The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 103: War and Retribution Part 3!

The Death of the Father!

“Adonis!” Ethan couldn’t help the triumphant smile on his face as he saw his youngest son standing before him with the king thrown over his shoulder.

“Give me my mate” Adonis snarled at him as he dropped Kane to the ground.

“Did you bring me a gift?” Ethan’s eyes danced with merriment, he knew taking the pixie would bring his son running to him.

“Give me my mate” Adonis repeated, Odin coming forward, his eyes engulfed in flames.

“Now, now son, put him away” Ethan said as he moved closer to Kenzi. It was then he saw the handle of a knife in the waistband of his pants.

“Give. Me. My. Mate!” Adonis spoke more slowly this time. Though Odin didn’t speak this time, he still stayed on the surface. He didn’t want to miss what was about to happen, he wanted a full view of the show.

“I was hoping we could talk first, but you have this undesirable tendency to rush things” Ethan began.

“You have an undesirable tendency to continue breathing,” Adonis shot back.

“Now that was uncalled for” Ethan wrapped his hand around the handle of the knife.

Kane groaned from the ground as he began to move as well. Son of a bitch hit us again! Ky grumbled in his head. Son of a bitch hit us really fucking hard! This better be part of his plan! This better not scar!

Relax honey, you’re still pretty!

You better have a fucking plan sweet cheeks!

“We’re getting off to a bad start here” Ethan moved even closer to Kenzi, his hand still clutching the knife handle.

“You should have thought of that before you took my mate. The last fool to do that….lost his head….painfully.” Adonis replied, he tracked every movement Ethan made. He focused on his breathing and heartbeat. Listening closely as it picked up.

“That was quite the mess you left,” Ethan remarked.

“That was child’s play compared to what I can and will do to you if you don’t give me back my mate” Adonis replied. There! Odin howled in his head. The first wiff of fear.

“Easy son, let’s not make rash decisions” Ethan pulled the knife from his pants. ….grrrrrr….

My decisions already made Ethan, just how painful it’s going to be is up to you” Odin replied. Ethan pulled Kenzi to her feet, she started fighting and struggling against him, hitting any part she could. Pulling herself away from him as best she could. She was too small to inflict too much damage to him, but she clawed him a few times. The mini fight was over when he yanked her roughly winding up with her back pressed against his chest with a knife to her throat. Odin grabbed Kane one arm twisted behind his back and held him by the throat in retaliation.

“Now hold on son” Ethan said as he watched his fingers curl in and his grip tighten. ….grrrrrr….

I want my mate, you want him. You kill her, I kill him and The Devil sits on the throne and you lose” Odin growled.

“Give him to me,” Ethan said.

Let her go” Odin snarled back, his grip tightening even more. Not enough to make Kane struggle to breath, but it was becoming more uncomfortable for him, and he was seriously starting to wonder if this was part of the plan.

“That’s enough out of you” Ethan pressed the blade more into Kenzi’s throat after she tried fighting against the confines of his arm.

The neck will snap or the throat will rip. I crave bloodshed and know what I want to happen, but what do you prefer?” Odin snarled into Kane’s ear.

“Neither!” He choked out when the vice grip tightened more.

Easy sweetheart, breathe!

Kenzi stared at Adonis wide eyed, she was terrified, but she was fighting with everything she had in her not to show it.

I’m scared!

“I know, but trust me!


Focus on Kore’s voice. When she pushes, grab the feeling and give her complete and full control, don’t hold back!


I love you!

I love you too!

“Why would you want the throne and the pressure of ruling a whole kingdom? Do you have any idea how hard it’s going to be? Why would you want the pressure of dealing with that?” Ethan had to try a different tactic. Adonis wasn’t speaking anymore, his wolf had taken hold.

I’ll make a great king, I would look good sitting on a throne and I do love a good crown” Odin smirked, his canines elongated. He was here to stay now.

“You wouldn’t have much of a kingdom, they would all be afraid of you,” Ethan remarked.

They would listen to everything I say or risk a merciless death. Who doesn’t love blind obedience?” Odin countered “You could be my jester

“I’m not that funny” Ethan shot back.

Torture makes me smile” The sinister grin spread across Odin’s face as he heard Ethan’s heartbeat pick up “Think of the things I could do to make a pig like you squeal. Just. Like. Your. Son. The pathetic little bitch pissed himself” Kane choked as Odin squeezed tighter, he didn’t mean to but the visions of torturing Ethan and the fear he could smell were getting him excited.

“Eric!” Ethan gasped out.

He begged me pretty please on his knees to spare his miserable life. Please, please spare me. Now he lies in pieces. I wonder what it would sound like to hear you beg?” Odin slightly loosened his grip as Kane tightened around his wrist.

