The Alpha Kings Mate

Chapter 20

Alexander's POV

I angrily push open the door of my office, nearly breaking it. I held so much fury inside me and tormented at the same time towards the she-wolf whom I didn't even know and it bothered me and it left my wolf in turmoil. He hadn't stopped thrashing deep within me so I locked him and blocked him off for the time being.

'I had to restrain you for now wolf. You have to understand, we have a situation right now that we need to focus on.'

"You don't know what you're doing! I am telling you Alexander Gabriel, we need her! Before it's too late!" He angrily spat at me but I blocked him off immediately before he gets out of control.

As I stepped inside the office, Denise came rushing through me. Throwing me question after question about Malka.

"Is it him? How is he? Where is he? What happens, Alex? Tell me!"

She kept asking questions as I walk my way to my desk. I was nearly losing control of my wolf and here she is adding more stress and disturbance to my already chaotic brain.

I turn around to face her and angrily shout at her "Would you shut your fucking mouth, Denise?!"

She gaped at me with wide eyes. She didn't speak for a moment but then she recovered at my sudden outburst "I uh... I just wanted to know if it's him.." she then said with a pleading tone.

"To shut you up! Yes, it's fucking him! And it turns out to be he is the Alpha of the rogues!"

She was stunned at what I said and put a hand on her mouth and got teary-eyed.

"No. No, that's not true" shaking her head at me.

"It is fucking him!" I move closer to her towering over her "And he is the reason behind all of these attacks on my kingdom's pack and abducts the unmated she wolfs to forcefully mate with them!" My voice raises angrily with every word I utter "That is the fucking truth about your pathetic mate!"

Her eyes widen more at the last word that I said. Her tears that are threatening to spill earlier that she was controlling not to cry but were now rolling down her pale cheeks. I felt that she was hurt and was struggling to accept the truth about Malka. She move back away and saw that her knees are shaking so she went to sit on the couch. I went in to sit also on my swivel chair and fisted my hands on the desk. The tension between us was unbearable. We are both hurt and were hardly accepting the truth about the man whose been close to us, especially to her. I know it was ruthless of me to speak like that about her mate, for he is still her mate and they didn't reject each other when they separate.

When I had them separate.

I brush up my hair with my hands and let out deep breaths. All that I'd gone throughout the day this day was slowly dawning on me. I slowly felt the exhaustion, the feeling that I went through in the cave, and the part where I saw Malka with the she-wolf. I still felt disturbed when I think of her. The way her eyes swept through me. My eyes abruptly closed on their own accord and instantly her face showed up. My body went stiff down on my membrane. Every nerve on my body suddenly had this electricity crawling on me when I think of her.

What is it like to touch her face? To feel her body against my skin?

'Shit! What am I even thinking?'

"It's all your fault!" Denise's voice had me pulled out of my fantasy about the she-wolf. I was a bit lost and confused about what she was saying but I didn't make her see it.

"What did you say?"

"I said it is all your fault!" Her eyes are blazing with anger "If you hadn't broken us apart and excluded him from your kingdom then he wouldn't do this!" Her chest is heaving up and down from her outburst "He wouldn't be a rogue! He wouldn't be the Alpha of the rogues!"

Abruptly in one swift movement, I had her neck between my hands "Do you even know what you are saying? Do you even hear yourself?" I don't want to hurt her but she pushed me on my patience "You don't have the right to accuse me of what's been done to him! Is it just me to blame?" I tighten my hands on her neck "You both are pathetic! You are both a coward!" I am pissed at her, blaming me for what happened to the both of them when in fact it was their fault and mistake and they ended up both broken and away from each other.

Paul had walked inside the office and saw us. I abruptly let go of Denise and face him instead of wasting my time on this annoying she-wolf.

"What is it you want to tell me?"

He takes a look at Denise first before responding to me. The worriedness on his face is evident "It's good that you are now here. There is more important we have to do now."

"More important than to hunt down Malka?"

What was more important than that?

"You have to come with me." He didn't wait for me to respond and immediately turn his back on me and walk out of the office. I followed him behind leaving Denise crying in the office.

We walked our way out of the office and down the hallway. We passed through some more corridors until we reached a staircase that goes down.

"I know where are we but why are we here?" I sternly ask Paul. This room we are heading to is a room where we put wolves that are severely wounded or had a severe disease that needs to be quarantined.

