Tales of Regventus Book 6: Aurumist

Chapter Epilogue

Two years later

Talon yawned and opened his eyes. He rolled over and reached out for Griffa, but his arm only touched the empty side of the bed. He quickly sat up concerned. He was afraid she was sick again. He was about to go get up and check on her, when she walked out from her dressing room fully dressed and smiling.

“You need to get up, Talon, if you want to eat breakfast. We need to travel soon,” said Griffa smiling at him.

Talon looked at her carefully. “You are feeling well this morning?”

“Yes, I feel very well. I have felt much better this past week. Now, get up and get dressed; we have to be going soon.”

“Griffa, I don’t think this is a good idea,” said Talon getting out of bed. “You shouldn’t be traveling as you are.”

“I have been traveling this past several months off and on. What is the difference now?”

“Are you sure going to this ceremony is the right thing to do?” he asked.

Griffa frowned with tears in her eyes. “Are you ashamed of me, Talon? I know I have grown quite large. Do you think I am too grotesque to be seen in public?”

“No, no, of course not,” said Talon. He walked over behind her and put his arms around her, resting them on her large stomach. “You are beautiful as always. I only meant there will be many people there who will want to talk to you. The ceremony will not be short, and you will be on your feet a long time. I was just thinking of you and our child.”

Griffa sighed and shook her head as Talon carefully turned her around.

“Truly, Griffa, you are so beautiful. If you want, we could send Kedan to Abscon, and we could stay here. I will show you just how alluring and beautiful I find you,” said Talon before kissing her gently.

Griffa pushed him slightly away, shaking her head. “I’m not going to miss the five hundred year anniversary of Abscon. As the only Keene in the world, I can’t miss it. Malchom asked me to come.”

“He will understand if you can’t make it. He is a husband and a father. Let me go. I will meet Max there. We will represent you well,” said Talon.

Griffa turned and looked at him. “I am sure you both would, but I have to go, Talon. You know how important this is to me. I am also dying to see Max. I haven’t seen him in weeks since we haven’t had a Ring meeting. We won’t be gone long. We will attend the ceremony in the morning, eat lunch with Maybell at the manor, and be back here in early afternoon. I will rest the rest of the day in our rooms if you like. You could even join me.” Griffa pulled him towards her and kissed him.

Talon sighed. “You are sure you feel up to it? Our child is doing well?”

Griffa put her hands on her stomach. She gave him a curious smile. “Yes, Talon we are all doing well.”

Talon gave her a questioning look, but before he could speak, she started walking from the room.

“Get dressed, quickly, and come eat in our sitting room. We will leave very soon.”

Talon dressed and ate a little breakfast with Griffa. He watched her closely as she ate very well. It pleased him. There had been too many meals these past months where she had hardly eaten anything. Her stomach had grown large, but the rest of her had grown thin. Talon had been uneasy since she told him she was with child. Griffa had lost her mother to childbearing. Talon couldn’t imagine losing Griffa now. He also couldn’t imagine losing their child. He was very ready to be a father. He wanted nothing more than a safe and easy delivery for Griffa.

They walked down to the entry hall to see Addi leaning on the wall. Kedan was leaning next to her smiling as Addi laughed lightly.

“Well, good morning you two,” said Griffa happily. “You both seem in very good moods.”

Kedan pushed off the wall and looked at Griffa. “You are really going to do this? Talon is going to let you, is he?”

“Of course, I am going to do this, and when has he ever stopped me from doing anything?”

Talon shrugged at Kedan as Addi walked over to Griffa.

“Are you sure this is a good idea, Griffa?” asked Addi with concern, taking Griffa’s hand.

“I feel very well, today. You can all ask Kedan. He knows how well I am doing,” said Griffa squeezing Addi’s hand and leaning in to give her a kiss on her cheek.

They all turned at the sound of someone running down the stairs.

“Zayden, do not run,” said a stressed looking woman hurrying after her charge.

“Griffa!” squeaked Zayden running up to Griffa, his blonde curls bouncing against his head.

He clamped himself around her legs, causing Griffa to stumble slightly. Talon scooped him up. “Now, now, young man. You must be careful with our queen right now. You don’t want to make her fall, do you?”

