The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 98: Party Like A Demon!

Adonis was moving back down the hallway towards his room after his conversation with Kane. His mind turned with thought after thought. What was he going to do about Queeny? She would try and talk to Kenzi again, and he didn’t want that. He didn’t want that pit viper anywhere near his mate, she had done enough damage. Kenzi was the forgiving type, the type to give the benefit of the doubt. Her ability to see the good in people though beautiful was something that could be used against her and he could see the pint sized pit viper doing just that. All that bitch had to do was get her alone and she could get Kenzi to forgive her. What was he going to do about Emroy? He had requested to be there when he killed Ethan. Emroy deserved to be there, he deserved to watch the man that destroyed both their childhoods die just as much as he did. He didn’t remember much about his life before his changes. It wasn’t good, but it wasn’t bad either. He remembered his father hated him. When he went through his changes it was easy to figure out why Ethan hated him, but before that he didn’t know. There was something about him that Ethan despised. Demon’s are born with black eyes, maybe Ethan saw and knew he was going to be a tarnish on his perfect family life.

The pending war with Eric also rolled through his head, but it was a brief fleeting thought. He had Elijah call for another two hundred pack members. Annihilation was the goal. He wanted to wipe out every member of that pack that he could. He wanted nothing left of them. He didn’t even want the house standing, and demon’s can bring down a house. But the biggest thought on his mind right now was his tiny little dancer. Her heart, bigger than the sun, was crushed and broken. She was betrayed by someone that she thought was her friend and he prayed this didn’t taint her views on the world. He hoped she would bounce back from this and become stronger. He wished for her to see the strength in herself that he and every member of their pack sees. He never wanted to hear those words exit her mouth again, he never wanted to hear her call herself stupid. He would gladly let her say all the bad words she wanted as long as she is not calling herself that. Would you really? Yes! They sound wrong coming from her! I don’t care, I don’t ever want to hear her call herself that ever again! Lil Button is not stupid! No she’s not!

How was he going to help his mate? How was he going to help her see that she wasn’t stupid? How was he going to help her come back from this betrayal? How was he going to help her keep the way she views the world? These questions plagued him as he made it to his door. Maybe he would take her out to dinner. Being away from the packhouse and the memory of it all might help her, it might make her feel better. A night out just the two of them sounded like a good place to start. When he opened the door to his room, the scene he saw was not what he was expecting at all. Bodies were everywhere. ….grrrr…. There must have been close to twenty people in his room. ….grrrr…. What the fuck? I have no idea! ….grrrr…. The lights were out, the curtains pulled and the only illumination came from the tv. They were so enthralled with what was going on, they never even acknowledged his presence. The only sound in the room were the slight growls or whimpers that were being emitted. ….grrrr…. He watched as they shifted or tensed, their eyes never leaving the screen. ….grrrr….

“Don’t fuckin go in there!” Jackson’s voice broke the silence as they all began to tense up again. ….grrrr…. Bo and Brina latched onto Carter as they all watched the action unfold before them. ….grrrr…. The growls, snarls and whimpers rose as the action increased. Are they watching a horror movie without the sound? I think they are!

“You all gonna die!” Tyler blurted as he tensed on the couch causing Elijah beside him to stiffen as well.

Fucking go the other way” Damon yelled at the tv clutching a pillow tightly making Johnny jump beside him.

“Fuck Damon!” The man snapped at him.

“Santo cazzo!” Kenneth cursed at Johnny.

“How can Luna watch these with no sound, this is terrifying” Brina ducked behind Carter only to peek back over his shoulder, she did not, not want to watch. Carter could only watch the screen with wide eyes. Andros wrapped his arms around Brina and she hid in his chest, peeking at the screen between her fingers.

WHAT THE FUCK?” Adonis yelled. ….grrrRrrrr…. Wolves yelped, scrambled and hid in every direction. ….grrrRrrrr…. ....ahhhhhhhhh.... ….grrrr…. ….eeeeeek….

“Fanculo, vai a farti fottere!” Marco spouted from the other side of the room. That’s twice he’s told us to do that! In one day! Odin howled.

“….grrrr…. THE FUCK WRON WIT YOU? Geezus! You don’t fuckin sneak up on a room full of werewolves,” Jackson yelled at him after he jumped and Tyler ducked. Even Elijah flinched slightly.

“Sneak? I’ve been standing here for ten minutes and none of you noticed” Adonis replied laughing. “Where’s Kenzi?”

