Tales of Regventus Book 6: Aurumist

Chapter 25

Max stood next to Ansel and looked at the sea of people in front of him. So many had come to fight for Griffa and the kingdom, and Max hoped it would be enough. Philo Quick and his army must have figured out by now that something was happening in the forest. Even with their concealment charms, a group this size, must have been noticed at some point in the night or early morning.

Max looked over at Griffa. She stood between Talon and Ansel in front of a large old stump. She was dressed in a black dress with long sleeves and Max could see the sun of Adalwen stitched on her bodice as it peeked out from under her cloak. She turned to look at Ansel, and he nodded. She then looked at Talon who smiled at her, taking her hand as she stepped up onto the stump. She stood and looked out over the sea of people in front of her.

A strong wind blew, moving Griffa’s skirt around and blowing her dark red curls. The sun peaked out from behind the clouds causing the golden crown on her forehead to sparkle. Her eyes were bright and dark blue as she raised her hand to cast a charm to amplify her voice. Everyone in the crowd quieted down, looking at their queen.

“This day has been a long time coming. Ever since the rightful ruler of Regventus, Queen Agatha of the blood of Adalwen was chased form her palace by the followers of the Ancients, a day of reckoning was coming from those who have hurt the kingdom.

“I don’t believe I am special, and I won’t tell you I am worth fighting for. I just happen to be born with the right bloodline at the right time. The time of the followers of the Ancients is over. I don’t ask you to fight for me. I ask you to fight for this kingdom. I ask you to fight for our gods and everything they stand for. I ask you to fight for mercy, for goodness, and what is right. I ask you to fight for yourselves, your villages, and your families. All of you deserve to live in a kingdom where you can be safe.

“If we do not win today, none of us will be safe. Those in charge of Aurumist and the kingdom will continue to ruin it. Our kingdom will fall if we don’t take it back. I know it will not be easy, and there will be sacrifices. If I could do this another way I would do it. I do not want to lose a single one of you. I can only tell you that all sacrifices made here today will not be in vain. When we take this kingdom, I will rule for all of you. I will listen to all my people, and together we will remake Regventus into something that is worth fighting for.

“I ask the gods now to watch over us, and I ask them to keep all of you safe. I ask them to help us fight for what is right. May we always remember the responsibility we have to one another, gifted and non-gifted. After today, the kingdom will never be divided again. We will all remember we are one people regardless of magical ability. We will care for one another as we always should. Watch over one another today. When we win, I will find a way to see to the goodwill of all of my people. May the gods guide you today and forever more.”

Griffa was about to take Talon’s hand to step down when Max saw Daracha step forward from the front of the crowd.

“You might not think you are special, my queen, but we all do. The Forest of the Lowlands will fight for all you said, but we will also fight for you. You are our queen,” said Daracha. She bowed down and her folk followed her lead.

“Abscon is yours, our queen. You know this. I have no authority to speak for my village, so I speak for myself. You are my queen, and I fight for you today,” said Hector Delis.

Malchom walked to his side. “You have left Abscon in my charge, and I can tell you our village fights for you, our queen.” Malchom and Hector bowed down and all the folk of Abscon did the same.

Talon looked up at Griffa. “You know the Valley is yours, my queen. I have no doubt my people fight for you. They have come to see you on the throne and no other.”

Talon took her hand and kissed it he then bowed down.

“He is right, my queen,” said Clara Vin. “The Valley came for you, we fight for you.”

Max watched as the people of the Valley bowed down as one. Cries of for our queen sprung up all over the group in front of Max. The people bowed in waves until everyone was bowing down in front of Griffa. Max looked at Ansel. They both walked to the front of Griffa and each took her hand.

“I fight for you, my queen,” said Max. “You are my kin and the one true ruler of this kingdom. You will be the one to sit the throne after today.” Max bowed before her.

“You know you are my queen. I will do all I can to see you safely through today. After you have taken the city, I will serve you as your king. You will rule this kingdom.” Ansel bowed before her.

Max looked up to see Kedan take Griffa’s hand. He kissed it and bowed down by her side. Griffa looked around with tears in her eyes.

“Please rise, all of you. You have overwhelmed me. I am humbled by your support and devotion, and you all have my love. Now, let’s go take this kingdom back.”

Griffa stepped down from the stump and stood between Ansel and Talon. Clara Vin came up to Griffa. “The Valley is ready to lead the way into the city. You will follow us, my queen?”

“Yes,” said Griffa. “Abscon will go behind my party, and all other people will follow.”

“I am guessing Talon and Addi will be with you,” said Clara.

“Talon will be by my side at all times in the city. Addi will go with Max who will fight alongside Abscon.”

Max looked at Griffa angrily. “What?” I will go with you, Griffa.” Max needed to stay by Griffa’s side. He had to be there to help her.

