The Alpha's Shatter Zone

Chapter |17|

“I figured you’d be here,” Lexi poked him in the shoulder and moved past him, peering over the edge.

“Just admiring the view,” Kaiden murmured as he gazed out over the cliff edge at the sparkling lake below. The pine forest rose up behind it, speckling the rolling hills with a quilt of jade and emerald greens. It truly was beautiful, and he hadn’t had a chance to admire it the other day when the mischievous guard and her crew had manhandled him over the edge.

“Yeah, you never get sick of it,” the guard stood beside him, hands behind her back that stood straight and rigid. The epitome of a well-disciplined Head Guard, he allowed himself to admit. Maybe that stubborn mate of his knew what she was doing after all. He cracked his neck side to side. “And how’s the new construction going? Chesca won’t tell me anything, let alone look at me,” he muttered those last words under his breath.

“It’s coming along well. Alpha has had her plans pretty much ready to go for months, just waiting for Alpha Asa to give the green light.”

There it was again, that cocky confidence that they would just get their hands on someone else’s territory. The fact he wanted to do the same suddenly hit him full force, smacking him in the gut totally unexpectedly. But his plans were different. He was rightfully—no, okay, not rightfully taking land. This pack didn’t belong to him, and he knew it. So he had been a little overcome with anger towards his father, which had fueled his decision to march into this pack with the intent to kill and plunder. Perhaps that was the reason Chesca still eyed him with unreadable expressions in her haunting eyes, a quirk of distrust gracing her delicate eyebrow. He couldn’t blame her that she didn’t want to be anywhere near him.

“Come on, enough deep thinking. You’ll get wrinkles on that handsome forehead of yours,” Lexi punched him in the arm. “The fire’s about to be lit.” She skipped down the hillside and made her way towards the large bonfire that sat nestled in the slight valley in front of the pack castle. Pack members were coming out in twos and threes, families and couples, children and elderly. He rather liked the idea of this monthly celebration, and was intrigued as to its origins. Maybe, if the fiery embers thawed Chesca’s heart just a little bit tonight, he’d ask her about it.

The particular blonde beauty that so filled his thoughts these days seemed to materialise in front of him as he drew nearer to the center of the activity. Her tinkling laugh could be heard from a dozen yards away, and her presence seeped into his heart despite his best intentions to remain detached. Blame the mate bond. And the scar that now graced his neck, the mark that claimed him as hers forever.

He placed his hand gently on the small of her back, and felt her flinch, but not step away like he expected. Probably because it would look bad in front of the pack, and because was Asa was still here, enjoying the time off from regular pack duties. Not to mention being with his mate finally.

A small part of Kaiden envied the contented look that had permanently been on Asa’s face ever since meeting Danella, and the huge smile he gave her everytime she looked at him, or rested her head on his shoulder, or slipped her tiny hand in his big one. There was something precious between them, and Kaiden wondered if he ever wanted that between himself and his mate. It was something he had honestly never thought about, but just like the spark of flames brought heat to cold hands, so too the spark of a mate bond brought a flicker of hope and desire to his heart.

“Alpha, we are ready for you,” a man spoke up, and Kaiden realised he was talking to Chesca. She took the objects handed to her, but hesitated. Turning slightly, she looked up at him.

“Would you like to try?” she said with what could have passed as a playful grin, but he knew her better.

“Is that a challenge?” he winked yet took the rock and flint from her hands, his fingers brushing her skin slightly and sending an army of tingles marching up his nerves and catapulting between the synapses. Lighting the fire had looked simple enough when she’d done it a month ago, but perhaps—going by the vivacious twinkle in her eyes—there was more to it and it was harder than he thought.

He would never let her outdo him, so he knelt down and felt her hovering over his shoulder. Her scent of wildflowers and summer rains was beautiful, intoxicating and distracting even. Maybe that was her plan. He bit his lip and struck the flint near a piece of old newspaper. Sparks flew out and landed on the paper, curling the edges in a black line with a glowing ridge, before a green and blue flame danced along the border. An allegory for his relationship with Chesca jumped to his mind, but dispersed just as soon as the kindling caught alight and next, the smaller sticks followed by the larger logs. The crowd cheered and he turned to face a smirking Alpha.

