The Alpha & I

Chapter Training Begins

As the sun rose the next morning, Sirena was already up and dressed. She was nervous about seeing him again after what had happened last night. But she also couldn’t keep the Alpha waiting.

She heard Mia huff inside her mind as she called him Alpha again. She smirked, grabbing her hoodie. As she was about to throw it on, she remembered she didn’t actually need it anymore.

We should burn it; I don’t like a reminder of what I did to you. Mia was still upset. Sirena was trying to make sure that Mia knew she was welcome, no matter what.

“Nar, I think we should keep it as a reminder of the past that we can’t return to, look to the future, together.” She encouraged her wolf and herself aloud.

Your optimism is intoxicating you know that. Mia laughed.

“Ha! This is new for me too okay; we’ll figure it out.” She added. “Let’s go, Tai and Alpha are waiting.”

Heading to the little stream where she had been reading the book yesterday, she saw him leaning against a tree not too far away. She hadn’t really taken him in before.

You should have, he’s quite easy on the eyes. Mia injected.

Ignoring her banter, she jogged her way over to him. “Good morning, Alpha.”

He was wearing a loosely fitted V-neck grey shirt that was tucked into his black pants, nestled under his belt. He certainly did look divine with the sun rays peeking through the trees and hitting the top of his well-groomed short hair.

He raised an eyebrow at her as if to say, really, Alpha? She cringed internally as Mia gave her the told you-so remark. She was happy however that he didn’t press the matter, she wasn’t comfortable enough to call the Alpha by his name yet.

“Morning.” He responded, his voice sending a wave of something she wasn’t familiar with through her body. Just hearing his voice did things to her she couldn’t explain.

What is wrong with me? She thought.

This man provokes a strange reaction in me as well, but it isn’t bad. Mia pointed out as she laughed, but soon quieted down, growing serious. Or we could be going into heat soon, it has been years since the last one. There was no missing the fear in Mia’s tone.

Mia, if it happens, this time will be different. Pushing the feeling to the furthest part of her mind she looked up at him, determination in her eyes. “What’s on today's agenda?”

“We will work on your and Mia’s connection, so you can shift by yourselves.” He answered, before kicking off from the tree.

He turned and walked into the woods, and without a word she followed. He led her a little way away from the den, into a small clearing, he’d set up the area earlier she’d noticed.

There were some folded clothes, in case they changed she supposed, good call. And a basket off to the side sitting in the shade that she presumed was filled with food, from the scents coming from within.

“Have you had breakfast?” He asked.

“No, I came straight here.” She replied.

He tossed her a small bread roll. “It’s not much but you’ll need the energy, we will stop only for lunch.”

She nodded and tore into the roll munching on it as she followed him to the centre of the small clearing. The roll was gone in a few bites, finishing up she brushed her hands on her jeans. Next, he tossed her some of the folded clothes, eyeing it she looked at him for answers.

“Undress, put that on.” He instructed.

She eyed him shocked. That was unexpected. Had she heard that correctly?

“You want to rip your jeans and shirt?” He added with a mocking smile. “Tie it loosely around your neck. It should come undone if you change, then you won’t have to worry about ripping your clothes.” He continued to explain.

Of course! Where had her mind just gone? She nodded, wrapping the long cloak around herself while turning her back to him. She then slipped off her clothes from under the cloak.

He’s already seen you naked, and felt it too, no need to be shy. Mia snickered.

Not helping Mia! Holding the cloak tightly closed she faced him again.

“Sit, let’s begin.” He instructed.

She sat with her legs crossed, the cloak still hiding most of her body. He sat beside her and placed his hand on top of her knee since he couldn’t reach her hands which were still tightly gripping the cloak. She immediately felt Tai pushing at her mind, she relaxed her body and let him in ignoring the excited Mia.

“I’m going to section them off from us for a bit, Mia has a bit to learn from Tai and you from me.” He told her as the animal’s voices became nothing but a faint whisper in her head.

“You have to teach me to do that, she’s been nagging me all night and morning.” She blinked a few times still getting used to the sensation of someone else in her head.

He laughed. “It just takes concentration really, the same way she blocked herself from you for so many years, she locked you out, and you can do the same. Though I find it pisses them off.”

She joined his laugh. “Maybe it's best if I don’t do that for a while, I think we need the time together.”

“Agreed.” He smiled sadly at her.

“So... I have a question. Tai, he can only talk to me through physical contact?” She queried looking down at the hand on her knee and then up at him.

“Correct, you’re a quick study.”

“Bookworm here, I love to study.” She joked nervously.

“I had noticed, I normally always see you with a book. It should make teaching you a breeze.” He replied.

“How do you communicate with the beta’s?” She pressed.