Zayden looked at Talon and shook his head. “Good, now stand still by me and you can travel with me. We are going to Abscon, and I am sure Maybell has some nice treats waiting for you.” Talon put Zayden down. He stood by Talon’s side and smiled.

Kedan looked apologetically at Griffa. “I can still have mother watch him this morning, Griffa. He does not have to come with us.”

“He will come with us,” said Griffa brightly. “Maybell will want to see him, and I like having him around. I will have to get used to traveling with children myself soon.”

“I’m still not sure about this, Griffa,” said Kedan.

“You know how well I feel, Kedan. You can feel it for yourself.”

Kedan smiled slightly. “You do seem to feel well this morning, but I still don’t think is a good idea. I don’t know why Talon can’t go for you.”

“I’ve already made that argument, Kedan,” said Talon crossing his arms. “She will not hear it.”

“No, I will not, and we need to go. So, if all of you don’t want me traveling alone, I suggest you get ready,” said Griffa.

Kedan took a breath and offered his arm to his queen. She gladly took it. Talon walked to her and took her hand as Zayden took Talon’s other hand. Zayden’s caregiver put took the hand the other hand of her young charge. Addi walked on the other side of Kedan and grabbed his arm. Talon looked down at Griffa one more time before closing his eyes. Soon they were all in Abscon just outside of Keene Manor. They walked to the middle of the village to see a large crowd of people had gathered on the late spring day.

“My queen,” said Malchom coming over to bow over Griffa’s hand. “I am glad you have made it. I hope it was not too much on you. You could have sent our king and your regrets.”

“You know her better than that, Malchom,” said Talon. “Nothing would stop her from coming. She is very stubborn.”

“That is no way to describe you queen, Talon.” Griffa turned towards him.

“That’s the perfect way to describe my queen,” said Talon. “Especially when she is ignoring the advice of her husband and all her trusted friends.”

Griffa ignored him. Talon saw her scanning the crowd. He knew who she was looking for. He watched as she broke out into a big smile as Max made his way over to her. She pulled him into a hug as soon as they met. Max pulled back and put his hands on his arms.

“Look at you, Griffa,” said Max smiling. “I saw you a little more than a month ago, and you look so different.”

“I know, I am as big as the palace itself,” said Griffa. “I am sure I am making a spectacle of myself, coming out in public looking as horrid as I do, but I could not miss this.”

“You do no look horrid,” said Max smiling and dropping his hands. “You look as beautiful as always, more so in fact. I just worry about you being out. I thought perhaps you would stay in Aurumist. Bettina and I planned to stop in after this to see you.”

“Where is your wife?” asked Griffa. “I would like to give her my greetings.”

“She is over by the statue of Nathin keeping an eye on Oliver as he chats with some young ladies. You know how he is,” said Max with a smile.

“I will just walk over and say hello.” She walked off with Kedan following her.

“Talon, it is good to see you,” said Max taking Talon’s hand. “How are you holding up during all of this?”

“I will be glad when it is over, let me just say that,” said Talon. “She has not had an easy time.”

“No, I would imagine not,” said Max watching Griffa walk away. “All will be well, Talon. You do not need to worry.”

“I do worry constantly, and I will until I know she and our child are both safe. I tried and tried to keep her at the palace today, but it would do no good.”

“She is the only Keene in the kingdom for now,” said Max. “She could not miss this. It wouldn’t be right to celebrate Abscon without a Keene present.”

Max said his hello to Addi. He ruffled Zayden’s hair as Zayden hugged Max around his legs. Talon noticed that all the people started to gather in front of King Nathin’s statue. He went to find Griffa towards the statue with Max and Addi who held Zayden’s hand. Griffa was standing in front of the statue on a small platform that had been set up. Malchom had joined her. Kedan stood next to the platform. Talon stood to the side of the stage with Max by his side. Malcolm raised his hand to perform a voice amplifying charm and the people in the crowd fell silent.

“I am very pleased to gather with you today to celebrate the village of Abscon. We have been in existence for five hundred years. We were formed as a refuge for magical folk during a dark time of our kingdom. I am happy to say that dark time is over. Our queen has shown us that there are brighter days ahead. She is with us today to celebrate this village that her family built and has overseen since the beginning. Our queen, Gryphon Keene of the blood of Adalwen.” The crowd bowed as Griffa walked slightly forward.

