That Baby: A Small Town, Friends-to-Lovers Romance (That Boy Series Book 3)

That Baby: Part 2 – Chapter 33

Last night, Phillip approved my plans for the dining room, so this afternoon, I’m online, ordering everything, when Danny calls.

“Whatcha doing?”


“Phillip told me you are ordering stuff for your dining room.”

“And working,” I say.

“So, this baby shower thing.”


“Lori said you’re getting up early, driving the three hours up there, having the shower, and then driving home that night.”

“That’s the plan.”

“Any chance you could change the plan? Spend the night?”

“That’s what I wanted to do, but Lori was adamant.”

“I need a night out, Jay. I thought Phillip and I could invite a couple of the guys over. Hang out. Play pool.”

“Phillip doesn’t want me driving back at night. Plus, it would be fun to go out with our friends after the shower. I think Lori could use a night out, too.”

“That’s the spirit,” he says. “I’ll leave it up to you to convince her.”

“You’re a chicken, Danny.”

“Bawk, bawk,” he says and then hangs up.

I start a group text, figuring Lori won’t be as likely to argue this way.

Me: Hey, everyone! I thought it would be fun if we all went out after the baby shower on Saturday. You up for a fun night?

Lori doesn’t respond, but I get a lot of, Hell yeah, from our sorority sisters.

Chelsea sends me a private text.

Chelsea: How are you feeling?

Me: Really good. You?

Chelsea: I had to leave a class to throw up this morning. My clothes don’t fit. I moved out of the sorority house and into Joey’s apartment. Am planning a quickie wedding. Have two tests and a paper due this week. But whatever. So, here’s the big question; are you free the weekend of May 11th?

Me: Is that your wedding date? I’ll make sure we are.

Chelsea: I was going to ask you this weekend, but I know Lori will be with us the whole time, and I didn’t want it to be awkward.

Me: What to be awkward?

Chelsea: Will you be my maid of honor?

Me: OMG! YES!!!

Chelsea: Joey’s going to ask Phillip to be his best man. It’s because of the two of you that we’re together. Can you believe we caught the bouquet and garter at your wedding, and a few months later, we are getting married? When have you ever heard of that happening in real life?

Me: Pretty much, like, never.

Chelsea: He’s been really amazing, Jade. He took me shopping this weekend. Bought me a cute dress to wear to the shower.

Me: That’s so sweet.

Chelsea: Another favor. I saw your group text. Since I assume you’re spending the night, is there any way I could get you to come dress shopping with me on Sunday morning? That nice wedding shop here is having a big sample sale. It’s probably going to be a free-for-all, but the deals are supposed to be amazing. Joey and I are going to use some of the money my dad gave us for the wedding for the down payment on our house, so I’m trying to be really frugal.

Me: I’d love to help. Okay if Lori comes, too, if she doesn’t have any other plans?

Chelsea: Of course. What kind of dress do you think I should get? I don’t know what I want.

Me: I think, for us to find you a dress at the sale, you’re going to need to know what you want. Go this week and try on a dress of every silhouette. The big, poofy ballgown. The softer version, like mine. A-line. Drop-waist. Mermaid. Ask Alyssa to go with you. She’s good with fashion.

Chelsea: Good idea. Is it bad I want something super sexy?

Me: My mom used to say to flaunt it while you got it.

Chelsea: I’m not gonna have it much longer. Got to go to class.

Danny’s dad, Mr. D’s, name pops up on my cell phone.

“Hey, Mr. D. How’s Europe?”

“Wonderful. Quick question. I know you’re coming for the baby shower this weekend. I have something for you. Can you swing by the house before you leave town, like on Sunday afternoon?”

“Yeah. When are you getting back home?”

“Not until early Sunday morning. We got our dates mixed up when we booked the flights. Tried to get it changed to come back on Friday, but it was sold out. Mary won’t be able to make the shower.” He lowers his voice. “And she’s not very happy about it.”

“I’m sure Lori won’t mind. This shower is mostly sorority girls. Her mom couldn’t make it either. So, uh, what do you have for me? Like, paperwork or something?”

Mr. Diamond is the executor of my trust fund.

“Something a little more fun than that,” he says mysteriously. “See you Sunday.”

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