"You need to see this. You need to see them. They need your help especially your presence for you are the Alpha King."

I was curious about what he was saying and puzzled at the same time about what is he talking about.

We took a step towards the staircase until we reached a metal door. Instantly I felt troubled and in pain before I even went inside behind that door. Paul knew that I felt something for he turn to look me in the eyes telling me that I need to ready myself for what was inside. He opens the metal door and steps aside, making a way for me to enter first. When I step one foot forward inside the room, I already felt them. The disturbance of their pains and sufferings came rushing through my senses.

There I stood inside the room where the rescued she wolfs are all in here. I gulped down hard as I saw their current state. They were screaming and crying. They were in pain and suffering.

"What is happening to them?"

Paul came behind me "They are in a critical state Alpha King and they need you. They need your presence especially your wolf to strengthen their bond to their wolf."

I was mad and at the same time, I was in deep pain about what happened to them. It pains me to see that they are suffering. I move towards the she-wolf near me. She lies on a small bed, silently weeping. I approach her and kneel beside the bed. When she opened her eyes, I felt she was relieved when she saw me. She was trying to raise her hand to touch me and I abruptly went to hold her hand with mine to comfort her.

"Please.. he-help me.." her voice is hoarse when she spoke. I held her hand for a moment to make her feel at ease and talked to her soothing things and assuring her that she is now safe.

I stand up and went to the other shewolves who needs my comfort. I saw some of them already had a mark on their neck. So, I ask Paul about it.

He had a look on his face of anger and guilt "They had been forcefully marked by the rogues and as you know, forcefully mate with them. If only we had found them and rescued them immediately then they wouldn't have to suffer this kind of bullshit!" I felt that he was on edge and was devastated "And to think he's the reason behind all of this! Even if he was a friend to me but now" he let out a disgusting chuckle "I wouldn't forgive him for his crimes!"

"What will happen to them now that they are already been marked?"

"That is still what we are trying to figure out. But I think the only one who can answer that question is your wolf" Paul said as he walk towards me.

So, I called my wolf within me and took off the wall that separate him from me. He was stubborn at first for restraining him and blocking him off but when he felt the frightful tormenting agonies of the shewolves in the room he instantly rage in fury. He instantly knew what is happening.

"This is what I've been telling you!" He's now difficult to control, he's forcing his way to be in control.

'I need you to calm down. And explain to me what is going on! How can we prevent this problem if you continue to act like that?'

"Then let me out. I will explain it." I let him take the lead but I was still in control.

The feeling around the room got warmer when my wolf emerged. The she-wolves that have been screaming were now quieted down as they felt the presence of my wolf, covering them with his presence and comfort to feel their wolf at ease.

"For now, this is the only thing I can do for them. To keep their wolf still connected to them." He was in the lead but I was in control so when he had spoken his voice and mine was merged as one. The tone of our voice is low and guttural.

"What do you mean still connected?" Paul and I had the same question in mind.

"The bond they have to their wolf will become weak and distant for they had been marked by a wolf that isn't their true mate."

So that will happen to their connection to each other.

"But it's not only that. There is far more worst of what will happen to them.."

"There is more?" Paul is listening intently to every word of my wolf and was curious and worried at the same time to know what will happen to the she-wolves "Then what is it?"

"They will lose the ability to shift on their wolf form! Their wolf wouldn't be able to get out anymore!"

The tension and fear instantly flared in the air inside the room for they all heard what would possibly happen. Paul had fallen a step backward on what he heard. He can't believe that this will happen to the poor innocent she-wolves. So am I.

"They didn't deserve to be in this kind of cruel situation! That is absurd and ridiculous!" Paul angrily said. I can see the hurt in his eyes towards he was feeling to his fellow wolves "It is not right to take away the freedom of their wolf!" I, on the other hand, was also mad at what is happening and it was all because of Malka! Paul started pacing back and forth "Then what should we do? How will be able to help them? In what way?"

"They have to find their true mates and mark each other immediately to save and strengthen more of the bond to their wolf."

'What? That is impossible to do! How would we be able to find their true mates? You know that it's hard to find your true mate. It takes time and sometimes years before you meet your mate!"

This is hopeless! How could Malka do this kind of foolishness?

"What if they hadn't found their true mate?" Paul asks worriedly.

