Taming The Tiger Man - Genma Series #1

Chapter 19

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The sound of paper shuffled between roars and meows entered Angelina’s hearing as she struggled with dozens of files. It was nearly five in the afternoon; nevertheless, she failed to establish a connection between the golden cat numbered three thousand and so on and the hundreds of preceding numbers. Reports concerning them appeared to have vanished.

Did those genetically modified animals have a short lifespan?

Angelina furrowed her brow in confusion. Yet, she still had to check the amount of medicine, supplies, and specialized medical equipment for the golden cat and Ramaik.

“Weight eighty-two kilograms.”

Angelina was surprised when Fonda placed Ramaik’s file on the table. She looked up to find her senior standing with her arms crossed.

“After my departure, I hope you can complete the task properly,” Fonda quipped.

Angelina immediately rose to her feet. A frown formed on her face as she tried to defend herself. “Ramaik refused to step on the scale.”

“According to Mr. Nixon’s report, it’s because you’re being childish and indecisive,” Fonda retorted matter-of-factually.

Angelina took a quick breath. She turned to the statue of a baboon man who stood idle near the artificial wall of the entrance and hissed. “Mr. Nixon, I firmly believe a large part of my failure is due to your aggravating behavior.”

“Doctor, I think it is unethical to blame others for your bad performance,” Fonda scoffed. She tilted her head and took on a ready-to-argue tone.

Angelina gritted her teeth. Getting a lecture on morals from one of the psychopaths working in the illegal organization flared up her anger.

The artificial wall leading to the exit suddenly lifted as a figure Angelina knew entered, accompanied by two men with a body the size of Nixon. From the gun-sized lump on the right side of their waists, covered in a brown uniform, it looked like they were also armed bodyguards.

“Ah, good afternoon, Ladies. It’s good to see both of you so diligently,” greeted Doctor Reiner with a broad smile.

Angelina’s feelings were instantly overwhelmed. Doctor Reiner looked friendly. The subtle wrinkles on the edge of his eyes also added to the impression he was more worthy of being a benevolent figure than part of a mental illness team.

Could it be that he was unaware of Ramaik? Perhaps I could leave this place if I asked for his help.

However, the words from the man’s lips shattered her hopes. “Ladies, it looks like our tiger can do a show tonight, right?”

“That’s what Doctor Angelina reported,” Fonda replied as she walked to their boss. “Heart rate is normal. The stitches have healed completely since last week.”

“Ah, so the Inyiak’s regeneration is working.” The demented glint in Doctor Reiner’s eyes made Angelina get goosebumps. She even held her breath as their gazes crossed.

“Doctor Angelina,” Doctor Reiner said with a too-wide smile. “I’ve received reports that you were very good at taming the Inyiak. That’s quite an achievement.”

Should I be proud? However, Angelina instantly got an answer when she saw her partner chuckle. Fonda turned her back and covered her mouth with her right fist.

Angelina clenched her teeth. They were playing a joke on her. However, Doctor Reiner was unnoticed or possibly unaware of her annoyed expression.

He looked at the black watch on his right wrist and stated, “We’ve wasted too much time. Let’s hurry up.”

The five humans that stood at the passage leading to Ramaik’s cage stared at Angelina, waiting for her to join them.

Angelina instantly felt uncomfortable. She decided to step closer.

“Well, let’s go meet our hero.” Doctor Reiner greeted her with glee before they passed through the zoo hallway in a line.


Angelina’s steps stopped in front of the bars where Ramaik was. The man sat leaning against the nearest wall with a downcast face.

Sympathetic squeezed her heart. Ramaik seemed depressed. However, the others did not show the same feeling.

Three guards, including Nixon, positioned themselves to the right and left of the cage while Doctor Fonda pulled out a plastic chair and sat with her legs crossed. Now, only Doctor Reiner and Angelina stood near the bars.

Doctor Reiner still smiled when he crouched near Ramaik and greeted the creature. “Good afternoon, Ramaik. I see you’re looking well. Doctor Angelina is good at taking care of you.”

Ramaik turned his head slightly towards them. He gave no reply. However, Angelina could see the furious glint in those yellowing eyes.

“Stop looking at me like that. That’s impolite,” admonished Doctor Reiner in a friendly tone. He lightly tapped the watch on his wrist before pointing towards his neck. “We don’t want me to use it, do we?”

Ramaik changed his expression. The creature’s pupils dilated for a moment before he looked away.

A small laugh escaped Doctor Reiner. “I’m sorry. It wasn’t my intention to scare you like that. Besides, since you like Doctor Angelina, I’ll let her give you the vitamin.”

“Doctor Reiner, what kind of vitamin?” Angelina surprised. “Ramaik already received vitamins yesterday morning.”

“Ah, it’s a different vitamin.” Doctor Reiner chuckled as if he was telling a joke, giving Angelina suspicion.

In contrast, Ramaik looked at them with a softer look. There was no longer an aura of hatred circulating his human eyes.

“Doctor Angelina is more skillful than you, Doctor Fonda,” mentioned Doctor Reine.

However, Fonda replied by muttering in a lazy tone while she examined her bright red nails. “Doctor Angelina can’t even ask the beast to get on the scales.”

Angelina’s cheeks felt hot with embarrassment. Yet, Doctor Reiner did not care about Fonda’s insolence or her words.

Reiner turned to one of his bodyguards, who stood on his left side, carrying a black iron suitcase. “Give it to Doctor Angelina.”

The muscular, tanned man squatted down. He turned the numbered key quickly and opened the lid of the rectangular box.

Angelina scanned the contents. She saw an injection and several sealed ten-millimeter glass vials filled with yellowish liquid. The bodyguard, who had a Javanese facial structure, took one of the bottles and filled the injection.

“What medicine is it?” Angelina asked without taking her eyes off the syringe. She was pretty sure the liquid was no ordinary vitamin.

“Carisoprodol with a dose that suits his needs.”

The answer from Doctor Reiner widened her eyes. The drug had dangerous effects, such as seizures and hallucinations. The Indonesian Food and Drug Authority categorized it as an illegal drug.

“It’s not a safe drug,” protested Angelina. “You can’t give it to him!”

“Doctor Angelina.” Reiner scolded Angelina. “First of all, Carisoprodol is just a drug to relax muscles and inhibit pain. And secondly, with the right dosage, this drug is useful for the fight. You worry too much, then lastly, it’s not me who will give this drug to him, but you.”

Crazy man! Angelina screeched in her mind. She glanced at Ramaik and found the creature still idle from his original position.

Angelina shook her head firmly. “I’m not willing to do it.”

Doctor Reiner’s eyebrows raised as his eyes enlarged. Strangely, a few seconds later, the man let out a small chuckle.

“Doctor Angelina, I believe that I heard wrong.”

“I am not willing to inject that liquid into Ramaik,” Angelina said even louder. “It will kill him!”

“He’ll die instead if he doesn’t take this medicine. His opponent is a shapeshifter. Hantu Raya can transform into the people he has killed. He will have their powers. Ramaik needs this medicine.”

Angelina’s heart hesitated. She didn’t understand what Ramaik would face when fighting later. Does Ramaik need that dangerous medicine?

Doctor Reiner took the syringe containing Carisoprodol from his bodyguard and handed it to Angelina. She nearly accepted it before she paused. “Why don’t you do it? Why should I?”

Doctor Reiner’s grin widened. An answer came out a moment later. “Because I can kill Paul with just one phone call.”

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