“Her sugar crash bout a hour ago” Jackson replied as he looked down at his lap. Adonis moved to stand behind the couch and sure enough his tiny dancer was spread across the laps of Jackson, Tyler and Elijah sleeping through the movie. How did she sleep through all the noise they were making? I don’t know!

“How many movies did you watch?” Adonis asked,

“Two after the puppet show” Cage replied.

“We should get pizza, I’m starving” Mike added with Derrick nodding beside him.

“I could use a drink,” Xander said.

“Pizza and beer I’m in, what are we getting?” Tommy asked.



“Sausage….don’t say it Mike”


“Fries too”

“Did I miss the movie?” Kenzi’s little sleepy voice cut in when Jackson woke her up by moving.

“Yeah, Lil Kenzi Cakes you miss that one” Tyler helped her sit up. Kenzi rubbed her eyes as she looked around the room, her gaze landing on Adonis.

“Hello sweetheart,” he spoke softly.


“How are you doing?” He asked, before she could reply her stomach did for her. Her ears pinked at all the bitten back snickers.

“I bet you’re hungry the only thing you’ve eaten was breakfast and chocolate” Adonis grinned at her.

“We should go bowling,” Bo blurted.

“When the las time we went bowlin?” Jackson asked.

“Been awhile” Tyler replied, then looked at his Alpha, all eyes turned to his Alpha. He did want to take her off the territory, she did need to have fun. He was thinking about time between them, but she might want to go bowling.

“Do you wanna go bowling, tiny dancer?” He asked Kenzi

“I don’t know how, I’s never been bowling” Kenzi confessed.

“It’s great you get to throw balls at stuff” Bo made an ill attempt at explaining the game to her.

“Pins Bo, pins. You throw balls at pins, not stuff” Jackson remarked.

“In Bo’s case it actually is stuff. He the reason we hasn’t gone bowlin in awhile” Tyler commented.

“Dude had it coming, he was being rude. It’s simple, don’t be rude, don’t get a ball thrown at you” Bo defended himself.

“That is simple logic” Jackson had to agree with a nod and a shrug.

“Don’t want none, don’t start none” Tyler nodded in agreement.

“Do you wanna go?” Adonis asked again. Kenzi looked at the others in the room, heads were nodding and grins were getting bigger. They wanted to go and they wanted their Luna to come with them. They wanted her to have fun as well. Her excitement at their excitement started to grow. And she nodded her head.

“We’ll leave in ten minutes.” Cheers rose up in the room as everyone scrambled to leave and get ready.

“Where have you three been?” Kane asked as he approached Johnny, Damon and Kenneth standing on the lawn. They were waiting for the others.

“Watching movies” Damon replied,

“We were with piccola and the others in Alpha Adonis’s room,” Kenneth added.

“Don’t watch horror movies with the sound off” Johnny offered.

“It is rather terrifying. The music change warns you that something bad is about to happen. No sound there is no warning” Kenneth agreed.

“The little pixie doesn’t watch any movies or anything for that matter with the sound on, just documentaries” Damon said when he saw the confused look on Kane’s face.

“I see….where are you off too now?” He asked.

“Pizza, beer and bowling. We’re gonna go chuck balls at stuff, we might even hit a pin or two” Adonis replied as he joined them on the lawn with Kenzi in his arms. He passed her off to Cage who carried her to an SUV and helped her get settled in the back seat. It was clear that none of them were following Dr. Burns’s orders and they were all babying her, Dr. Burns included.

“Kenzi needs some fun. A night in the town and away from the packhouse might do her some good. You can come too if you’d like” Adonis offered.

Kane stood there thinking. He wasn’t sure if the offer was genuine or not.

“I wouldn’t have offered, if it wasn’t” Adonis said, a slight grin cracking on his face. Johnny choked back his laugh at the frustrated huff Kane made.

“What did I say about that?” Kane huffed again.

“You promised you’d hurt me” Adonis shot back, causing Damon to snort.

“Why do I think you would enjoy that?” Kane grumbled,

“Because I would, who doesn’t like a good spanking?” That set them all off. Johnny broke first followed by Damon and Kenneth wasn’t far behind.

“You fucking asshole” Kane hurled at him, but even he couldn’t fight the laugh. Ky was howling in his head.

“The fuck goin here?” Jackson asked when he, Tyler, Marco and Carter joined the group.

“Alpha Kane’s going to spank me,” Adonis replied. Carter stared at his Alpha wided eyed while the others broke out laughing again

“Well….who don’t like a good spankin” Jackson replied.

