The Alpha King’s Heart: The King’s Mate

: Chapter 88

Azriel’s POV

I smiled as I watched her laugh out loud at what we were talking about, her face was tender, and was about to say something when she stopped, I caught his scent just as she did. Wyatt was here, and my gut twisted. My eyes met Wyatt’s, he looked rumpled and I could tell he was really worried about her.

I watched them rush towards each other and kiss passionately, Adira wrapped her arms around him and my heart pierced painfully… All I wanted to do was growl at him and pull her to my side. He wasn’t going to just come out of nowhere and claim him in front of me but I reminded myself that she wasn’t mine, Adira Wade was his.

I closed my eyes when I entered the car, I wanted to throw up and my whole being twisted, there was a fire burning in me. I was angry and my body was shaking. I opened the window and kept my head out. I wanted as much air as I could get in my lungs.

An hour later we reached the estate and I was the first one to get out of the car and walk inside the house but Wyatt’s voice stopped me.

‘We need to talk,’ I slowly turned to him and my eyes fell for the sleeping beauty in his arms. I didn’t want to talk to him or anyone but I only nodded and walked to my room. I took off my shirt and went straight to the shower. My throat started to close up and I inhaled deeply. I leaned against the wall as I waited for the ache in my chest to die down. I couldn’t breathe, how did things get bad so fast? How could my feelings have intensified so quickly?

I knew my brother and his men were waiting for me to give them a report of what happened so I left the shower and wore fresh clothes, I was leaving my room and I saw the heels I brought, I sat on the bed as images of what happened tonight played back in my head. It was hectic and we were a mess but it was beautiful when it was only she and I.

I walked out and went to the study where my brother would be. I pushed the door open and they were all discussing.

‘How are you?’ Wyatt asked. He seemed concerned and I narrowed my gaze on him, grabbing the glass of whiskey from his hand before answering him.


Jett and Aspen got comfortable in their seats too and fixed their gazes at me. Mila walked into the room and she smiled at me with warmness, I got to my feet to hug her and she held me tight.

‘Oh, I was worried about you, Azriel. What happened?’ she asked.

‘When exactly?’ I asked.

‘Since you left,’ Wyatt said coldly.

‘Your little mate beat up Steven and her old alpha and took back her pack,’ I shrugged my shoulders. They all seemed surprised and impressed at once, and I hide a smile of my own. I first began to tell them what happened at the Topaz pack, and the decisions Adira made, Wyatt was frowning, not liking that she put that fucker Grayson in charge but overall, was proud of his mate.

‘We were run off the road by the leader of the dark wolves himself,’ I informed them. I told them what the dark king said about Adira and their connection.

‘What?!’ Jett said and I glared at him, remembering he was the one who helped Corey escape custody. I turned to my brother, and he had a deplorable expression on his face,

‘Her father was a Lafayette, and the leader of the dark wolves is her uncle,’ I said. The Lafayette family was well known in the ranks as they were a wealthy and powerful pack. It’s no wonder, Adira’s father dropped that last name because everyone could have easily found him.

‘Wow,’ Mila sighed, sounding deep in thought, ‘ I’ve known Meryl and Ben for quite some time but I couldn’t have guessed their backgrounds,’

‘They just wanted a life away from their families,’ I said.

‘And the dark leader, what did he want from her?’ Wyatt asked, I knew he was dreading my answer but he had to know.

‘He saw how she healed me and now, he wants her. Zion wants to mark her as his mate,’ I told them and Wyatt growled, hitting his desk and it broke. Wyatt was angry and exuded his alpha aura carelessly.

‘That’s fucking messed up, she’s his niece!’ Jett growled.

‘He doesn’t care, his cousin, Corey, told us that he wants power,’ I told them, however, he also wanted her because she looked like her mother and he loved her but couldn’t have her because she chose his cousin. That’s the way he gets to have her, through Adira, however, I didn’t tell them that. Adira will have to. It was a long day and all I wanted was to go back to bed, but it couldn’t be done because I had to give them directions to the Estate.

‘You should rest,’ Mila said, stroking my back. I looked at her and she smiled sadly at me. I felt like she was reading me and she suspected of my feelings for Adira. Wyatt gave out orders to his men and they all went to the Estate.

‘I’ll go to bed,’ I said and left the room without waiting for the alpha king’s approval. I lay in my bed that night and sleep refused to come, I turned and tossed as I badly wanted to drown in darkness.

‘Azriel!’ Adira’s laugh resounded in my head. I liked it when she playfully hit my arm but most of all, I loved when she cupped my cheeks and smiled softly at me, calling her hero.

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