The Alpha's Fight for His Omega

Chapter 90

Chapter 90


My weekend was very enjoyable. For photo class we went out behind the school to take pictures. I got some really good pictures of a hawk that I was excited to show Molly. I also got some pictures of Norm by the pond in the wooded area that I know Marcus will love. We’re also learning how to use photoshop. so I spent sometime playing with the pictures of Norm.

Lunch with Clair, and Beth was wonderful. Even thought they’re only related through Beth being mated to Robert, one can tell how close they are. The two are more like a mother daughter pair than in laws. It’s nice to see. I learned a great deal from them. They also loved then Halloween party idea I had for Moonlight, and they were doing something similar in Dark Moon. They are also going to start movie nights.

Sunday was spent studying with Norm, and Lexi. We ended up having Colby, and Marcus quiz us for hours. We all felt fried by the time we were done, but confident we would do well. There were times when the class overwhelmed me, but I did enjoy learning about all of the systems. Norm got annoyed with it. Lexi liked learning how the body works.

On Sunday evening Rowen called me to let me know he would be at Dark Moon with his dad on Tuesday. He was meeting with Robert, the warden for the low security prison, Fiona’s therapist, and the head of the mental health department there. He wasn’t looking forward to the meeting, but knew he needed to be there. He had not received any further communication from Fiona’s therapist, thankfully. He did ask if I wanted to be part of the meeting though. I was still undecided until Monday afternoon, when I decided I wanted to be there.

I made arrangements to get all of my class notes, and assignments for the day. I also turned in the assignments that were due for each class. I was thankful that there was nothing major going on in my classes. I had considered canceling with Dee-Dee, but decided not to. I wanted to talk with her before.

going into this meeting. I wanted to make sure I had my head on straight, and was emotionally in control. Rowen would also be joining me for my appointment. I was excited, but nervous about him being there. I walked into the Admin building to find Rowen waiting for me near Danielle’s desk. He smiled at me, and pulled me in for a one arm hug due to Lilac being on my shoulder. He then kissed the top of my head.

“Hi sweet girl.” Rowen said when he pulled away.

“Hi Rowen. Did you get your pass already?” I asked.

“Yup. I’m all set.”


He took my hand as we waved to Danielle, and left her office. We walked quietly toward the medical building.

“You’re not comfortable with me going to this appointment, are you?” Rowen asked quietly.

“….I really don’t know.” I responded honestly.

“I don’t have to go if you don’t want me to. I will understand. I can wait outside.”

“I…it’s weird. Part of me feels like my appointments should be private, just Dee-Dee, and me, but at the same time, I feel like you should be included.”

“I am honored that you want to include me, but I don’t want you to feel like you have to have me there. Therapy is personal, and should be treated that way. I will do whatever you are comfortable with.”

“I… thank you. I think you should come in with me.”

“Then I will. Thank you for trusting me.”

I nodded as we took a seat in the waiting room. Lilac quickly climbed onto Rowen’s shoulder to say hi. I smiled as the secretary giggled at the sight.

“Hello to you too Lilac.” Rowen grumbled as he pet her.

At that moment Dee-Dee came out of her office, and called me in. Rowen followed behind me then sat on the floor next to my usual bean bag chair. After handing Dee-Dee my journal, I released Lilac from her leash. Rowen chuckling at Lilac running around the office reminded me to introduce him to Dee- Dee. “Oh, Dee-Dee, this is Rowen. Rowen this is Dee-Dee.” I stated.

“Hello. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Dee-Dee responded with a smile.

“You too.” Rowen said.

While Dee-Dee read my journal, I watched as Lilac batted around the toy mouse I brought for her. Eventually she brought it over to me, and dropped it in my hand. I threw it for her, and she took off after it. When she brought it back, and I threw it again, Rowen laughed.

“Jax is going to be so upset.” Rowen chuckled.

“I said the same thing, but we’ll just tell him that he was the one who taught her.” I replied with a giggle. “Good idea.”

“Well Chastity, I must say I’m impressed with how you’re handling this latest issue with Fiona.” Dee- Dee said as she handed my journal back to me.

“I’ve had years of listening to her claim Rowen as her mate. “I said.

“That is true, but you didn’t know he was actually yours at that time.”