“He buy you peonies firs?” Tyler asked,

“No,” Adonis shook his head

“The fuck?” Jackson looked at Kane and started shaking his head

“I know, I’m a little disappointed too,” Adonis agreed and started shaking his head as well. More laughter rumbled through them.

“Forse se gli comprassi delle peonie? (Maybe if you bought him some peonies?)” Marco threw out.

“Now that true, you buy him some, he might buy you some,” Tyler agreed before he and Jackson cracked up laughing. Johnny clutched his sides as he howled harder with laughter.

“Now why didn’t I think of that?” Adonis asked,

“Thank you Marco” Kane grumbled.

“Prego!” Marco replied with a grin.

“Don’t encourage them, they don’t need any help” Kane said to his second Beta,

“What’s going on?” Elijah asked,

“Alpha Kane spankin Adon,” Jackson told him.

“Might want to try a paddle, he might enjoy that more” Elijah replied without missing a beat, then moved towards one of the vehicles. Eyes widened and jaws dropped before Damon and Johnny both hit the ground laughing.

“Fuck, he’d know” Jackson roared out.

“You’re all fucking assholes, every last one of you. How the fuck does he say things with a straight face?” Kane asked motioning towards Elijah who was waiting by the one vehicle that housed his Luna. Though he said what he did with a straight face it now held a slight smirk.

“He fucking Eli” Tyler choked out.

“I thought we were bowling?” Kenzi asked. They had just pulled into the parking lot and were exiting the vehicles. The building looked more like a bar than a bowling alley.

“We are bowling sweetheart, this place is a bit of an all in one.” Adonis explained to her as he helped her down from the vehicle.

“They has karaoke,” Kenzi exclaimed excitedly when she saw the flashing neon sign. Adonis grinned at her excitement as he tucked her against his side to help support her. A night of fun was exactly what she needed. It will allow her to forget about what happened, even if only for a little while. Now why do I think she’ll end up on the stage! Because she’ll end up on the stage! They moved across the parking lot towards the entrance. The man at the door stiffened right up when he saw them and they could see him linking someone. The fuck? Relax Odin, this is nothing new for us! Lil Button don’t need this shit! It’s fine, we’ll deal with it! This is going to wreck her night! No it won’t! The man stepped to the side and never said a word as they moved past him. He watched them though, he watched them carefully for any signs of trouble. What the fuck is he gonna do, bleed all over us? I’d ask where you got that from, but I already know the answer! That was all you….Big Poppa! I didn’t ask Odin! Needed to tell you anyway! Asshole! Yes you are!

The reception they received on the other side of the door was slightly different. The place fell silent as eyes turned in their direction. The welcoming was not warm or inviting as they stood toe to toe with a man just under 6’7, blonde hair and a hard set look on his face.

“You going to behave?” He asked, his voice harsh and grave and Kenzi pulled back into Adonis’s arms. Adonis looked the man up and down, his top lip slightly curled back.

“We just want to have fun” Adonis replied, he would have ended the conversation with the man on the floor, but that would indeed wreck Kenzi’s night. Much restraint was shown when he allowed the man to remain on his feet still breathing.

“Are you going to behave?” The man asked again. Though his tone was harsh, his voice did quiver a bit, he was no longer as sure of himself as he once was. He was surrounded by over a dozen ruthless demons standing toe to toe with The Devil, intimidated was a slight understatement. His fear had spiked and the man was about ready to wet himself. The Devil was the last person he thought he would face tonight. The surrounding packs that were not allies or aligned with the demons knew Black Shadow was in town and they all had hoped they would not be having any run-ins with them.

“Did you ask that of your other patrons?” Kane moved closer to the front after he was alerted to a problem at the door.

“Your highness!” The man was shocked to see Kane with the demons.

“Did you ask the six other packs inattendance tonight if they were going to behave?” Kane asked again disregarding the bow the man made towards him.

“Well….they….aren’t bloodthirsty savages” The man replied.

“All wolves, demon or normal are bloodthirsty savages,” Kane remarked. “We are a highly territorial species and any slight from a different pack can set us off. You know that. If I have to ask again there will be consequences” Kane growled.

“No, I did not ask them” The man rushed out.

“You didn’t, but you thought it wise to ask a group of wolves you are clearly terrified of and not expect them to take offence?” Kane arched his brow at the man.

“I….I….I” The man could only stutter. This was really not what he was expecting.

“They’re just here for a good time like everyone else. They will behave as long as everyone else maintains their manners, but they will not be held accountable if the others don’t, is that understood?” Kane asked, stepping forward.