Griffa walked to him. “You will go with Abscon and Addi. You and I must stay separate when we can. If something happens to me, you will have to be kept safe. You are the only other person with the full blood of Adalwen.”

“Griffa, you don’t understand,” said Max. “I can’t leave you. I have to be with you.”

“This is my command, Max. You will fight with Abscon. You will meet us in the throne room when the fighting is over.”

Max shook his head as Madam Sidora came from the crowd and grabbed his hand.

“You should do as your queen commands, Maxwell,” said Sidora as she pulled him away gently.

Max looked up at Griffa who nodded at him.

“Come with me, Maxwell. All will be well,” said Sidora as she continued to pull at him. Max relented and let Sidora take him away from Griffa to the people of Abscon. “I will make sure you are at our queen’s side when she needs you. Do not worry, Maxwell. You will still be able to save her.”

Addi walked up and joined Max at his side, grabbing his hand. “I know it is hard to be away from her. I wanted to be at her side as well, but she has a reason for her commands. We must do as our queen needs us to do.”

Max looked at Addi and nodded. “You are right, Addi. We will fight for her. I am glad you are at my side.”

Addi smiled as she squeezed his hand and let it go. He watched as the Valley position itself to enter the city. Griffa with Talon and Ansel at her side and Kedan behind her stood behind the Valley. Every person from Abscon lined up behind their queen. Max stayed close to the front to keep Griffa in his sites when he suddenly thought of something.

“Kedan!” Max called out. “Kedan!”

Kedan turned and looked at him as Max ran up to him.

“Remember, Kedan, do not let Griffa out of your sight. No matter what happens, continue to protect her. Trust yourself and what you feel. No matter what it may look like or anyone else says, trust yourself and your queen.”

Kedan nodded. “I know, Max. I know what to do, and I will not fail her. I promise.”

“She will not die, Kedan, not today. I will find her and help her, just keep her safe until then.”

Max turned and walked back to Addi. He watched as the Valley moved towards the city. Griffa turned to Talon and kissed him on the cheek. She turned to Ansel who leaned in and kissed her quickly. She held out her hand behind her, and Kedan took it. She pulled him closer to her as they walked behind the Valley and towards the city.

Max watched as Malchom nodded at his father. he saw Desmona at her father’s side. She grabbed her father’s hand as they all three started walking, following their queen. Max walked with Abscon as they advanced towards the city.

As they entered the city, he could see the Valley was already fighting Aurumist soldiers. The soldiers must have been ready at the entrance. He watched as Griffa with Kedan by her side walked amongst the fighting. She threw up her hand and staff, making a group of soldiers fly through the air. Talon and Ansel walked behind her, taking down soldiers as they walked. Max looked to his right to see a group from the Valley fighting with some Aurumist soldiers. He turned and threw up his staff as Addi stood beside him and threw out her hands. Four soldiers were thrown backwards. Max brought his staff down and the soldiers flew into the air and back down hard onto the ground.

He turned to see Griffa making her way through the fifth ring of the city towards the fourth. He hurried to follow her the best he could, just wanting to be able to keep up close enough so he could see her. He looked over to his left to see Hector and Malchom Delis fighting nearby. He turned back to look at Griffa to see she had been met with a large group of soldiers on her left side. She was turned with Kedan dispatching the soldiers, when Max saw another large group come to her right. Ansel and Talon had already advanced towards the group to her left.

The group to her right didn’t fire curses at her. Instead, they all turned to a large building and fired spells at the large stone wall. Max realized what they were doing. He called to Kedan to watch their back, but his voice was lost in the chaos around them. The wall started to fall quickly. He threw out his staff to try to stop it, but his spell would arrive too late.

Hector Delis was close by Griffa, and he saw the wall start to crumble. He looked towards Griffa, and Max watched as Hector ran and launched himself at her. He shoved her just as the stone wall came crashing down. Griffa fell into Kedan who turned and caught her as they both hit the ground. Hector was lost under crumbling stone wall.

Max heard someone scream behind him. He turned to see Desmona running up to her brother’s side as Kedan helped Griffa to her feet. She turned back and looked in horror at where Hector had been. She looked up to see Malchom staring at her with Desmona crying by his side.

“Go, Gryphon,” said Malchom loudly. “There is nothing we can do for him. Go and do what you need to do.”

Griffa shuddered. She looked one more time at the wall and then nodded. She ran with Kedan towards where Ansel and Talon where fighting. Max watched her as she fled, before he turned and faced a group of Aurumist soldiers coming his way as Malcolm pushed his sister the other way to face soldiers coming from around the ring.

Max fought with Addi by his side for what felt like all day. They would face a group of soldiers with others from Abscon, handle them and then move on. By the time they reached the third Ring, he was exhausted. He had a cut on his arm, and he knew the side of his face would be bruising soon. He looked at Addi to see her slightly limping. She had a cut above her eye that was bleeding.

