The Beta and Her Omega / Old Version ✔️

Chapter Twenty-One | Milestone To Mystery

The sounds of obnoxiously loud birds woke Xenia up the next morning as she opened her eyes and groaned in annoyance. The early morning hated her yet again as she did not agree with waking up.

Her legs felt stiff and her arms stretching out, she found herself freezing. Her body was completely still as she slowly looked down. The heaviness on her chest was instantly discovered as Vincent was sound asleep on top of her. Her eyes staring down at his bed hair that was currently using her boobs as a pillow before she felt herself smile in amusement.

Xenia tried to think of how they had gotten to this point but came up empty. All she could remember was their kiss as she still felt the tingles from their mate bond on her lips. Running her fingers through his hair as he growled in pleasure, his sleeping state was aware of her as she softly chuckled and continued to play with his curls.

His brown hair was so soft and silky while she made a mohawk. Enjoying her time with it as he stirred, groaning from her touch as the effects were getting to her ego. She loved how much she had affected him and still does affect him as he slowly woke up.

For a moment, she held her tongue. Vincent snuggled himself into her even more before he froze, his head lifting from her chest as his eyes slowly made their way up towards her face before he panicked and jumped off her, landing on the floor beside the bed as she began to laugh in hysterics.

Uncontrollable giggles coming in waves as he sat on the ground in shock. Her body now feeling cold as she wanted him to hold her again, her face streaming with tears of joy as she could not stop.

Vincent just sat there and watched her struggle to breathe. Her face turned red as she wheezed and choked. “That was gold!” She coughed out, her breathing heavy while she sat up and messed his hair up again. “Man, that was fun while it lasted.”

He leaned into her touch before she pulled away and walked into the bathroom to do her business. She was not expecting him to stay in her room as she had left him there; however, as she came out, she found him still in the same position that she had left him in.

Her eyes frowning in concern as she came over and cupped his face. “Are you okay?”

“I... I felt... I felt your... ”

“My breasts?” She questioned, another round of laughter wanting to come out as she smiled in amusement. “I know and they are yours after all, so it does not matter.”

He nodded, slowly standing while his face was beat red. Not knowing what to say or do as he pointed to the door and awkwardly left. As soon as her door closed, she released the round of laughter that she was holding back. Her chest was in pain while she fell to the ground holding her stomach.

That boy will be the death of her!

Xenia eventually made it downstairs, the Packhouse full of people as she looked around and found Jack and April eating together and made her way over. Stealing a piece of bacon from their plate as April growled in protest.

Smiling in victory, she filled a plate with food before sitting down next to them and began to eat. Jack raises an eyebrow at her. “Why are you so happy?”

She chuckled, her smile never leaving her face as she ate another piece of bacon. “You will see.”

Both Jack and April eyed each other before they turned their attention to the entrance of the kitchen. Their eyes stayed there as Vincent came in and froze in his place. His eyes instantly landed on her before they flickered down towards her chest and then quickly looked away again in embarrassment.

April choked on her spit as she turned to Xenia. “What did you do?!”

“Why do you assume that I did something?” She questioned back with fake innocence as Vincent stayed in his place. “It was an innocent accident.”

Jack eyed Vincent up and down before smirking. “You slept on her boobs.” Vincent jumped, his face turning redder by the second as he opened and closed his mouth. His embarrassment confirmed Jack’s suspension instantly as his smirk widened. “Do not worry kid, I do that every night to this one.”

“You suck my nipples like a new-born baby, not sleep on them!” April blurred out, Jack suddenly choking on his coffee while Xenia covered her mouth with amusement.

Alpha Zander came in behind a frozen Vincent just in time to hear what she had said. “Seriously, I cannot go anywhere without hearing something sexual.”

“Oh, shut up! You love it!” Xenia laughed, Vincent, catching her smile as she noticed him relax a little and finally come over to sit down. Pushing her plate over towards him in seconds as she was already full. “Who is the blond?”

Alpha Zander turned, the look on his face revealing that he had forgotten the girl was there behind him before he cleared his throat. “This is Tilly. She was… is the leader of the Werefoxes.”

The blond woman came out from behind him. Her petite frame basically hid completely behind him as her light blue eyes shined with a soft, genuine smile. “Good morning.”

Her kind voice caused Xenia to raise an eyebrow. Alpha Zander looked down on Tilly with a weird look on his face as she caught the look of attraction. He was attracted to her and that made Xenia smirk to herself, Rebecca is going to be pissed and Xenia wanted to be in front row seats with popcorn in her lap to watch the show unfold.

Everyone said their good mornings back before she politely dismissed herself. Her leaving causes Xenia to widely smile at Alpha Zander with a twinkle in her eyes. “You have a weird thing with blondes.”

“What?” He questioned, his face showing that he was suddenly flustered as he avoided her gaze. “What are you accusing me of?”

“I was not accusing you of anything.” She smirked. “But your flustered self just revealed that you have a thing for her.”

“Oh, she got you there!” Both Jack and April cheered before April grinned. “I prefer that one. She seems nice.”

“I am not attracted to her!” He tried to defend himself while his face flushed red. “I have a mate and she is the only one I will ever be with.”

“Pfff, reject her ass and you will soon see who your second chance mate is.” Xenia boldly stated with a shrug as she stood. Her stomach felt weird as she suddenly felt hot. “I am going to go take a cold shower and you sir just found your second chance at happiness.”

Alpha Zander went to respond, his eyes blazing with anger as he noticed her discomfort. “Are you okay Xenia?”

She nodded, a wave of dizziness hitting her while Vincent dozed in and out of his own dizziness. “Yeah, I am fine.” She lied, another wave of pain hitting her stomach as she gasped and buckled. Vincent did the same as his eyes teared. “What the hell!”

April came to her side in seconds as Jack went to Vincent’s. “You are both going into heat!”

Xenia groaned, her eyes frowning as she made eye contact with Vincent. “Great!”

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