“Y-y-yes your highness” The wolf bowed and backed off.

“You like me too, by the way. While you can do and say whatever you want. It pays to know someone who is a bit more diplomatic and can get you past the door without incident.” Kane said as a wry smile crossed his face. Adonis stood silent for a minute as he let what Kane said set in.

“Ok honey, you can go first,” Adonis said with a slight nod and a small smirk, he waved him forward.

“By all means, after you….sweet cheeks” Kane replied and stepped aside. Jackson snorted beside him a shit eating grin on his face. With his own devilish smirk, Adonis moved the group forward.

They had settled on the far side away from the other patrons, though the size of their group made it impossible to completely avoid them. They heard the whispers and eyes followed them as they moved about, getting shoes and drinks and food. For the most part the demons ignored the others, this is what they were used to. This was the life of a demon. They were never trusted, always watched and judged. No one ever let their guard down around them, unease was always in the air and some big mouth would eventually run it.

“This is a bit unnerving” Damon commented quietly to Johnny as he looked towards the other patrons. They would look back at them then talk amongst themselves while still stealing glances their way, some made subtle motions while others were not subtle at all.

“Feel like a caged animal,” Johnny agreed.

“This is what they go through on a regular basis. Nobody trusts them, everybody judges them, and no one takes the time to get to know anything about them.” Kenneth added,

“How do they do it? How do they live like that?” Johnny asked,

“It is not easy, they have just grown to accept that this is the way it will always be” Kenneth answered.

“That’s fucked up” Damon grumbled,

“That is the life of a demoni” Kenneth nodded in agreement.

“She’s still on the dance floor?” Kane commented as he watched Marco twirl Kenzi.

“My tiny dancer likes to dance. At some point everyone will have been on the dance floor with her.” Adonis replied as he too watched the smile on Kenzi’s face. Kane thought about that, the night of the party she never stopped dancing, never stopped moving.

“That’s how she could drink that much,” Kane said. Instead of replying Adonis just smiled.

“Kenzi like to move it,” Jackson replied. “Shock Queeny din’t come”

“She thought it best to stay at the packhouse” Kane responded,

“She thought one of us would throw a bowling ball at her,” Adonis replied.

“Her say that?” Tyler asked, he was sitting at another table with Carter, Marco when he got off the dance floor and a few other members.

“It was mentioned” Kane said,

“Do we look like we jus randomly chuck bowlin balls at people?” Jackson asked.

“I can think of five separate occasions where one of us has chucked a bowling ball at someone” Elijah answered.

“Name one” Jackson shot at him

“Bo and the rude man” Elijah replied,

“He spit at him. That not justification for gettin a ball chuck at him” Jackson said.

“Adam!” Elijah fired off another name,

“That fuck nut had it comin an you can’t tell me he din’t” Elijah nodded he would give Jackson that one.

“Adam….ex Adam, who was eaten by a ‘bear’?” Kane asked,

“That be him,” Jackson nodded.

“Had a run in with two demons first and still didn’t learn his first lesson” Adonis said adding “The bear was just his last and final one”

“Andros, Luther and the brunette” Elijah said and arched his brow. Jackson went to make his argument but had to stop.

“You might have me on that one.” Jackson remarked.

“Destroy a whole fuckin bowlin alley,” Tyler said, then broke out laughing.

“I never heard anything about this,” Adonis said, tilting his head to the side.

“That’s cause we was never gonna tell you” Jackson replied,

“Cats out the bag now” Tyler howled harder.

“What happened?” Kane asked.

“Andros likes redheads an brunettes, Luther likes blondes an brunettes. Andros an Luther are thick as thieves, they get alon real well at everthin, excep for when it come to brunettes. They both end up likin the same one an fights break out. We went bowlin an thins were fine, goin great, then in walk this set of brunette twins. We din’t think anythin of it cause one for each of ’em” Jackson explained.

“They wanted the same one!” Kane said, trying not to laugh as he looked over at the Romanian twins.

“They want the same one” Jackson nodded “They vie for her attention all night, an the other one lef standin there goin what the fuck. We was even like they’s two one for each of you, but they both want the same one an neither want to share her. Fight broke out an we try to break em up.”

“Then Andros start throwin bowlin balls at Luther, so he start chuckin em back” Tyler added to the story “I hide behine the concession”

“You hid?” Adonis asked his little Delta.

“They’s throwin bowlin balls, I ain’t standin out in the open….the fuck you laughin for you dive behine the shoe counter” Tyler huffed when he heard his older brother laugh.

