The Alpha's Shatter Zone

Chapter |26|

It was late afternoon by the time they arrived at the TidalBay Pack airport. Golden sunshine glinted off the blue ocean, and white caps from the waves streaked the surface of the water. Roman landed perfectly, with a slight tilt of the wings as a welcome to those down below.

“Kaiden, Chesca, good to see you again,” Alpha Asa greeted them warmly once they’d walked across the tarmac and entered the spacious airport. He eyed Elah with suspicion before giving Roman a hearty handshake.

A warm hand on her back made Chesca turn quickly.

“Looking gorgeous, as always,” the smooth voice whispered gently in her ear.

“Alpha Jackson!”

The small grin on his tanned face stretched lazily as he eyed her up and down. “Welcome to my pack,” he stepped back and spread his arm to take in the view beyond the glass windows. She could hear the gentle roar of the waves as they crashed along the shoreline, and could feel the salty breeze ruffle her hair as they stepped out of the main entrance and headed towards a few sleek, silver sedans. Alpha Jackson guided her to the front one in the lineup, and held open the door for her.

“Thanks,” she murmured, grinning to herself when she heard Kaiden’s small grunt of disapproval.

The oceanic blue colour of Jackson’s eyes was just as she remembered, but the small sparkle in them as he winked at her was definitely new. His muscular body was loosely covered in a relaxed button up and chinos, and his blond, wavy hair was streaked with golden, sun-kissed highlights. Dismissing the strange feeling his image stirred in her stomach, she put thoughts of the past behind her and tried to think of the upcoming meeting. Whatever had been between her and Jacks, as she used to call him, was long diminished and put to rest, thankfully. Like the sailors that left port and set sail to far-off wars or adventures, and never came back the same, so had the both of them embarked on separate courses, widening the gap between them. This journey to Jackson’s pack was purely business; it was for Alphas Asa and Dennison she came.

“Wow, your place is even more massive than I remember,” Kaiden remarked as they all piled out once they reached Alpha Jackson’s estate. A long drive, lined with magnificent palms, stretched its way up to a stately mansion. The white washed, three story structure was modern, relaxed and beachy, giving off a holiday house vibe, while also maintaining an air of importance and exclusivity. It was like that with everything about the Alpha of TidalBay. Only Jackson could pull off such effortless sophistication.

“How about I show you to your rooms, then we’ll have something to eat out on the main deck,” Jackson ushered them into his expansive foyer that was lavishly furnished.

“Sounds like a plan,” Kaiden agreed and slung his bag over his shoulder. The fact he also carried Chesca’s wasn’t lost on her. He’d politely taken it from the car before she got the chance.

For a brief moment, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath of the calming atmosphere. Before it was shattered by a grating voice.

“I see you’ve all come to be enlightened by my latest revelations.”

Alpha Dennison. Tall and slight, late 40s with silver streaks in his jet black hair. His blue eyes held a piercing calculation that searched you and always came up lacking. Everyone was lacking in his judgment, and Chesca had tried to maintain a sense of self-worth in his presence, but it was hard when he never failed to berate her one way or the other. The mere tilt of his thin lips could disgust and affect you, sending waves of apprehension rolling over your shoulders like the crack of a twig in a dark forest. His mind was like a tangled jungle or forest, a mess of shadows that spewed out twisted logic and insensibilities, yet assumed it was the only thing that made sense.

Everyone was sick of his holier-than-thou arrogance, and finally they were going to do something about it.

“Knock yourself out.”

The file of papers slid neatly across the table where Chesca threw it down. Asa’s fingers picked it up and thumbed through them. “Everything you’ve sent him?”

“Everything from the last six months. That’s when our communication began. Honestly, I’m over this, and don’t really care what you work out. Just as long as you get Dennison off my back.”

“Your input would be helpful, Chesca,” Asa looked up over the documents. They’d agreed to meet in a spare study of Jackson’s after dinner and without Dennison being present. Asa and Jackson wanted to brush up on the latest before confronting Dennison about his dangerous ideas.

The room already held so many Alphas, Chesca could feel the masculine dominance smothering everything, making it hard to breathe. Being an Alpha herself made her non-susceptible to the weight of such a presence. Being mated to one seemed to lift her status even more so, making it easier to compete with all this testosterone.And was it her imagination, or did Asa respect her more? He regarded her attentively, and she wasn’t sure if she was comfortable with the reasons why.