“You wouldn’t have a kingdom, you would destroy it” Ethan said.

A place for demons, finally out of the shadows and into the light where we rightfully belong. We’re the superior species and your kind should be bowing at our feet. Your kind should be grovelling, begging us for acceptance” Ethan could see a small streak of blood trailing down Kane’s neck. He saw his future going with it should the beast that calls his youngest son’s head home decide he wants the kingdom he is describing.

“You’re right!” Ethan replied. Odin arched his brow.

“Demons are the superior species. Our kind should be bowing at your feet. Our kind should be worshipping you, not disgracing you. You should be praised instead of condemned.” Ethan smiled slightly when he saw Odin’s grip loosen and heard Kane take a big gulp of breath. “Make me the king and I will see to it that you and the others are placed in your rightful place.”

WE BOW TO KNOW ONE!” Odin roared and squeezed harder.

“Of course, of course. You will have free reign to do as you wish. I could be more of an advisor to your kind” Ethan’s eyes widened when he saw Kane fighting to breathe.

I already have an advisor,” Odin growled.

“Right of course you do, Elijah” Ethan nodded, just give the beast what he wants.

Not Elijah,” Odin corrected him

“You could have whoever you wish as your advisor, Cameron perhaps,” Ethan agreed. A grin slid across Odin’s face and he relaxed his grip. Ethan too began to smile, he had the beast where he wanted him.

“Hello Ethan” The man before the beast paled as he heard the voice.

“E-Em-roy!” He stuttered out.

My advisor!” Odin informed him,

“You look like you’ve seen a ghost” Emroy stood beside Odin tall and proud.

“I-I-I” Ethan shook his head, no, it wasn’t possible. The rogues that came back told him Emroy didn’t make it. Adonis confirmed it and gave them his necklace.

“Look confused.” Emroy finished for him.

“You’re dead!” Ethan blurted. The knife slipped from his hand, but he still kept his grip on Kenzi. Emroy touched his chest, his arms and shook his head.

“No, I’m very much alive,” Emroy said, causing Odin to chuckle.

“H-how?” Ethan demanded to know. Emroy looked at Odin who nodded and a smile graced his face.

“Well I did the one thing Eric couldn’t.” Emroy replied, his smile getting bigger as the realization began to sink into Ethan. “I made a deal with The Devil” The wicked smile hit Odin’s lips when Ethan looked at him. It was time.

“Emroy, I’m so….”

“Save your lies and bullshit. You’re not happy I’m alive, if Evan walked out of those woods perhaps, but not me. You and I both know you hated me almost as much as you hated Adonis. I saw you for the spineless coward you really were. You beat a child because you feared him, you knew he would be greater than you and you couldn’t handle that, so you beat him down. That backfired. The abuse you put him through, fueled the beast in him and because of you stands a bloodthirsty savage.” Odin huffed and Emroy could only smile at him.

“Sorry brother, Bloodthirsty hellhound?” Odin nodded, he liked that better. “You’re out of time. I would say it’s been fun, but it hasn’t been. Your death will be….purifying” Odin again nodded.

Bye Ethan!

“Wait, wait we can talk about this” Ethan held tighter to Kenzi, gripping his hand around her neck.



The growl ripped through the area and Kenzi did exactly what Adonis told her to. Kore made a huge push forward and she grabbed a hold of the feeling and completely let go. At first nothing happened. Ethan looked around, nothing, no one came running. No demon army, no reinforcements. He smiled smugly at his two sons. SNAP! He looked for the sound. CRACK! Bones were breaking all around him. CRACK! Then he felt the little girl in his arms shift. SNAP! He felt the hair on her neck tickle the palm of his hand. CRACK! He watched her nose lengthen, her canines elongate, her ears shift. SNAP! He watched as her skin broke away and pure black fur began to sprout. CRACK! The weight in his arms began to get heavy as she grew. She became harder to hold onto as her body contorted and shifted. Ethan had to let go and he stumbled away. His eyes were big and wide at the beast that now stood before him. He looked back towards his sons only to see Kane standing beside Odin, aside from the split lip and slight discoloration to his neck he was unharmed.


“Hello Kore!” They watched as the 6’3 wolf shook out her pure black fur and stretched her legs. Then she took off running all over the area smelling everything. Several times she took Ethan off his feet as she had more things to investigate. The grass, the rocks, the trees. She let the water wet her feet then ran to the dock then back to the trees, then back to the rocks.

“Give her a minute,” Adonis said.

“They really are giant puppies,” Kane commented as he watched her discover new smells.

“She’s never been outside,” Adonis remarked.

