The Beta and his Mate

Chapter 14

So the poll on my instagram said that you guys prefer reading from Xaviers POV so I will make sure I put as much of it in as I can in this story :) Interestingly enough it was pretty much 50/50 for the Jax/Anna poll.

Xaviers Pov

It had been several hours since Anna, Jax and JJ had come to visit me and Blaine and the stream of visitors hadn’t lightened up, it seems the whole pack had heard about the rogue girl who I had saved and they were curious to see who she was. I mean I couldn’t blame them, the whole pack has known for years that I hated every rogue that even came near our border with a passion and it seemed almost impossible for the rogue killer to be seen saving a rogue... and yet I did. If anyone told me a week ago that I would go out of my way to save a rogue on more than one occasion I would have laughed in their face and told them to be serious, yet here I am, willingly sitting in a hospital room and waiting for my rogue mate to wake up.

I had eventually had enough of all these people coming in and out of Blaines room, scared that they were going to wake her up before her body was ready, so I asked Jax to politely ban anyone from entering this room that wasn’t needed. Thankfully people had respected their Alphas wishes and I hadn’t seen a soul in over an hour.

Just when I was about to doze off the heart monitor suddenly spiked and I shot up in alarm to find Blaine lying there with her eyes semi open taking in her surroundings.

“Hi” I whispered, not wanting to startle her any more than she probably already was. Her eyes snapped over to me and she quickly assessed me as I stood over her, not really knowing what to do or say.

“Would you like some water?” I suddenly blurted as I went over to the corner of the room and filled up a small cup with some water from the neighbouring pitcher before placing a straw in so that she could drink it easier. “Your body is probably still a little dehydrated so the doctor said to offer you this as soon as you woke up” I carried on rambling as I walked over to her, offering the cup to her with an outstretched hand.

Blaine assessed it for a second, debating whether to take it or not, but I guess her thirst won out as she reached out with one of her hands, still attached to a drip, and took the cup from me. She took a long thirst quenching sip before sighing in relief and handing the empty cup back to me.

“Did you want anymore?” I asked as I went back over the the pitcher, hoping to help her out in any way that I could.

She quickly shook her head though as she found the button to raise the back of her bed slightly, trying to get comfortable. “What happened?” She croaked out as she snuggled into the many blankets surrounding her. After her fever had broken her body started to rapidly cool her down, making her shiver so I quickly covered her with a blanket to try and keep her body at a more comfortable temperature.

“What’s the last thing you remember?” I asked as I made myself comfortable on my hospital chair, thankful Jax had switched them up to a much more comfortable type last year.

“Well... I was running... and then I was sitting... or lying down... was someone holding me down? I honestly don’t remember to much of anything to be perfectly honest with you Xavier” Blaine sighed, cringing every now and then from her scratchy throat.

“After you ran away I decided to go after you, not liking the idea of you being out there on your own. You didn’t make it easy for me but when I finally found you, you were lying on the ground with your face all banged up and your leg covered in blood. After you spotted me you passed out, I was so worried I pounced on the guy that was holding you down, making sure that he got off of you and wasn’t hurting you anymore.”

“I remember” Blaine whispered as she brought her hand up to her forehead, as if the sudden flood of memories was causing her to have a headache. “Did you kill him?”

I frowned but shook my head “no, I didn’t know who he was to you so I just made sure he was off you and safe from him harming you any more. After I ripped him off of you he ran away, probably realising he was no match for me.”

Blaine groaned at the news “you should have killed him” she sighed.

“I’m sorry but it was a choice of either going after him or getting you the help you needed, you weren’t in good shape Blaine”.

She just sighed again but otherwise didn’t respond. We stayed in that semi awkward silence for a while before I decided to break it, not enjoying the awkward feeling at all. “Did you want me to get you some food or something? I mean the doctor hasn’t technically okayed you for solid foods yet but I’m sure I could sneak something in for you”.

She smiled slightly at me in thanks before shaking her head “thank you but no, I’m honestly still feeling a little sick and the last thing I want to do is throw up all over myself after everything else I’ve been through lately” she laughed. “Just give me a day or two’s rest and then I’ll be out of your hair, you won’t have to see my face ever again”.

I frowned at her words, not liking the sound of them at all, “why would I want you to leave?” I questioned.

She looked at me with this are you kidding me look and I stared back at her with just as much confusion.

“Last time I checked you wanted nothing to do with me and the idea of me being your mate was laughable to you. Excuse me for thinking that meant you didn’t want me around”.

My shoulders slumped in defeat as I rubbed the back of my neck “look I’m sorry about... all of that. I know I can be a-“.

“Asshat, dickwad, buttheat, douchbag-“.

“Yeah I get it” I laughed slightly as I looked at her smug face “I can be a bit... unfair sometimes but if you’re interested I’d like to get to know you a little better, I mean you are my mate after all”.

Blaine stroked her chin with her thumb and forefinger with a slight smirk on her face “you know I’m not going to make it easy for you to get back into my good books right?” She laughed.

I smirked back as I relaxed further into my chair “bring it on”.

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