“No, I don’t have the patience to deal with him any longer. I’ve got enough on my plate right now, and I’m sure you all are more than capable of handling him,” she smiled at the men as they sat around the heavy oak table. The windows in the study were open, and the cool evening breeze ruffled Kaiden’s hair just so, and her fingers tingled to brush the curls back from his forehead. The sparkle in his eyes beneath the fringe wasn’t helping her concentration any. But truth be told, she really didn’t want to spare any more mental capacity on some crazy lone wolf like Dennison. She had things to deal with back home, serious things like a potential thief or spy amongst her ranks, as well as the usual duties of running a growing pack. She was content to let the men handle this one.

“She has a point. I’m sure these papers will help us immensely,” Jackson nodded kindly towards her. “We’ll go through them before meeting up with everyone else tomorrow.”

A few more Alphas were arriving the next day, but they didn’t intimidate her nearly as much as the hunky blonde Alpha sitting opposite her right now. Having Kaiden as her mate did dampen most feelings and attraction she felt for other males, but it didn’t stop their attraction towards her, and that’s what scared her. Jackson was looking at her like he never had before.

“Then I might get some sleep. Thank you for dinner, Jackson, and I’ll see you all tomorrow,” she excused herself before heading upstairs to her room. To her and Kaiden’s room.

Jackson had assigned them a spacious ensuite with a lounge, a beautiful balcony overlooking the ocean, a massive bathroom, and a huge king size bed to finish it all off. It made her nervous just looking at it, but the rest of the accomodation was impressive and comfortable.

After digging through her bag for her pyjamas, she walked into the bathroom for a shower. The hot water and steam seemed just the thing to ease the stress in her shoulders and she lost track of time as her body relaxed after the big day.

The sound of footsteps made her tense up all over again. When the bathroom door slid open, she let out a screech and covered herself as best she could with her hands.

“Get out! What are you doing in here?” She yelled at Kaiden as she watched his blurry figure at the basin. The tap water ran and she guessed he was brushing his teeth.

“Getting ready for bed, what’s it look like?” His voice was muffled.

“But I’m in the shower!”

“Huh, obviously,” he chuckled.

“So get out of here, Kaiden!” Her voice rose as she pressed herself into the shadowy corner of the shower.

“Umm why? I’m your mate. Who cares if I see you… uh, you know…” the grin couldn’t be disguised from his voice despite the toothpaste and running water of the shower.

“I care, now at least give me a towel,” Chesca growled, realising with annoyance that she’d left the towel on the bed.

“Where? I don’t see any towel,” he mused and turned in circles, searching the gleaming polished surfaces of the exquisite bathroom.

“It’s on the bed,” she replied through clenched teeth.

“Oh, you mean that big, comfy bed? Yeah, I noticed that,” the amusement was back, and it ticked her off more than ever. He leaned casually against the bench, his head tilted as he no doubt ogled her through the fogged glass of the shower door. She saw his blurry figure while peering over her shoulder, and wanted to slap his face until it was as red as her own burning skin.

“Just get me the stupid towel, you wretched wolf!” She demanded in her strongest Alpha tone.

He remained still for a moment before slowly peeling himself off the counter. “Yes, ma’am,” his soft words were still laced with such double meaning, causing a scream of frustration to bubble in her throat, but she contained it and breathed through her nose. When a rustling sound appeared behind her, she reached behind her and grabbed for the towel. Wrapping the big fluffy material securely around her body, she turned off the water and stepped out.

Kaiden stood there, smirking, his bare chest rising up and down as he breathed. Only wearing boxers was not a good sight, and his body, mixed with the alluring scent that belonged only to him, seemed to entrance her for a moment.

“What are you thinking,” he queried slowly. She’d come to know that this was one of his favourite questions. Until they would complete the mating ritual, verbal communication was his only way of knowing what was going on inside her head.

“That you’re so ho—“ she caught herself. “That you’re still the biggest jerk around,” she brushed past him, but her shoulder accidentally swiped across his skin and it was nearly her undoing.

His long arms reached and caught her waist, pulling her back against him. Her body froze as his breath caressed her neck, before she felt his lips gently lay a warm kiss on her mark. A thousand tiny tendrils of pleasure danced across her skin and raced through her nerve endings. If just his light touch caused this much reaction in her, if this kind of fire was ignited with just a kiss, she could only imagine what something more would feel like. She reached down and placed her hands over his, squeezing her eyes shut and summoning all her strength before suddenly tugging them off her.