“I have a piece of them with me always. It takes a bit of training to communicate over longer distances, but it’s not impossible.”

“Cedric had my mother's hair in a locket...”

“That’s one way yes, hair, blood, flesh. It could be any number of things really.”

“Anyway, what’s first?” She asked. They were getting off-topic, but she was still grateful for his answers.

“Resistance, Mia is the one that can change your body with the right permissions, at the moment she has all and no control at the same time. You are the container that houses her, you have control over her as she does you.” He smirked. “We’ll be working on you gaining back control and bringing her in line. It takes two to successfully shift after all.”

“Why do I have a bad feeling about this?” She frowned.

“Last night when we forced Mia to emerge, it forced you to shift because you had no control, she didn’t want to come out, so she lashed out and it affected your body in a way that it made the ordeal painful.”

“It’s not meant to be painful?” She blinked.

He shook his head. “No, it’s not. A shifter's defence mechanism is to shift, we are more powerful and can defend ourselves better in animal form. If you resist your animal, it only causes you pain, and vice versa with Mia resisting you.”

She thought about that for a moment and then it clicked. “The first time we shifted I was in danger; we hadn’t been able to before then... and then Mia hid herself, mainly for my protection.”

He lightly squeezed her leg letting her know that he understood. “I’m sure it’ll start soon; we’ve given them enough time.”

“Time for what?” She questioned.

“You’ll know soon enough.” He remarked still giving her nothing.

Her arm suddenly shot out from behind the cloak, causing one side of the cloth she was wearing to slip off her shoulder very nearly exposing half her body.

“What the hell!” She remarked.

“Keep in mind I have to hold onto you during this, so pardon my grip.” His fingers tightened. “You need to find the signals that she’s forcing into your body and block them.” He started to explain.

Her hand rotated slowly like someone was testing it.

“He’s teaching her how to control my body?” She released.

Her hand stopped rotating and started clenching its fist, she couldn’t explain the feeling, it was foreign and alien.

“Correct, She needs to be able to control it to initiate a shift. I’d hurry, she’s getting better.” He insisted.

Her elbow and shoulder were moving now, testing the movement range. Her hand came down to gently touch the Alpha’s that rested on her knee.

“No, no, what is she doing?” Sirena was starting to grow panicked.

“Don’t panic, fou-” He was cut off as her whole body decided to move. She’d twisted and pushed the Alpha down while climbing on top of him. Her body was fully exposed and her face flushed instantly.

Her mouth opened in shock. “I’m so sorry!” She was panicking.

Alpha laughed. “Forget about what she’s doing, close your eyes and focus. She’s another brain in your body sending signals to your nerves. You have to find it and stop the signals.” His hand had slipped from her knee up her thigh and now rested on her hip. He was doing his best not to look down at her very raw and naked body but given that she was straddling him it was rather hard to keep a clear head.

She closed her eyes and tried to focus on what was making her body move against her will. But honestly, his skin felt really good under her hand, what wait? Oh god, her hand had slid under his shirt, this was not happening! She had to stop this!

She could hear the sound of her own heartbeat, as it rapidly betrayed her giving away her excitement, it was embarrassing. Not to mention the spot between her legs was growing warm. Both his hands were resting on her hips keeping a firm grip and it was sending a fire through her.

Concentrate Damn it! Cutting herself off from the outside world she went within, what did it normally feel like to move a limb? She felt a small tingle run down her spine, could that be it? As the next wave was about to come, she commanded her own brain to send a stronger signal to overpower and over-wright it. She felt her body jerk as she froze in place.

Tristian gasped, and let out the breath he’d been holding, any longer and he would have joined Mia in her frenzy. “You got it, just do the same thing if she tries again, she’ll stop. It takes a lot of energy to control your body when not in animal form.”

She opened her eyes to see him breathing heavily beneath her roaming hands. His pants were nearly undone, his shirt was a mess and his face, she couldn’t look at it. She fumbled off of him severing their connection and Mia was back again laughing her ass off. That was way too much fun, oh honey he was holding back, the look on his face!

“Mia! Behave, he’s the Alpha for peat’s sake.” Her arms wrapped the cloth tightly around herself again. She glanced over at Tristan. “I’m so sorry...”

“Think nothing of it, if that method worked then that’s all that matters. You can now sense the sensation and you can respond to it.” He replied to Sirena, in truth, he’d give anything to have her back on top of him. “You really are a quick study.” He commented impressed.

Her breathing finally slowed down and the heat in her face had subsided. Hoping the rest of her training wouldn't be this intense.

“We can move on now, to stage two. You ready?” He questioned with a raised brow.

She nodded, no point in stopping now. She'd have to get used to this at one point or another.

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