The Alpha Chose Me (Leah and Jake)

Chapter 32

The Alpha Chose Me Chapter 32

I could hear voices or maybe I was dreaming. Slowly coming to I opened my eyes, I wasn't in my house. Sitting up I winced at the pain shooting through my head.

"Easy sweetheart, you hit your head pretty hard".

I was at Jakes moms.

Why was I here?

Then I remembered what I saw. The beast, the wild creature. I suddenly didn't feel so good. I felt like I was going to be sick.

"It's okay Leah". As she made her way towards me I jumped to my feet. "He's upstairs and he feels terrible. He didn't want you to find out this way, please don't go". She begged.

I couldn't wrap my head around what I saw. How was this possible? He turned into an animal, a wild beast, a wolf. A massive wolf.

"It's a lot to take in honey but do you understand now why he wanted to wait?".

"I- how?". Slowing sitting back down I rubbed a hand over my face. "I need to go home". I whispered. I couldn't take any of this in. It wasn't humanly possible for him to be able to do that. "Please Leah". She begged.

"Is Jake the only one that can do that?". I asked. This was obviously the secret he was hiding or maybe the secret they all were hiding.

Maybe they're all wolfs?

"No sweetheart he's not. We run as a pack, our pack is based here in Texas".

Wow, wow and wow.

"Let me get you some tea".

"A pack?". I asked.

"Could say it's like an extended family. We have over 200 members and counting. Our pack is one of the largest around".

"How is this possible". I whispered mostly to myself. This couldn't be real.

"Here". Passing me the tea I gladly took it. "I added a little sugar in there". She smiled before taking a seat across from me.

"So you're all werewolf's?". My body was shaking. Whether it was from the adrenaline or fear I wasn't sure.

"My family and I are. My husband is Alpha of our pack, he is our leader. I don't want to tell you to much Leah because I'm sure Jake will want to share it with you". I wasn't sure I could face Jake right now. I wasn't sure I wanted to be here anymore. Sitting my cup down my shaking hand didn't go unnoticed.

"You don't have to be afraid of us Leah".

"I-I have to go home, I'm sorry".

I was in a daze, I couldn't think straight after what I had witnessed. The sound of a car horn knocked me, jumping in fear I ran all the way home and didn't stop until I was in front of my house. Catching my eyes were the balloons. A new black Mercedes sport was parked in my driveway, pink balloons on each wing mirror.

"Finally you're home, you left pretty early sweetheart". My gran burst out the front door smiling from ear to ear. "Do you love it?". "I do". I smiled. The car was beautiful and new and far to expensive for my gran to buy. "Can we afford this?". I asked. My reflection caught my attention, I was chalk white.

"I don't want to hear about money Leah, we bought this for you so stop worrying. Come inside for breakfast and then I'll take you a drive in it". She was so happy, excited. I wanted to be excited about my new car but I couldn't stop thinking about Jake and what he was.

Following her inside I smiled at George as he passed me a cup of coffee. "Waffles and bacon okay for breakfast?". He asked. "Yes thank you". Taking a seat I could feel my phone vibrating from inside my pocket. Taking it out Alanna's name was flashing on my screen. I chose to ignore it, I didn't want to talk to anyone.

"Are you okay sweetheart?". Placing her hand against my forehead I frowned. "You're very pale this morning, do you feel better?".

"I'm fine". I lied. I wasn't fine but I couldn't exactly tell her what was wrong. Who would believe me, no one would believe what I saw and what I knew.

"If you're sure Leah. You don't seem yourself".

"Gran". I sighed.

"Okay, okay". Holding her hands up she smiled. "What's your plans for today, are you seeing your friends?".

"Not today, I'm going to get organised for school tomorrow". Finishing off my breakfast I placed my plate in the sink.

"I meant to say Jacob is going to make a start on the bathroom tomorrow". My stomach dropped. "They done a fabulous job with the kitchen. I can't wait to see how the bathroom will look". "It'll be nice". I smiled.

"Are you sure you're okay?" She sighed.

"I'm fine I promise. I'm going to shower". I had to get out of there. I didn't like lying to her and she could always tell when I was hiding something. This secret wasn't mine to tell.

Wrapping the towel around my body I stared at my reflection in the mirror. My stomach was still in knots, my mind working overtime.

Jake and his family were werewolf's. How many other people in this town were the same. His mom did they they had 200 hundred members. Were the people I had become friends with all keeping this secret? Were they all beasts?

Lifting my dirty clothes I exited the bathroom and went straight to my room. I needed time to understand all of this. Closing my door I jumped when I saw her sitting on my window seat.