Despite her weakened knees, she managed one step, two steps, and then she was out of Kaiden’s mind-numbing embrace.

Locking herself in the closet to throw her pyjamas on, she only exited when she was as decent as a nun. Dashing out, she then leapt on the bed and smothered herself beneath the light and airy covers. She nearly drowned in the silk sheets, but anything was better than being seen too much by her ridiculous mate.

He padded into the room and casually sat on the edge of the bed.

“What are you doing?” She asked flatly.

“Playing basketball, what’s it look like?” The sarcasm was a little out of place at this time of night.

“We aren’t sharing a bed.”

“What—? Chesca, we’re mates!” He ran his fingers through this hair in a show of clear exasperation, and looked at her with wide eyes.

“I said, we’re not sharing a bed! Is that so hard to comprehend?” she shuffled to the edge of her side and rolled off to the ground. Getting stuck in the tangle of sheets, most of them she dragged with her as she came to rest and faced the ceiling.

“You’re being ridiculous,” Kaiden groaned and walked around to stand in front of her. A frown puckering his brow, he stared down at her like a scolding parent.

“I’m being cautious and wise. There’s no way I want to sleep anywhere near you,” she gave him her best glare despite her wolf trying to convince her otherwise. Her wolf seemed fine with getting up close and personal to the man who had marched in and upturned her entire life.

“Am I that disgusting? Like I have leprosy?” He knelt down and started stretching out beside her.

“You have mind-numbing capabilities, liable to twist my reason to fit your perspective and compel me to respond in every way I wish not to.”


Ok, that didn’t even make much sense in her own mind, but how could she think straight when he was a few inches away, propped up on an elbow staring down at her with those brown eyes of his? The thick muscles of this biceps and chest screamed for her attention. His scent was deliciously and terribly strong up this close, and she held her breath so it couldn’t seep into her every sense.

“Whatever. If you respect me, you’ll do what I say!” She scrambled up and over the bed, crawling to the floor on the other side.

“Ok, ok!” He sighed loudly in surrender. “You take the bed, I’ll have the floor.”

“There’s a couch,” she pointed out while sitting up to take a good look at him, wondering if he was actually serious.

“Sure thanks,” he muttered with a huff and grabbed a pillow off the bed.

After warily climbing back in, and watching him sink onto the side of the couch, she began to settle. Kaiden ran his hands down his face then propped his chin in his palms, his elbows resting on his knees. They stared at each other for a few moments, a thick silence enveloping them. The distant crash of waves tugged at her tiredness, begging to lull her to sleep, but this moment was too heavy to dismiss.

“Will this ever change, Ches?” Kaiden’s deep voice was everything she’d been expecting.

“Maybe,” she gave a tentative shrug.

“When? How? What can I do to—”

“It’s not all you, Kaiden. I just don’t trust you a hundred percent yet. Maybe I’m being stupid, maybe I’ve just been ….. Maybe I know enough to recognise something that could end up badly. I don’t want us to crash and burn.”

“You want us to work out?” he raised his eyebrows in a show of surprise.

“I..I guess, yes,” she swept her hair over her shoulder. “Of course I do.”

“I want us to work too, Chesca,” he breathed steadily. “More than anything, I want you to understand how much I’m beginning to care for you.”

Her eyes snapped up to his. “Care for me? Then why do you contradict me all the time? Why don’t you respect me and treat me as an Alpha, as your equal?”

He winced, and she realised her words were more harsh than she intended. But it was good to talk about it, and if he were being honest then so could she.

“I do respect you, I’m just…” The sigh he gave seemed genuine, like he too was confused by their strange relationship. “I’m not used to being close to someone, or letting them have their way or make the final decision.”

“Hmph arrogant Alpha, what else would you be like,” she muttered under her breath but instantly regretted it by the hurt look on his face. “Don’t be so surprised, you know you’re like that,” she defended.

“Maybe so. But maybe I don’t have to be like that.”

“Leopards can’t change their spots overnight, darling,” she drawled casually.

He chuckled. “Alright, then time it will take. Can you give me that? Along with a kiss every now and then?” His expression was open and honest, nearly making her want to jump off the bed and wrap her hands around his face and explore it with her lips. Instead she thought for a moment before speaking.