"Then they won't be able to shift into a wolf. The heart and soul of their wolf will be weakened for their human side had been marked by not their true mate wolf." Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

'This is fucking insane!'

How could Malka do such a horrible thing to these she-wolves?

'Is there any other way or anything to help them?'

"There's still another way to get rid of the rogues mark on them."

"What is it?" Paul and I ask in unison.

'Then tell us now so we could be able to save the she-wolves!'

"We have to kill the rogues who had marked them. In that way, their mark would vanish and their bond to their wolf will be stronger again." Said my wolf with determination.

Paul smiled wickedly "Now that's what I am talking about" he was worried sick earlier but now there's a hint of thrill in his eyes the way he had spoken "That is not hard to do. I would be honored to do just that! Kill all the rogues!" Paul walks his way towards the door "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go now and hunt those bastards!"

But before I could respond to Paul, my wolf speak to me through our bond.

"Alexander Gabriel, you have to know something important first," my wolf said I felt he was becoming more serious and there was a sensation of the burning feeling of something I can't understand "I should have told you about this earlier but you had me blocked off!" Now he was pissed "You have to listen to me!"

'Ok wolf I'm all ears'

While I was talking to him, I head my way out of the quarantine room with Paul following behind. I know I had to comfort more of the she-wolves but the important thing to do now was to get rid of the rogues to end their sufferings.

"As I've said to you, we need her!" He angrily growls at me, his anger vibrating through my chest.

'What? What are you talking about?'

"We've been waiting for her for so long. And now, now that we found her you didn't even feel her! Did you already get numb? Or you just got dumb for loving Denise?!"

I fisted my hands at my side, controlling myself not to lash out at my wolf. On my wolf, by the way, he talks to me.

'Don't you ever! Ever mention her name! I am done with her!'

Paul and I we're still passing through the hallway heading back to my office. I suddenly stop walking when my wolf had said those words to me. Paul behind me was startled when I had stop from walking. Then he asked me why I stopped.

I turn to face him "Go to the warrior's quarter. You need to prepare them first and instruct them on what we have to do and tell them the situation about the she-wolves."

I need to be alone to be able to talk to my wolf. And besides, before we proceed to hunt those bastards, especially Malka I need to prepare my warriors and be ready. For they had just been gone through a fight when they had rescued the she-wolves and still some of them are injured.

"Check the warriors that's been wounded and the rest of them be ready to go on a hunt!" My mind and my heart were torn between these responsibilities of mine. I need to instruct Paul first on what to do for now I sense his a bit baffled at my actions he didn't dare to ask me further instead he just bow down to me and then leave.

I let out a long sigh.

"Are you all ears now?" He teased, making me more annoyed by his behavior.

'Don't start with me wolf!'

"You better listened to me, Alexander Gabriel! I am not fooling around!"

'So am I!' We both angrily yell at each other. Both not backing down.

I closed my eyes to calm myself and continue to walk my way back to my office.

'So, what is it that I need to know? Who is the hell you are saying that we need?' I was bothered at the same time puzzled at what he was going to tell me.

"We need that she-wolf! You need to get her!"

'Get her? Who?'

I am really confused about what he was referring to for my mind right now is a mess.

While my wolf is getting more and more pissed and irritated at me.

"You have no clue, do you?"

'Would I ask you like this if I know what you are saying?'

I felt his raging power throughout my nerves, awakening more of my senses. And when it hit me, it hit me hard.

Every cell in my body, all my nerves, and my heart and brain were on high alert.

And then it clicked!

That is why I had felt something undeniable and different feeling towards her! How the way my heart responded to her!

'Shit!' I inwardly cursed at myself!

"Now you know" uttered my wolf feeling proud at his self and his senses.

'Then why I hadn't known it when we saw her?'

It was stupid of me not to know she was already in front of me and yet I had let her go.

"For she was already his.."


"You didn't know it, you didn't feel it for she was been marked by another wolf!"

I felt like my heart was been stabbed over and over when I heard what he said.

'She was been marked?? By fucking who?!!'

How dare that wolf! I would KILL HIM!

But he didn't have to tell me who is the wolf who had dared to mark her.

Because I already knew who it was.

And this time, I will never let him escape me.

He had already taken what I have long ago.

I will never let him do it again!

Not with her!

Not with my MATE!


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