“You’re right, but I just remind myself of what Rowen said to her at the trial, and the last time we saw her.”

“That is a good process. How do you feel about this though?”

“Angry, hurt, and a little worried.”

“Explain to me why.”

“I’m angry first because she knows she is not Rowen’s mate, that I am, but instead of accepting that she’s lying to try to get him to see her. I’m angry that she has someone believing her lies, despite all of the information they have to the contrary. I’m also angry at her therapist for not only believing her lies, but also has not read the file to see they are lies, and is trying to guilt MY mate into seeing someone who he has made it clear he wants no contact with. This therapist ignored orders to leave him alone, and may have gone to underhanded means to get his contact information. If she had done her job, we wouldn’t be dealing with this right now. All of that is also part of the reason I am hurt.

“On the other reason I’m hurt is that someone is trying to take my mate away from me. I’m hurt that Fiona can’t just let go. She knows Rowen is my mate, but she’s trying to take him from me. She’s using someone who is supposed to be helping her get better mentally to try to take my mate. I don’t understand why can’t we just be left alone. She’s taken enough, and done enough damage. We both need to move on with both of our lives.

“I’m worried about her being pushed to making a choice she can’t come back from, and hurting herself. I may not have any attachment to her, but I don’t want her to hurt herself either. At the same time continuing on with her delusions is more damaging to her.” I explained.

“All of those things are perfectly understandable, and you are justified in all you feel. In your shoes I would feel the same way. What do you want to do with these feelings?”

“Nothing really. I just want to go to this meeting, find out what they’re going to do about the therapist, and how they’re going to handle Fiona moving forward. After that I want to move forward with my life. I know it hasn’t been that long, but I want to put that part of my life behind me. I don’t want it to keep coming back to haunt me. I do feel like Fiona is haunting me. As soon as I think I’m moving forward something happens to try to drag me back.”

“I won’t let Fiona drag you backwards. The point of today’s meeting is to remind everyone that Fiona is not a member of Moonlight, and that no one is to contact anyone from Moonlight concerning Fiona. All concerns need to go directly to her grandparents, and their Alpha. This meeting is also to ensure that her therapist reviews Fiona’s entire file to prevent this from happening again. Fiona will NOT be in the meeting, no will we not be going to see her after or before the meeting either. I asked you to join the meeting more for you peace of mind than anything else.” Rowen explained.

“Thank you for the explanation Rowen. How does what Rowen said make you feel Chastity?” Dee-Dee questioned.

I sat back, and looked at my hands. Lilac must have thought I was struggling emotionally because she climbed into my lap, and sat down, staring at me. I began to pet her, as I thought. My biggest worry about to today was seeing Fiona in the meeting. I really did not want to, but I was mentally preparing myself for it. Knowing she wouldn’t be there was a relief. Finally I looked up.

“I feel relieved. I honestly thought Fiona was going to be there today. I was preparing myself for having to face her, and having to listen to her ridicule me, and make comments to Rowen she shouldn’t. I would rather not listen to her therapist repeat Fiona’s lies, but I need to be there for me. For some reason I need to hear Rowen put his foot down with this, and do his part to make sure it doesn’t happen again.” I admitted.

“Do you think he won’t?” Dee-Dee asked.

“No, but for me I need to hear it.” I answered.

“That makes sense. Seeing is believing.”

“It’s not that I don’t trust Rowen because I definitely do, but I guess I just need this for me.”

“A sense of closure, in a way?”

“Yeah. I guess you could call it that.”

“I think you going to this meeting is a good thing then. What do you think Rowen?”

“I want Chastity to go for several reasons. One being that I do want to prove to her that nothing Fiona does will get me to go to her. I also want her to go with me so Fiona’s therapist can see for herself that I have a mate, and that mate is not Fiona. I feel it best for Chastity to be there for the therapist to be able to see the person Fiona hurt with her own eyes. I think she needs to completely understand the full picture. Chastity being there is part of that. The therapist needs to see that Chastity is also not a liar.” Rowen explained.

“What if Chastity did not want to be there?”

“I would respect her choice, and not try to change it. I want what is best for Chastity.”

“Chastity, do you have anything to add?” Dee-Dee asked.

“Not that I can think of.” i responded.