“Please rise, my folk of Abscon,” said Griffa. “I am happy to be here today to celebrate our village. I have always been proud to live in Abscon and with all of you. The Keene’s have always strived to lead Abscon with kindness, mercy, and wisdom. I hope we have not failed you in anyway.”

Griffa paused for a moment and took a few deep breaths. Talon looked at Max to see him staring back at him. They both turned and looked at Kedan who seemed concerned.

“The most important part of Abscon is you, the people,” continued Griffa. “You are what makes this village so wonderful. As your queen, I promise to continue to see to Abscon’s peace and prosperity.”

Griffa again paused and one of her hands went to her back.

“Talon, you might need to get her off the platform,” said Max quietly. “Something is not right.”

Talon looked, and Kedan had his hand slightly raised. Griffa straightened up and continued on.

“I look forward to the future of this village. I have entrusted Malchom Delis to lead in my absence. I am pleased to have such a capable leader making sure Abscon stays strong. I look forward to the day a Keene is once again living here, serving all of you. Thank you for all you do for your village and your kingdom. I will never forget the responsibility I have to all of you.”

Griffa sighed and slumped a little as the crowd applauded. Malcolm moved forward and Griffa hurried off the stage to Kedan. She took his arm and whispered something to him. He nodded and looked at Talon, motioning with his head that he should follow them.

“I have to go now,” said Talon to Max.

“I will come as well,” said Max. He whispered to Bettina who nodded and kissed his cheek quickly. Max made a motion to Addi that she should follow him. Talon walked behind the statue, following Griffa and Kedan. He caught up with them as they exited the center of town, walking towards Keene Manor.

Talon walked next to Griffa as she leaned on Kedan. “What is it?” Talon felt fear and dread in his stomach.

“It is nothing bad,” said Griffa. “It is just… I think it is time.”

“Time for what?” asked Talon as Addi and Max walked up behind them.

“Are you serious, Talon?” asked Addi behind him. “It is time for your child to be born.”

“Of course,” said Talon, shaking his head. “Should we get you back to Aurumist?”

“No,” said Griffa as she stumbled slightly walking. “I don’t think I could travel. I will have to have our child here in Keene Manor.”

“But your midwife and healer are in Aurumist, Griffa. We had everything set up,” said Talon hurriedly.

“It will be fine, Talon,” assured Addi. “I will travel to Aurumist and see to your midwife and healer. They can travel here.”

“Thank you,” said Griffa as they walked into the gate of Keene Manor. They got to the door when a hurried looking Maybell came behind them.

“Griffa, Griffa, are you alright?” asked Maybell.

“I am. It is just time,” said Griffa.

“Oh, said Maybell, “then let’s get you upstairs and ready, my dear.”

They all walked into the entry hall. Kedan helped Griffa take the stairs while Maybell followed. Talon started to follow Maybell, but she turned to look at him.

“Why don’t you stay down here a bit, Talon. I will get Griffa comfortable and send Kedan down to tell you how things are.”

“I am not going to leave her side,” said Talon angrily. “I will be with my wife.”

“No,” said Griffa as she stopped a few steps up. “Talk with Max for a moment. I am sure there are some decisions that will need to be made while I am unable to lead the Ring and the kingdom. Make sure all will be well. I think it is best if you stay down here for now.”

“Griffa,” said Talon. He felt hurt and angry. “I don’t want to leave you.”

She turned and looked at him. “I know, but I know how worried you are. I can feel it coming off of you. I am not sure I could relax and do this, with you being so anxious. There is nothing you can do for me at the moment except lead the kingdom. Please do this for me.”

Talon gave an angry sigh and then nodded. “Very well, but I will not be kept from you for long.”

Griffa turned and Kedan helped her up the stairs. Talon watched as she disappeared down the hallway towards her old room. Kedan quickly came downstairs and walked up to Addi.

“Addi, my love, go on to Aurumist and send the healer and midwife quickly. Go to your mother and tell her she will need to stay in the city for a while, as our queen recovers. You stay and help her,” said Kedan

“I will go do as you ask, but I ’d rather come back here. I don’t want to leave, Griffa,” said Addi with flushed cheeks.

“I know,” said Kedan. “but you can serve her best by helping your mother look after the city and kingdom. I will let you know when all is well. You can come visit tomorrow after the child is born.”

