The Auction

chapter 16

Lila POV

Mr. Craig thinks he is going to push me out and have me living in the streets. I will show him. I made the call and I will wait. I already have the auction deposits. The vampire authority can seize the bids. I am getting out of here with the deposits and my savings. I know people I can set up somewhere else. I can restart my own auction after everything settles. He is going to pay for trying to push me out.

I have to check on the girls. The guys are too damn stupid to finish up the auction. I need everything to be perfect when the Vampire authority busts this auction up tonight. I go down the stairs to see if the idiots fed the girls.

"How are they?" I ask the idiot.

"I fed all three of them, gave them water, and Ralph check them. I couldn't do it,” Kenu says.

"Well, sounds like you are on top of it. Can't say that about the other idiots we have working here. Results are they ready to breed?" I ask. "Oh yeah, all three are ready, all three are still virgins,” Kenu says. "Good. I will update the auction listings,” I say.

I leave the basement. When the vampire authority gets here and sees these three in the basement they will arrest Craig. I need to be gone by the time they arrive. I am sure they will wait until the auction is over. I can handle everything remotely. I need to grab a bag and my laptop and get out of here before they arrive.

I run upstairs. I grab my laptop, purse, and car keys. I need to get to my apartment to be ready to bolt as soon as the auction is over. I run back down the stairs and out the door. I will have to finish the listings from my apartment. I have two hours until the auction starts.

Tatina POV

I wonder who that strange man was Jayne was talking to. It seemed like her entire mood changed. She seems worried.

"You okay," I ask her.

Jayne fumbles through her purse. "Yeah Yeah, I know him from work. Listen he is going to stop by the hotel later and have a drink with us. He is a super nice guy, so don't be afraid of him. He just looks like he has a stick up his ass," Jayne says with a laugh.

"Okay. I love meeting new people,” I say.

"Good. Why don't we take our drinks and walk down the street,” Jayne says.

"Sure, you should see what time Russo gets off work," I tease Jayne. "This is my time with you. Man, he is hot though. Look we are here a few days so we can figure it out tomorrow. Maybe I can see him then,” Jayne says.

"Write down your number on the check and give it to him," I say to her. Jayne takes a pen out of her purse and writes down her number. She slips it to Russo with the check and a big tip.

“Let's go find some music,” Jayne says.

We grab out hurricanes and walk out of the bar. We exit to the left and walk down to Bourbon Street. We cross over to the other side of the street. I have never seen so many people before. Street performers, fortune tellers, musicians all out in the street to entertain us.

"There is a blues bar right down on the left, * Jayne says.

As we walk closer I see the man from the bar with three other individuals. "Is he following us?" I ask Jayne.

"I seriously doubt that. They are probably here on vampire business. Things that do not concern me or you," Jayne says.

I feel like she is hiding something from me. I don't know what but it's something bad. "Jayne you know you can tell me anything, I am not a child," I tell her.

Jayne stops in front of the Blues Bar. "Listen, I cannot go into much because I don't know much. All I know is they are here about Craig. I don't know what and we won't know until tonight. My friend is coming by to talk to us at the hotel tonight. We will have all the answers then. So until then, until I have to worry until I have to let this be a bad thing, I want us to have fun,” Jayne says.

"Okay. Then we should have fun,” I say as I open the door to the Blues Bar for Jayne. I follow the sounds of the music straight to the bar. I hope everything is okay.

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