“Really? She didn’t shift outside?” Emroy asked,

“No, she obliterated the bedroom,” Kane answered.

“The couch needed to die,” Adonis added.

“Kennedy must be thrilled” Emroy nodded,

“He is, I’m the one that has to fix it.” Adonis replied. “He threatened me with Brenda and she hits people with brooms.”

“I’m well aware!” Emroy nodded.

“What did you do?” Kane asked, as far as he knew she only hit Kennedy with a broom, she might have threatened the others but never went through with it. Then again they didn’t test the theory either.

“Kennedy ducked as I came around the corner” Emroy replied.

Jackson and the others stepped from the woods, as Ethan went to move from the area. They all shook their heads, Ethan wasn’t going anywhere. Behind them hundreds of red eyes shone through the trees as they all watched what was happening. They all wanted to see their Luna’s wolf, they all wanted to meet her.

“Thata big puppy,” Jackson said, as he picked the knife up.

“Her almos as big as Bal,” Tyler exclaimed.

“Yup,” Jackson could only nod.

“Did anyone win?” Johnny asked.

“No, no one picked over 6 feet, no one picked close to 6 feet either. Cage and Gage guessed the closest with 5’9” Tommy replied.

“No one thought she would be that big,” Elijah said. Demon wolves were generally bigger than normal wolves, but Kenzi was tiny none of them thought herwolf would be as big as she was.

“The fuck that big puppy fit in that lil girl?” Jackson asked.

“This is where the fun begins,” Adonis said, when Kore finally noticed Ethan standing there. She cautiously approached him, this was the man who hurt her pixie. This was the man that took her pixies fryer pan. This was the man who hurt her. This was the bad man. The bad, bad man. Ethan held his hands out as he backed away from her. His fear spiking more and more and she caught the scent, she liked the scent, it excited her.

“P-pl-ease d-do-n’t” Ethan stammered out. Kore stopped, she looked at Adonis.

“He did say please. But this is the bad man that hurt your pixie and took her fryer pan, is please going to be enough?” Adonis asked, Kore looked back at Ethan. I’m gonna bite him! ….rrrrrrr…. It was low and both Jackson and Tyler choked back their laughs. ….rrrrrrr….

“Her a angry lil puppy” Jackson cracked first, followed by Tyler.

“Shhh n-now, shhh” Ethan urged her to quiet down. Sitting down in front of Ethan, Kore tilted her head to the side.

“Th-that’s a go-good girl” Ethan said, he went to reach out to touch her and they were all cringing. He looked away to the others for a second, but a second was all it took.


The yell escaped Ethan as Kore bit down on his hand. Blood flowed from the wound, dripping from her jowls. She pulled and shook and shook and pulled. Throwing him to the ground she dragged him across the beach of the lake and shook him some more.

“È così che appare Alejandro? (Is that what Alejandro looks like?)” Marco asked as he watched Kore continue to shake the man in front of him.

“Si!” Kenneth replied. Damon could only watch wide eyed. This brought flashbacks of him watching Alejandro shake Erin Morgenson to death trying to break off a body part.

“Her gonna bite that hand off,” Jackson added.

“If her don’t shake the arm off first,” Tyler countered. POP! POP! POP! Came from Ethan’s arm when Kore rolled and took him with her.

“Well that’s one way to effectively dislocate his arm,” Elijah said.

“What did she dislocate?” Johnny asked,

“Judging by the look of his arm. I’m going to say the whole thing.” Elijah replied.

“Maybe you should take notes,” Jackson said to his brother, causing Damon to laugh.

“Fuck ya both” Tyler huffed “You too Eli” He added when he saw the smirk.

Ethan was struggling to get his hand back from the death grip the big beast had on him. He grabbed the first thing he could to hit her with, but she let go before he could make the connection with her snout. He fell backwards clutching his arm to his chest and pushed himself along the ground to get away from her. Kore lunged again, narrowly missing his foot. ….rrrrrrr…. She wasn’t finished with the bad man, she was just getting warmed up. Bad man! Bad, bad man! Hurt me, hurt my pixie, I’ll teach you! ….rrrrrrr…. Again the others fought to control their snickers at the sound she made.

“You’re going to teach her how to growl right?” Kane asked,

“Would I be a bad man if I didn’t?” Adonis replied. Fuck no, she sounds adorable! Odin was gushing in his head over every little growl his little mate made.

“Can’t say I would,” Emroy added. As he watched Kore lunge again and avoid getting kicked. She lunged a third time and got a hold of Ethan’s left foot, biting down hard. Another cry left his mouth as her teeth sank into the bone. She shook and shook and shook some more. She rolled herself and shook some more.