Addi looked like she would argue, but Kedan took her hand, bent down and kissed her quickly. “Please Addi do this for me and for our queen.”

She sighed and nodded slightly with a small smile before she turned and disappeared.

“Come on Max,” said Talon walking towards the parlor. “Let’s go see about some drinks. I have a feeling we will be here a while. You will need to entertain your king.”

Max walked with Talon to the parlor as Kedan walked back up the stairs. They stayed in the parlor all day. The healer and midwife arrived soon and hurried up the stairs to serve their queen. Max went and found food in the kitchen for both himself and Talon. They ate quietly in the parlor. Kedan came down at one point to tell them that Griffa was fine, but things could be a while.

“I would like to see her,” said Talon as Kedan turned to get back to his queen.

“Our queen request you stay down here. She told me to tell you she is fine, and she loves you, but she would rather you stay put.”

Talon looked at Kedan to argue, but Max put his hand on Talon’s arm.

“If you were ever going to give our queen her way without arguing, today would be it,” said Max. “I know you are concerned for her, but she will be the one who has to do this. Let her have her way.”

Talon looked at Max and nodded slightly. He turned to Kedan. “Tell her, I love her as well, and I will come to her the minute she needs me.”

“I will keep you updated. I am sure I will be down here with all of you once things progress further,” said Kedan. He turned and left.

Talon fell back in a close chair. Max filled a glass of wine and handed it to Talon as he sat next to him. Max looked at him, sitting in a chair facing him.

“Talk to me of something, Max,” said Talon taking a drink of his wine.

“What would you like me to speak of?” asked Max.

“I don’t know. Tell me of your life with your young wife. How do you find life in Arillia?”

Max spent some time, talking to Talon of how things were in the village. He told him some amusing stories of Oliver’s exploits, and how he frustrated Bettina.

“Of course, I am hoping Oliver will try to cease from aggravating her too much for the next few months.”

“Why is that?” asked Talon smiling slightly.

“It seems we might have to figure out this father thing together, Talon.”

“I am very happy for you, Max. Have you told Griffa?”

“Not yet, Bettina was just sure about it herself last week. I will tell Griffa soon.”

“You will tell Griffa, what?” asked Kedan as he walked into the parlor.

“It seems you will have to not only help me as a young father, Kedan, but you will have to include Max as well in your lessons.”

“Is that so?” asked Kedan with a smile. “I will be happy to let you borrow Zayden for a few days to get you used to your new life. He is quite a handful these days.”

“How is Griffa?” asked Talon.

“She is doing well,” said Kedan. “It will be time soon. She said not to worry.”

Talon threw his head back and groaned.

“She really is very well, Talon,” said Kedan. “I can tell you exactly how she is feeling. It is of course not an easy process, but she is very safe. The healer and midwife are both pleased. It will all be over soon.”

Talon nodded. He knew that news should make him feel better, but it did not. Until the child was here, and Griffa was safe, Talon would worry.

Max got some more food so Kedan could eat. They all sat around eating and talking for a while. Eventually Zayden ran into the room. He walked up to Talon and climbed in his lap.

“Where is my Griffa?” he asked with a pout.

“She is having our baby,” answered Talon shifting the boy into a more comfortable position.

“Our baby?” asked the young boy.

“Yes,” said Talon to the boy. He knew Zayden would be very important to Griffa and his child. He would be the protector of Talon’s son or daughter. “You will have to help take care of the new baby, make sure he is safe.”

Zayden looked at Talon and then nodded. “Can I play with the baby?”

“Not at first, but someday soon,” said Talon. “You will be great friends.”

Zayden then climbed down and went to his father. Kedan picked him up and promised Zayden he would sit with him on a horse tomorrow. Kedan eventually took Zayden to his caretaker and the nursery for dinner and bed. They waited well past nightfall as Kedan kept reassuring Talon all was well.

“How are things going with you and Addi?” asked Talon.

“Very well, actually. I have recently asked for her to marry me, and she has accepted.”

Talon choked on his wine. “Are you serious? How long ago did you ask her? I can’t believe you haven’t told me.”

“It was just a few days ago, Talon. We were hoping to wait until Griffa had your child to tell you both. You haven’t been in the best mood the past few weeks.”

“It’s been a bit stressful,” said Talon. “I am happy for you, Kedan. I think you both will do very well together. She is a good woman.”