"What are you doing here?". I asked placing my dirty clothes in my laundry basket.

"You didn't answer any of my calls".

"So you thought you'd just invite yourself over?". I didn't mean to sound rude but she needed to give me time, they all did. They couldn't just spring this on me and expect me to be okay. This wasn't normal to


"Harsh and no your gran let me in". She sighed. "See it from our point of view Leah. I couldn't tell you no matter how much I wanted to. It wasn't my place".

I didn't know what to say. If he hadn't of gotten so angry would I have still found out the truth or would I still be left in the dark?

"It's a massive part of our life. This is who we are and now that you know you'll understand a lot more".

"What does this have to do with me?". I asked.

She smiled at me before getting to her feet. "I'll give you some space. I know finding something like this out is a lot to take in".

"Is he okay?". I asked sinking my teeth into my bottom lip. I cared about him. I still couldn't put my finger on why but I did.

"He will be". She smiled. "But maybe don't shut him out".

"I-I don't know if I can face him". I whispered. What would I even say?

"Please Leah". She begged. "Please don't shut him out".

"I need some time". I wasn't going to shut him out I just didn't know how to be around him. What triggered him to turn into his animal. Could he turn whenever he wanted? Was he dangerous?

"He'll never hurt you".

"I know". I knew deep down he wouldn't hurt me but how much control did he have over his animal? I had so many questions.

"Do you want to come over?". She asked.

"Alanna l-..."

"Need space". She smiled cutting me off.

"Just a little but I'll see you at school tomorrow". Only then did I realise I was still standing in my towel.

"I'm going for coffee this afternoon with Lacey. The offers there if you want to come. No pressure though". "Maybe". I shrugged.

"Okay well I better get home. I'll see you later Leah".

"Bye". I smiled.

I had been sat in my room for what seemed like forever. My laptop open researching werewolf's. I was sat researching an animal that only existed in the wild or so I thought before. Were they wild animals?

This was ridiculous, I was being ridiculous. This doesn't happen. I was still struggling to believe this was true and I had seen the proof front and centre.

"Leah sweetheart". My gran knocked before she entered. "I brought you some coffee".

Closing my laptop I took the mug from her. "Thank you". My head was fried. I had officially worn my self out. I couldn't google what I wanted to know because in the real world people couldn't transform into werewolf's.

"George and I are going for lunch. Would you like to come?". She asked. "Who's jumper is that?". I didn't even hesitate to put his hoodie on when I was getting changed. It was kind of my routine now and I had yet to wash it because I was afraid it would lose his smell.

I sounded like a crazy person.

"No I'm actually going for coffee with Alanna and Lacey". I missed out the part that the hoodie belonged to Jake.

"Hm". She grinned. "Well I'll leave some money in the kitchen. So the jumper-.."

"Jakes". I couldn't remember how I ended up with it but I wasn't giving it back.

"I haven't seen Jake in a few days. Is everything okay?".

"Everything's fine...I think".

"Are you two still hanging out?".

"Gran". I sighed.

"Can't blame me for wanting you to be happy Leah".

And she thought Jake made me happy?

"I am happy". Frowning I took a sip of my coffee. I liked being around Jake, we had fun together, it was easy with him.

"He seems smitten with you". She grinned. "I've seen the way he looks at you".

"Gran". I groaned. "We're just friends".

"Do you like him Leah?". I had no idea what she was getting at.

"I like hanging out with him". I shrugged. "It's not a big deal, that's what friends do".

"Is he just your friend though?".

"Yes we're-..." I stopped talking. George had obviously told her what he had seen the other day.

"You're allowed to want more Leah".

Okay I wasn't having this conversation. Jake and I were friends. Yes he took me on a few dates but that was it.

"Gran, I love you but please I don't need to have this conversation with you. We're friends and that's it".

"Well that's a shame because I like him and he would be good for you".

If only she knew the half of it.

"Maybe he would be". I shrugged.

"I'm not going to pry anymore. We're heading out around 12. Are you leaving before then?".

"Not sure yet". My phone vibrated from beside me. "I won't be late though".

"Okay honey, please remember I'm always here if you need to talk about anything".

"I know". I smiled. This wasn't something I could just talk about and especially not with my gran. I wouldn't dare share a secret that wasn't mine.

"Will you be home for dinner?". She asked.

"I'll be here". Stretching out my arms a yawn escaped my mouth.

"Are you sure you're okay?".

"I'm fine stop worrying". Lifting my phone my stomach dropped when I saw Jakes name. If only I hadn't saved his number again.

"Okay, okay, I'm off. I'll see you later".

He had sent me a text message.


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