Tales of Regventus Book 4: The Ring

Chapter 25

Kedan walked besides Talon as they made their way through Abscon and back to Keene Manor. Griffa and Ansel walked in front of them. It was getting dark, and the air smelled like rain as thunder rumbled around them.

Kedan could hear Talon taking deep breaths. He looked over, and Talon was smiling and flexing his hands.

“Storms always put me in interesting moods,” said Talon. “being a mage and all.”

Griffa turned back and smiled at Talon. “Is interesting the right word?”

Talon gave Griffa a smirk and asked, “Do you think the potion will work, Griffa?”

Griffa glanced back again. “I do. I hope it works rather quickly. Emer will contact us tomorrow to let us know of any changes. I hope Max has gotten started on the next batch. If the cure is successful, we will have to find ways to make more, quickly.”

“We can get others in Abscon to help,” said Ansel. “You and Max don’t need to do all the work by yourself. You will work yourself to death without help.”

“We will see,” said Griffa. She increased the pace of her walking.

When they got to Keene Manor, Ansel opened the door and let everybody in. They all walked into the parlor together.

“I wonder if Max and Issa are in the cellar,” said Griffa looking around. She picked up a slip of paper off a nearby table.

“Here’s a note,” said Talon looking at the mantle. He picked up the note and opened it. “It says that Max and Issa have gone out. They will be back by tomorrow before lunch.”

“They’ve gone out? Where in the kingdom could they have gone?” asked Ansel grabbing the note from Talon.

“It doesn’t say,” said Talon. “It just says they are out.”

Kedan heard Griffa blow out a loud breath, and everyone turned to look at her. She shook her head and headed back towards the entrance hall. They all followed her.

“Griffa, what is it?” asked Talon.

Griffa looked up at Talon with her hand on the door. “I will need to go collect them. I believe they have gone to Clarton. Issa’s father took ill in the West Village, and he was transported to Clarton for treatment. I am sure Issa and Max traveled there to take her father some of the potion.”

“You don’t think they actually traveled to Clarton alone, do you, Griffa?” asked Ansel doubtfully.

“I do. I don’t see where else they could be. I will need to get them quickly, before they run into any trouble,” said Griffa opening the door.

“Wait,” said Talon as he put his hand on the door and closed it. “Why do you have to go get them? Let me go. I can take Ansel or Kedan.”

“I will not wait here, while Max is out and could be in danger,” insisted Griffa. “Issa has non-magical blood. She is susceptible to this sickness. Why would Max take her out into the kingdom? We must go get them now.”

“Griffa, this is not wise. You should stay here,” said Talon looking down at her. There was a rumble of thunder and Kedan could see Talon’s eyes flash.

Griffa did not back down. “I will go, and you will not stop me. I cannot lose Max. If we go now, we can do this quickly. Do you want to argue about it some more, or do you want to get it done?”

Talon shook his head but took his hand off the door.

“Ansel,” commanded Griffa. “Go see your guards, tell them to go to the gates of Abscon. We will leave immediately.”

Ansel looked at Griffa for a long moment. He looked like he would say something, but he only nodded. He opened the door and walked out.

Talon sighed. “Fine, put your cloak on. It will be raining on us at some point.” Talon grabbed Griffa’s cloak and handed it to her. “Are you coming, Kedan?”

Kedan nodded as he grabbed a cloak by the door. He took off his scabbard that contained his sword and put on his cloak, refastening his scabbard over the cloak. He noticed Talon did not put on his own cloak.

Talon grabbed Griffa’s hand as she grabbed her staff. He walked with her out the door. “You will stay by me, until we meet Ansel by the gate. You will not leave his side the whole time we are out,” said Talon angrily.

He practically dragged Griffa along. Kedan walked out and closed the door behind him, jogging to catch up with Talon and Griffa. Lightning was more frequent now in the sky, as thunder boomed around them. Kedan heard Talon make a noise. He looked, and could see Talon was breathing heavily as he walked quickly with Griffa in tow.

They were soon at the gates of Abscon. They exited and waited for Ansel to appear with his guards. Griffa threw her hand away from Talon.

“You didn’t need to be so rough, “said Griffa messaging her hand.

Lightning flashed close to them, and Talon grabbed Griffa and pulled her close. She looked up at him defiantly. Talon sighed and touched Griffa’s cheek with his hand.

“Griffa, please just do as I ask. Do not put yourself in unnecessary danger. It’s bad enough you are out here. I don’t know why, but I have a terrible feeling about this. Keep Ansel close to you.”

Griffa grabbed his hand and took it from her face, bringing it to her side. “It will be fine. You are just feeling the effects of the weather, and it has you all worked up. We will be back here before you know it.”

Ansel appeared with five of his guards. Griffa let go of Talon’s hand and walked to Ansel’s side, as the guards stood behind her.

“We will travel to the forest outside the third ring of Clarton. I know we are all familiar with the area. We will make sure the village looks quiet before we enter. Our only goal is to find Max, Issa, and her father, and get them out. If anything appears out of place, we will need to get the queen back to Abscon. If I am unable, one of you will have to make sure she leaves.”