“They’s chuckin bowlin balls an I a bigger target, like fuck I gonna be standin there.” Jackson replied.

“When they ran out of bowling balls they proceeded to beat the shit out of each other. The fight ended when they realized they lost both girls. They were told to reach a compromise or Alpha Adonis was going to be told they destroyed a bowling alley in the hopes of getting laid. They reached a compromise.” Elijah finished.

“What was the compromise?” Kane asked,

“Andros get the redheads, Luther get the blondes an they both leave the fuckin brunettes alone. They won’t even look at one” Jackson pointed to the twins, their heads snapped in the opposite direction of the brunette trying to hopefully catch one of their attentions.

“Let me get this straight, we don’t go bowling because Bo threw a ball at a man who spit at him and not because Andros and Luther destroyed a bowling alley in hopes of catching some tail” Adonis looked back and forth between his Beta and Gamma who both just nodded. Kane bit back his laugh, that was some interesting logic.

“Really like bowling huh?” Was all Kane could think to say.

“We like chuckin balls at stuff,” Jackson replied, raising his hands.

“We gonna bowl or what? I gettin bored” Tyler asked.

“Waiting for a lane to clear up,” Kane replied.

“They ain’t gonna give us a damn lane” Tyler grumbled. “The only ones hasin any fun tonight gonna be the ones that join Kenzi on the damn dance floor”

“They had assured me they were almost finished,” Kane said when he got back to the table. It had been a few hours and they were still waiting for a lane to open up for them. Kenzi had not left the dance floor and every one had at one point joined her. The brothers were itching for some excitement, Jackson had shifted over and over in his chair and Tyler couldn’t sit still if his life depended on it. A few of Adonis’s men had found a mild source of entertainment in the arcade and a few others were playing pool, but they were losing interest in that real quick. Kane and his men could feel the tension entering the air, the demons were not having any fun and things were about to go horribly wrong.

It seems she finally got a taste of fame

Caught a break, and critical acclaim

A glass of champagne, she started feeling safe

The black magic 8

No, it didn’t feel the same

Kenzi’s voice filled the bar and all eyes turned towards the stage. She carried the biggest smile as she delivered her lyrics hitting note for note.

And tomorrow’s now misunderstood

’Cause it’s reading “outlook not so good”

If these signs would point to “yes”

She could maybe feel the same

The others looked at each other and smiles started to break out. They were here for fun and entertainment. They were here to make their Luna laugh and smile. But the only one having fun was their Luna and she was making her own fun.

So shake the magic 8 until it breaks

And close your eyes and take a leap of faith

Don’t be afraid of going your own way

Shake the magic 8 until it breaks

(The Magic 8 - Set It Off)

“....owooo…. sing it Kenzi,” the call went out and they watched her ears pink and her smile beamed more. Jackson took one look at his brother, the smiles breaking big on their faces.

“Time for some fun brother”

“Fuck yeah!” Both men bolted, Carter looked at Marco grins breaking on their faces and they ran to catch up.

“Fuck this!” Damon too got up.

“Where you off too?” Johnny asked.

“I came for some fucking fun not to sit around a table. I’m going to see what they’re doing” Damon replied.

“Hell yeah!” Johnny too was up.

“When was the last time you let loose?” Adonis asked Kane.

“Been awhile!” Kane replied, truthfully Kane couldn’t remember. He went from a teenage boy to a highly revered Alpha then he became a king. Fun fell to the wayside.

“Then I think it’s time to have some” Adonis remarked, Kane was about to protest when Adonis stopped him

“Tonight you’re with the demons and when you’re with the demons you party like them.”

“Then let’s go party like a demon,” Kane replied as he got up from the table.

Four songs Kenzi was on the stage for. Four songs sang as laughter and merriment was heard throughout the bar as the demons and royals created their own fun. Drinks were consumed, competitions were held and the other patrons were completely forgotten. They were loud and rowdy and only getting louder. Adonis met Kenzi at the bottom of the stairs. She threw herself into his arms as her body trembled.

“That was so ass-citing” she squealed.

“Are you having fun, tiny dancer?” He asked her, but the smile on her face was answer enough

“So much fun!” She exclaimed.

“Then let’s continue the fun” he carried her towards the arcade. They played games, placed bets, won money, lost money. Fights broke out and promptly ended when more booze was put down.

“We should do shots!”

NO!!!” A chorus of no’s rang out at the idea, no one wanted to do shots with the tiny dancer that could easily drink them all under the table.

No’s might have been said but they all found themselves at the bar for a round or five of shots, then back out for more fun.

