The Beta and his Mate

Chapter 20

Blaine’s PoV

I thought that once we had found the chip trick with JJ’s teething we were safe for the night but unfortunately after only a few frozen chips JJ had manage to throw up everywhere. Not only was he now covered in baby vomit but so was Xavier and the whole front of his shirt. At first I had laughed, finding his disgusted facial expression hilarious but when he had given JJ to me to look after while he changed JJ decided to give me the same treatment and threw up all over my front.

“That’s what you get for laughing at me” Xavier said, a satisfied smirk on his face “gotta love karma” he laughed.

I rolled my eyes at him as I held the heavy baby out to him “yeah yeah whatever, can you please just take him back so that I can change as well? We also need to change him, I dont think Anna and Jax would be to pleased if they came back to pick him up tomorrow and he was covered in his own vomit” I said.

Xavier just smiled at me as he took JJ from my arms and walked back into the living room where his changing bag was.

I walked behind him, albeit a bit slower thanks to my stupid leg, and went over to my own bag so that I could find a clean shirt to change into. “I’ll change in the kitchen, I won’t be two seconds” I told Xavier as he continued to wressle the wiggling baby into another pair of clothes.

I laughed at the sight before leaving them to it and shut the kitchen door so that I could change in privacy.

As soon as I was alone I let out a breath that I hadn’t realised I had been holding... we had nearly kissed. Xavier and I had nearly kissed! I couldn’t believe it, after everything that we had been through and all the hateful words that had been thrown back and forth between the two of us, I never thought we’d even get close to that stage in our relationship.

My heart stuttered as I carried on thinking about it, getting more nervous the more the butterflies swarmed around my tummy. I mean I wasn’t a prude, I had kissed people before, but it was never as intense as what we had just shared and we hadn’t even really kissed. God knows what would happen if we actually did if that’s how it felt just to be close to it.

“Blaine are you alright in there?” Xavier suddenly asked through the door.

I jerked out of my dazed state at his voice and quickly took a shaky breath to calm my heart beat slightly before responding. “Yeah I’m good, just sitting down for a second”.

“Well stop sitting and get in here, this is definity a two man job getting this little man back into some clean clothes” he laughed.

I smile back, even if he couldn’t see me, and quickly went about changing into a different T-shirt so that I could help Xav out.

When I walked back into the living room I laughed at the sight of JJ crawling around the carpeted floor with only a top and a nappy on with one sock semi off of his left foot. “Seems like dressing him was a success then” I laughed as I bent down to pick him up and bring him back over to where his clothes were.

“Yeah I kind of just gave up in the end” Xavier shrugged as he looked at me in amusement.

“What?” I asked as Xavier continued to stare at me “do I have something on my face?”

“No it’s just... your T-shirt is kind of inside out” he laughed as he pointed to the new top that I had just put on.

I blushed slightly as I went about finishing dressing JJ, “yeah well you can’t even dress a baby” I defended as I finished putting on his last sock.

“Yeah but at least I can dress myself” he laughed and I couldn’t help but laugh back as I smacked him in the stomach. “Oh and by the way when I was going through his bag for another set of clothes I found this” Xav said and I looked over at him to find a bright blue and green teething ring in his hand.

“Oh my god are you serious? We had one here the whole time and instead of looking we just gave him frozen chips” I laughed as I put JJ back down on the floor.

“Yeah... maybe leave the fact that we fed their baby frozen chips out of the nightly report when they come to collect him” Xavier said as he rubbed the back of him neck.

“Agreed” I nodded as I went and sat over on the sofa with a sigh, glad that I could get the weight off of my leg.

“How’s it going by the way? Your leg I mean” Xavier asked as he came as sat next to me.

I shrugged as I settled back into the cushions, making sure I still had an eye on JJ as he played with one of his musical toys. “It’s fine, pulls every now and then when I’ve been on my feet for a while but other than that I can’t complain”. I kind of just wanted the whole thing to be healed now, that way not only will I be able to get around easier but I will also stop being a nuisance to everyone. “Hopefully it’ll heal soon and I’ll be out of your hair” I smiled as I looked over at JJ again.

I personally wasn’t fussed about being around Xavier, sure I felt it was a little early for us to be living together but it was nice being in such close proximity to your mate and him not hating your guts. I mean I now understood why he did, it was a similar reason as to why I hated pack wolves so much, but it still hurt slightly to be rejected by the one person who should love you unconditionally.

“I umm... was actually going to talk to you about that” Xavier muttered quietly, as if he wanted to say it and bring up the subject but also hoped that I didn’t hear him so that he had an excuse to drop it.

“Oh yeah? Are you wanting me out sooner or something?” I laughed but I couldn’t help the little tickle of fear I got at the back of my neck when I realised that that could actually be a possibility.

“What?No I just... you know if you didn’t want to move back into the pack house after you were better you can always just... stay here” he shrugged, as he shook his knee in nerves.

I froze slightly at the thought and stared at him open mouthed as I took in what he just said, did he...?

“I mean I totally understand if you don’t want to” he hurried on, taking my silence as a bad sign “I didn’t exactly make the best first impression... or second... or even third for that matter, but I hope we can at least you know... try to be civil with each other or something” he shrugged.

My heart stuttered as I continued to stare at him open mouthed, he was asking me to move in with him... wasn’t he?

I cleared my throat, hoping my voice didn’t come out as a squeal as I said the word that I’m sure will change the dynamic of our relationship for good. “Sure”.

Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I can’t wait to hear what you think as I really enjoyed writing this one 😊😊

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