The Alpha's Young Mate

Chapter 43

Clayton's POV

Just as I was coming back to the pack house from searching for Nicole, I ran into Rose and guess who? Drake.

They wrestle around in wolf form and I feel my whole wolf body fill with jealousy and anger. My wolf takes the best of me as I walk over to them and let a growl escape from my mouth so loud it could make an army of 10,000 men cower.

Rose and Drake move away from each other. My wolf stalked towards Drake — as if he was going to kill Drake.

My vision is read right before Rose jumps in between Drake and I. “Move." I mind-link Rose.

“No.’ She tells me.

Suddenly dizziness washes over me and I shake my head slightly as if trying to shake it away.

I then jump over Rose and land in front of Drake. I growl and Drake doesn't submit to me.

He then mind-links me,

'I will not submit to you,’

I snap my teeth at him and he mind-links me again,

“I will never submit to a dick of an Alpha.’

He growls at me as I say,

“Dick of an alpha, huh? I could kill your ass right here, right now."

“Do you think Rose would let you kill me? Right now she is on my side." As he says that I realize she would choose his side on this — my own mate. Sadness fills me as I think on that. I then threaten Drake by saying,

“Rose wouldn't be able to stop me from ripping your throat out.’

'I guess you can just make her never forgive you by doing that. She already has had enough of you anyways."

What was sadness turned to rage and I pounced on Drake.

He didn't expect me to I guess as I knock him down but he soon kicks me off him. He then jumps on me and we continue to kick one another off and roll around, attempting to get a good bite on each other.

I hear Rose growl at us - but we both ignore her as we push each other around. Finally, I get a good shot at him so I bite his leg. Drake winced in pain and Rose growled louder at us to stop.

I looked up at her, and felt calmer as I looked into her blue wolf eyes. Every time I look into her soft eyes I feel some kind of calmness. Suddenly a stinging pain shoots up my right paw and right as it happened Rose jumped on us, causing Drake and I to each separate from the fight.

Drake and I snarl at each other until he finally bows his head in submission. But, I could care less about his submission, I just care that my mate was with a male wolf that wasn't me; which makes me jealous. I growled at Drake's wolf to leave Rose and I so I can talk to her. He looks at Rose quick before he gets up and runs off towards the pack house.

I turned to Rose and started to walk over to her, but she quickly jumped past me and started running.

My wolf saddens and I turn to head back to the pack house; I'm not going to chase after her if she wants to be alone.

I stop walking when I feel dizzy again.

Why am I dizzy? Werewolves don't normally get dizzy, so this is strange. Suddenly my sight goes black. I didn't pass out or anything - my vision just turned completely black. I close my eyes and shake my grey wolf head, when I open my eyes I can see normal again.

Then I got it; I feel Rose's dizziness and the blackness means something happened to her.

I grow! loudly and turn around before I start running as fast as I can towards the direction Rose went.

I swear if anyone, especially the dumb asses that hurt my sister, harmed Rose I will kill their mates, their friends, their kids, and family right before their eyes and then I will slowly kill them each one by one.

I soon see Rose's beautiful brown and black wolf laying on the ground. I somehow didn't even need to smell her scent to find her, I just knew the exact way she went — which is odd, even for a wolf.

I hurry over to her and nudge her with my nose. She lays still so I shift to human form, put on some pants that my pack tucks away all over the territory, and pick her up in my arms before I hurry back towards the pack hospital to get her help.

I barge into the pack hospital and the pack doctor hurries over to us. "What happened?” The doctor asks us.

"I don't know.. She blacked out." I tell the doctor as she examines Rose's wolf.

"bring her over here." The doctor says and I follow her with Rose in my arms. We then reach a room with a large bed for wolves that most the time get injured badly in a fight so they can't shift back until they are stitched up.

I lay Rose on the bed and the doctor examines Rose better. "What happened when she blacked out? Was there any signs of dizziness? Or did she just black out?"