Wide awake, my mistake, so predictable

You were fake, I was great, nothing personal

I’m walking, who’s laughing now?

(Who’s laughing, who’s laughing now?)

I’m wasted, wasting time

You talk for hours but you’re wasting lines

A pretty face, but the chase ain’t worth the prize

I’m gonna break your little heart

Watch you take the fall

Laughing all the way to the hospital

’Cause there’s nothing surgery can do

When I break your little heart in two

I’m gonna break your little heart in two

(Break Your Little Heart - All Time Low)

Two new voices rang out through the bar and when they looked towards the stage Cage and Gage were up there.



The hoots and hollers rose cheering them on and the noise level skyrocketed when they pulled Kenzi on stage with them. They owned the karaoke machine, the arcade, the pool tables, the dance floor and the bar. If the other packs weren’t going to let them bowl then they weren’t going to let the other packs do anything else.

“Gamma Elijah can you do the thing?” Derrick asked.

“I’ve had a few!” Elijah replied.

“We know!” Derrick nodded but he couldn’t help but be hopeful.

“Where are the darts?” Elijah said. He wasn’t sure how this was going to go. Someones getting hit with a dart! Asmodeus howled in his head.

“Yes! He said he do it” And Derrick was gone.

“What’s going on?” Kenneth asked,

“Target practice” Elijah replied as he got up from the table. He was trying to think how much he had actually drunk and how plausible this was going to be. The last round of shots he did was now being called into question.

“Target practice?” Kenneth asked.

“Yes” Was all Elijah could reply as he and Kenneth moved towards the dart boards and the waiting pack members.

“What’s going on over there?” Kane asked as he looked in the direction

“Looks like target practice,” Adonis replied.

“Target practice? Is Elijah going to throw darts at Jackson?” Kane asked.

“Yup!” Adonis nodded, he placed another shot down in front of Kane. Kane’s eyes widened when he saw him place his hand on the board. They went wider still when he saw Elijah release the dart and it hit the spot in between two of his fingers. Cheers rose up and Elijah took aim again.

“Care to take a try? Might want to get in now while Elijah is still sober.” Adonis asked, Kane was still watching. Elijah released the three darts and Jackson came out unharmed. They gave him a shot and Tommy put his hand to the board.

“No!” Shots downed.

“Not brave enough?” Another round gone.

“Not stupid enough!” Another one done.

“Not drunk enough!” Another shot downed

“That too!” Both Adonis and Kane broke out laughing and downed another round of shots.

“You ever done it?” Kane asked, motioning towards the group in the back, howling it up as another member came out unscathed.

“I took two to the chest and one to the thigh. Elijah was fifteen rounds into the bottle of tequila. His response when he realized what he did was well that wasn’t supposed to happen” Adonis replied. “Welcome to partying like a demon,” Adonis said, raising another shot.

“Bottoms up!” Kane lifted his as well and both men took them.

“Hello sweetheart!” Adonis said when Kenzi approached him sometime later. He wrapped his arms around her and she snuggled in. Her little body still trembled with excitement. She was having the best time ever but he could clearly see she was getting tired.

“Are you getting tired, tiny dancer?” He asked.

“No!” She shook her head, though she snuggled in more to his embrace.

“You can barely keep your eyes open” Adonis looked down at her droopy little eyes as she lay her head on his shoulder.

“We didn’t get to go bowling” Kenzi mumbled, her voice getting quiet the more comfortable she made herself.

“No we didn’t, maybe next time” Adonis lowered the tone of his voice, a small smile tugging the corners of his mouth as he watched her eyes drift close.

“Mi scusi, I’m going to take Elijah back to White Stone. Think he’s had enough.” Kenneth said as he interrupted them.

“How many did he hit?” Adonis asked.

“We lost count,” Kenneth replied, trying not to laugh.

“How much did he have?” Kane asked as he watched the Black Shadow Gamma stand on shaky legs.

“Two bottles. I can take piccola back,” Kenneth offered.

“Thank you Kenneth.... Sweetheart.... Sweetheart....” Adonis was trying not to laugh at the soft breathing body cuddled into his chest.

“She fall asleep?” Kane asked, trying and failing to cover his grin.

“Yes she did. Tonight might have been a little too exciting for her.” Adonis replied.

“I will get Elijah in the truck and come back for her.” Kenneth said as he went to move him.

“I can take Gamma Elijah. I’ve had enough fun,” Brina cut in.

“I can walk myself,” Elijah huffed, pulling his arm from Brina. THUD!