“I can take care of myself, Ansel,” insisted Griffa.

“I’ll make sure she gets out safe,” said Talon breathing heavily, staring at Griffa.

Ansel nodded. “Talon, you take Kedan. We will see you there.” Ansel grabbed Griffa’s hand. They both closed their eyes and disappeared.

Talon put his hand on Kedan’s shoulder roughly. “Are you alright, Talon?” asked Kedan.

“I will be when this is over. I don’t like any of this. Now, concentrate, I would hate for something to happen to you while we travel.”

Kedan closed his eyes and concentrated on the area outside of Clarton. He felt himself travel. Soon his feet hit the forest floor, and Talon let go of his shoulder. Kedan saw that Ansel and Griffa were right in front of him, and the guards appeared soon after. The air in Clarton was charged. The ground was wet from an earlier rain, but a storm appeared to be brewing close to the village. Kedan could see flashes of lightning in the distance, as thunder rolled around them.

Ansel told two of guards to join them. He instructed the others to stay in the forest just outside the village, watching.

“It seems quiet,” said Griffa looking ahead in the third ring. “I wonder where they are keeping the sick?”

“Let’s get closer and find out,” said Ansel. “Griffa, do not leave my side.”

He grabbed Griffa’s hand and started walking, everyone following behind them. They entered the third ring to find it was very quiet. Kedan could see a burned out house and stables. As they walked past, Griffa looked at it closely. The walked on around the third ring until they could see several canopies set up in the distance.

“That must be it,” said Griffa, as she started walking faster.

They all walked towards the canopies. When they got close, Kedan heard someone crying. Griffa stopped in front of him and turned towards the noise.

“Issa?” she asked quietly. Griffa walked towards the noise, and they all followed. Up ahead two torches hung on the wall of a large cottage. In the torch light, Kedan could see Issa sitting on a small bench. Max was standing over her and holding her hand.

“Max!” said Griffa urgently. She walked swiftly to him. “What are you doing here?”

“Issa’s father is ill. We had to help him.”

“You couldn’t wait a few hours until we got back?” asked Griffa “This is very dangerous. Why would you bring Issa out here? She could catch this sickness!”

“I begged to go,” said Issa sadly. “I had to see my father. Don’t blame, Max. I don’t know if my father would have made it another two hours. He still might not make it.”

Griffa sighed. “How is he?” She sat down next to Issa and put her arm around her shoulder.

“He is very sick. We gave him the potion, but we don’t know how long it will take to work. We don’t know if we gave it to him in time. He can’t travel like he is.”

“We need to get both of you out of here. Take me to him, Issa, and I will help him. Between all of us, we can get him out of the village so we can travel with him. We can take him back to the manor until he is well.”

Issa looked up at Griffa and nodded. “Thank you, Griffa.”

Griffa hugged Issa and stood up. Max took Issa’s hand and hauled her up off the bench.

“Let’s go, now,” said Talon. Lightning flashed nearby, and a loud rumble of thunder seemed to shake the ground. Kedan could almost feel Talon vibrate next to him. Talon seem to be looking all around. He looked like he expected something to happen.

Issa walked next to Griffa as Ansel walked on Griffa’s other side. Talon and Kedan followed with Max. They were getting close to the canopies when a small child ran by Ansel. Ansel and Griffa stopped abruptly to avoid hitting the child. They both turned to look at where the child was going, when Kedan heard Talon gasp.

“Griffa,” said Talon urgently.

He grabbed her arm from behind and turned her slightly towards him. Kedan saw a curse skim by Griffa making her hair move. It slammed into Issa, causing her to fly back towards Kedan. He heard Griffa yell. He heard Max scream Issa’s name. Kedan looked down and knew there was nothing that could be done.

Issa lay on her back, her lifeless eyes staring up at the night sky. Griffa fell on her knees at Issa’s side, and took Issa’s hand in hers. She put her other hand on Issa’s chest. Max walked over and stood behind Griffa. Kedan watched as Griffa closed her eyes and shook her head.

Griffa looked up at Max with tears in her eyes. “Max, I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.”

Max stumbled backwards. He looked like he couldn’t catch his breath. He started looking around frantically in a circle before he stopped, and his eyes narrowed. Kedan looked and could see an Aurumist soldier staring at Max. The soldier took off running, and Max followed after him.

“Max!” yelled Griffa. “No!” Max did not turn back.

“Somebody go get him,” said Griffa loudly. Kedan saw Ansel and Talon look at one another. “Will none of you go?” Griffa moved to run towards Max, but Talon caught her arm, stopping her.

“Ansel,” said Griffa firmly. “Go get him. Go get Max.”

Ansel hesitated. He looked at Griffa like he was in pain. He shook his head at her. “No, please, no, Griffa.”

“Go get him,” she said with authority. Ansel shuddered and then nodded. He ran after Max.

“Ansel!” yelled Talon. “You cannot leave Griffa!” Talon turned to Griffa. “Call him back, now, Griffa. You must call him back.”