I think for a moment before I say, "Well, she kept getting dizzy every now and then for a few seconds.”

The doctor turns to me, "She'll be fine, but we need to get her to shift back to human form." The doctor tells me before she leaves the room. The doctor then returns not even a minute later and has a needle in her hand along with some clothes that would fit Rose.

Not knowing what is in the needle, I get in front of the doctor so she can't get close to Rose. I don't know why I did, but I ignore the reason as the doctor sighs.

"Alpha, I understand that your wolf is more protective over Rose than normally at the time, but I need you to move.”

Maybe that's why I got in between Rose and her, with what happened to Nicole my wolf is on high alert and wants to protect those he loves. I look over my shoulder at Rose's wolf before looking back at the doctor and moving out of her way.

The doctor than sticks the needle in Rose and after a few seconds Rose starts to form back to human. The doctor puts the pile of clothes on the end of the bed and then turns to me, "She'll wake in a few minutes."

I nod my head okay and let the doctor leave to help others.

I sit down on the large bed next to Rose and brush her hair out of her face as I wait for her to wake up.

She soon opens her eyes and rubs them to wake herself up better. "What happened?” She asks as I hand her the pile of clothes the doctor set on the end of the bed for her.

"You blacked out.” I tell her. Rose then gets off the bed and puts the clothes on before she starts to head out of the room. I jump up and grab her arm gently before asking, "Where are you going?”

She looks at me annoyed, "To find Drake."

I growl, "I don't want you near him."

"You can't control me Clay."

I then release her arm and she leaves.

I searched again for Nicole four hours after what happened to Rose — I wouldn't leave the pack house until I knew she would be okay.

The trackers and I all head inside the house. It's about 6 pm right now so I head to the kitchen to get food. When I enter the kitchen the smell of chicken Alfredo hits my nose while Ace and his mate Issa are sitting at the table laughing about something.

I walk past them and get a plate before piling it on with what is left of the chicken Alfredo before I join them at the table.

Issa smiles at me and says, "Hi Alpha.”

"Hey," I say as I shove a fork full of food into my mouth; I never really talked to Issa except for when I was going to kill him, so it feels somewhat awkward.

"How's everything going Clay?" Ace asks.

"Fine." I tell them. We all get quite as I eat my food but soon the silence is broken when Issa speaks, "Want to hear Ace's knew joke? It's so funny! You'll love it." Issa then smiles at his mate. The way Issa is looking at Ace, it's like Issa doesn't care about anything in the world and could just kiss Ace right now.

I chuckle slightly and wonder; is that how I look when I look at Rose? Ace runs a hand through his dark hair as he says, "Nah, I don't think he'll like it."

Issa raises an eyebrow, "Come on! He'll like it! Everyone likes jokes!" Ace then shakes his head and smiles, "okay, so, Knock Knock?"

We go quite for a second before Issa rolls his eyes and whispers, "say who's there.”

"Who's there.” I ask as I continue eating.


"Bob who?" I ask as I stand up and put my plate and fork in the sink. "Bob Marley." Ace says and Issa starts laughing.

Wow that was a stupid joke. I chuckle at them before leaving the kitchen to my room, I can only go so many nights without sleep.

Once I am at my room I smell Rose's sweet scent of candy and roses, but now it's slightly different with a hint of chocolate and fresh air.

I shrug it off and open my room door to find Rose just about to walk out.

"What are you doing?” I ask her as I look at her hands that are holding some of her clothes. "I'm going to be staying in my own room for awhile.” She tells me.

"No you're not-" I stop myself, I need to stop being this way, but I can't help it, I don't want anything to happen to her.

"Yes I am." She tells me.

"Why." I ask in a demanding tone.

She just says, "Night Clayton.” and walks past me. I watch her walk down the hall until I can't see her anymore.

"Night Rosalind.” I whisper even though she can't hear me since she is already gone.

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