They advanced on into the city, taking down soldiers as they went. Max could see people peeking out from windows and doors. He tried to keep all the fighting he could away from living spaces, but he saw that there were a good number of homes that had been hit. Healers from the Valley and Abscon were all around, tending to the injured amongst the city and the magical folk.

In the middle of the third Ring, the fighting got even heavier. Max was exhausted. He looked at Addi who looked like she could fall over. They were met by a large group of soldiers just as they came to the entrance of the second Ring. He looked around. There were a few people from Abscon gathered around them. They all looked ragged and exhausted. He didn’t know how they would make it around the group of soldiers in front of them.

The soldiers started firing curses as Max blocked and sent back curses of his own. He saw two people from Abscon fall. He heard Addi cry out as a curse hit her leg. She steadied herself and fought on, but Max didn’t know how long they could last. Suddenly a group of curses came from behind them towards the soldiers. The group of soldiers was thrown down the middle, with only half left standing. Max looked behind him to see Bettina and Oliver Devins leading their people towards him.

Bettina and Oliver ran to stand in front of Max and Addi as their people gathered all around them. They took out the group of soldiers as Max grabbed Addi. He took her to the side and had her sit down. Max quickly looked threw his pack until he found what he needed. He put a balm on her leg and bandaged it before handing her a vial.

“Drink this,” said Max. “It will help restore a little of your energy.”

She nodded and threw back the liquid as Max took his own vial. He helped her up and they joined Bettina and her people.

“Are you alright, Max?” asked Bettina as Max walked up to her.

“I am, thanks to you and your people. I need to get towards the palace. We have to keep moving.”

Bettina nodded. “Stay with us, and we will get you there.”

Max and Addi joined Bettina’s group, and they made it into the second ring where they were met with several large group of soldiers. Max could see people from the Valley and Abscon fighting. He was glad to not see Griffa anywhere and hoped that meant she had already made it through safely.

There were so many soldiers, and there seemed to be more coming. The more they took down, the more that showed up. Max fought fiercely with Addi and Bettina at his side. At one point, Bettina yelled, as Oliver was thrown off his feet. Max kneeled down quickly at his side, while Bettina and Addi covered them.

There was a large cut on Oliver’s shoulder. Max covered it with his hands and looked for a healer nearby, but he could not find one. He needed to stop the bleeding somehow. He dug throw his pack until he found a large piece of cloth. He placed it over the cut. He looked around until he saw a dead soldier lying close by. He walked over and took some rope the soldier had on his waist before walking back to Oliver and tying the cloth around his shoulder. He then dug into his pack and handed Oliver a blood replenishing potion.

“Drink this, Oliver. It will hold you over until we can find you a healer,” said Max.

Oliver drank it, and Max helped him to stand up. They both looked to see they were surrounded by a large group of soldiers. Max looked at Bettina and Addi who both looked ready to fight, but he knew it would do no good. How would they make it through this? People around them were still fighting, but they were all outnumbered. Max grabbed Addi’s hand and looked at her. She smiled sadly at him and nodded.

They both closed their eyes and waited for the curses to come, but they never came. Instead, Max suddenly felt a bolt of magic and energy run through him. He heard Addi gasp, and Bettina reached out for him and held his arm. His eyes open and all he saw was a bright light around him. He wondered if perhaps he had died as he felt an overwhelming peace come over him. He took a deep breath and looked at Addi who stared back at him with large eyes.

The light passed slowly by them. Max looked up, and all the soldiers, but a few, lay on the ground still. The few who were standing appeared as if they were dazed. They looked as though they didn’t know where they were as they all walked over next to buildings and sat down.

“Max,” said Addi quietly. “What was that?”

“I don’t know,” answered Max. “I’m not sure.”

“I believe that was our queen,” said Sidora as she walked up to Max. “I think she just accomplished what she set out to do. Which means she will need us quickly. We must go, now.”

Max looked at Oliver who was leaning on his sister. He didn’t want to leave him and Bettina by themselves.

“Go on, Max,” said Bettina holding up Oliver. “I will go find Oliver a healer. You go to our queen; she will need you.”

Max reached into his bag and pulled out another blood replenishing potion. He handed it to Bettina.

“Give this to him if you can’t find a healer quickly. It will keep him alive.” Max handed her the potion.

“Thank you,” she said looking at Max.

“Thank you, Bettina,” said Max. “I will see you soon.”

Bettina nodded. She leaned forward and kissed Max on the cheek. He felt a warmth spread throughout his body. He smiled at her before turning to Addi. “We have to get to the throne room. That is where Griffa’ will be.”

Max walked towards the First Ring of Aurumist with Addi and Sidora at his side. All round them, magical folk looked bewildered as they tried to figure out what was going on. He just hoped he would get to Griffa in time. He had to show her the way back to the kingdom.

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