Griffa shook her head and kneeled back down by Issa’s side. She closed Issa’s eyes, and bowed her head saying, “Journey well, dear one.”

“You can’t help her now. We have to go, Griffa,” said Talon kneeling down beside her. “We have to go now.”

“It’s too late,” said Griffa quietly. “We can’t travel.” She stood up, and Talon did likewise, as curses shot out of nowhere. Talon put up a block quickly, but the two guards fell and did not move.

Kedan looked around to see Aurumist soldiers encircle them. They came out from behind cottages. They came out from the forest. There were so many of them.

“Kedan,” said Talon as thunder rumbled around them. “We have to protect the queen. Do not leave her side for any reason.”

Talon backed into Griffa, and Kedan did the same. They formed a triangle facing the multitude of guards before them. “We will have to fight as well as we can until Ansel gets back,” said Talon as he held up his hands.

Kedan pulled out his sword from his scabbard strapped to his back. Griffa held up her staff and slammed it down as curses and spells flew at them from all sides. Griffa’s shield blocked most spells and curses from getting through.

Rain started to fall as lightning flashed before them, and the wind blew hard. Talon raised his hands and flung them out. Lightning streaked from the sky and took out a large group of soldiers on one side. Griffa raised her hand and pushed out, causing several soldiers to fly back into a cottage wall. Their bodies made a crunch noise as they hit, falling lifeless to the ground.

Griffa and Talon continued to take down soldiers. Kedan could tell Griffa’s shield was faltering. He stood at the ready with his sword. More soldiers appeared to take the place of those who had fallen. Curses and spells flew at them, as Griffa’s shield faded. A spell broke through and slammed into Griffa’s shoulder. She fell back slightly as she cried out in pain. Talon looked back at her. She quickly recovered, throwing a curse to take out two soldiers. Talon blocked several curses at once by summoning a large wind to surround them. They were in a protective wind tunnel for a short time.

“Griffa,” yelled Talon. “You have to get to cover. You cannot stay out here. We cannot keep fighting forever.”

“Where can I go?” she asked as she pushed her hand out, sending three soldiers flying through the air. She winced and grabbed her shoulder. Kedan could see a steady stream of blood seeping down the sleeve of her cloak.

“Run between those cottages, and we will cover you. Either hide yourself until Ansel comes back, or try to get to the forest so you can get back to Abscon.”

“I will not leave you and Kedan,” said Griffa. She raised her staff and pushed it out. Two soldiers fell over immediately.

“Griffa,” said Talon pleadingly. “You have to get out of here.”

“No,” Griffa said angrily. She turned to face Talon, her face close to his. “I will not leave you. I will fight with you. I can’t leave you, Talon. I can’t. Do not ask it of me.”

Kedan watched as Talon grabbed her arms and pulled her close to him. His arm wrapped around her waist, crushing her into him. He rested his forehead against Griffa’s, and closed his eyes as she closed hers.

“Griffa,” he whispered in anguish. “Please go find safety. I can’t lose you.”

Griffa shook her head slightly against Talon’s. “I will not leave you. I’m sorry, I can’t.”

They stayed close together for several moments as they both opened their eyes and stared at one another. Finally, Talon groaned and pushed Griffa behind him as the wind tunnel faded.

“Kedan, cover her with me,” commanded Talon. Kedan walked back until he was back to back with Griffa.

They fought for what seemed like an eternity. Talon sent lightning and wind everywhere. Griffa sent soldiers spiraling and flying. Kedan blocked curses and sent them back, hitting soldiers where he could. Kedan was getting tired. A curse hit him in his leg, and it burned, but he stayed upright. A curse skimmed his sword and hit Griffa’s back. She slammed into Talon, and Talon reached behind him, steadying her.

As they continued to fight, Kedan could hear Griffa breathing hard behind him. He could tell by Talon’s grunts he was struggling to continue to battle. Kedan turned and noticed Talon had a nasty cut on the side of his face. Griffa was leaning on Talon, pain apparent on her face as she could barely keep her eyes open.

A large curse from above came and hit them. Talon was flung to the side, and he rolled and laid face down on the ground. Kedan fell forward about 10 feet, hitting the ground hard. Griffa was slammed on her side where she was. Kedan quickly turned towards Griffa. She wasn’t moving, and her eyes were closed. Kedan could see her breathing. About twenty feet away, he saw Philo Quick land on his feet, jumping out of a tree, looking towards Griffa with a nasty smile. Kedan leaped to his feet.

Philo walked forward with his hand out, starring at Griffa the entire time. Kedan looked at Talon who was slowly getting up. Griffa was slightly stirring as Philo walked towards her. He moved his hand, and Griffa flipped over on her back roughly. She slightly sat up, breathing heavy, looking at Philo through half opened eyes.

Kedan heard Talon yell Griffa’s name in panic. Talon raised his hands, but Kedan knew it wouldn’t be fast enough. Kedan ran forward as Philo pushed his hands out. He lunged with his sword out in front of Griffa. He felt a jolt of magic hit his sword, and he fell to his side.

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