Bones popped and snapped. Blood stained the ground, the man screamed and writhed in pain begging them to make it stop. The two hundred plus wolves just continued to watch, placing bets on what the outcome was going to be. Everything from, snapping his neck, to taking his head was bet on. Several bet on limbs being ripped off with how severely she was shaking the man.

“Vaffanculo Damon!” Marco huffed at him, when he made a $100 bet on Marco running off with the body part to bury it. Kenneth and Elijah could only laugh, they both could see that happening. The flesh tore away from Ethan’s ankle exposing the bone, not wanting her victim to get away she sank her teeth into his calf and ripped him back towards her. The lakefront was turning into quite the bloody mess the more they watched the she-wolf attack. She bit and shook and let go, then bit and shook again. Over and over she did this, until Ethan was nothing more than a bloody, bitten, whimpering, mangled mess on the ground.

“I think she’s tired,” Kane said, when they watched her flop onto the ground and place her head on her paws.

“No, she’s bored,” Adonis replied. Time to finish this! About fucking time!

“What do you say….brother?” Adonis arched his brow as he looked at Emroy.

“Could be cathartic” Emroy replied. Adonis shifted first. Kore’s ears perked at this. He’s gonna play with me! Getting to her feet and her first reaction was to knock him over. Jackson and Tyler howled when they watched her jump on him. Emroy shifted next. Gideon wasn’t as tall as Odin or Kore. He stood just over six feet like most normal Alpha’s and he got low to the ground not wanting to be the next one taken down. He listened to the others laugh as they watched Kore continually knock Odin to the ground and pounce on him. She’s quite playful! She’s quite painful! The game was done when he pinned her and shook his head, that was enough of that. Odin and Gideon moved towards Ethan both circling him, Kore had done quite the number on him, but the cockroach still wasn’t dead. Grabbing his leg, Odin smashed him repeatedly into the ground then threw him to Gideon who got a hold of his arm and shook it till they could see the flesh begin to tear away. He went to smash him into the ground only for the arm to tear off and Ethan hit the ground in front of Odin. Once more he smashed Ethan into the ground then threw him back to Gideon to finish him off. He had more pressing matters to attend to. Guiding Kore to the lake he heard the distinct snap of a neck. Primrose had fallen, Ethan was dead but there was still one more thing that needed to be taken care of, before they could head back.

Looking into the mirrored surface of the water he motioned for his mate to do the same. Silver flashed in her eyes before they turned back to the black and blue flaming glittery white orbs. She made the connection with her human counterpart and she became whole. He was whole and they had the future ahead of them. Moving them to the tree line it was time to run. Jackson and Tyler stepped forward with Elijah beside them. They shifted and joined their Alpha and Luna. Bones snapped and broke through the forest as the demons shifted into their wolves. One more look back at the royals and his brother Odin motioned towards the woods. Gideon fell in place beside a few of the others. Kane looked to his men then shifted and Ky stood to the left of The Devil, his men taking spot behind him.

….owooooooooooo….rrrrrrr….grrRrRrrrRrRrrr….owooooooo….grRrrrRrr…. ….owooooo….rrrrrrr….grrRrRrrrRrRrrr….rrrrrrr….owooooooooooo…. grRrrrRrr….owooooooo….rrrrrrr….owooooo….owooooooooooo….

Pressing into his mate, keeping her tucked right to his side, they took off into the woods, the others falling into place and they moved as one like rolling thunder. The howls and growls rose up on the wind as they ran deep through the woods and took the long way back to the pack house. Shifting in the woods and grabbing basketball shorts there was still more work to be done. Celebrate the lives that were lost during the war, and return them to the earth with honour.

“Sweetheart!” Adonis called into the woods. “Just focus on your human self and allow the shift to happen” ….eeeep…. CRASH! THUMP! That sounded hurty! Yes it did! I think she fell in a bush! I think she did as well!

“Are you ok?” He asked trying not to laugh,

“Uh huh!” Adonis followed the sound of the voice and he came upon her crouched low on the ground with her arms trying to cover herself.

“I’m naked” She blurted.

“Yes, you are” he agreed, his smile getting bigger as he took in all of her.

“That’s gonna take some getting used to,” Kenzi nodded. Slipping an oversized shirt over her head he guided her arms through the arm holes then pulled her into his chest.

“I like you naked,” he said then dropped his mouth onto hers, before she could say anything.

“You’d keep me naked” she accused when the kiss broke. Nope, can still say stuff! Well she’s not lying! He would keep her naked if he could.

“I really like this mouth” he said “I think it’s time to get you cleaned up”

“You jus wanna see me naked more,” Kenzi blurted.

“Yes, I do” Adonis crushed her mouth under his and scooped her into his arms.

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