Tales of temptation Greeds unlikely love

Chapter Unveiling deceit ( aurora’s pov )

My awakening was marked by Greed's absence, leaving me in a disorienting silence. But that quietude was short-lived, shattered by a voice I recognized all too well—the sin who had intruded on our bar rendezvous.

"Ah, the sleeping beauty awakens," he taunted, his tone dripping with amusement. Instinctively, I clutched the blanket closer, my unease growing as his presence neared.

His form materialized, and my suspicions were confirmed—it was Lust, the very embodiment of desire and temptation. My frustration and confusion bubbled to the surface, demanding answers from this enigmatic figure.

He offered a sarcastic bow, introducing himself as Lust. My heart raced at the acknowledgment that I had been deceived by one of the seven deadly sins—a realization that left me seething with anger.

Driven by a surge of emotion, I lunged at him, throwing him forcefully against the door and shattering it. My outrage was a fierce fire, fueled by the betrayal I felt at being tricked so callously.

But then Greed appeared, his presence a calming force that wrapped around me. His touch steadied me, though my anger remained palpable. His voice was a soothing balm as he urged me to calm down—a plea that echoed within me as I stared into his eyes, confusion and hurt mingling with my anger.


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