“She is and she understands my devotion to our queen. She has a rather strong devotion to Griffa herself.”

“She does,” said Talon. “She was rather threatening to me the night before I married Griffa. She said if I ever hurt Griffa, she would curse me out of the kingdom. I think she could do it, too.”

Kedan laughed. “If you ever hurt Griffa, Addi wouldn’t be able to do anything to you, because there would be nothing left of you after I got done.”

“I thought we were friends, Kedan,” said Talon.

“We are, Talon. You are probably my best friend, but Griffa is my queen. Nothing comes before her and you know it.”

Talon smiled slightly. “I do know it, just as you know I would never do anything to hurt her.”

Kedan nodded. “She is very happy with you, Talon. You know she loves you, but I wonder if you really know how much. You are a very fortunate man.”

“I am Kedan. I don’t know what I ever did to gain the love of such of woman, but I don’t want to question it. I thank the gods every day for her love.”

Eventually Maybell came into the room, and all three men stood up.

She smiled at Talon. “You can come up now. All is well.”

Talon sagged in relief as Kedan patted him on the back.

“Is it a boy or girl?” asked Kedan as Talon walked towards the door.

Maybell only smiled and followed Talon out of the door. As they walked the stairs to the second floor Talon looked at Maybell.

“Well, what is it, a boy or girl?” asked Talon.

“You will have to see for yourself,” said Maybell.

Talon looked at her curiously, but Maybell did not say another word. Talon met the midwife and healer outside the door to Griffa’s bedroom.

“The queen is very well, my king,” said the healer. “I will stay overnight to make sure, but I don’t foresee any problems.”

Talon smiled and thanked them. He slowly opened the door and walked into the dim room as Maybell followed him. Talon paused. He could see Griffa in the bed slightly sitting up with pillow propped behind her. He walked over to her and could see she was smiling at him. She looked tired, but happy. He walked until he stood over her. He looked in her arms to see her cradling two babies. Talon looked at Griffa in surprise.

She laughed a little. “I guess this is a surprise for you.” “I should have told you when I knew, but I knew you would worry more, and I do like to surprise you.”

“You knew about this?” asked Talon as he carefully sat down on the bed.

“Yes, I could feel both of them and their magic. I am afraid we will have our hands full for a while,” said Griffa. “Would you like to hold one?”

Talon nodded. “What are they? I mean are they boy or girl or...”

“It is a boy and a girl. Here, hold our future king.” Griffa lifted her arm closest to him.

Talon carefully picked up his son. The baby’s eyes were closed, but Talon could already tell he favored Griffa slightly with his small nose and mouth. He stared at his son and felt a little teary eyed.

“Maybell, go tell the other two they may come up. I am sure at least Kedan will be anxious to see all is well,” said Griffa.

Maybell nodded and turned to leave the room.

“So, the boy was born first?” asked Talon still looking at his son.

“Yes, so he will be king, and this little girl will be a Keene or Wendell,” said Griffa looking at her daughter.

Talon looked up and stared at his daughter. She had more hair than his son. It was dark and covered her little head. Her features were very delicate, and she seemed very small to Talon.

“She is very beautiful like her mother. I thinks she better be a Keene since she was born in Keene Manor,” said Talon.

“Are you sure, Talon? Your family line is just as important as mine.”

“She is clearly meant to be a Keene, Griffa.”

“I suppose we will just have to have another one day soon,” said Griffa looking at her daughter.

“Maybe,” said Talon. “I don’t know if I could live though another time like this, or watch you suffer so.”

“It has been worth it, Talon. I am very well now. We will see how the future goes.”

Talon stared at Griffa and smiled. “Thank you.”

“For what?” asked Griffa.

“For this, for loving me, for giving me a family. I feel very overwhelmed with love for you and our children, Griffa.”

Griffa gave him a tired smile as the door opened. Kedan walked in, followed by Max.

“So, what’s the big secret?” asked Max walking over. “Maybell seemed to be hiding something.”

“Come meet my son and daughter,” said Talon. He stood up with his son in his arms.

He handed his son to Max who took him gently.

Max laughed slightly looking down at the baby in his arms. Kedan took Talon’s place by Griffa’s side.

“This is our next king, isn’t it?” asked Max as he looked down at the baby in his arms.

