The Alpha's Shatter Zone

Chapter |13|

“There’s nothing you could possibly say that I’d like to hear,” she folded her arms across her chest. Which wasn’t true. There were lots of things she wanted to hear from him, but any discussions involving him were too stressful, and he’d never answer her honestly.

Kaiden grinned at her, a strange light sparkling in his eyes, and before she realised what he was doing, he’d leaned in close and put his lips against hers.

She squeaked and flung her hands up, pushing him away. He stumbled back, and she took the moment to jump in the driver’s side of the car and turn on the engine with the keys that were thankfully already in her hand.

“Hey, wha—” he thumped on the trunk but she pulled away, the wheels bumping over the gravel of the driveway.

A thud echoed through the roof, and she got the vague feeling he’d jumped on top of the car. What an idiotic thing to do, considering her driving skills. But it was nothing as idiotic as kissing her without any consent. He’s lucky she didn’t kick him in the groin or punch that strong chin of his—

She swerved quickly to dodge a tree on the edge of the drive, and saw Kaiden slide down the back windscreen. She nearly let out a chuckle as she floored the accelerator and bumped further away, him yelling and waving his arms while running after her. She felt like a maniac, and this fun little chase seemed to release some of the tension that had built up inside of her the last few days.

She was only a few dozen yards from the main road, and she realised what she was doing. Driving home without her mate. She laughed out loudly, the car to herself, and tried not to think about the deal she’d made with Alpha Asa. He’d probably be happy to put Kaiden up for a couple days anyway, so no harm done.

She hit a bump and heard a loud moan. Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no. slamming on the breaks, Chesca flung the door open. It was alarming to witness Kaiden rolling on the ground, holding his stomach and his face scrunched in pain.

“Kaiden! Are you ok! Oh man, I’m so sorry!” she flung herself down on her knees beside him, her hands fluttering over him, unsure what to do.

“Ches…..Ches…” he moaned, his eyes opening slowly. Then they flung open, and he jumped up and ran towards the car.

“Hey!” she shouted.

He laughed loudly and hopped in the driver’s seat. She raced to the passenger’s, but when she got in he was tapping the steering wheel patiently, a lazy smirk on his face.

“Thought I’d take off without you, huh?” he looked at her and winked. “I’m not that mean, unlike others around here.”

She rolled her eyes and buckled her seatbelt. The drive home was maddening, and Chesca remained religiously silent the whole way.

“Ohh this one is perfect!” Lexi held it up and Chesca tilted her head sideways.

“In what dimension? The one where plutonian frogs sit on the throne?” The hideous blue dress honestly reminded her of some slimy pond creatures.

“Fine. Maybe if you just told me what kind of dress you want, I would actually be able to help you find it,” Lexi threw up her hands and marched out of the store.

Chesca rolled her eyes and followed. Truth was, she didn’t want any dress, but Charles, Lexi, and even Roman all insisted she wear something special for the event. The ceremony. The occasion where she declared her undying commitment to the world’s biggest jerk.

A mate acceptance ceremony was a time to celebrate two people recognising each other as mates for life. An occasion attended by close friends and family, it was normally a small affair where the couple marked each other if they hadn’t already, and vowed to always love and respect each other, never to reject each other, and uphold the great laws of romance and the mate bond. For an Alpha, it was obviously a bigger occasion where the whole pack could come together and celebrate a new Luna. Or in Chesca’s case, a new...something. Not an alpha. Two alphas could not rule one territory, otherwise you’d have a shatter zone. A place torn apart by divided loyalties and competing respect. A place where two powers teetered on the edge of peace and conflict. One wrong move, and both sides would fall into an abyss of war and rebellion.

That’s what Chesca was avoiding. Kaiden could have no control of anything or it would upset the delicate balance of power. She’d built this pack up from ruins, she’d suffered and survived the heartbreaking loss, and had persevered to be the Alpha her pack needed. No one was going to take that from her now.

“How about this one?” Lexi’s voice interrupted her thoughts, and Chesca’s eyes halted. Lexi held the most beautiful dress she had ever seen. A rich turquoise colour with gold thread and sequins studding the top, and the skirt flowing gracefully to the floor. “You’re trying it on,” Lexi handed it to Chesca and pushed her towards the fitting rooms.

Reluctantly, she slipped it on, afraid she’d snag something with her clumsiness when it came to elegant clothing.

“Oh wow….” Lexi breathed. “It’s perfect.”

“It’s way too fancy,” Chesca shook her head, hating the way it hung so perfectly off her slim figure, the waistline and seams accenting her toned body. “This is just a simple ceremon--”

“No it’s not. This is bigger than school formal, and remember how we dressed up for that?”

“Don’t remind me,” Chesca immediately groaned.

“Exactly. You have to wear this, and if you don’t agree I’ll get your well-trusted Beta to give you a stern talking to,” Lexi clapped her hands and grinned childishly behind the tone of voice.

“No, I can’t—”

“Nonsense, Ches. You’re wearing it. For me?” she clasped both hands in front of her and pouted her lower lip.

Chesca stared at her for a moment. “No,” she said firmly. “Not for you,” she turned and looked at herself again in the mirror, “For the pack.”

She was doing this for her pack, she reminded herself as her eyes grazed the intriguing figure that stared back at her. She was doing it for her parents, may their souls rest in peace.

Lexi’s phone jingled from her purse, and she snatched it up quickly.

“It’s Charles,” she whispered. “Hey babe, what’s up?”

Chesca turned to take off the dress and pay for it, but Lexi’s expression halted her movements. She watched with alarm as her friend listened in silence, Lexi’s eyes widening.

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