That Baby: A Small Town, Friends-to-Lovers Romance (That Boy Series Book 3)

That Baby: Part 3 – Chapter 66

Dear Baby Mac,

Only five more weeks until we get to meet you!

You have no idea how excited I am about that.

And I’m not just saying that because my stomach feels like it weighs about eight hundred pounds and might explode if it gets any bigger.

In reality, you are only weighing in at about five pounds and feeling cramped, too. You probably can’t do all the fun flips and somersaults like you used to.

But come this Saturday, we’ll have something to cheer about!


This Saturday is the home opener for our alma mater and favorite college team, Nebraska. Our friend Danny, who will be your godfather, is a quarterback in the NFL and used to play there. He got a skybox where we get to watch the games from, which will be really nice.

Even though I’m feeling a little uncomfortable at times, I’m still trying to enjoy every moment of my pregnancy.

I read something around the time that my parents died that said, When you’re stuck in a moment, it can be hard to see past it.

That all you can see is that moment.

But I’m trying to look ahead.

I know you won’t be inside of me for much longer. I know that you’ll grow up fast, and someday, I’ll look back and wonder if I appreciated every single moment I had with you.

More than anything, I want that answer to be yes.

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