“What about you Rowen?”

“I just want to make sure Chastity is truly ok with all of this. I don’t want to do anything that may upset her in any way.” Rowen said.

“Chastity?” Dee Dee said.

“Rowen, it means a lot of me that you’re taking me to this meeting. You could have just gone, but the fact that you’re considering me in this shows me how important I am to you, and how much you respect me. Thank you.” I said as I smiled at Rowen.

“You don’t need to thank me for that. This situation does effect you in a round about way. I couldn’t keep you out of it, if you wanted to be part of this.” Rowen stated.

“I think we’re about at the end of our time today. Unless you have anything else you want to talk about today.” Dee-Dee said with a smile.

“I can’t think of anything else.” I stated.

“Same here.” Rowen agreed.

“Alright then. Chastity; I would like to know how things went today, ok?” Dee-Dee requested.

I nodded then gathered up Lilac. Rowen, and I left the office holding hands. We were quiet the whole walk back to my room. No sooner had I let Lilac off her leash in my room, and Rowen closed my door that he pulled me against him, and he kissed me. He pried my lips open, and began exploring my mouth quickly. I moaned, and bug my nails into his shoulders. When he released my lips, he kissed down my jaw to my neck. He took a deep inhale along my neck, and groaned.

“I missed you.” Rowen growled against my throat.

“I missed you too.” I whispered.

“Despite the reason I’m here, I am so glad I got to see you. It was going to be another week or more before I could see you again:”

“I know. I hated that I wasn’t going to see you.”

I quietly moaned, and whimpered as Rowen kissed, and nipped at my marking spot. I could feel myself getting turned on. I now recognized that feeling from the experimenting I had done over the last month or so. Rowen was also obviously turned on. I could feel it, and I learned the scent.

“Damn. I need to stop.” Rowen groaned as he took a step back, and released me.

I could only nodd. I took a few deep breaths trying to calm down. It wasn’t working though. I ended up going into the bathroom, and splashing cold water on my face. I appreciated Rowen not pushing for anything more than kissing, but sometimes, like now, I found myself wishing he would try something. I instantly blushed at the thought. I couldn’t believe that I would even consider wanting him to touch me. Eventually I calmed down, and left the bathroom. I found Rowen sitting on the bed with his head in his hands. I tentatively sat beside him, and looked at my hands.

“What’s wrong?” I whispered after a long silence.

“Nothing sweet girl. Just trying to calm myself down.” Rowen responded quietly as he took hold of my hand.


“Yeah. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I got a little carried away.”

“You…you didn’t make me uncomfortable or anything. I…I like when you kiss me.”

“I’d like to do more than just kiss you, but I don’t want to do anything you’re not ready for, and I don’t want

to make you uncomfortable.”

“I know. I…I really don’t know anything about all of this stuff so I don’t know what I would be comfortable with. I mean I’ve talked to Molly, and Melissa a little bit, once, but that’s it. I’m kind of clueless.”

“When you’re ready we can talk about it, or we can try some things out. We’ll take it slow though.”

“Like what?”

“Sweet girl, I would love to tell you, but right this minute, I would have a hard time not showing you instead.”

“I….OH. Probably not a good idea to do right now.”

“No it wouldn’t be. When you’re ready we’ll talk.”


“Are you hungry?”

“Ummm. Yeah.”

“Why don’t we go get lunch? Dad will be here in about an hour to pick us up for the meeting.”

“Ok. Should I change into something more, professional?”

I looked down at my t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. I had taken a shower, but I threw on my usual outfit. I didn’t feel I was dressed right for this.

“I hate to say it, but that would probably be a good idea.” Rowen agreed.

I nodded, and went to the closet. I ended up grabbed a pair of gray dress pants, a long sleeve blue dress shirt, and my black flats. Once I was changed I brushed my hair out then clipped half of it back. I

did not bother with lip gloss though. I didn’t feel I needed it.

Once I was changed Rowen, and I headed to lunch. We ate quietly. We both seemed lost in our own. thoughts. I really hoped this meeting went well, and this would be the last we had to deal with Fiona. I wanted to move on my life completely, leaving her in the past. We had just finished eating when Joe. called Rowen to let us know he was there to pick us up. The drive to the prison was silent as well.

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