“Pretty good….for a city boy,” she glanced over her shoulder and stalked through the crowd. He followed her to the food tables, where she was piling her plate with salad. He nudged her arm as he grabbed a plate and cutlery.

“So tell me...” he grappled for words to say, not having a clue where he wanted this conversation to go, he just wanted to talk to her. “What’s the best salad here?”

She looked at him puzzled for a moment before answering. He felt her gaze searching him, feeling him out before deciding to trust him. “I love this one. It has cucumber, tomatoes, and lots of feta cheese. My favorite,” she gave him what he hoped was a genuine smile and pointed to a green lettuce salad. “Greek salad.”

“Then I’ll definitely have to try it,” he smiled warmly before serving up a generous helping, smothering his meat with the salad, then tentatively following her to a log by the fire. Her eyes silently gave him permission to sit beside her, and he stuffed his mouth with food, unsure what to say next or if she would make the first move. Lexi winked at him from across the fire, and the gesture warmed him. The others in Chesca’s command seemed to be warming to him, and even encouraging him to get closer to Chesca. They were certainly easier to fool than the determined alpha herself.

“What started all this?” he suddenly asked.

“Hm?” she murmured around a mouthful of food.

“Fire Nights. How did it all start? What’s the meaning behind it?”

“Oh, that. Long story,” she shrugged casually.

“We have a long time,” he glanced around them at the pack members who were happily eating and talking.

“Yes, I’d like to hear the story, too,” Asa said jovially as he came up to them with his arm securely around Danella’s waist.

Chesca rolled her eyes and bit her lip. “Well…”

“Come on Alpha, let’s hear it!” a woman said from nearby. “It’s such a beautiful story, and you tell it so well.”

By now everyone had slowly hushed and was watching her expectantly.

“Ok,” she put down her food and clasped her hands, looking up at the stars as if the words were written there to remind her. “Many centuries ago, our ancestors who lived on this land noticed that the Moon disappeared for a night each month, and were afraid that perhaps it had forgotten them. They relied on the Moon for light during darkness and marking of seasons. No one knows for certain who first sparked the idea, but they decided that lighting a fire might entice the Moon to show its face again, and shine its favor upon them. So each month, it became a ritual, an entreaty that soared upwards with the fiery sparks, asking the Moon why it was hiding.”

Kaiden watched her delicate yet strong face with rapt attention. He had no idea someone could draw him in and captivate him so entirely. It’s like his mind had become attuned to her and her only.

“When the Moon always appeared full again in two weeks, they came to believe their fire of sparks revived it, like a phoenix rising from the glowing embers. Of course now we know that the darkened New Moon is part of the lunar cycle, but we maintain the tradition of lighting a bonfire. It brings us together as a pack, as one people to fellowship and share stories. To enjoy the life we have on this land,” she allowed a small smile to tug at her lips as her eyes roamed over her pack members, before landing on Asa. “To remind us what this is all about.” Her clear voice nearly dropped to a whisper, but Kaiden heard every sweet syllable and tucked it away in his mind. Glancing down at her, he smiled softly, his way of thanking her.

“What’s that song you used to sing? About the moon?” a young pup asked with brown eyes wide and sparkling with the flames.

“Oh, uhh,” Chesca cast about, looking for an out, Kaiden mused.

“Yeah, the one about the colorful wind?” an older child offered.

“Oh that one,” she nervously tucked her hair behind her ear.

Someone started strumming a guitar, the chords echoing over the quiet gathering, and Kaiden raised his eyebrow at Chesca who blushed admirably. “Alright, fine,” she conceded and took a deep breath.

You think you own whatever land you land on/ The earth is just a dead thing you can claim/ but I know every rock and tree and creature/ has a life, has a spirit, has a name”

Her voice was like a clear waterfall crystallizing around them, mesmerising him, soothing yet demanding his attention. Kaiden had never heard anything like it.

Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon? Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grins? Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?”

He didn’t know the name of the song, but it was perfect. She was perfect.