“Yes,” answered Griffa. “This is Prince Renweard of the blood of Adalwen, the next in line for the throne of Aurumist. That’s a mouthful for such a small thing.”

“And who is this?” asked Kedan looking at the baby in Griffa’s arms.

Griffa handed her to Kedan. “This is Princess Raya Isolde Keene. She will be the next leader of Abscon.”

Max looked at Talon and then Griffa as he heard the name. He walked over and looked at Raya laying in Kedan’s arms. He lightly put his hand on the little girl and smiled. Talon watched as Max’s smile faded. He looked at Kedan and then at Talon before taking his hand off the baby and stepping back.

“What is it?” asked Talon looking at Max. He didn’t like the fact the great diviner of the Ring had just had such a reaction touching his daughter. Talon carefully took his son back from Max.

“It is nothing to be concerned about,” said Max. “I just think you may have named your daughter very appropriately.”

“Why is that?” asked Griffa.

“The line of protector’s once belonged to the line of Raya,” said Max. “A woman named Raya would be very appropriate to help carry on the line.”

Talon looked sharply at Kedan as Kedan looked at him. Talon would have to tell Kedan to watch his boy.

Griffa laughed along with Max. “Who knows maybe this young prince will be the one to join my line,” said Kedan. “I hope Addi will want to have a child soon after we marry.”

“What?” asked Griffa excitedly as Raya fussed a little in Kedan’s arms at the noise.

“Yes,” said Kedan as he handed Raya back to Griffa. “Addi and I will be married soon. When you are well and able, we will wed in the Valley. Addi wishes to be wed from her village.”

Griffa smiled smugly and looked at Kedan. “I am very happy. I know you will both do well together.”

“I have no doubt we will,” said Kedan. “I think you knew it before the either of us. You are usually right, my queen.”

“Don’t say that to her, Kedan. She already says I told you so enough as it is.” Talon shook his head.

“Because I am usually right, my love,” said Griffa smiling at Talon. She looked at Kedan. “I am very happy for both of you. I love you, Kedan, and I will be relieved to see you settled with such a good woman.”

Kedan leaned over and kissed Griffa’s forehead. “Get some rest, my queen. I am very happy for you as well. They are fine children. I vow to keep you and them safe. If you need me for anything tonight, please have Talon come and get me. I don’t care what time it is.” He took Griffa’s hand and held it.

“I feel very well, just tired and a little sore. I will send for you if I need you. Bring Zayden in here tomorrow so he can meet his future king,” said Griffa.

“I will. He’s been asking about you all day,” said Kedan. “Sleep as well as you can, my queen.”

As Kedan left, Max came over to Griffa. “I am glad all is well. I knew it would be, but I am still happy to see such joyous results. You will be a good mother, Griffa.”

“Thank you, Max,” said Griffa taking his hand.

“I will have to go back to Arialla tomorrow, but as soon as you are back in Aurumist, Bettina will want to come see you and the children. I hope you don’t mind a visit.”

“Of course, not,” said Griffa. “I look forward to it.”

Max left the room leaving Talon and Griffa alone.

“You need to sleep, Griffa,” said Talon looking down at her.

“I know. Maybell has found us a bassinet and had it brought in. It is in the corner there. Will you bring it closer and put both of our children in for a while?”

Talon did as she asked. He carefully laid the babies side by side. They made soft noises as they laid next to each other. Talon thought his face might start hurting from how much he had smiled in the last thirty minutes.

“Will you come lay with me for a bit?” asked Griffa. “I am sure I will have to get up plenty tonight, but I would like to sleep while I can.”

Talon looked over at her and walked to the other side of the bed. He lay on top of the covers and put his arm around Griffa gently.

He stared at her and felt tears come to his eyes.

“I love you,” said Talon quietly.

Griffa looked at him with concern. “Are you alright? You aren’t worry about what is ahead are you?”

“No, I am just overwhelmed with happiness. I don’t want to worry about tomorrow or any other day. I just want to lay with you and be happy for one moment. I can’t believe this is all real, Griffa. You and our children are all I have ever wanted.”

Griffa leaned forward and kissed him lightly. “You are all that I want and need. I think we will have many happy moments, Talon. I have decided that we shall, so that will be it. We will be happy forever.”

Talon smiled as he watched Griffa fall asleep, knowing that she was right as always.

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