The Beta and Her Omega / Old Version ✔️

Chapter One: Stupid Rogue

Wrapping her jaw around the rogue’s throat, she whipped her head with one fell swoop and snapped the dog’s neck. Blood soaked her black coat as she lifted her eyes towards her Alpha. Alpha Zander stood proud while his own eyes surveyed the area before connecting with everyone that the rogues have all been taken out.

His dark eyes then fell onto her. ’I have some things to discuss, my office in five minutes.′

‘Yes, Alpha!’ She responded with a slight nod in his direction. Being the pack Beta of the FireFly Pack, she was in charge to make sure that incidents like this never happen but today was different. Somehow thirty rogues had crossed their border and Alpha Zander was pissed.

He was the new Alpha of the pack, only eighteen years of age just like herself as his parents stepped down. Her parents did the same soon after as she was their only daughter. After being a beta for six months, she made her first mistake and she knew that it was going to be bad. Punishments were never easy to get through and usually ended with blood and scars.

Her wolf whimpered inside of her mind at the thought of being whipped. Xenia had been whipped before because she had stolen some food from the packhouse kitchens when she was five years old for some Omega kids. The pack’s idea of punishment was not her ideal way however, other packs were worse. At least the FireFly Pack treated their Omega’s as normal people.

Xenia found a bag of clothes she had stored close to the packhouse and changed before she made her way into the building. Her little sister made out with her mate, while Xenia had to cringe in disgust. The sounds of their smacking lips and moaning sent a disgusted shiver down her spine as she quickly walked past and made her way through the halls.

Knocking on Alpha Zander’s door and waiting for his command before entering. Of course, his office was empty as she entered, the office was always empty whenever they had their meetings. Sitting down she stared down at her lap, her raven black hair falling into her eyes as she awaited his command.

“The rogue attack was not your fault Xenia; you can stop blaming yourself.” He spoke, her head snapping up in shock as he continued. “I have gotten word that the rogues are planning to attack all surrounding packs and were quite distracted.”

“But it is my duty to keep the warriors in check. If I had commanded them to keep watch on the east wing, then that attack would have been prevented, Alpha.” She spoke, her own golden-brown eyes frowning in annoyance as she was pissed with herself. “I deserve whatever punishment is served to me.”

Alpha Zander sighed. “We have known each other since the day we were born. My father might have treated this pack with punishments, but I will not.” He then pushed his chair back, opened a drawer and pulled out a file to throw in front of her on his desk. “I will however request for you to go visit the Riverwood Pack tomorrow evening. Alpha Gary is already aware of our arrival, and I need you to accompany me as he is a bit... of an asshole. To put him nicely.”

Xenia laughed, flipping through the file before placing it back down. “What about our Luna? Would she not need you considering the last time we went on a trip like this?”

Her questions came out humorous while he growled in annoyance. Rebecca was a woman that was known to be quite jealous and whenever Zander left with Xenia, Rebecca accuses him of cheating. It was not Xenia’s nor was it Zander’s fault. She was mate-less after all and she herself would be concerned if her own mate was travelling with a woman alone.

“Leave her to me.” He groaned. “I did not need that reminder.”

Xenia stood, a wide smirk on her face while she spoke. “Good thing that I am not here to make your life easier then. Now if that is all, I need to prepare for tomorrow.”

“That would be best.”

Nodding, she turned and left his office. Making it back to her room to shower and prepare for their trip. The Riverwood Pack were close rivals of theirs. That pack was treated like complete shit, if you were not a warrior, a woman to produce children, or one of the high-ranked wolves, you were treated as a slave and abused because of your title.

Xenia hated knowing this. She hated knowing that she could not do anything to save that pack as it was not her duty to do so. She had tried a few times during meetings with the council to get that pack in order but was denied in seconds. ‘Not your pack, not your problem!’ That was what they told her every time.

Those words had always pissed her off.

But she had to think about it, it was not her job to protect people that were not her own. It was their Alpha and Luna’s responsibility. She sometimes wished that she were an Alpha, then maybe she would have more say. Maybe she would be listened to but instead, she had to stand beside Zander and wait for his commands.

Like a good little puppet.

Sitting on her bed, she leaned back and stared at her ceiling. Her wolf wanted to speak to her but kept hesitating and she did not know why. Usually, Lola was a happy, talkative puppy but today she was different. Anxious, scared, excited, joyful, and also... angry. The mixed emotional bag confused her to great lengths, but Xenia decided to wait.

If it were that important then her wolf would say something, eventually.

It was just too bad that Xenia had a feeling that it was important. Somehow this trip is going to be chaotic and she was looking forward to why.

Authors Note: Ignore the sister thing. It is explained in the book. This book is currently being rewritten as well so this little issue is fixed there.

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