The Alphas & The Heiress

Chapter CHAPTER 39

Magnolia (Syble)

I wake up warm. Which is alarming because I never wake up warm. I am my own furnace, I breathe fire, and yet here I lay feeling heat radiating around me. When I open my eyes I realize I’m in my room back home and the source of the heat is none other than the Alpha twins.

They’re both still sleeping peacefully, their bodies both radiating a warmth like a beam of sunlight on a breezy summer day. I trace the outline of Ro’s jaw with my fingertips and then over his soft lips. It amazes me how lips this soft could kiss me as rough as they did last night. I run my fingers through his hair and his beard. He moans appreciatively in his sleep as I do.

I manage to disentangle myself from his legs and turn over to face Varian. I’m met with molten, chocolate eyes watching my every move, waiting for me to notice his gaze on me.

I flush with heat, one look at him and I’m already overcome with need.

“Hi.” I whisper with a shy smile.

He flashes me his most charming smile. “I like this.” He whispers as he brushes his hands along my hips.

“What’s that?”

His smile softens with sincerity, “waking up with you. You’re so warm and beautiful.” He purrs and his grip on my hip tightens, “and you smell so fucking good.”

He grabs onto my leg and swings it over him, pulling me so I am laying on top of him, my legs straddling his. He gently brings my face down to his and teases my lips with his. At last he kisses me, feelings of love and adoration flood my senses. I can’t tell where his feelings end and mine begin. He kisses me tenderly, lovingly, with more passion than I’ve ever experienced in my life.

I need him. Now.

I reach down and massage his hardened member, he groans with every patient stroke. I tease his tip against my folds, soaking him with my desire.

Slowly I lower myself down his length. With every glorious inch he erases whatever aches lingered from last night. Now, all I can feel is him, occupying my body, my mind. I begin to ride him, rotating my hips slowly still. His tight grip on my hips tells me he’s holding himself back, letting me take him at my pace. Last night was about them claiming me, taking me and using my body for our collective pleasure.

Today, he’s giving me control over him. His pleasure is at my mercy. And fuck if I don’t love that power.

I place my hands over his firm pecs to give myself some leverage to lift myself up as I rock my hips. I stroke his cock with my pussy, up, down, up, down, over and over, rocking all the while so his swollen tip brushes against that sweet spot along my front wall. Pressure in my core builds with each stroke, his cock swells even more, stretching me like he’s going to split me in half. I’m bouncing on his cock faster now, harder, chasing my release.

I’m almost there. I’m seconds away from toppling over the edge when I look over to my side and catch Ro watching me with obsidian eyes.

He’s laying on his side, his elbow bent and head propped up by his hand.

“Good morning, gorgeous.” The words rumble out of his chest, deep and dominating.

I detonate around Varian immediately. I moan incoherently while I ride out my endless orgasm, my eyes locked with Ro’s. Varian thrusts his hips up forcefully, his own release ripping through him and filling me up.

Varian sits up with me still in his lap and snakes his arms around my torso pressing me to his chest. He plants smoldering kisses on my neck before capturing my lips with his, coaxing us gently down from our high.

After one final kiss, I ease myself off of him and climb on top of Ro into his waiting arms. He crushes me to him, nuzzling his nose in my neck and hair.

“You look beautiful when you cum, your skin flushes a golden color with your heat, like the sun itself is fueling your afterglow.” He nips at my earlobe then gently drags his tongue across the mark he made on my neck last night — his mark.

I turn to jello in his arms, desire striking me like lightning. I reach down and fist his cock in my hand. I adjust myself, positioning him at my entrance but he swiftly flips us over before I can mount him.

“Not so fast my little spitfire. You’re mine now.” He uses one of his large, skillful hands to pin both of mine above my head. “Varian may spoil you by ceding control, but when you’re with me, I am responsible for your pleasure.” He pushes my legs apart with his and settles at the apex of my thighs. I’m completely immobile, completely under his control. “I will give you what you need,” he glides his free hand down my body, brushing past my swollen breasts down my stomach between my legs. He presses his thumb firmly against my clit, “and you will take everything I give you.”

He slides two thick fingers into me, massaging my front walls with expert precision. He slams his lips down onto mine, his tongue demanding entrance. I open to him and match his force. “Oh spitfire, you’re so ready.”