He shook his head and clapped along with everyone else. The shy look she threw his way caught him off guard, but then it was replaced once more with the steely confident eyes he was beginning to know so well.

“And now we dance!” Lexi leapt up and clapped her hands. Everyone joined in, and someone started beating on a drum while others strummed guitars and a few other miscellaneous instruments. Couples sooned swayed slowly around the blazing bonfire, the flickering flames illuminating their joyous faces. Young pups played tag and goofed off with each other, some of the older boys tackling and rolling in the grass.

He got an idea and it spread through his mind like the lazy smile that tugged at his lips. He turned to his mate, who was hastily filling her mouth with the last of her dinner and beginning to get up off the log.

“Uh uh, you’re not going anywhere,” he took her plate from her hands before gripping her fingers gently. The wide look in her eyes begged him to stop, but he ignored the shake of her head and twirled her around. Pulling her closer, she fell into his arms, crashing against his chest. She gasped quietly and he didn’t pull his gaze away from her surprised eyes. They stared at each other, her face dangerously close to his and his heart galloping off like the relentless winds of a summer storm. Then she blinked, the action breaking his reverie, and then she was gone. Pushing her way through the people, he watched her hurry away and he spurred his legs to follow her. “Chesca, wait—“

The shadows engulfed her as she disappeared into the treeline, the tall pines towering over her slender figure as the firelight stopped at the boundary of darkness, as if refused entry.

She rubbed a hand over her face, the warmth making it even clammier than the sweat already dripping down her cheeks. That was way too close, and it wasn’t just the heat of the fire that had brought the flush to her face. Leaves brushed past and tugged at her jacket, but she pushed through. The sky was dark except for the stars that pinpricked the black velvet expanse. Still, she knew where she was going. Even without the light of the moon she had no trouble finding the path and feeling the familiar branches beneath her fingertips as she passed. What had gotten into her, she wondered, to let herself be caught up in the atmosphere and music and dance with that arrogant man? The way he’d held his hand gently on her waist and his fingers curled around her own….it had felt perfect, meant to be. But too perfect. She knew if she let him do this, she’d cave and there’d be no going back. So she’d resisted. With a strong mustering of courage, she’d stepped back and walked away before her body could do something against her wishes.

Now the stillness of the forest calmed her, soothed her and spoke to her soul like nothing else could. A firefly appeared on the path ahead, flickering for a brief moment before being joined by friends. They danced around her, and the magic of the peaceful nightlife never ceased to amaze her. An owl hooted in the distance, a rustle of leaves betrayed a small creature—pademelon perhaps—and the hissing and chirping of cicadas and crickets completed the forest symphony.

When a crack of a twig and a shift in the air caught Chesca’s attention, she quickened her steps. Her breathing increased as her senses became of aware of just how close he was. How had he followed her so well? She’d twisted and turned along the paths with little hope of even the best tracker finding her.

Yet here he was, and her breaths came out as cloudy puffs in the brisk air. She had to keep moving, as there was no telling what he would do out here, in the privacy of the trees and shadows. She didn’t trust herself, she realised was also a concern.

“Chesca, please—“

“Stop, just go away,” the ache in her voice came out more than she intended.

“Why can’t we just talk? What did I do wrong back there?” Kaiden’s voice closed around her, echoing off the trunks and boxing her in. He was getting closer, her feet stumbling on the uneven path. Maybe she should’ve just shifted and run for dear life, but that would be admitting her weakness and fear. Which were him.

“Nothing, it’s just—“ she turned around and realised he was just a few feet away. She backed into a tree, her blood pumping and echoing in the veins of her temples. He’d cornered her, and slowly stalked towards her. By the veil of starlight, she saw his eyes darken, his firm jaw clench in some unfamiliar emotion. She had no solid evidence of what was running through his mind, but she could guess.

He placed both hands behind her on the trunk, on either side of her head and trapping her with his close proximity.

“No Kaiden, please don’t.” She hated the pleading quaver in her voice.

“I won’t touch you, unless you want me to,” he whispered slowly, his lips a mere inch from her ear. His hot breath danced against her skin, and shivers tingled up and down her spine. And suddenly, she wondered if they were all that bad.

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