“Si, right into a table” Kenneth broke out laughing.

“Who the fuck put that there?” Adonis and Kane broke out laughing.

“I’m awake!” Kenzi’s head popped up, when the commotion sounded.

“No sweetheart, you’re not. Kenneth is going to take you back to White Stone. I will be along in a while.” He squeezed her tight and smiled more, her eyes were drooping again, but she nodded her head.

“Ok, why is Elijah on the floor?” She asked, confusion creasing her brow.

“He walked into a table.” Kane replied, still chuckling.

“Are you ok?” Kenzi turned to the man sitting on the floor.

“Luna.... Somebody put the table in the way” Elijah informed her.

“Come on Gamma Elijah” Brina went to help him up and again he pulled away from her.

“Let Brina help you,” Kenzi instructed.

“Ok! But she better not try anything funny” Came Elijah’s reply as Brina got him to his feet. Kane and Adonis burst out laughing at the serious look on his face. With a kiss goodbye Kenzi, Elijah, Brina and Kenneth left the bar.

“No. Thank you.” is what I should’ve said,

I should be in bed

But temptations of trouble on my tongue,

Troubles yet to come

Damon and Johnny looked to the stage to see who the new voice belonged to. They were both shocked to see Bo.

One sip, bad for me

One hit, bad for me

One kiss, bad for me

But I give in so easily

And “No. Thank you.” is how it should’ve gone

I should stay strong

But I’m weak. And what’s wrong with that?

Boy, oh boy I love it when I fall for that

I’m weak. And what’s wrong with that?

Boy, oh boy I love it when I fall for that

I’m weak

(Weak - AJR)

“Holy shit!” Damon exclaimed.

“Pretty fuckin good huh. That Bo’s outlet” Jackson said as he too watched the siren give his performance.

“That boy ever not have a smile on his face?” Damon asked,

“Bo?” Cage asked when he joined them at the table placing a round of shots down in front of them.

“Yeah!” Damon nodded, he’s never not seen that guy with a smile on his face.

“No, he a pretty happy guy,” Jackson answered.

“It’s fucking irritating. Love the guy to death, but the last thing I want in the morning is a happy yappy in my face,” Cage huffed.

“Cage not a mornin person,” Jackson laughed.

“He hides it real well,” Johnny choked out.

“Most sirens are happy, they wear they emotions out there for all to see, so when they not everone knows,” Jackson replied.

“Hey Bo, no thank you, that what you say” Luther said, motioning to a girl that appeared to be waiting for the siren to get off the stage.

“Right, thanks Luther” Bo replied then turned to the woman. She whispered something in his ear, then something else and a grin broke out on his face.

“Ok!” She took his hand and pulled him away from everyone.

“So much for no thank you” Johnny laughed.

“He’s weak,” Damon added.

“An what’s wron wit that. That his fuckin theme song” Jackson said laughing. “$50 say that boy ain’t comin outta there wearin his pants”

“That’s a sucker bet. Betting on Bo losing his pants is like betting against Delta Tyler in a fight.” Cage said.

“What’s he gonna do when he meets his mate?” Damon asked. Jackson and Cage shared a look.

“He already did….and she rejected him” Johnny replied, when he caught the look.

“Gage was with him, and we didn’t think anything of it. We thought she accepted him. She was like ok.” Cage replied,

“This back when the law was firs instated. Her strung him alon for two weeks until somein shiny come alon. Her reject him in front of Adon, an he force Bo to accept. Bo’s wolf Cullen was fuckin destroy, for a month straight. Another reason Adon abolish the law is cause it has an adverse effect on the wolf, they not right. Cullen bounce from sadness to deep seethin anger, they was no happy lef in him. It was one or the other an we was gettin worried. Adon took Bo to the woods, an we thought that it bye Bo. Cep he came back out a happy go lucky guy” Jackson explained.

“Alpha didn’t come back out the same” Cage said, shaking his head

“Fuck, no he din’t” Jackson agreed.

“What happened to Alpha Adonis?” Johnny asked,

“He came out darker.” Cage answered. “She got hers though in the end”

“She-whore met karma in the woods” Jackson explained, when he caught the arched brows

“And she’s a fickle bitch” Cage added.

“Samethin happen wit Gage too” Jackson said.

“Your brother was rejected?” Johnny asked,

“Me, my brother and sister have been rejected. Gage said all he felt was pain, he was in a constant state of pain. Colin his wolf went from sad and lethargic to angry and everything needed to die for a month and a half. Then he spoke to Alpha and was fine, Sage too.” Cage answered.

