The Beast Within (Book One of the Changes Series)

Chapter New Beginnings (Part 24.2)

-Danielle’s POV-

My body started to mimic the tiny movements the helicopter had to be experiencing. The surrounding noise started to lower until it was at an average level. My friend lost interest in its bloodlust and joined me, lightly rocking to the movement.

We were on a conveyer belt moving underground, right? I knew I was. The base was underground. I didn’t think anything else could surprise me, wrong again.

I could feel my friend’s primal nature calm to a manageable level. I kept up my slight rocking. I wasn’t sure if it helped calm the beast, but it brought me a level of comfort too. God, I did it. I calmed my dark friend. The panic we felt was all but gone. My friend resumed its hum, letting me man the ship completely… for now.

The movement stopped as the cargo door opened, letting a flood of light and cold air fill the newly opened space. I expected Killian to come to my cage, but he didn’t, leaving with the rest of his team instead. He looked back at me before disappearing from view.

I felt my friend’s startled reaction to the change. It made me aware of my own feelings, of the fear I felt. It was quickly replaced by anger. My own rage, but I refused to fall back into the same anxiety I had just fought my way out of. All I could do was move forward.

I placed my hands on the bars in front of me. I held on tight as if I could fuse my determination into the metal itself. As I waited, I could feel my friend fall back into the background once more.

It felt as if time itself had stopped. I watched and listened. Random people were moving around me, but no one acknowledged my existence. McPherson was wheeled out of the helicopter as he slept, and I overheard talks of Porsha’s condition. Nothing much had changed. Even if they didn’t talk to me, I could tell they were silently aware of my presence. There were no slip-ups of where we were or where they would be taking Porsha. I almost wanted to sit back down when one of the soldiers finally came up to me.

“Ma’am, please go to the middle of the cage and stay there. You will be moved shortly.”

He stayed long enough to make sure I heard him as I did what he had demanded. I was just relieved something was happening. The waiting was starting to feel like a form of torture in and of itself. I quietly observed as he and a few others operated levers and controls around me. A lone soldier in the group had his eyes and gun trained on me.

I realized what they were doing. It was true that I was about to be moved, but my legs wouldn’t be doing the moving.

I was lifted into the air. My view was obstructed by the forklift that had me suspended, but I had other things to hold my attention. Soon I would finally see something other than the walls of the helicopter.

As I reached the mouth of the helicopter’s door. Curiosity took over as I absently walked towards the bars. My hands reached out, finding their place upon the cold metal.

The warehouse was massive. My focus was split between the equipment the huge space. Other than the helicopters and other vehicles, I wasn’t even sure what the devices were.

There weren’t many people, which somehow made the area that much more eerie. My mind wandered. What other purposes had this area been used for? Different fantastic options came to mind. Most of the ideas stemmed from my recollection of several apocalyptic movies.

I shook the daydreams out of my head. I needed to focus. All that mattered at the moment was this area would be holding a woman named Danielle Smith, and somehow this woman had to find a way out.

“Ma’am, go back to the center of the cage and don’t move.”

I didn’t even try to make eye contact with the voice source. Again, I did what I was told. I stood as still as I found possible, again waiting. I felt myself release an involuntary snort, more towards myself than anyone else. My situation really was getting more impossible as it progressed, wasn’t it? Murphy’s Law was a bitch.

I decided to take a seat. As I ‘crisscrossed-apple sauced,’ as my children would’ve said, my lack of options played through my head once again. I stifled a laugh. I wasn’t even sure what was so humorous. I didn’t find anything funny about my situation.

I closed my eyes to shut out all the stimuli. The lift came back to life, dropping my cage onto the open bed of the truck. I listened as people continued their work around me.

“MOVE OUT!” a soldier called as he hit the bed of the truck with something hard.

The vehicle gruffly started. My eyes opened as I looked behind me. I felt sadness as I slowly moved away from the helicopter. My emotions were all over the place. I knew I was thankful for the progression, but it came with a heavy price. There was a good chance I would never see Porsha again.

I had done all I could to help her. She would be in a hospital before the day was out. The rest was up to her. I guessed the impossible could be managed. I just hoped I had another miracle in the wings for myself. I watched the distance grow between us. The helicopter’s door closed before I lost sight of it altogether.

“Bye, friend.”

I turned back, but this time I kept my eyes open. Just in case that miracle came calling, I needed to be ready. It felt like I had my head on a constant swivel as I tried to notice everything around me. If anything would’ve been helpful, I wasn’t aware of it.

The only activity I gave myself was soon robbed from me as we drove into an entry that led to a grey tunnel.

All there was for me to do now was count the seams, painted numbers, and darkened entryways I passed on the wall.

The count came to its end after we passed 15, marked in a bright yellow. The following entry was open and brightly lit. It had the same warehouse feel, but it was smaller in comparison, and along the right and left walls had loading dock doors.

The doors were identical on either side until we reached the fourth one. It was open while the others weren’t.

As the truck turned and pivoted into position, I took the chance to have another quick look around. There was nothing else to see other than the closed dock entries. What if the other seven cells held people too?

I remembered what Killian said about the doctor. Maybe she had a host of pets to study. What happened if she tired of them? I shook that thought out of my head. I just had to make sure that never happened, at least not before I found a way out.

I realized I hadn’t bothered to look into the opening. I guess I figured I would be spending my fair share of time in there soon enough. I waited as the truck kept backing up toward my new home. I sat patiently, listening to the familiar beeping that the truck produced. It wasn’t until the vehicle had turned off its engine that I decided to literary face my new existence.

“You can do this,” I affirmed to myself and my dark friend.

Hey everyone! Thank you so much for reading my story. I hope you enjoyed your time in Danielle's world as much as I enjoyed creating it. However, Danielle and Killian’s journey isn’t over yet!!! The Beast Unveiled (Changes Series) will be the upcoming story. Be sure to follow me for all future updates. If you haven’t already, please feel free to leave a like and a review for The Beast Within (Changes Series). Stay safe and happy reading!

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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