyes swirled gold.

I shrunk back slightly at the sight of him before I nodded my head. No matter who you were, unless you wanted to die you never mess with an Alpha.

“JAX!” I suddenly head a voice yell from the stairwell as they made their way down into the cells. Her voice echoed slightly off the walls and I cringed at the pitch.


I heard the Alpha swear quietly before heading over to the direction of the voice.

“Annabelle what are you doing here? You know how unsafe it is in the cells” the Alpha, who’s name I now know as Jax said as he tried to convince the girl to leave.

“Oh be quiet, you know as well as I do that I’m perfectly safe down here, this place is guarded more than our house” she sighed.

She must be Jax’s mate and Luna because there in no way anyone else would ever get away with talking to him like that.

Jax just sighed in response, I still couldn’t see either of them but I could tell he had given up trying to convince her to leave already.

“What do you need little mate?”

“I just need a hand finishing dinner, everyone will be arriving soon and JJ is screaming his lungs out”.

“Alright baby I’ll be right there” he said affectionately as I heard him kiss her “I’ll just finish down here then I’ll head up”.

I shifted slightly, hoping to relieve some of the pain in my leg and the pins and needles that were threatening my lower half. If I wasn’t attached with silver right now it would be half way healed already, damn chains.

“Jax is someone down here?” The girl suddenly asked as she started walking towards me.

“Annabelle everything is under control, could you please just head on back home and trust that I have this?”

Apparently Annabelle didn’t believe him because a second later I saw a head peak around the wall of my cell, the door still open and guarded by another pack member.

“Luna” the guy greeted as she came closer. She gave him a friendly smile before turning around and taking me in.

It took her a second to react but when she did the shock quickly morphed into anger. “Jax what the hell is that poor girl doing in a cell!?” She yelled as she turned around to look at her mate.

“She’s a rogue Annabelle, I need to make sure she isn’t dangerous before I can release her”.

Annabelle rolled her eyes before gesturing to me “look at her Jax, she is injured and needs help. Just because she’s a rogue it doesn’t mean she’s dangerous. I was technically a rogue when I turned up here and if it wasn’t for you I probably would have ended up in a worse state than her. Surly you would have learned from that and not judge someone before you know all the information?”

I liked this girl.

Hey everyone! I have had such an amazing response from the last two chapters, I love you all 😘😘

Let me know what you think 😊 x

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