“What about you?” Damon asked, the wheels in his head were turning.

“I actually don’t remember my rejection, not much of it anyway. I had to be told I was rejected” Cage answered, shaking his head.

“That cause yurs kinda went sideways.” Jackson replied. “It a small window Adon had to get them to accept the rejection, blink an miss it type window. Adon blink. Her reject him an Calon lash out. Adon put em down fuckin hard. Tyler an I had to babysit him, till he came to, so Adon could get him to accept. Problem, we din’t know when he came to, one minute he there, pass out on the groun an the nex we see him disappearin into the woods. Fuckin shadows. We haul ass after him, finally catch up to him in a clearin.”

“He ripped her apart!” Johnny said, judging by the look on Jackson’s face.

“He fuckin obliterated her. Her wasn’t identifiable. At leas when Tommy rip his apart I could identify her, Calon lef a bloody, soupy, pulpy mess….her was fuckin everwhere, we had to call in a clean up crew. He ask what happen an we toll him he was reject. He look aroun the clearin an at the mess then look back at us an goes when’s lunch, I’m hungry. Dude obliterated his mate, he coated head to toe in who fuckin knows an he wants lunch. We wasn’t bout to tell em he miss lunch so Tyler goes ok, let’s get you clean up” Neither Damon or Johnny knew what to say to that. The picture painted of Cage standing in the clearing asking for lunch was funny, but it was because he was rejected that it happened.

“I remember feeling lied to,” Cage said.

“She said she was going to accept you?” Johnny asked.

“No, when I found her and claimed her, Beta Jackson showed her the type of wolf we were, she said bring me to your Alpha so I did. She went through with the rejection, and I didn’t even get a chance to say anything. I stood there staring at her while she spoke those words and the only thing I felt was lied to. We were promised someone to love us, accept us, the Moon Goddess said so. Yet here’s mine standing before my Alpha rejecting me so I don’t rip her to pieces and I couldn’t do anything to stop it. The Moon Goddess fucking lied to us, I fucking hate her” Cage answered.

“Why don’t you go see how yur brother doin? I think he got hit by a dart.” Jackson said, sending the shadow away.

“Don’t be shock. You won’t fine a demon that don’t hate the Moon Goddess. Adon fuckin despise her. Her pop up right now, Adon take her fuckin head in one hit an not think twice bout it. Her create a species of wolves overly aggressive, highly volatile and completely unstable, then for shits an giggles make fear excite us. The fuck her think gonna happen? No one gonna come rushin to shake our hands an accept us. They all fear us, most our allies included. Hell some them only allied to our kind cause they fear us, better be at the right hand of The Devil than in his way.” Jackson said when Cage disappeared.

“We’re not shocked, how can we be?” Johnny replied. After everything they heard and were told throughout their time getting to know the demons. The countless stories of rejection, witnessing first hand how they were continually treated. The demons had every right to hate the Goddess.

“I wanna go bowling,” Adonis declared after another round of shots.

“Me too!” Kane agreed.

“I wanna throw balls at shit” Another round of shots.

“Me too!” Kane agreed.

“Well then fuck this let’s go bowling” Adonis said after he downed another shot and stumbled to his feet.

“No fucking lang” Kane countered as he looked toward the alley.

“We make our own. Who’s gonna tell us no?” Adonis said.


“The fuck those two doin?” Jackson asked as he watched Adonis and Kane make their way to the alley.

“I don’t know but I think they’re both intoxicated and not just slightly.” Johnny replied.

“Oh shit!” Jackson blurted when he saw Adonis grab one of the balls on the side wall.

“What is he doing?” Damon asked.

“Bowlin!” Jackson replied before he broke out laughing.

“What is he bowling for?” Damon asked.

“People!” Jackson replied and started laughing harder.

“That’s gonna cause a problem,” Johnny said, nodding his head.

“$5 says I can knock down seven pins” Adonis made the drunken bet.

“I’ll take that it” Kane drunkenly accepted.

“The fuck Adon doin?” Tyler asked as he stopped to watch his Alpha.

“Bowlin!” The words barely exited Jackson”s mouth before Adonis released the ball. Yelps, shrieks and screams went up as numerous people hit the ground.

“Seven!” Adonis grinned triumphantly.

“You owe me $5 you gotta a few spares” Kane grinned back then broke out in a snicker at the look on Adonis’s face.

“Damnit!” Adonis looked at the pins he knocked over and sure enough more than seven were on the ground.

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