He withdraws his fingers and slips them past my lips. My tongue instantly wraps around his fingers, lapping at the juices that coat them. I can taste not only myself but Varian as well causing my body to hum with need.

He breaches my entrance with his steele and slowly sinks into me, allowing me to feel him completely fill my body. His tenderness catches me off guard and somehow, though not surprisingly, he reads me like a book.

“I’ve fucked you, I’ve claimed you, but now,” he brushes his lips against mine before capturing them in a blazing kiss that leaves me panting. “Now I’m going to love you.”

He releases my hands and I immediately throw them around his neck pulling him to me, kissing him, willing him to feel and understand how I’ve felt about them since the day we met.

He fucks me with slow, deliberate strokes, breaking from our kisses only to kiss his mark on my neck. When he feels me start to tighten around him, my release imminent, he sits up on his knees, hands around my waist, and thrusts into me hard and fast again and again.

“So beautiful.” I hear Varian whisper next to me.

I turn to look at him just as I peak.

My orgasm crashes through me like a tidal wave, my entire body hums with electricity as the aftershocks of my pleasure ripple through me. Ro slams into me once more, fully sheathing himself inside me and empties himself into me.

He hovers over me, our foreheads pressed together, hearts beating like drums against our chests, panting.

He kisses me once more, his tongue slips past my lips and caresses mine. He doesn’t need to say anything, I can feel his love, his devotion, with every heartbeat that passes. Varian slides closer to us, gently kissing my cheek while his brother’s mouth dominates mine. I need only turn my head a fraction before my lips meet Varian’s velvety soft ones.

We laze about like this for a while, making up for lost time, kissing softly and slowly, playfully, lovingly. Every once in a while there’s a painful sadness in their eyes, causing their grips on me to tighten as if I’d slip right through their fingers.

They sense my confusion immediately and Ro is the first of us to break the comfortable silence we’ve been basking in.

“Varian and I died a thousand deaths yesterday.” He whispers, voice hoarse with unshed emotion.

“You were bleeding out. Not even the healers could stop it at first.”

Anger floods the bond next but I’m not sure who it’s coming from.

Varian speaks next in the same hushed tone. “We were furious — at Incandis, at Kat, at you. But mostly we were terrified, afraid for the first time in a long time, that we’d lose you before we could tell you.”

I think I know what he’s going to say, but I ask anyway because I want to hear them say it in that husky voice of theirs. “That we’re mates?”

I feel rather than see a small smile grace Ro’s face. “That we love you, Magnolia. That you’re ours.” He purrs against my skin, licking his mark with a blazing tongue.

“I always thought there’d be nothing more attractive than my mark on my mate’s neck, but I was wrong.” Varian says with a sly smirk. “You marked us too.”

Sure enough each of them bears a black, tattoo-like outline of a magnolia flower within a circle on the right side of their necks. I recognize it immediately as the Queen’s sigil – my sigil. I trace the lines on Varian’s neck and he purrs appreciatively.

Their arms snake around me, their low growls giving away their wanton intentions.

“Oh no you don’t,” I laugh, pushing them away and dashing to the end of the bed. “We can’t spend all day in bed, we’ve got work to do.”

“The doctor said you needed to be on bed rest for 24 hours, it’s been less than 12.” Varian purrs.

“You’ve had little regard for the ‘rest’ part of bed rest so don’t even try.” I laugh at him.

“Are you saying no to us, spitfire?” Ro rumbles out from deep within his chest, his beautiful green irises swallowed by dark desire. Flames spark to life beneath his skin.

A wicked grin overtakes my face, “I never said no, I said we can’t stay in bed all day.” I jump out of bed and dash to the bathroom. The Twins growl ferociously behind me and close in on me before I can shut the bathroom door.

Ro nearly knocks the door off its hinges, distracting me long enough for Varian to pick me up and throw me over his shoulder. Together, they march me over to the walk in shower.

“Such a naughty little thing you are.” Ro taunts me and swats me on the ass as we enter the shower together, warm water raining down from us from the overhead jets.

I know how wild I drove them with the prospect of a chase, I can feel their wolves clawing at the surface, the predatory glint in their eyes. Together they take me again in the shower, brutally, re-claiming my marking spot like the beasts they are.

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