“I’ve seen how beautiful mates can be when they’re on the same page, and fit their lives together. Right now, that’s not us. I don’t want to ruin any future chances by beginning something physical when we’re not ready. Does that make sense?” she looked up from the patterns she’d swirled on the covers in front of her, her hands coming to a rest as she watched him in the light of the lamps.

“I guess. But a lot of mates begin their relationship with completing the mate bond, and all these heart-to-heart connections come later.”

She released a heavy sigh. “Well, a lot of mates haven’t been through what we’ve been through,” she included him in the we. She wasn’t yet ready to admit that it was she with the hang ups, trust issues, and that most of the problems were with her. Who in their right mind would trust a man who wanted to take over her pack? Her pack that she’d worked up to rebuild after her parents had been killed mercilessly?

Everyone should be grateful she at least trusted her Beta and Gamma, and a small circle of close friends. Some days, she felt like just running off and leaving everything behind, trusting no one and being trusted by nothing that could be let down. Who knew when the pressure might make her crumble and she’d hurt everything she cared about against her best intentions to look after them? She wasn’t ready for a mate.

She wasn’t ready to place explicit trust in a male who had the power to build her up or destroy her, whichever he chose.

“I suppose that makes sense. So I guess we just...keep getting to know each other, learning to trust each other?”

Her head nodded on its own, his words only half penetrating her spinning mind.

“Ok then, have a good sleep,” he whispered softly before lying down and getting settled.

“Goodnight,” she flicked off the bedside lamp and rolled onto her side, listening to the steady breathing of her mate. Between that and the distant rolling waves, she soon drifted into the land of dreams.

The meetings were exciting, as expected. Every so often the words would become heated and Alpha Dennison would stand up to make his point known. Raising his finger like they were all school children and he their teacher, he’d carefully choose his words and command attention.

What he was actually saying was so circuitous and mind-boggling, Chesca really didn’t pay attention. Leaning back in the leather executive chair, she looked around the table for the tenth time. Five other Alphas along with their betas or gammas had gathered, and some were frowning in consternation, some nodding their heads, some scribbling notes, and others just nibbling on the snacks Jackson’s staff had provided.

With the tip of her pen, she pushed around the crusty bread slice that was topped with fresh salmon, snow pea shoots, and aioli. Lifting it carefully, she took a bite just as the Alpha beside her mumbled something to add to the discussion, making her jump slightly and spill the food down her shirt.

Rats. Despite her best intentions to be switched on and as involved as the rest of them, dealing with arrogance was quickly becoming her least favourite past time.

Getting up quickly to change her shirt, she slunk out with her cheeks burning in embarrassment. How much of a fool could she make of herself before anyone realised she wasn’t really the strong Alpha she portrayed? Ever since someone had wedged himself into her life, she’d begun doubting her role and determination.

A part of her tried to be stronger to prove to him she was capable, while another part melted in the warm pools of his eyes, her knees weakening and craving to give in to the security that was supposed to be found with a mate. Was Kaiden secure? Trustworthy? After the discussion last night, she’d been questioning and pondering everything he’d said, wondering if he meant it at all, or would be able to change and see her in a different light. A light like the one her parents had shared before….before her world had crashed down around her.

The whisper of the sea called to her as she walked past the open windows on the top floor of Jackson’s oceanfront mansion, and it didn’t take much coaxing for her to change into her swimmers and skip down to the shore. Let the other Alphas deal with the problems. She had enough of her own problems, and just wanted to let the contrasting warmth and coolness of the beach to wash them all way.

Four days.

Four days it took to reign in Dennison and the couple of others he’d roped into his crazy perspective of seeing things. He agreed to stop bothering the rest of them with his lengthy letters and emails, but would still go ahead and write his blogs. Chesca didn’t care for the particulars, but hoped not too many gullible souls would end up being swept into his self-righteous ideas of domination. Let him run his pack however he wanted, but it was the goal of the meetings to keep it bounded to that only, and not seep into others’ borders and dominions.

Which they seemed to have achieved.

Chesca sat casually in one of the large lounges in Jackson’s house, reading a book and sipping a nice cup of tea. They planned to go home the following day, and she was happy now to relax for a bit after sitting through too much boring.

Then a deep voice startled her.

“So, Chesca. You’re Kaiden’s mate.”

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